#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
-#ifdef UNUSED
- /* Full dense stress optimization (equivalent to Kamada-Kawai's energy) */
- /* Slowest and most accurate optimization */
-static int stress_majorization_kD(vtx_data * graph, /* Input graph in sparse representation */
- int n, /* Number of nodes */
- int nedges_graph, /* Number of edges */
- double **coords, /* coordinates of nodes (output layout) */
- int dim, /* dimemsionality of layout */
- int smart_ini, /* smart initialization */
- int reweight_graph, /* difference model */
- int maxi /* max iterations */
- );
- /* Optimization of the stress function using sparse distance matrix */
- /* Faster than dense method, but less accurate */
-static int sparse_stress_majorization_kD(vtx_data * graph, /* Input graph in sparse representation */
- int n, /* Number of nodes */
- int nedges_graph, /* Number of edges */
- double **coords, /* coordinates of nodes (output layout) */
- int dim, /* dimemsionality of layout */
- int smart_ini, /* smart initialization */
- int reweight_graph, /* difference model */
- int maxi, /* max iterations */
- int dist_bound, /* neighborhood in sparse distance matrix */
- int num_centers /* #pivots in sparse distance matrix */
- );
/* Optimization of the stress function using sparse distance matrix, within a vector-space */
/* Fastest and least accurate method */
return sum;
-#ifdef UNUSED
-static double compute_stress(double **coords, int **Dij, int dim, int n)
- /* compute the overall stress */
- int i, j, l;
- double sum, dist;
- sum = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
- dist = 0;
- for (l = 0; l < dim; l++) {
- dist +=
- (coords[l][i] - coords[l][j]) * (coords[l][i] -
- coords[l][j]);
- }
- dist = sqrt(dist);
-#ifdef Dij2
- sum +=
- (Dij[i][j] - dist) * (Dij[i][j] -
- dist) / (Dij[i][j] * Dij[i][j]);
- sum += (Dij[i][j] - dist) * (Dij[i][j] - dist) / Dij[i][j];
- }
- }
- return sum;
static double
compute_stress1(double **coords, dist_data * distances, int dim, int n)
* Return true if some node is fixed.
-initLayout(vtx_data * graph, int n, int dim, double **coords, node_t** nodes)
+initLayout(vtx_data * graph, int n, int dim, double **coords,
+ node_t ** nodes)
node_t *np;
double *xp;
return pinned;
-circuitModel(vtx_data * graph, int nG)
+float *circuitModel(vtx_data * graph, int nG)
int i, j, e, rv, count;
float *Dij = N_NEW(nG * (nG + 1) / 2, float);
return Dij;
-#ifdef UNUSED
-int stress_majorization_kD(vtx_data * graph, /* Input graph in sparse representation */
- int n, /* Number of nodes */
- int nedges_graph, /* Number of edges */
- double **coords, /* coordinates of nodes(output layout) */
- node_t **nodes, /* original nodes */
- int dim, /* dimemsionality of layout */
- int smart_ini, /* smart initialization */
- int reweight_graph, /* difference model */
- int n_iterations /* max #iterations */
- )
- int iterations; /* output: number of iteration of the process */
- double conj_tol = tolerance_cg; /* tolerance of Conjugate Gradient */
- DistType **Dij;
- float *f_storage;
- float **lap;
- double degree;
- double dist_ij;
- double *b;
- double L_ij;
- double old_stress, new_stress;
- boolean converged;
- /*************************************************
- ** Computation of full, dense, unrestricted k-D **
- ** stress minimization by majorization **
- *************************************************/
- int i, j, k;
- /*************************************************
- * Compute the all-pairs-shortest-distances matrix *
- *************************************************/
- if (!reweight_graph) {
- /* unweighted computation using BFS */
- Dij = compute_apsp(graph, n);
- } else {
- /* weight graph to separate high-degree nodes */
- /* and perform slower Dijkstra-based computation */
- Dij = compute_apsp_artifical_weights(graph, n);
- }
- /*************************************************
- ** Layout initialization **
- *************************************************/
- if (smart_ini) {
- /* optimize layout quickly within subspace */
- sparse_stress_subspace_majorization_kD(graph, n, nedges_graph,
- coords, dim, smart_ini,
- reweight_graph, 50,
- neighborhood_radius_subspace,
- num_pivots_stress);
- } else {
- initLayout(graph, n, dim, coords, nodes);
- }
- /*************************************************
- ** Laplacian computation **
- *************************************************/
- lap = N_GNEW(n, float *);
- f_storage = N_GNEW(n * n, float);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- lap[i] = f_storage + i * n;
- degree = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- if (j == i)
- continue;
-#ifdef Dij2
- degree -= lap[i][j] = -1.0f / ((float) Dij[i][j] * (float) Dij[i][j]); /* cast Dij to float to prevent overflow */
- degree -= lap[i][j] = -1.0f / Dij[i][j];
- }
- lap[i][i] = (float) (degree);
- }
- /*************************************************
- Layout optimization
- *************************************************/
- b = N_GNEW(n, double);
- old_stress = compute_stress(coords, Dij, dim, n);
- for (converged = FALSE, iterations = 0;
- iterations < n_iterations && !converged; iterations++) {
- /* Axis-by-axis optimization: */
- for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
- /* compute the vector b */
- /* multiply on-the-fly with distance-based laplacian */
- /* (for saving storage we don't construct this Laplacian explicitly) */
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- degree = 0;
- b[i] = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- if (j == i)
- continue;
- dist_ij = distance_kD(coords, dim, i, j);
- if (dist_ij > 1e-30) { /* skip zero distances */
- /* calculate L_ij := w_{ij}*d_{ij}/dist_{ij} */
-#ifdef Dij2
- L_ij = (float) (-1 / (dist_ij * Dij[i][j]));
- L_ij = (float) (-1 / dist_ij);
- degree -= L_ij;
- b[i] += L_ij * coords[k][j];
- }
- }
- b[i] += degree * coords[k][i];
- }
- conjugate_gradient_f(lap, coords[k], b, n, conj_tol, n, TRUE);
- }
- if ((converged = (iterations % 2 == 0))) { /* check for convergence every two iterations */
- new_stress = compute_stress(coords, Dij, dim, n);
- converged =
- fabs(new_stress - old_stress) / (new_stress + 1e-10) <
- Epsilon;
- old_stress = new_stress;
- if (Verbose && (iterations % 10 == 0)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%.3f ", new_stress);
- if (iterations % 100 == 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- if (Verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "\nfinal e = %f\n",
- compute_stress(coords, Dij, dim, n));
- free(Dij[0]);
- free(Dij);
- free(lap[0]);
- free(lap);
- free(b);
- return (iterations);
-static void
-local_beautify_kD(int *nodes, int num_nodes, vtx_data * graph, int n,
- int dist_bound, int reweight_graph, double **coords,
- int dim)
- /* Optimize locally the k-D position of each of the nodes in 'nodes' */
- /* sing majorization. */
- /* Here, in each iteration only a single node is mobile */
- int i, j, k;
- int *visited_nodes;
- DistType *dist;
- double *weights;
- Queue Q;
- int num_visited_nodes;
- double dist_ij;
- int v, neighbor;
- double dist_1d;
- double total_wgts;
- double *newpos;
- double max_diff;
- if (dist_bound <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- visited_nodes = N_GNEW(n, int);
- dist = N_GNEW(n, DistType);
- weights = N_GNEW(n, double);
- newpos = N_GNEW(dim, double);
- mkQueue(&Q, n);
- /* initialize dist to -1, important for bfs_bounded */
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- dist[i] = -1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
- v = nodes[i];
- if (reweight_graph) {
- num_visited_nodes =
- dijkstra_bounded(v, graph, n, dist, dist_bound,
- visited_nodes);
- } else {
- num_visited_nodes =
- bfs_bounded(v, graph, n, dist, &Q, dist_bound,
- visited_nodes);
- }
- total_wgts = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < num_visited_nodes; j++) {
- neighbor = visited_nodes[j];
- if (neighbor != v) {
-#ifdef Dij2
- total_wgts += weights[j] =
- 1.0 / ((double) dist[neighbor] *
- (double) dist[neighbor]);
- total_wgts += weights[j] = 1.0 / (double) dist[neighbor];
- }
- }
- if (total_wgts == 0) { /* no neighbors to current node */
- continue;
- }
- do {
- for (k = 0; k < dim; newpos[k++] = 0);
- for (j = 0; j < num_visited_nodes; j++) {
- neighbor = visited_nodes[j];
- if (neighbor == v) {
- continue;
- }
- for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
- dist_1d = coords[k][v] - coords[k][neighbor];
- dist_ij = distance_kD(coords, dim, v, neighbor);
- newpos[k] +=
- weights[j] * (coords[k][neighbor] +
- dist[neighbor] * dist_1d / dist_ij);
- }
- }
- max_diff = 0;
- for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
- newpos[k] /= total_wgts;
- max_diff =
- MAX(max_diff,
- fabs(newpos[k] - coords[k][v]) / fabs(newpos[k] +
- 1e-20));
- coords[k][v] = newpos[k];
- }
- } while (max_diff > Epsilon);
- /* initialize 'dist' for next run of 'bfs_bounded' */
- for (j = 0; j < num_visited_nodes; j++) {
- dist[visited_nodes[j]] = -1;
- }
- }
- free(visited_nodes);
- free(dist);
- free(weights);
- free(newpos);
- freeQueue(&Q);
-int sparse_stress_majorization_kD(vtx_data * graph, /* Input graph in sparse representation */
- int n, /* Number of nodes */
- int nedges_graph, /* Number of edges */
- double **coords, /* coordinates of nodes (output layout) */
- node_t **nodes, /* original nodes */
- int dim, /* dimemsionality of layout */
- int smart_ini, /* smart initialization */
- int reweight_graph, /* difference model */
- int n_iterations, /* max #iterations */
- int dist_bound, /* neighborhood size in sparse distance matrix */
- int num_centers /* #pivots in sparse distance matrix */
- )
- int iterations;
- double conj_tol = tolerance_cg; /* tolerance of Conjugate Gradient */
- /*************************************************
- Computation of pivot-based, sparse, unrestricted
- k-D stress minimization by majorization
- *************************************************/
- int i, j, k;
- int node;
- /* if i is a pivot than CenterIndex[i] is its index, otherwise CenterIndex[i]= -1 */
- int *CenterIndex;
- int *invCenterIndex; /* list the pivot nodes */
- Queue Q;
- float *old_weights;
- /* this matrix stores the distance between each node and each "center" */
- DistType **Dij;
- /* this vector stores the distances of each node to the selected "centers" */
- DistType *dist;
- DistType *storage;
- DistType max_dist;
- int *visited_nodes;
- dist_data *distances;
- int available_space;
- int *storage1 = NULL;
- DistType *storage2 = NULL;
- int num_visited_nodes;
- int num_neighbors;
- int index;
- int nedges;
- DistType *dist_list;
- vtx_data *lap;
- int *edges;
- float *ewgts;
- double degree;
- double dist_ij;
- double *b;
- double L_ij;
- double old_stress, new_stress;
- boolean converged;
- /*************************************************
- Layout initialization
- *************************************************/
- if (smart_ini) {
- /* optimize layout quickly within subspace */
- sparse_stress_subspace_majorization_kD(graph, n, nedges_graph,
- coords, dim, smart_ini,
- reweight_graph, 50,
- dist_bound, num_centers);
- } else {
- initLayout(graph, n, dim, coords, nodes);
- }
- /*************************************************
- Compute the sparse-shortest-distances matrix 'distances'
- *************************************************/
- CenterIndex = N_GNEW(n, int);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- CenterIndex[i] = -1;
- }
- invCenterIndex = NULL;
- mkQueue(&Q, n);
- old_weights = graph[0].ewgts;
- if (reweight_graph) {
- /* weight graph to separate high-degree nodes */
- /* in the future, perform slower Dijkstra-based computation */
- compute_new_weights(graph, n);
- }
- /* compute sparse distance matrix */
- /* first select 'num_centers' pivots from which we compute distance */
- /* to all other nodes */
- Dij = NULL;
- dist = N_GNEW(n, DistType);
- if (num_centers == 0) { /* no pivots, skip pivots-to-nodes distance calculation */
- goto after_pivots_selection;
- }
- invCenterIndex = N_GNEW(num_centers, int); /* list the pivot nodes */
- storage = N_GNEW(n * num_centers, DistType);
- Dij = N_GNEW(num_centers, DistType *);
- for (i = 0; i < num_centers; i++)
- Dij[i] = storage + i * n;
- /* select 'num_centers' pivots that are uniformaly spreaded over the graph */
- /* the first pivots is selected randomly */
- node = rand() % n;
- CenterIndex[node] = 0;
- invCenterIndex[0] = node;
- if (reweight_graph) {
- dijkstra(node, graph, n, Dij[0]);
- } else {
- bfs(node, graph, n, Dij[0], &Q);
- }
- /* find the most distant node from first pivot */
- max_dist = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- dist[i] = Dij[0][i];
- if (dist[i] > max_dist) {
- node = i;
- max_dist = dist[i];
- }
- }
- /* select other num_centers-1 nodes as pivots */
- for (i = 1; i < num_centers; i++) {
- CenterIndex[node] = i;
- invCenterIndex[i] = node;
- if (reweight_graph) {
- dijkstra(node, graph, n, Dij[i]);
- } else {
- bfs(node, graph, n, Dij[i], &Q);
- }
- max_dist = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- dist[j] = MIN(dist[j], Dij[i][j]);
- if (dist[j] > max_dist
- || (dist[j] == max_dist && rand() % (j + 1) == 0)) {
- node = j;
- max_dist = dist[j];
- }
- }
- }
- after_pivots_selection:
- /* Construct a sparse distance matrix 'distances' */
- /* initialize 'dist' to -1, important for 'bfs_bounded(..)' */
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- dist[i] = -1;
- }
- visited_nodes = N_GNEW(n, int);
- distances = N_GNEW(n, dist_data);
- available_space = 0;
- nedges = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (CenterIndex[i] >= 0) { /* a pivot node */
- distances[i].edges = N_GNEW(n - 1, int);
- distances[i].edist = N_GNEW(n - 1, DistType);
- distances[i].nedges = n - 1;
- nedges += n - 1;
- distances[i].free_mem = TRUE;
- index = CenterIndex[i];
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
- distances[i].edges[j] = j;
- distances[i].edist[j] = Dij[index][j];
- }
- for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
- distances[i].edges[j - 1] = j;
- distances[i].edist[j - 1] = Dij[index][j];
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* a non pivot node */
- if (dist_bound > 0) {
- if (reweight_graph) {
- num_visited_nodes =
- dijkstra_bounded(i, graph, n, dist, dist_bound,
- visited_nodes);
- } else {
- num_visited_nodes =
- bfs_bounded(i, graph, n, dist, &Q, dist_bound,
- visited_nodes);
- }
- /* filter the pivots out of the visited nodes list, and the self loop: */
- for (j = 0; j < num_visited_nodes;) {
- if (CenterIndex[visited_nodes[j]] < 0
- && visited_nodes[j] != i) {
- /* not a pivot or self loop */
- j++;
- } else {
- dist[visited_nodes[j]] = -1;
- visited_nodes[j] = visited_nodes[--num_visited_nodes];
- }
- }
- } else {
- num_visited_nodes = 0;
- }
- num_neighbors = num_visited_nodes + num_centers;
- if (num_neighbors > available_space) {
- available_space = (dist_bound + 1) * n;
- storage1 = N_GNEW(available_space, int);
- storage2 = N_GNEW(available_space, DistType);
- distances[i].free_mem = TRUE;
- } else {
- distances[i].free_mem = FALSE;
- }
- distances[i].edges = storage1;
- distances[i].edist = storage2;
- distances[i].nedges = num_neighbors;
- nedges += num_neighbors;
- for (j = 0; j < num_visited_nodes; j++) {
- storage1[j] = visited_nodes[j];
- storage2[j] = dist[visited_nodes[j]];
- dist[visited_nodes[j]] = -1;
- }
- /* add all pivots: */
- for (j = num_visited_nodes; j < num_neighbors; j++) {
- index = j - num_visited_nodes;
- storage1[j] = invCenterIndex[index];
- storage2[j] = Dij[index][i];
- }
- storage1 += num_neighbors;
- storage2 += num_neighbors;
- available_space -= num_neighbors;
- }
- free(dist);
- free(visited_nodes);
- if (Dij != NULL) {
- free(Dij[0]);
- free(Dij);
- }
- /*************************************************
- Laplacian computation
- *************************************************/
- lap = N_GNEW(n, vtx_data);
- edges = N_GNEW(nedges + n, int);
- ewgts = N_GNEW(nedges + n, float);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- lap[i].edges = edges;
- lap[i].ewgts = ewgts;
- lap[i].nedges = distances[i].nedges + 1; /*add the self loop */
- dist_list = distances[i].edist - 1; /* '-1' since edist[0] goes for number '1' entry in the lap */
- degree = 0;
- for (j = 1; j < lap[i].nedges; j++) {
- edges[j] = distances[i].edges[j - 1];
-#ifdef Dij2
- ewgts[j] = (float) -1.0 / ((float) dist_list[j] * (float) dist_list[j]); /* cast to float to prevent overflow */
- ewgts[j] = -1.0 / (float) dist_list[j];
- degree -= ewgts[j];
- }
- edges[0] = i;
- ewgts[0] = (float) degree;
- edges += lap[i].nedges;
- ewgts += lap[i].nedges;
- }
- /*************************************************
- Layout optimization
- *************************************************/
- b = N_GNEW(n, double);
- old_stress = compute_stress1(coords, distances, dim, n), new_stress;
- for (converged = FALSE, iterations = 0;
- iterations < n_iterations && !converged; iterations++) {
- /* Axis-by-axis optimization: */
- for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
- /* compute the vector b */
- /* multiply on-the-fly with distance-based laplacian */
- /* (for saving storage we don't construct this Lap explicitly) */
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- degree = 0;
- b[i] = 0;
- dist_list = distances[i].edist - 1;
- edges = lap[i].edges;
- ewgts = lap[i].ewgts;
- for (j = 1; j < lap[i].nedges; j++) {
- node = edges[j];
- dist_ij = distance_kD(coords, dim, i, node);
- if (dist_ij > 1e-30) { /* skip zero distances */
- L_ij = -ewgts[j] * dist_list[j] / dist_ij; /* L_ij=w_{ij}*d_{ij}/dist_{ij} */
- degree -= L_ij;
- b[i] += L_ij * coords[k][node];
- }
- }
- b[i] += degree * coords[k][i];
- }
- conjugate_gradient(lap, coords[k], b, n, conj_tol, n);
- }
- if ((converged = (iterations % 2 == 0))) { /* check for convergence each two iterations */
- new_stress = compute_stress1(coords, distances, dim, n);
- converged =
- fabs(new_stress - old_stress) / (new_stress + 1e-10) <
- Epsilon;
- old_stress = new_stress;
- }
- }
- free(b);
- if (smooth_pivots) {
- /* relocate the pivots, so they do not break out of the layout */
- local_beautify_kD(invCenterIndex, num_centers, graph, n,
- dist_bound, reweight_graph, coords, dim);
- }
- if (reweight_graph) { /* do it only after the local beautification */
- restore_old_weights(graph, n, old_weights);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (distances[i].free_mem) {
- free(distances[i].edges);
- free(distances[i].edist);
- }
- }
- free(distances);
- free(lap[0].edges);
- free(lap[0].ewgts);
- free(lap);
- free(CenterIndex);
- free(invCenterIndex);
- freeQueue(&Q);
- return iterations;
-#endif /* UNUSED */
/* sparse_stress_subspace_majorization_kD:
* NOTE: We use integral shortest path values here, assuming
/* mdsModel:
* Update matrix with actual edge lengths
-mdsModel(vtx_data * graph, int nG)
+float *mdsModel(vtx_data * graph, int nG)
int i, j, e;
float *Dij;
int shift = 0;
double delta;
- if (graph->ewgts == NULL) return 0;
+ if (graph->ewgts == NULL)
+ return 0;
/* first, compute shortest paths to fill in non-edges */
Dij = compute_weighted_apsp_packed(graph, nG);
shift += i;
for (e = 1; e < graph[i].nedges; e++) {
j = graph[i].edges[e];
- if (j < i) continue;
- delta += abs(Dij[i*nG + j - shift] - graph[i].ewgts[e]);
- Dij[i*nG + j - shift] = graph[i].ewgts[e];
+ if (j < i)
+ continue;
+ delta += abs(Dij[i * nG + j - shift] - graph[i].ewgts[e]);
+ Dij[i * nG + j - shift] = graph[i].ewgts[e];
if (Verbose) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mdsModel: delta = %f\n", delta);
+ fprintf(stderr, "mdsModel: delta = %f\n", delta);
return Dij;
for (j = 1; j <= deg_i; j++) {
neighbor = graph[i].edges[j];
deg_j = graph[neighbor].nedges - 1;
- weights[j] =
- (float)
+ weights[j] = (float)
(deg_i + deg_j -
2 * common_neighbors(graph, i, neighbor,
#ifdef DEBUG
-static void dumpMatrix (float *Dij, int n)
+static void dumpMatrix(float *Dij, int n)
int i, j, count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (j = i; j < n; j++) {
- fprintf (stderr, "%.02f ", Dij[count++]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%.02f ", Dij[count++]);
- fputs ("\n", stderr);
+ fputs("\n", stderr);
int n, /* Number of nodes */
int nedges_graph, /* Number of edges */
double **d_coords, /* coordinates of nodes (output layout) */
- node_t **nodes, /* original nodes */
+ node_t ** nodes, /* original nodes */
int dim, /* dimemsionality of layout */
int smart_ini, /* smart initialization */
int model, /* model */
double mat_stress;
#ifdef NONCORE
- FILE* fp = NULL;
+ FILE *fp = NULL;
} else {
havePinned = initLayout(graph, n, dim, d_coords, nodes);
- if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, ": %.2f sec", elapsed_sec());
- if (n == 1) return 0;
+ if (Verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, ": %.2f sec", elapsed_sec());
+ if (n == 1)
+ return 0;
if (Verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, ": %.2f sec\n", elapsed_sec());
double diff = old_stress - new_stress;
double change = ABS(diff);
- converged = (((change / old_stress) < Epsilon) || (new_stress < Epsilon));
+ converged = (((change / old_stress) < Epsilon)
+ || (new_stress < Epsilon));
old_stress = new_stress;
if (Verbose)
- fprintf (stderr, "coords\n");
-#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ fprintf(stderr, "coords\n");
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
d_coords[i][j] = coords[i][j];
- if (Verbose)
- fprintf (stderr, "%f\n",coords[i][j]);
-#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
+ if (Verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%f\n", coords[i][j]);
+#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
#ifdef NONCORE
if (fp)
- fclose (fp);
+ fclose(fp);