" Tests for search_stats, when "S" is not in 'shortmess'
-" This test is fragile, it might not work interactively, but it works when run
-" as test!
-source shared.vim
+source check.vim
+source screendump.vim
-func! Test_search_stat()
+func Test_search_stat()
set shortmess-=S
" Append 50 lines with text to search for, "foobar" appears 20 times
let stat = '\[1/2\]'
call assert_notmatch(pat .. stat, g:b)
call assert_match(stat, g:b)
+ " Test that the message is not truncated
+ " it would insert '...' into the output.
+ call assert_match('^\s\+' .. stat, g:b)
unmap n
" Clean up
set shortmess+=S
" close the window
+func! Test_search_stat_screendump()
+ CheckScreendump
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ set shortmess-=S
+ " Append 50 lines with text to search for, "foobar" appears 20 times
+ call append(0, repeat(['foobar', 'foo', 'fooooobar', 'foba', 'foobar'], 20))
+ call setline(2, 'find this')
+ call setline(70, 'find this')
+ nnoremap n n
+ let @/ = 'find this'
+ call cursor(1,1)
+ norm n
+ call writefile(lines, 'Xsearchstat')
+ let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xsearchstat', #{rows: 10})
+ call term_wait(buf)
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_searchstat_1', {})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":nnoremap <silent> n n\<cr>")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "gg0n")
+ call term_wait(buf)
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_searchstat_2', {})
+ call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ call delete('Xsearchstat')