%%% File : ejabberd_admin.erl
%%% Author : Mickael Remond <mremond@process-one.net>
-%%% Description : This module gathers admin functions used by different
-%%% access method:
-%%% - ejabberdctl command-line tool
-%%% - web admin interface
-%%% - adhoc mode
+%%% Purpose : Administrative functions and commands
%%% Created : 7 May 2006 by Mickael Remond <mremond@process-one.net>
+-export([start/0, stop/0,
+ %% Server
+ status/0, reopen_log/0,
+ %% Accounts
+ register/3, unregister/2,
+ registered_users/1,
+ %% Migration
+ import_file/1, import_dir/1,
+ %% Purge DB
+ delete_expired_messages/0, delete_old_messages/1,
+ %% Mnesia
+ backup_mnesia/1, restore_mnesia/1,
+ dump_mnesia/1, load_mnesia/1,
+ install_fallback_mnesia/1,
+ dump_to_textfile/1,
+ restore/1 % Still used by some modules
+ ]).
+start() ->
+ ejabberd_commands:register_commands(commands()).
+stop() ->
+ ejabberd_commands:unregister_commands(commands()).
+%%% ejabberd commands
+commands() ->
+ [
+ %% The commands status, stop and restart are implemented also in ejabberd_ctl
+ %% They are defined here so that other interfaces can use them too
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = status, tags = [server],
+ desc = "Get status of the ejabberd server",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = status,
+ args = [], result = {res, restuple}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = stop, tags = [server],
+ desc = "Stop ejabberd gracefully",
+ module = init, function = stop,
+ args = [], result = {res, rescode}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = restart, tags = [server],
+ desc = "Restart ejabberd gracefully",
+ module = init, function = restart,
+ args = [], result = {res, rescode}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = reopen_log, tags = [logs, server],
+ desc = "Reopen the log files",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = reopen_log,
+ args = [], result = {res, rescode}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = register, tags = [accounts],
+ desc = "Register a user",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = register,
+ args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {password, string}],
+ result = {res, restuple}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = unregister, tags = [accounts],
+ desc = "Unregister a user",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = unregister,
+ args = [{user, string}, {host, string}],
+ result = {res, restuple}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = registered_users, tags = [accounts],
+ desc = "List all registered users in HOST",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = registered_users,
+ args = [{host, string}],
+ result = {users, {list, {username, string}}}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = import_file, tags = [mnesia],
+ desc = "Import user data from jabberd-1.4 spool file",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = import_file,
+ args = [{file, string}], result = {res, restuple}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = import_dir, tags = [mnesia],
+ desc = "Import user data from jabberd-1.4 spool dir",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = import_dir,
+ args = [{file, string}],
+ result = {res, restuple}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = delete_expired_messages, tags = [purge],
+ desc = "Delete expired offline messages from database",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = delete_expired_messages,
+ args = [], result = {res, rescode}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = delete_old_messages, tags = [purge],
+ desc = "Delete offline messages older than DAYS",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = delete_old_messages,
+ args = [{days, integer}], result = {res, rescode}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = backup, tags = [mnesia],
+ desc = "Store the database to backup file",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = backup_mnesia,
+ args = [{file, string}], result = {res, restuple}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = restore, tags = [mnesia],
+ desc = "Restore the database from backup file",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = restore_mnesia,
+ args = [{file, string}], result = {res, restuple}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = dump, tags = [mnesia],
+ desc = "Dump the database to text file",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = dump_mnesia,
+ args = [{file, string}], result = {res, restuple}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = load, tags = [mnesia],
+ desc = "Restore the database from text file",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = load_mnesia,
+ args = [{file, string}], result = {res, restuple}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = install_fallback, tags = [mnesia],
+ desc = "Install the database from a fallback file",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = install_fallback_mnesia,
+ args = [{file, string}], result = {res, restuple}}
+ ].
+%%% Server management
+status() ->
+ {InternalStatus, ProvidedStatus} = init:get_status(),
+ String1 = io_lib:format("The node ~p is ~p. Status: ~p",
+ [node(), InternalStatus, ProvidedStatus]),
+ {Is_running, String2} =
+ case lists:keysearch(ejabberd, 1, application:which_applications()) of
+ false ->
+ {ejabberd_not_running, "ejabberd is not running in that node."};
+ {value, {_, _, Version}} ->
+ {ok, io_lib:format("ejabberd ~s is running in that node", [Version])}
+ end,
+ {Is_running, String1 ++ String2}.
+reopen_log() ->
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(reopen_log_hook, []),
+ %% TODO: Use the Reopen log API for logger_h ?
+ ejabberd_logger_h:reopen_log(),
+ ok.
+%%% Account management
+register(User, Host, Password) ->
+ case ejabberd_auth:try_register(User, Host, Password) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ {ok, io_lib:format("User ~s@~s succesfully registered", [User, Host])};
+ {atomic, exists} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("User ~s@~s already registered at node ~p",
+ [User, Host, node()]),
+ {exists, String};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't register user ~s@~s at node ~p: ~p",
+ [User, Host, node(), Reason]),
+ {cannot_register, String}
+ end.
+unregister(User, Host) ->
+ ejabberd_auth:remove_user(User, Host),
+ {ok, ""}.
+registered_users(Host) ->
+ Users = ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host),
+ SUsers = lists:sort(Users),
+ lists:map(fun({U, _S}) -> U end, SUsers).
+%%% Migration management
+import_file(Path) ->
+ case jd2ejd:import_file(Path) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, ""};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't import jabberd 1.4 spool file ~p at node ~p: ~p",
+ [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
+ {cannot_import_file, String}
+ end.
+import_dir(Path) ->
+ case jd2ejd:import_dir(Path) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, ""};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't import jabberd 1.4 spool dir ~p at node ~p: ~p",
+ [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
+ {cannot_import_dir, String}
+ end.
+%%% Purge DB
+delete_expired_messages() ->
+ {atomic, ok} = mod_offline:remove_expired_messages(),
+ ok.
+delete_old_messages(Days) ->
+ {atomic, _} = mod_offline:remove_old_messages(Days),
+ ok.
+%%% Mnesia management
+backup_mnesia(Path) ->
+ case mnesia:backup(Path) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, ""};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't store backup in ~p at node ~p: ~p",
+ [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
+ {cannot_backup, String}
+ end.
+restore_mnesia(Path) ->
+ case ejabberd_admin:restore(Path) of
+ {atomic, _} ->
+ {ok, ""};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't restore backup from ~p at node ~p: ~p",
+ [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
+ {cannot_restore, String};
+ {aborted,{no_exists,Table}} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't restore backup from ~p at node ~p: Table ~p does not exist.",
+ [filename:absname(Path), node(), Table]),
+ {table_not_exists, String};
+ {aborted,enoent} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't restore backup from ~p at node ~p: File not found.",
+ [filename:absname(Path), node()]),
+ {file_not_found, String}
+ end.
%% Mnesia database restore
%% This function is called from ejabberd_ctl, ejabberd_web_admin and
module_tables(mod_shared_roster) -> [sr_group, sr_user];
module_tables(mod_vcard) -> [vcard, vcard_search];
module_tables(_Other) -> [].
+dump_mnesia(Path) ->
+ case dump_to_textfile(Path) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, ""};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't store dump in ~p at node ~p: ~p",
+ [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
+ {cannot_dump, String}
+ end.
+dump_to_textfile(File) ->
+ dump_to_textfile(mnesia:system_info(is_running), file:open(File, [write])).
+dump_to_textfile(yes, {ok, F}) ->
+ Tabs1 = lists:delete(schema, mnesia:system_info(local_tables)),
+ Tabs = lists:filter(
+ fun(T) ->
+ case mnesia:table_info(T, storage_type) of
+ disc_copies -> true;
+ disc_only_copies -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end, Tabs1),
+ Defs = lists:map(
+ fun(T) -> {T, [{record_name, mnesia:table_info(T, record_name)},
+ {attributes, mnesia:table_info(T, attributes)}]}
+ end,
+ Tabs),
+ io:format(F, "~p.~n", [{tables, Defs}]),
+ lists:foreach(fun(T) -> dump_tab(F, T) end, Tabs),
+ file:close(F);
+dump_to_textfile(_, {ok, F}) ->
+ file:close(F),
+ {error, mnesia_not_running};
+dump_to_textfile(_, {error, Reason}) ->
+ {error, Reason}.
+dump_tab(F, T) ->
+ W = mnesia:table_info(T, wild_pattern),
+ {atomic,All} = mnesia:transaction(
+ fun() -> mnesia:match_object(T, W, read) end),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(Term) -> io:format(F,"~p.~n", [setelement(1, Term, T)]) end, All).
+load_mnesia(Path) ->
+ case mnesia:load_textfile(Path) of
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ {ok, ""};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't load dump in ~p at node ~p: ~p",
+ [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
+ {cannot_load, String}
+ end.
+install_fallback_mnesia(Path) ->
+ case mnesia:install_fallback(Path) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, ""};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ String = io_lib:format("Can't install fallback from ~p at node ~p: ~p",
+ [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
+ {cannot_fallback, String}
+ end.