///So small changes in value will result in progressively larger increases or decreases in the resulting file size. \r
///A value of 0 means lossless and will result in a file size that is larger than the original source, \r
///unless the source was also lossless. \r
- ///Suggested values are: 18 to 20 for Standard Definiti [rest of string was truncated]";.\r
+ ///Suggested values are: 18 to 20 for standard definiti [rest of string was truncated]";.\r
/// </summary>\r
public static string Video_QualitySlider {\r
get {\r
So small changes in value will result in progressively larger increases or decreases in the resulting file size. \r
A value of 0 means lossless and will result in a file size that is larger than the original source, \r
unless the source was also lossless. \r
-Suggested values are: 18 to 20 for Standard Definition and 20 to 23 for High Definition.\r
+Suggested values are: 18 to 20 for standard definition sources and 20 to 23 for high definition sources.\r
x265 is a new encoder, so there are no recommended values yet. You'll have to experiment.\r