- <p>The <directive module="mod_authz_host">Allow</directive> and
- <directive module="mod_authz_host">Deny</directive> directives let
- you allow and deny access based on the host name, or host
- address, of the machine requesting a document. The
- <directive module="mod_authz_host">Order</directive> directive goes
- hand-in-hand with these two, and tells Apache in which order to
- apply the filters.</p>
+ <p>The <directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive>
+ provides a variety of different ways to allow or deny access to
+ resources. In conjunction with the <directive
+ module="mod_authz_core">RequireAll</directive>, <directive
+ module="mod_authz_core">RequireAny</directive>, and <directive
+ module="mod_authz_core">RequireNone</directive> directives, these
+ requirements may be combined in arbitrarily complex ways, to enforce
+ whatever your access policy happens to be.</p>
+ <note type="warning"><p>
+ <p>The <directive module="mod_access_compat">Allow</directive>,
+ <directive module="mod_access_compat">Deny</directive>, and
+ <directive module="mod_access_compat">Order</directive> directives,
+ provided by <module>mod_access_compat</module>, are deprecated and
+ will go away in a future version. You should avoid using them, and
+ avoid outdated tutorials recommending their use.
+ </p></note>
<p>The usage of these directives is:</p>