-/* {{{ proto RecursiveIteratorIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator|IteratorAggregate it [, int mode = RIT_LEAVES_ONLY [, int flags = 0]]) throws InvalidArgumentException
+/* {{{ proto void RecursiveIteratorIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator|IteratorAggregate it [, int mode = RIT_LEAVES_ONLY [, int flags = 0]]) throws InvalidArgumentException
Creates a RecursiveIteratorIterator from a RecursiveIterator. */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveIteratorIterator, __construct)
spl_recursive_it_rewind_ex(object, getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bolean RecursiveIteratorIterator::valid()
+/* {{{ proto bool RecursiveIteratorIterator::valid()
Check whether the current position is valid */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveIteratorIterator, valid)
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator::beginChildren()
+/* {{{ proto void RecursiveIteratorIterator::beginChildren()
Called when recursing one level down */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveIteratorIterator, beginChildren)
/* nothing to do */
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator::endChildren()
+/* {{{ proto void RecursiveIteratorIterator::endChildren()
Called when end recursing one level */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveIteratorIterator, endChildren)
/* nothing to do */
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator::nextElement()
+/* {{{ proto void RecursiveIteratorIterator::nextElement()
Called when the next element is available */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveIteratorIterator, nextElement)
/* nothing to do */
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator::setMaxDepth([$max_depth = -1])
+/* {{{ proto void RecursiveIteratorIterator::setMaxDepth([$max_depth = -1])
Set the maximum allowed depth (or any depth if pmax_depth = -1] */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveIteratorIterator, setMaxDepth)
object->max_depth = max_depth;
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto RecursiveIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator::getMaxDepth()
+/* {{{ proto int|false RecursiveIteratorIterator::getMaxDepth()
Return the maximum accepted depth or false if any depth is allowed */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveIteratorIterator, getMaxDepth)
return intern;
-/* {{{ proto FilterIterator::__construct(Iterator it)
+/* {{{ proto void FilterIterator::__construct(Iterator it)
Create an Iterator from another iterator */
SPL_METHOD(FilterIterator, __construct)
spl_dual_it_fetch(intern, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto boolean FilterIterator::valid()
- proto boolean ParentIterator::valid()
- proto boolean IteratorIterator::valid()
- proto boolean NoRewindIterator::valid()
+/* {{{ proto bool FilterIterator::valid()
+ proto bool ParentIterator::valid()
+ proto bool IteratorIterator::valid()
+ proto bool NoRewindIterator::valid()
Check whether the current element is valid */
SPL_METHOD(dual_it, valid)
spl_filter_it_next(getThis(), intern TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto RecursiveFilterIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it)
+/* {{{ proto void RecursiveFilterIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it)
Create a RecursiveFilterIterator from a RecursiveIterator */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveFilterIterator, __construct)
spl_dual_it_construct(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, spl_ce_RecursiveFilterIterator, spl_ce_RecursiveIterator, DIT_RecursiveFilterIterator);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto boolean RecursiveFilterIterator::hasChildren()
+/* {{{ proto bool RecursiveFilterIterator::hasChildren()
Check whether the inner iterator's current element has children */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveFilterIterator, hasChildren)
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto ParentIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it)
+/* {{{ proto void ParentIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it)
Create a ParentIterator from a RecursiveIterator */
SPL_METHOD(ParentIterator, __construct)
spl_dual_it_construct(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, spl_ce_ParentIterator, spl_ce_RecursiveIterator, DIT_ParentIterator);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto boolean ParentIterator::hasChildren()
+/* {{{ proto bool ParentIterator::hasChildren()
Check whether the inner iterator's current element has children */
SPL_METHOD(ParentIterator, hasChildren)
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto RegExIterator::__construct(Iterator it, string $regex [, int $flags])
+/* {{{ proto void RegExIterator::__construct(Iterator it, string $regex [, int $flags])
Create an RegExIterator from another iterator and a regular expression */
SPL_METHOD(RegExIterator, __construct)
RETURN_BOOL(count >= 0);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto RecursiveRegExIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it, string $regex [, int $flags])
+/* {{{ proto void RecursiveRegExIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it, string $regex [, int $flags])
Create an RecursiveRegExIterator from another recursive iterator and a regular expression */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveRegExIterator, __construct)
spl_limit_it_seek(intern, intern->u.limit.offset TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto boolean LimitIterator::valid()
+/* {{{ proto bool LimitIterator::valid()
Check whether the current element is valid */
SPL_METHOD(LimitIterator, valid)
spl_caching_it_next(intern TSRMLS_CC);
-/* {{{ proto CachingIterator::__construct(Iterator it [, flags = CIT_CALL_TOSTRING])
+/* {{{ proto void CachingIterator::__construct(Iterator it [, flags = CIT_CALL_TOSTRING])
Construct a CachingIterator from an Iterator */
SPL_METHOD(CachingIterator, __construct)
spl_caching_it_rewind(intern TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto boolean CachingIterator::valid()
+/* {{{ proto bool CachingIterator::valid()
Check whether the current element is valid */
SPL_METHOD(CachingIterator, valid)
spl_caching_it_next(intern TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto boolean CachingIterator::hasNext()
+/* {{{ proto bool CachingIterator::hasNext()
Check whether the inner iterator has a valid next element */
SPL_METHOD(CachingIterator, hasNext)
-/* {{{ proto RecursiveCachingIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it [, flags = CIT_CALL_TOSTRING])
+/* {{{ proto void RecursiveCachingIterator::__construct(RecursiveIterator it [, flags = CIT_CALL_TOSTRING])
Create an iterator from a RecursiveIterator */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveCachingIterator, __construct)
spl_dual_it_construct(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, spl_ce_RecursiveCachingIterator, spl_ce_RecursiveIterator, DIT_RecursiveCachingIterator);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bolean RecursiveCachingIterator::hasChildren()
+/* {{{ proto bool RecursiveCachingIterator::hasChildren()
Check whether the current element of the inner iterator has children */
SPL_METHOD(RecursiveCachingIterator, hasChildren)
-/* {{{ proto IteratorIterator::__construct(Traversable it)
+/* {{{ proto void IteratorIterator::__construct(Traversable it)
Create an iterator from anything that is traversable */
SPL_METHOD(IteratorIterator, __construct)
-/* {{{ proto NoRewindIterator::__construct(Iterator it)
+/* {{{ proto void NoRewindIterator::__construct(Iterator it)
Create an iterator from another iterator */
SPL_METHOD(NoRewindIterator, __construct)
/* nothing to do */
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void NoRewindIterator::valid()
+/* {{{ proto bool NoRewindIterator::valid()
Return inner iterators valid() */
SPL_METHOD(NoRewindIterator, valid)
-/* {{{ proto InfiniteIterator::__construct(Iterator it)
+/* {{{ proto void InfiniteIterator::__construct(Iterator it)
Create an iterator from another iterator */
SPL_METHOD(InfiniteIterator, __construct)
spl_dual_it_construct(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, spl_ce_InfiniteIterator, zend_ce_iterator, DIT_InfiniteIterator);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto InfiniteIterator::next()
+/* {{{ proto void InfiniteIterator::next()
Prevent a call to inner iterators rewind() (internally the current data will be fetched if valid()) */
SPL_METHOD(InfiniteIterator, next)
-/* {{{ proto EmptyIterator::rewind()
+/* {{{ proto void EmptyIterator::rewind()
Does nothing */
SPL_METHOD(EmptyIterator, rewind)
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto EmptyIterator::valid()
+/* {{{ proto false EmptyIterator::valid()
Return false */
SPL_METHOD(EmptyIterator, valid)
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto EmptyIterator::key()
- Throws exception */
+/* {{{ proto void EmptyIterator::key()
+ Throws exception BadMethodCallException */
SPL_METHOD(EmptyIterator, key)
zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_BadMethodCallException, "Accessing the key of an EmptyIterator", 0 TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto EmptyIterator::current()
- Throws exception */
+/* {{{ proto void EmptyIterator::current()
+ Throws exception BadMethodCallException */
SPL_METHOD(EmptyIterator, current)
zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_BadMethodCallException, "Accessing the value of an EmptyIterator", 0 TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto EmptyIterator::next()
+/* {{{ proto void EmptyIterator::next()
Does nothing */
SPL_METHOD(EmptyIterator, next)
spl_append_it_fetch(intern TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto AppendIterator::__construct()
+/* {{{ proto void AppendIterator::__construct()
Create an AppendIterator */
SPL_METHOD(AppendIterator, __construct)
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto boolean AppendIterator::valid()
+/* {{{ proto bool AppendIterator::valid()
Check if the current state is valid */
SPL_METHOD(AppendIterator, valid)
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto AppendIterator::next()
+/* {{{ proto void AppendIterator::next()
Forward to next element */
SPL_METHOD(AppendIterator, next)
spl_append_it_next(intern TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto AppendIterator::getIteratorIndex()
+/* {{{ proto int AppendIterator::getIteratorIndex()
Get index of iterator */
SPL_METHOD(AppendIterator, getIteratorIndex)
spl_array_iterator_key(intern->u.append.zarrayit, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
} /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto AppendIterator::getArrayIterator()
+/* {{{ proto ArrayIterator AppendIterator::getArrayIterator()
Get access to inner ArrayIterator */
SPL_METHOD(AppendIterator, getArrayIterator)
#include "ext/simplexml/php_simplexml_exports.h"
-SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, rewind) /* {{{ */
+/* {{{ proto void SimpleXMLIterator::rewind()
+ Rewind to first element */
+SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, rewind)
php_sxe_iterator iter;
/* }}} */
-SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, valid) /* {{{ */
+/* {{{ proto bool SimpleXMLIterator::valid()
+ Check whether iteration is valid */
+SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, valid)
php_sxe_object *sxe = php_sxe_fetch_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
/* }}} */
-SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, current) /* {{{ */
+/* {{{ proto SimpleXMLIterator SimpleXMLIterator::current()
+ Get current element */
+SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, current)
php_sxe_object *sxe = php_sxe_fetch_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
/* }}} */
-SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, key) /* {{{ */
+/* {{{ proto string SimpleXMLIterator::key()
+ Get name of current child element */
+SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, key)
xmlNodePtr curnode;
php_sxe_object *intern;
/* }}} */
-SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, next) /* {{{ */
+/* {{{ proto void SimpleXMLIterator::next()
+ Move to next element */
+SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, next)
php_sxe_iterator iter;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ hasChildren()
- */
+/* {{{ proto bool SimpleXMLIterator::hasChildren()
+ Check whether element has children (elements) */
SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, hasChildren)
php_sxe_object *sxe = php_sxe_fetch_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ getChildren()
- */
+/* {{{ proto SimpleXMLIterator SimpleXMLIterator::getChildren()
+ Get child element iterator */
SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, getChildren)
php_sxe_object *sxe = php_sxe_fetch_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
return_value->value.obj = zend_objects_store_clone_obj(sxe->iter.data TSRMLS_CC);
-SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, count) /* {{{ */
+/* {{{ proto int SimpleXMLIterator::count()
+ Get number of child elements */
+SPL_METHOD(SimpleXMLIterator, count)
long count = 0;