db_files.each {|docbook_file|
- dir = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, ".epubtmp#{Time.now.to_f.to_s}"))
+ dir = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), ".epubtmp#{Time.now.to_f.to_s}"))
e = DocBook::Epub.new(docbook_file, dir, css_file, customization_layer, otf_files)
describe DocBook::Epub do
before(:all) do
- @tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubspecreal"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ @tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubspecreal"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
@xml_file = Dir["#{TESTDOCSDIR}/orm*.[0-9][0-9][0-9].xml"].sort_by { rand }.first
@epub = DocBook::Epub.new(@xml_file, @tmpdir)
@epub_file = File.join(@tmpdir, File.basename(@xml_file, ".xml") + ".epub")
FileUtils.copy(@epub_file, "." + File.basename(@xml_file, ".xml") + ".epub") if $DEBUG
- @tmpdir2 = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubreal"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir2) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ @tmpdir2 = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubreal"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir2) rescue Errno::EEXIST
success = system(%Q(unzip -q -o -d "#{@tmpdir2}" "#{@epub_file}"))
raise "Could not unzip #{epub_file}" unless success
before(:all) do
@filedir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'files'))
@testdocsdir = File.expand_path(File.join(ENV['repo_dir'], 'testdocs', 'tests'))
- @tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubregressions"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ @tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubregressions"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
it "should not include two <itemref>s to the contents of <part>s in the OPF file" do
FileUtils.copy(epub_file, "./.t.epub") if $DEBUG
- itemref_tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubitemref"); Dir.mkdir(itemref_tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ itemref_tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubitemref"); Dir.mkdir(itemref_tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
system(%Q(unzip -q -o -d "#{itemref_tmpdir}" "#{epub_file}"))
opf_file = File.join(itemref_tmpdir, "OEBPS", "content.opf")
opf = REXML::Document.new(File.new(opf_file))
it "should preserve content from <dedication> elements" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubdedtest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubdedtest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
epub = DocBook::Epub.new(File.join(@testdocsdir, "xref.001.xml"), @tmpdir)
epubfile = File.join(tmpdir, "regress.ded.epub")
css_epubfile = File.join(@tmpdir, "css.epub")
css_epub.render_to_file(css_epubfile, $DEBUG)
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubcssreg"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubcssreg"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
success = system(%Q(unzip -q -d "#{File.expand_path(tmpdir)}" -o "#{css_epubfile}"))
raise "Could not unzip #{css_epubfile}" unless success
xhtml_dtd = "DTD XHTML 1.1"
- itemref_tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubitemref"); Dir.mkdir(itemref_tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ itemref_tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubitemref"); Dir.mkdir(itemref_tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
system(%Q(unzip -q -o -d "#{itemref_tmpdir}" "#{epub_file}"))
opf_file = File.join(itemref_tmpdir, "OEBPS", "content.opf")
it "should not use a namespace prefix for the container element to help some broken reading systems" do
filename = "isbn.xml"
shortname = filename.gsub(/\W/, '')
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), shortname); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), shortname); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
epub = DocBook::Epub.new(File.join(@filedir, filename), tmpdir)
epubfile = File.join(tmpdir, shortname + ".epub")
epub.render_to_file(epubfile, $DEBUG)
it "should not include font style elements like <b> or <i>" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubbtest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubbtest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
epub = DocBook::Epub.new(File.join(@testdocsdir, "book.002.xml"), @tmpdir)
epubfile = File.join(tmpdir, "bcount.epub")
ncx_epub.render_to_file(ncx_epubfile, $DEBUG)
ncx_epubfile.should be_valid_epub
- ncx_tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubncx"); Dir.mkdir(ncx_tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ ncx_tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubncx"); Dir.mkdir(ncx_tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
system(%Q(unzip -q -o -d "#{ncx_tmpdir}" "#{ncx_epubfile}"))
ncx_file = File.join(ncx_tmpdir, "OEBPS", "toc.ncx")
describe DocBook::Epub do
before do
- @tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubspecsmoke"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ @tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubspecsmoke"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
Dir["#{TESTDOCSDIR}/*.[0-9][0-9][0-9].xml"].sort_by { rand }[0..(NUMBER_TO_TEST-1)].each do |xml_file|
describe DocBook::Epub do
before do
- @tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubspecsmoke"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ @tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubspecsmoke"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
@testdocsdir = File.expand_path(File.join(ENV['repo_dir'], 'testdocs', 'tests'))
exampledir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'examples'))
@valid_epub = File.join(exampledir, "AMasqueOfDays.epub")
- @tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubspec"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ @tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubspec"); Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
@simple_bookfile = File.join(@testdocsdir, "book.001.xml")
it "should not include PDFs in rendered epub files as valid image inclusions" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubinclusiontest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubinclusiontest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
success = system(%Q(unzip -q -d "#{File.expand_path(tmpdir)}" -o "#{File.expand_path(@manygraphic_epubfile)}"))
raise "Could not unzip #{@manygraphic_epubfile}" unless success
it "should include a CSS link in HTML files when a CSS file has been provided" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubcsshtmltest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubcsshtmltest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
success = system(%Q(unzip -q -d "#{File.expand_path(tmpdir)}" -o "#{@css_epubfile}"))
raise "Could not unzip #{@css_epubfile}" unless success
it "should include CSS file in .epub when a CSS file has been provided" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubcssfiletest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubcssfiletest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
success = system(%Q(unzip -q -d "#{File.expand_path(tmpdir)}" -o "#{@css_epubfile}"))
raise "Could not unzip #{@css_epubfile}" unless success
it "should include a reference in the OPF manifest to the provided CSS file" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubcsshtmltest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubcsshtmltest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
success = system(%Q(unzip -q -d "#{File.expand_path(tmpdir)}" -o "#{@css_epubfile}"))
raise "Could not unzip #{@css_epubfile}" unless success
it "should include a reference in the OPF manifest to the embedded font" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubfontman"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubfontman"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
success = system(%Q(unzip -q -d "#{File.expand_path(tmpdir)}" -o "#{@css_epubfile}"))
raise "Could not unzip #{@css_epubfile}" unless success
it "should include the embedded font file in the bundle" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubfontbundle"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubfontbundle"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
success = system(%Q(unzip -q -d "#{File.expand_path(tmpdir)}" -o "#{@css_epubfile}"))
raise "Could not unzip #{@css_epubfile}" unless success
it "should include one and only one <h1> in each HTML file in rendered ePub files for <book>s" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubtoctest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubtoctest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
epub = DocBook::Epub.new(File.join(@testdocsdir, "book.002.xml"), @tmpdir)
epubfile = File.join(tmpdir, "h1count.epub")
it "should include one and only one <h1> in each HTML file in rendered ePub files for <book>s even if they do not have section markup" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubtoctest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubtoctest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
epub = DocBook::Epub.new(File.join(@testdocsdir, "book.002.xml"), @tmpdir)
epubfile = File.join(tmpdir, "h1count2.epub")
it "should include a TOC link in rendered epub files for <book>s" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubtoctest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubtoctest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
epub = DocBook::Epub.new(File.join(@testdocsdir, "book.002.xml"), @tmpdir)
epubfile = File.join(tmpdir, "toclink.epub")
it "should allow for the stylesheets to be overridden by a customization layer" do
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubcusttest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), "epubcusttest"); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
css_file = nil
customization_layer = File.join(@filedir, "test_cust.xsl")
# Helper Functions
def opf_lines(filename, filedir)
shortname = filename.gsub(/\W/, '')
- tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), shortname); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
+ tmpdir = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir(), shortname); Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
epub = DocBook::Epub.new(File.join(filedir, filename), tmpdir)
epubfile = File.join(tmpdir, shortname + ".epub")
epub.render_to_file(epubfile, $DEBUG)