au! *
+" Test for the :all command
+func Test_all_command()
+ %argdelete
+ " :all command should not close windows with files in the argument list,
+ " but can rearrange the windows.
+ args Xargnew1 Xargnew2
+ %bw!
+ edit Xargold1
+ split Xargnew1
+ let Xargnew1_winid = win_getid()
+ split Xargold2
+ split Xargnew2
+ let Xargnew2_winid = win_getid()
+ split Xargold3
+ all
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal([Xargnew1_winid, Xargnew2_winid],
+ \ [win_getid(1), win_getid(2)])
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargnew1'), bufnr('Xargnew2')],
+ \ [winbufnr(1), winbufnr(2)])
+ " :all command should close windows for files which are not in the
+ " argument list in the current tab page.
+ %bw!
+ edit Xargold1
+ split Xargold2
+ tabedit Xargold3
+ split Xargold4
+ tabedit Xargold5
+ tabfirst
+ all
+ call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr('$'))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargnew1'), bufnr('Xargnew2')], tabpagebuflist(1))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargold4'), bufnr('Xargold3')], tabpagebuflist(2))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargold5')], tabpagebuflist(3))
+ " :tab all command should close windows for files which are not in the
+ " argument list across all the tab pages.
+ %bw!
+ edit Xargold1
+ split Xargold2
+ tabedit Xargold3
+ split Xargold4
+ tabedit Xargold5
+ tabfirst
+ args Xargnew1 Xargnew2
+ tab all
+ call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$'))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargnew1')], tabpagebuflist(1))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargnew2')], tabpagebuflist(2))
+ " If a count is specified, then :all should open only that many windows.
+ %bw!
+ args Xargnew1 Xargnew2 Xargnew3 Xargnew4 Xargnew5
+ all 3
+ call assert_equal(3, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargnew1'), bufnr('Xargnew2'), bufnr('Xargnew3')],
+ \ [winbufnr(1), winbufnr(2), winbufnr(3)])
+ " The :all command should not open more than 'tabpagemax' tab pages.
+ " If there are more files, then they should be opened in the last tab page.
+ %bw!
+ set tabpagemax=3
+ tab all
+ call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr('$'))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargnew1')], tabpagebuflist(1))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargnew2')], tabpagebuflist(2))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargnew3'), bufnr('Xargnew4'), bufnr('Xargnew5')],
+ \ tabpagebuflist(3))
+ set tabpagemax&
+ " Without the 'hidden' option, modified buffers should not be closed.
+ args Xargnew1 Xargnew2
+ %bw!
+ edit Xargtemp1
+ call setline(1, 'temp buffer 1')
+ split Xargtemp2
+ call setline(1, 'temp buffer 2')
+ all
+ call assert_equal(4, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargtemp2'), bufnr('Xargtemp1'), bufnr('Xargnew1'),
+ \ bufnr('Xargnew2')],
+ \ [winbufnr(1), winbufnr(2), winbufnr(3), winbufnr(4)])
+ " With the 'hidden' option set, both modified and unmodified buffers in
+ " closed windows should be hidden.
+ set hidden
+ all
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xargnew1'), bufnr('Xargnew2')],
+ \ [winbufnr(1), winbufnr(2)])
+ call assert_equal([1, 1, 0, 0], [getbufinfo('Xargtemp1')[0].hidden,
+ \ getbufinfo('Xargtemp2')[0].hidden,
+ \ getbufinfo('Xargnew1')[0].hidden,
+ \ getbufinfo('Xargnew2')[0].hidden])
+ set nohidden
+ " When 'winheight' is set to a large value, :all should open only one
+ " window.
+ args Xargnew1 Xargnew2 Xargnew3 Xargnew4 Xargnew5
+ %bw!
+ set winheight=9999
+ call assert_fails('all', 'E36:')
+ call assert_equal([1, bufnr('Xargnew1')], [winnr('$'), winbufnr(1)])
+ set winheight&
+ " When 'winwidth' is set to a large value, :vert all should open only one
+ " window.
+ %bw!
+ set winwidth=9999
+ call assert_fails('vert all', 'E36:')
+ call assert_equal([1, bufnr('Xargnew1')], [winnr('$'), winbufnr(1)])
+ set winwidth&
+ " empty argument list tests
+ %bw!
+ %argdelete
+ call assert_equal('', execute('args'))
+ all
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ %argdelete
+ %bw!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab