%%% Author : Stefan Strigler <steve@zeank.in-berlin.de>
%%% Purpose : HTTP Binding support (JEP-0124)
%%% Created : 21 Sep 2005 by Stefan Strigler <steve@zeank.in-berlin.de>
-%%% Id : $Id: ejabberd_http_bind.erl 156 2007-06-25 09:22:57Z cromain $
+%%% Id : $Id: ejabberd_http_bind.erl 239 2007-08-03 10:54:00Z sstrigler $
--vsn('$Rev: 156 $').
+-vsn('$Rev: 239 $').
-define(FSMOPTS, []).
+-define(BOSH_VERSION, "1.6").
-define(MAX_REQUESTS, 2). % number of simultaneous requests
-define(MIN_POLLING, "2"). % don't poll faster than that or we will
% shoot you
"condition='improper-addressing' "
true ->
- Sid = if
- (ParsedSid == "") ->
- %% create new session
- NewSid = sha:sha(term_to_binary({now(), make_ref()})),
- {ok, Pid} = start(NewSid, Key),
- ?DEBUG("got pid: ~p", [Pid]),
- Wait = case
- string:to_integer(xml:get_attr_s("wait",Attrs))
- of
- {error, _} ->
- {CWait, _} ->
- if
- (CWait > ?MAX_WAIT) ->
- true ->
- CWait
- end
- end,
- Hold = case
- string:to_integer(
- xml:get_attr_s("hold",Attrs))
- of
- {error, _} ->
- (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1);
- {CHold, _} ->
- if
- (CHold > (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1)) ->
- (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1);
- true ->
- CHold
- end
- end,
- mnesia:transaction(
- fun() ->
- mnesia:write(#http_bind{id = NewSid,
- pid = Pid,
- to = XmppDomain,
- wait = Wait,
- hold = Hold})
- end),
- StreamStart = if
- (XmppDomain /= "") ->
- true;
- true ->
- false
- end,
- InPacket = Packet,
- NewSid;
- true ->
- %% old session
- Type = xml:get_attr_s("type",Attrs),
- StreamStart =
- case xml:get_attr_s("xmpp:restart",Attrs) of
- "true" ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end,
- Wait = ?MAX_WAIT,
- Hold = (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1),
- if
- (Type == "terminate") ->
- %% terminate session
- InPacket = Packet ++ "</stream:stream>";
- true ->
- InPacket = Packet
- end,
- ParsedSid
- end,
-%% ?DEBUG("~n InPacket: ~s ~n", [InPacket]),
- case http_put(Sid, Rid, Key, NewKey, Hold, InPacket, StreamStart) of
- {error, not_exists} ->
- ?DEBUG("no session associated with sid: ~p", [Sid]),
- {404, ?HEADER, ""};
- {error, bad_key} ->
- ?DEBUG("bad key: ~s", [Key]),
- case mnesia:dirty_read({http_bind, Sid}) of
- [] ->
- {404, ?HEADER, ""};
- [#http_bind{pid = FsmRef}] ->
- gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef,stop),
- {404, ?HEADER, ""}
- end;
- {error, polling_too_frequently} ->
- ?DEBUG("polling too frequently: ~p", [Sid]),
- case mnesia:dirty_read({http_bind, Sid}) of
- [] -> %% unlikely! (?)
- {404, ?HEADER, ""};
- [#http_bind{pid = FsmRef}] ->
- gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef,stop),
- {403, ?HEADER, ""}
- end;
- {repeat, OutPacket} ->
- ?DEBUG("http_put said 'repeat!' ...~nOutPacket: ~p",
- [OutPacket]),
- send_outpacket(Sid, OutPacket);
- ok ->
- receive_loop(Sid,ParsedSid,Rid,Wait,Hold,Attrs)
- end
+ Sid =
+ if
+ (ParsedSid == "") ->
+ %% create new session
+ NewSid = sha:sha(term_to_binary({now(), make_ref()})),
+ {ok, Pid} = start(NewSid, Key),
+ ?DEBUG("got pid: ~p", [Pid]),
+ Wait = case
+ string:to_integer(xml:get_attr_s("wait",Attrs))
+ of
+ {error, _} ->
+ {CWait, _} ->
+ if
+ (CWait > ?MAX_WAIT) ->
+ true ->
+ CWait
+ end
+ end,
+ Hold = case
+ string:to_integer(
+ xml:get_attr_s("hold",Attrs))
+ of
+ {error, _} ->
+ (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1);
+ {CHold, _} ->
+ if
+ (CHold > (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1)) ->
+ (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1);
+ true ->
+ CHold
+ end
+ end,
+ XmppVersion = xml:get_attr_s("xmpp:version", Attrs),
+ mnesia:transaction(
+ fun() ->
+ mnesia:write(#http_bind{id = NewSid,
+ pid = Pid,
+ to = {XmppDomain, XmppVersion},
+ wait = Wait,
+ hold = Hold})
+ end),
+ StreamStart = if
+ (XmppDomain /= "") ->
+ true;
+ true ->
+ false
+ end,
+ InPacket = Packet,
+ NewSid;
+ true ->
+ %% old session
+ Type = xml:get_attr_s("type",Attrs),
+ StreamStart =
+ case xml:get_attr_s("xmpp:restart",Attrs) of
+ "true" ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end,
+ Wait = ?MAX_WAIT,
+ Hold = (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1),
+ if
+ (Type == "terminate") ->
+ %% terminate session
+ InPacket = Packet ++ "</stream:stream>";
+ true ->
+ InPacket = Packet
+ end,
+ ParsedSid
+ end,
+ %% ?DEBUG("~n InPacket: ~s ~n", [InPacket]),
+ case http_put(Sid, Rid, Key, NewKey, Hold, InPacket, StreamStart) of
+ {error, not_exists} ->
+ ?DEBUG("no session associated with sid: ~p", [Sid]),
+ {404, ?HEADER, ""};
+ {error, bad_key} ->
+ ?DEBUG("bad key: ~s", [Key]),
+ case mnesia:dirty_read({http_bind, Sid}) of
+ [] ->
+ {404, ?HEADER, ""};
+ [#http_bind{pid = FsmRef}] ->
+ gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef,stop),
+ {404, ?HEADER, ""}
+ end;
+ {error, polling_too_frequently} ->
+ ?DEBUG("polling too frequently: ~p", [Sid]),
+ case mnesia:dirty_read({http_bind, Sid}) of
+ [] -> %% unlikely! (?)
+ {404, ?HEADER, ""};
+ [#http_bind{pid = FsmRef}] ->
+ gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef,stop),
+ {403, ?HEADER, ""}
+ end;
+ {repeat, OutPacket} ->
+ ?DEBUG("http_put said 'repeat!' ...~nOutPacket: ~p",
+ [OutPacket]),
+ send_outpacket(Sid, OutPacket);
+ ok ->
+ receive_loop(Sid,ParsedSid,Rid,Wait,Hold,Attrs)
+ end
_ ->
{400, ?HEADER, ""}
"condition='host-unknown' "
true ->
+ BOSH_attribs =
+ [{"authid", AuthID},
+ {"xmlns:xmpp", "urn:xmpp:xbosh"},
+ {"xmlns:stream","http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"}] ++
+ case OutEls of
+ [] ->
+ [];
+ _ ->
+ [{"xmpp:version", "1.0"}]
+ end,
{200, ?HEADER,
{"polling", ?MIN_POLLING},
- {"authid", AuthID}
- ],OutEls})}
+ {"ver", ?BOSH_VERSION},
+ {"from", To},
+ {"secure", "true"} %% we're always being secure
+ ] ++ BOSH_attribs,OutEls})}
Reply = ok,
{stop, normal, Reply, StateData};
-handle_sync_event({http_put, Rid, Key, NewKey, Hold, Packet, StartTo},
+handle_sync_event({http_put, Rid, Key, NewKey, Hold, Packet, StreamTo},
_From, StateName, StateData) ->
%% check if Rid valid
RidAllow = case Rid of
{Receiver, _Tag} ->
SendPacket =
- if
- StartTo /= "" ->
- ["<stream:stream to='",
- StartTo,
- "' xmlns='jabber:client' "
- %%"version='1.0' "
+ case StreamTo of
+ {To, ""} ->
+ ["<stream:stream to='", To, "' "
+ "xmlns='jabber:client' "
"xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'>"] ++ Packet;
- true ->
+ {To, Version} ->
+ ["<stream:stream to='", To, "' "
+ "xmlns='jabber:client' "
+ "version='", Version, "' "
+ "xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'>"] ++ Packet;
+ _ ->
?DEBUG("really sending now: ~s", [SendPacket]),
[] ->
?DEBUG("not found",[]),
{error, not_exists};
- [#http_bind{pid = FsmRef,to=To}] ->
+ [#http_bind{pid = FsmRef,to=StreamTo}] ->
case Restart of
true ->
?DEBUG("restart requested for ~s", [To]),
- FsmRef, {http_put, Rid, Key, NewKey, Hold, Packet, To});
+ FsmRef, {http_put, Rid, Key, NewKey, Hold, Packet, StreamTo});
_ ->
FsmRef, {http_put, Rid, Key, NewKey, Hold, Packet, ""})