/// printer to generate the replacement code. This returns true if the input
/// could not be rewritten, or false if successful.
bool ReplaceStmt(Stmt *From, Stmt *To);
+ /// \brief Increase indentation for the lines between the given source range.
+ /// To determine what the indentation should be, 'parentIndent' is used
+ /// that should be at a source location with an indentation one degree
+ /// lower than the given range.
+ bool IncreaseIndentation(CharSourceRange range, SourceLocation parentIndent);
+ bool IncreaseIndentation(SourceRange range, SourceLocation parentIndent) {
+ return IncreaseIndentation(CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(range),
+ parentIndent);
+ }
/// ConvertToString converts statement 'From' to a string using the
/// pretty printer.
std::string ConvertToString(Stmt *From);
From->printPretty(S, 0, PrintingPolicy(*LangOpts));
return SStr;
+bool Rewriter::IncreaseIndentation(CharSourceRange range,
+ SourceLocation parentIndent) {
+ using llvm::StringRef;
+ if (!isRewritable(range.getBegin())) return true;
+ if (!isRewritable(range.getEnd())) return true;
+ if (!isRewritable(parentIndent)) return true;
+ FileID StartFileID, EndFileID, parentFileID;
+ unsigned StartOff, EndOff, parentOff;
+ StartOff = getLocationOffsetAndFileID(range.getBegin(), StartFileID);
+ EndOff = getLocationOffsetAndFileID(range.getEnd(), EndFileID);
+ parentOff = getLocationOffsetAndFileID(parentIndent, parentFileID);
+ if (StartFileID != EndFileID || StartFileID != parentFileID)
+ return true;
+ if (StartOff >= EndOff || parentOff >= StartOff)
+ return true;
+ FileID FID = StartFileID;
+ StringRef MB = SourceMgr->getBufferData(FID);
+ unsigned parentLineNo = SourceMgr->getLineNumber(FID, parentOff) - 1;
+ unsigned startLineNo = SourceMgr->getLineNumber(FID, StartOff) - 1;
+ unsigned endLineNo = SourceMgr->getLineNumber(FID, EndOff) - 1;
+ const SrcMgr::ContentCache *
+ Content = SourceMgr->getSLocEntry(FID).getFile().getContentCache();
+ // Find where the line starts for the three offsets.
+ unsigned parentLineOffs = Content->SourceLineCache[parentLineNo];
+ unsigned startLineOffs = Content->SourceLineCache[startLineNo];
+ unsigned endLineOffs = Content->SourceLineCache[endLineNo];
+ if (startLineOffs == endLineOffs || startLineOffs == parentLineOffs)
+ return true;
+ // Find the whitespace at the start of each line.
+ StringRef parentSpace, startSpace, endSpace;
+ {
+ unsigned i = parentLineOffs;
+ while (isWhitespace(MB[i]))
+ ++i;
+ parentSpace = MB.substr(parentLineOffs, i-parentLineOffs);
+ i = startLineOffs;
+ while (isWhitespace(MB[i]))
+ ++i;
+ startSpace = MB.substr(startLineOffs, i-startLineOffs);
+ i = endLineOffs;
+ while (isWhitespace(MB[i]))
+ ++i;
+ endSpace = MB.substr(endLineOffs, i-endLineOffs);
+ }
+ if (parentSpace.size() >= startSpace.size())
+ return true;
+ if (!startSpace.startswith(parentSpace))
+ return true;
+ llvm::StringRef indent = startSpace.substr(parentSpace.size());
+ // Indent the lines between start/end offsets.
+ RewriteBuffer &RB = getEditBuffer(FID);
+ for (unsigned i = startLineOffs; i != endLineOffs; ++i) {
+ if (MB[i] == '\n') {
+ unsigned startOfLine = i+1;
+ if (startOfLine == endLineOffs)
+ break;
+ StringRef origIndent;
+ unsigned ws = startOfLine;
+ while (isWhitespace(MB[ws]))
+ ++ws;
+ origIndent = MB.substr(startOfLine, ws-startOfLine);
+ if (origIndent.startswith(startSpace))
+ RB.InsertText(startOfLine, indent, /*InsertAfter=*/false);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;