Support for constant expression evaluation for the above builtins be detected
with ``__has_feature(cxx_constexpr_string_builtins)``.
+Atomic Min/Max builtins with memory ordering
+There are two atomic builtins with min/max in-memory comparison and swap.
+The syntax and semantics are similar to GCC-compatible __atomic_* builtins.
+* ``__atomic_fetch_min``
+* ``__atomic_fetch_max``
+The builtins work with signed and unsigned integers and require to specify memory ordering.
+The return value is the original value that was stored in memory before comparison.
+.. code-block:: c
+ unsigned int val = __atomic_fetch_min(unsigned int *pi, unsigned int ui, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+The third argument is one of the memory ordering specifiers ``__ATOMIC_RELAXED``,
+``__ATOMIC_ACQ_REL``, or ``__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST`` following C++11 memory model semantics.
+In terms or aquire-release ordering barriers these two operations are always
+considered as operations with *load-store* semantics, even when the original value
+is not actually modified after comparison.
.. _langext-__c11_atomic:
__c11_atomic builtins
The ``#pragma comment(lib, ...)`` directive is supported on all ELF targets.
The second parameter is the library name (without the traditional Unix prefix of
``lib``). This allows you to provide an implicit link of dependent libraries.
ATOMIC_BUILTIN(__opencl_atomic_fetch_min, "v.", "t")
ATOMIC_BUILTIN(__opencl_atomic_fetch_max, "v.", "t")
+// GCC does not support these, they are a Clang extension.
+ATOMIC_BUILTIN(__atomic_fetch_min, "iiD*i.", "t")
+ATOMIC_BUILTIN(__atomic_fetch_max, "v.", "t")
// Non-overloaded atomic builtins.
def err_atomic_op_needs_atomic_int_or_ptr : Error<
"address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to %select{|atomic }0"
"integer or pointer (%1 invalid)">;
+def err_atomic_op_needs_int32_or_ptr : Error<
+ "address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to signed or unsigned 32-bit integer">;
def err_atomic_op_bitwise_needs_atomic_int : Error<
"address argument to bitwise atomic operation must be a pointer to "
"%select{|atomic }0integer (%1 invalid)">;
case AO__atomic_or_fetch:
case AO__atomic_xor_fetch:
case AO__atomic_nand_fetch:
+ case AO__atomic_fetch_min:
+ case AO__atomic_fetch_max:
return 3;
case AO__opencl_atomic_store:
case AtomicExpr::AO__opencl_atomic_fetch_min:
+ case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_min:
Op = E->getValueType()->isSignedIntegerType() ? llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Min
: llvm::AtomicRMWInst::UMin;
case AtomicExpr::AO__opencl_atomic_fetch_max:
+ case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_max:
Op = E->getValueType()->isSignedIntegerType() ? llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Max
: llvm::AtomicRMWInst::UMax;
case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_or_fetch:
case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_xor_fetch:
case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_nand_fetch:
+ case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_min:
+ case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_max:
Val1 = EmitValToTemp(*this, E->getVal1());
case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_or_fetch:
case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_sub_fetch:
case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_xor_fetch:
+ case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_min:
+ case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_max:
// For these, only library calls for certain sizes exist.
UseOptimizedLibcall = true;
AddDirectArgument(*this, Args, UseOptimizedLibcall, Val1.getPointer(),
MemTy, E->getExprLoc(), sizeChars);
+ case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_min:
case AtomicExpr::AO__opencl_atomic_fetch_min:
LibCallName = E->getValueType()->isSignedIntegerType()
? "__atomic_fetch_min"
AddDirectArgument(*this, Args, UseOptimizedLibcall, Val1.getPointer(),
LoweredMemTy, E->getExprLoc(), sizeChars);
+ case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_max:
case AtomicExpr::AO__opencl_atomic_fetch_max:
LibCallName = E->getValueType()->isSignedIntegerType()
? "__atomic_fetch_max"
Op == AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_exchange_n ||
Op == AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_compare_exchange_n;
bool IsAddSub = false;
+ bool IsMinMax = false;
switch (Op) {
case AtomicExpr::AO__c11_atomic_init:
Form = Arithmetic;
+ case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_min:
+ case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_max:
+ IsMinMax = true;
+ Form = Arithmetic;
+ break;
case AtomicExpr::AO__c11_atomic_exchange:
case AtomicExpr::AO__opencl_atomic_exchange:
case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_exchange_n:
// For an arithmetic operation, the implied arithmetic must be well-formed.
if (Form == Arithmetic) {
// gcc does not enforce these rules for GNU atomics, but we do so for sanity.
- if (IsAddSub && !ValType->isIntegerType() && !ValType->isPointerType()) {
+ if (IsAddSub && !ValType->isIntegerType()
+ && !ValType->isPointerType()) {
Diag(DRE->getLocStart(), diag::err_atomic_op_needs_atomic_int_or_ptr)
<< IsC11 << Ptr->getType() << Ptr->getSourceRange();
return ExprError();
- if (!IsAddSub && !ValType->isIntegerType()) {
+ if (IsMinMax) {
+ const BuiltinType *BT = ValType->getAs<BuiltinType>();
+ if (!BT || (BT->getKind() != BuiltinType::Int &&
+ BT->getKind() != BuiltinType::UInt)) {
+ Diag(DRE->getLocStart(), diag::err_atomic_op_needs_int32_or_ptr);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!IsAddSub && !IsMinMax && !ValType->isIntegerType()) {
Diag(DRE->getLocStart(), diag::err_atomic_op_bitwise_needs_atomic_int)
<< IsC11 << Ptr->getType() << Ptr->getSourceRange();
return ExprError();
__sync_lock_release (&sll); // CHECK: store atomic {{.*}} release, align 8
__sync_lock_release (&ull); // CHECK: store atomic {{.*}} release, align 8
+void test_atomic(void) {
+ ui = __atomic_fetch_min(&ui, 5, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); // CHECK: atomicrmw umin {{.*}} monotonic
+ si = __atomic_fetch_min(&si, 5, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); // CHECK: atomicrmw min {{.*}} seq_cst
+ ui = __atomic_fetch_max(&ui, 5, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE); // CHECK: atomicrmw umax {{.*}} acquire
+ si = __atomic_fetch_max(&si, 5, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); // CHECK: atomicrmw max {{.*}} release
__atomic_fetch_sub(P, 3, memory_order_seq_cst);
__atomic_fetch_sub(D, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to integer or pointer}}
__atomic_fetch_sub(s1, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to integer or pointer}}
+ __atomic_fetch_min(D, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to signed or unsigned 32-bit integer}}
+ __atomic_fetch_max(P, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to signed or unsigned 32-bit integer}}
+ __atomic_fetch_max(p, 3); // expected-error {{too few arguments to function call, expected 3, have 2}}
__c11_atomic_fetch_and(i, 1, memory_order_seq_cst);
__c11_atomic_fetch_and(p, 1, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to atomic integer}}
(void)__atomic_fetch_nand(p, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
(void)__atomic_fetch_nand(p, val, memory_order_seq_cst);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_min(p, val, memory_order_relaxed);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_min(p, val, memory_order_acquire);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_min(p, val, memory_order_consume);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_min(p, val, memory_order_release);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_min(p, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_min(p, val, memory_order_seq_cst);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_max(p, val, memory_order_relaxed);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_max(p, val, memory_order_acquire);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_max(p, val, memory_order_consume);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_max(p, val, memory_order_release);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_max(p, val, memory_order_acq_rel);
+ (void)__atomic_fetch_max(p, val, memory_order_seq_cst);
(void)__atomic_and_fetch(p, val, memory_order_relaxed);
(void)__atomic_and_fetch(p, val, memory_order_acquire);
(void)__atomic_and_fetch(p, val, memory_order_consume);