--- /dev/null
+graph {
+# comment out this line and it works ok
+node [shape="point"];
+node [shape="box"];
+Charger -- IHall1 -- 3;
+Charger -- IHall2 -- 2;
+Charger -- IHall3 -- 1;
+Charger -- 0;
+3 -- V3 -- 2 -- V2 -- 1 -- V1 -- 0 -- GND;
+node [shape="triangle",orientation=270];
+node [shape="box"];
+3 -- OpAmp3;
+2 -- OpAmp3;
+2 -- OpAmp2;
+1 -- OpAmp2;
+1 -- OpAmp1;
+0 -- OpAmp1;
+#OpAmp3 -- ADC3 -- 0;
+#OpAmp2 -- ADC2 -- 0;
+#OpAmp1 -- ADC1 -- 0;
+# or comment out these 3 lines and it works ok
+ADC3 -- 0;
+ADC2 -- 0;
+ADC1 -- 0;
+OpAmp3 -- ADC3;
+OpAmp2 -- ADC2;
+OpAmp1 -- ADC1;
+V1 -- Temp1 [style=dashed];
+V2 -- Temp2 [style=dashed];
+V3 -- Temp3 [style=dashed];
assert "line 3:" in stderr, \
"GVPR did not identify correct line of syntax error"
+@pytest.mark.xfail() # FIXME
+def test_1658():
+ """
+ the graph associated with this test case should not crash Graphviz
+ https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/issues/1658
+ """
+ # locate our associated test case in this directory
+ input = Path(__file__).parent / "1658.dot"
+ assert input.exists(), "unexpectedly missing test case"
+ # process it with Graphviz
+ subprocess.check_call(["dot", "-Tpng", "-o", os.devnull, input])
def test_1676():