call assert_equal(expected[2:], getline(1,'$'), s:Mess(s:test))
+ " The following tests use the xxd man page.
+ " For these tests to pass, the fileformat must be "unix".
+ let man_copy = 'Xxd.1'
+ let man_page = '../../runtime/doc/xxd.1'
+ if has('win32') && !filereadable(man_page)
+ let man_page = '../../doc/xxd.1'
+ endif
+ %d
+ exe '0r ' man_page '| set ff=unix | $d | w' man_copy '| bwipe!' man_copy
" Test 5: Print 120 bytes as continuous hexdump with 20 octets per line
let s:test += 1
- let fname = '../../runtime/doc/xxd.1'
- if has('win32') && !filereadable(fname)
- let fname = '../../doc/xxd.1'
- endif
- exe '0r! ' . s:xxd_cmd . ' -l 120 -ps -c20 ' . fname
+ exe '0r! ' . s:xxd_cmd . ' -l 120 -ps -c20 ' . man_copy
let expected = [
\ '2e54482058584420312022417567757374203139',
let s:test += 1
for arg in ['-l 13', '-l13', '-len 13']
- exe '0r! ' . s:xxd_cmd . ' -s 0x36 ' . arg . ' -cols 13 ' . fname
+ exe '0r! ' . s:xxd_cmd . ' -s 0x36 ' . arg . ' -cols 13 ' . man_copy
call assert_equal('00000036: 3231 7374 204d 6179 2031 3939 36 21st May 1996', getline(1), s:Mess(s:test))
+ " Cleanup after tests 5 and 6
+ call delete(man_copy)
" Test 7: Print C include
let s:test += 1
call writefile(['TESTabcd09'], 'XXDfile')