Problem: Vim9: profiling try/catch not correct.
Solution: Add profile instructions. Fix that "entry" did not rethrow an
func Test_profile_func_with_ifelse()
- call Run_profile_func_with_ifelse('func', 'let', 'let')
- call Run_profile_func_with_ifelse('def', 'var', '')
+ call Run_profile_func_with_ifelse('func', 'let')
+ call Run_profile_func_with_ifelse('def', 'var')
-func Run_profile_func_with_ifelse(command, declare, assign)
+func Run_profile_func_with_ifelse(command, declare)
let lines =<< trim [CODE]
XXX Foo1()
if 1
call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'XXX', a:command, '') })
call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'DDD', a:declare, '') })
- call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'AAA', a:assign, '') })
call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_func.vim')
call system(GetVimCommand()
func Test_profile_func_with_trycatch()
+ call Run_profile_func_with_trycatch('func', 'let')
+ call Run_profile_func_with_trycatch('def', 'var')
+func Run_profile_func_with_trycatch(command, declare)
let lines =<< trim [CODE]
- func! Foo1()
+ XXX Foo1()
- let x = 0
+ DDD x = 0
- let x = 1
+ DDD x = 1
- let x = 2
+ DDD x = 2
- endfunc
- func! Foo2()
+ endXXX
+ XXX Foo2()
throw 0
- let x = 1
+ DDD x = 1
- let x = 2
+ DDD x = 2
- endfunc
- func! Foo3()
+ endXXX
+ XXX Foo3()
throw 0
throw 1
- let x = 2
+ DDD x = 2
- endfunc
+ endXXX
call Foo1()
call Foo2()
+ let rethrown = 0
call Foo3()
+ let rethrown = 1
+ if rethrown != 1
+ " call Foo1 again so that the test fails
+ call Foo1()
+ endif
+ call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'XXX', a:command, '') })
+ call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'DDD', a:declare, '') })
call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_func.vim')
call system(GetVimCommand()
\ . ' -es -i NONE --noplugin'
call assert_equal('', lines[5])
call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[6])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\stry$', lines[7])
- call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s let x = 0$', lines[8])
+ call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 0$', lines[8])
call assert_match( '^\s\+catch$', lines[9])
- call assert_match( '^\s\+let x = 1$', lines[10])
+ call assert_match( '^\s\+\(let\|var\) x = 1$', lines[10])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sfinally$', lines[11])
- call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s let x = 2$', lines[12])
+ call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 2$', lines[12])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sendtry$', lines[13])
call assert_equal('', lines[14])
call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo2()', lines[15])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\stry$', lines[22])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s throw 0$', lines[23])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\scatch$', lines[24])
- call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s let x = 1$', lines[25])
+ call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 1$', lines[25])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sfinally$', lines[26])
- call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s let x = 2$', lines[27])
+ call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 2$', lines[27])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sendtry$', lines[28])
call assert_equal('', lines[29])
call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo3()', lines[30])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\scatch$', lines[39])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s throw 1$', lines[40])
call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sfinally$', lines[41])
- call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s let x = 2$', lines[42])
+ call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 2$', lines[42])
call assert_match( '^\s\+endtry$', lines[43])
call assert_equal('', lines[44])
call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON TOTAL TIME', lines[45])
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2404,
static void
-compile_fill_jump_to_end(endlabel_T **el, cctx_T *cctx)
+compile_fill_jump_to_end(endlabel_T **el, int jump_where, cctx_T *cctx)
garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr;
isn_T *isn;
isn = ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data) + cur->el_end_label;
- isn->isn_arg.jump.jump_where = instr->ga_len;
+ isn->isn_arg.jump.jump_where = jump_where;
*el = cur->el_next;
isn->isn_arg.jump.jump_where = instr->ga_len;
// Fill in the "end" label in jumps at the end of the blocks.
- compile_fill_jump_to_end(&ifscope->is_end_label, cctx);
+ compile_fill_jump_to_end(&ifscope->is_end_label, instr->ga_len, cctx);
// even when skipping we count the endif as executed, unless the block it's
isn->isn_arg.forloop.for_end = instr->ga_len;
// Fill in the "end" label any BREAK statements
- compile_fill_jump_to_end(&forscope->fs_end_label, cctx);
+ compile_fill_jump_to_end(&forscope->fs_end_label, instr->ga_len, cctx);
// Below the ":for" scope drop the "expr" list from the stack.
if (generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_DROP, 1) == NULL)
compile_endwhile(char_u *arg, cctx_T *cctx)
scope_T *scope = cctx->ctx_scope;
+ garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr;
if (scope == NULL || scope->se_type != WHILE_SCOPE)
// Fill in the "end" label in the WHILE statement so it can jump here.
// And in any jumps for ":break"
- compile_fill_jump_to_end(&scope->se_u.se_while.ws_end_label, cctx);
+ compile_fill_jump_to_end(&scope->se_u.se_while.ws_end_label,
+ instr->ga_len, cctx);
if (cctx->ctx_skip != SKIP_YES)
+ // the profile-start should be after the jump
+ if (cctx->ctx_profiling && ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[instr->ga_len - 1]
+ .isn_type == ISN_PROF_START)
+ --instr->ga_len;
// Jump from end of previous block to :finally or :endtry
if (compile_jump_to_end(&scope->se_u.se_try.ts_end_label,
isn = ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data) + scope->se_u.se_try.ts_catch_label;
isn->isn_arg.jump.jump_where = instr->ga_len;
+ if (cctx->ctx_profiling)
+ {
+ // a "throw" that jumps here needs to be counted
+ generate_instr(cctx, ISN_PROF_END);
+ // the "catch" is also counted
+ generate_instr(cctx, ISN_PROF_START);
+ }
p = skipwhite(arg);
scope_T *scope = cctx->ctx_scope;
garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr;
isn_T *isn;
+ int this_instr;
// end block scope from :try or :catch
if (scope != NULL && scope->se_type == BLOCK_SCOPE)
return NULL;
+ this_instr = instr->ga_len;
+ if (cctx->ctx_profiling && ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[instr->ga_len - 1]
+ .isn_type == ISN_PROF_START)
+ // jump to the profile start of the "finally"
+ --this_instr;
// Fill in the "end" label in jumps at the end of the blocks.
- compile_fill_jump_to_end(&scope->se_u.se_try.ts_end_label, cctx);
+ compile_fill_jump_to_end(&scope->se_u.se_try.ts_end_label,
+ this_instr, cctx);
- isn->isn_arg.try.try_finally = instr->ga_len;
+ isn->isn_arg.try.try_finally = this_instr;
if (scope->se_u.se_try.ts_catch_label != 0)
// Previous catch without match jumps here
isn = ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data) + scope->se_u.se_try.ts_catch_label;
- isn->isn_arg.jump.jump_where = instr->ga_len;
+ isn->isn_arg.jump.jump_where = this_instr;
scope->se_u.se_try.ts_catch_label = 0;
return NULL;
+ if (cctx->ctx_profiling && ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[instr->ga_len - 1]
+ .isn_type == ISN_PROF_START)
+ // move the profile start after "endtry" so that it's not counted when
+ // the exception is rethrown.
+ --instr->ga_len;
// Fill in the "end" label in jumps at the end of the blocks, if not
// done by ":finally".
- compile_fill_jump_to_end(&scope->se_u.se_try.ts_end_label, cctx);
+ compile_fill_jump_to_end(&scope->se_u.se_try.ts_end_label,
+ instr->ga_len, cctx);
// End :catch or :finally scope: set value in ISN_TRY instruction
if (isn->isn_arg.try.try_catch == 0)
if (cctx->ctx_skip != SKIP_YES && generate_instr(cctx, ISN_ENDTRY) == NULL)
return NULL;
+ if (cctx->ctx_profiling)
+ generate_instr(cctx, ISN_PROF_START);
return arg;
if (trystack->ga_len > 0)
- trycmd_T *trycmd = NULL;
+ trycmd_T *trycmd;
- if (ectx.ec_trystack.ga_len == 0 && trylevel == 0
- && emsg_silent)
- // throwing an exception while using "silent!" causes the
- // function to abort but not display an error.
- tv = STACK_TV_BOT(-1);
- clear_tv(tv);
- tv->v_type = VAR_NUMBER;
- tv->vval.v_number = 0;
- goto done;
- }
- --ectx.ec_stack.ga_len;
- tv = STACK_TV_BOT(0);
- if (tv->vval.v_string == NULL
+ garray_T *trystack = &ectx.ec_trystack;
+ if (trystack->ga_len == 0 && trylevel == 0 && emsg_silent)
+ {
+ // throwing an exception while using "silent!" causes
+ // the function to abort but not display an error.
+ tv = STACK_TV_BOT(-1);
+ clear_tv(tv);
+ tv->v_type = VAR_NUMBER;
+ tv->vval.v_number = 0;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ --ectx.ec_stack.ga_len;
+ tv = STACK_TV_BOT(0);
+ if (tv->vval.v_string == NULL
|| *skipwhite(tv->vval.v_string) == NUL)
- {
- vim_free(tv->vval.v_string);
- SOURCING_LNUM = iptr->isn_lnum;
- emsg(_(e_throw_with_empty_string));
- goto failed;
- }
+ {
+ vim_free(tv->vval.v_string);
+ SOURCING_LNUM = iptr->isn_lnum;
+ emsg(_(e_throw_with_empty_string));
+ goto failed;
+ }
- if (throw_exception(tv->vval.v_string, ET_USER, NULL) == FAIL)
- {
- vim_free(tv->vval.v_string);
- goto failed;
+ // Inside a "catch" we need to first discard the caught
+ // exception.
+ if (trystack->ga_len > 0)
+ {
+ trycmd_T *trycmd = ((trycmd_T *)trystack->ga_data)
+ + trystack->ga_len - 1;
+ if (trycmd->tcd_caught && current_exception != NULL)
+ {
+ // discard the exception
+ if (caught_stack == current_exception)
+ caught_stack = caught_stack->caught;
+ discard_current_exception();
+ trycmd->tcd_caught = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (throw_exception(tv->vval.v_string, ET_USER, NULL)
+ == FAIL)
+ {
+ vim_free(tv->vval.v_string);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ did_throw = TRUE;
- did_throw = TRUE;
// compare with special values