# Get the directories mutt uses for certificate/key storage.
my $mutt = $ENV{MUTT_CMDLINE} || 'mutt';
+my $opensslbin = "/usr/bin/openssl";
my $private_keys_path = mutt_Q 'smime_keys';
my $certificates_path = mutt_Q 'smime_certificates';
elsif(@ARGV == 2 and $ARGV[0] eq "add_cert") {
my $format = -B $ARGV[1] ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- my $cmd = "openssl x509 -noout -hash -in $ARGV[1] -inform $format";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in $ARGV[1] -inform $format";
my $cert_hash = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
my $pem_file = "$ARGV[1].pem";
- my $cmd = "openssl pkcs12 -in $ARGV[1] -out $pem_file";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin pkcs12 -in $ARGV[1] -out $pem_file";
system $cmd and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
-e $pem_file and -s $pem_file or die("Conversion of $ARGV[1] failed.");
elsif(@ARGV == 4 and $ARGV[0] eq "add_chain") {
my $mailbox;
my $format = -B $ARGV[2] ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- my $cmd = "openssl x509 -noout -hash -in $ARGV[2] -inform $format";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in $ARGV[2] -inform $format";
my $cert_hash = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
$format = -B $ARGV[3] ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- $cmd = "openssl x509 -noout -hash -in $ARGV[3] -inform $format";
+ $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in $ARGV[3] -inform $format";
my $issuer_hash = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
close TMP_FILE;
my $format = -B $certfile ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- my $cmd = "openssl x509 -subject -issuer -dates -noout -in cert_tmp.list -inform $format";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -subject -issuer -dates -noout -in cert_tmp.list -inform $format";
($subject_in, $issuer_in, $date1_in, $date2_in) = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
print "$tab - Matching private key installed -\n";
my $format = -B "$certificates_path/$fields[1]" ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- my $cmd = "openssl x509 -purpose -noout -in cert_tmp.list -inform $format";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -purpose -noout -in cert_tmp.list -inform $format";
my $purpose_in = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
while(-e "$certificates_path/$$hashvalue.$iter") {
my ($t1, $t2);
my $format = -B $filename ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- my $cmd = "openssl x509 -in $filename -inform $format -fingerprint -noout";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $filename -inform $format -fingerprint -noout";
$t1 = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
$format = -B "$certificates_path/$$hashvalue.$iter" ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- $cmd = "openssl x509 -in $certificates_path/$$hashvalue.$iter -inform $format -fingerprint -noout";
+ $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $certificates_path/$$hashvalue.$iter -inform $format -fingerprint -noout";
$t2 = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
if ($add_to_index) {
my $format = -B $filename ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- my $cmd = "openssl x509 -in $filename -inform $format -email -noout";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $filename -inform $format -email -noout";
@mailbox = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
-# FIXME: This should be done in perl
- my $cmd = "cat cert_tmp.$iter >> tmp_issuer_cert";
- system $cmd and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
+ open (IC, ">> tmp_issuer_cert") or die "can't open imp_issuer_cert: $?";
+ open (CERT, "< cert_tmp.$iter") or die "can't open cert_tmp.$iter: $?";
+ print IC while (<CERT>);
+ close IC;
+ close CERT;
# although there may be many, just need to know if there was any
$intermediate = $iter;
my $label = query_label;
my $format = -B 'tmp_certificate' ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- my $cmd = "openssl x509 -noout -hash -in tmp_certificate -inform $format";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in tmp_certificate -inform $format";
my $cert_hash = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
$format = -B 'tmp_issuer_cert' ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- $cmd = "openssl x509 -noout -hash -in tmp_issuer_cert -inform $format";
+ $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in tmp_issuer_cert -inform $format";
my $issuer_hash = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
$issuer_path = "$certificates_path/$issuerid";
- my $cmd = "openssl verify $root_certs_switch $root_certs_path -purpose smimesign -purpose smimeencrypt -untrusted $issuer_path $cert_path";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin verify $root_certs_switch $root_certs_path -purpose smimesign -purpose smimeencrypt -untrusted $issuer_path $cert_path";
my $output = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
chop $output;
$result eq 'i' and return $result;
my $format = -B $cert_path ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- $cmd = "openssl x509 -dates -serial -noout -in $cert_path -inform $format";
+ $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -dates -serial -noout -in $cert_path -inform $format";
(my $date1_in, my $date2_in, my $serial_in) = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
if ( defined $crl ) {
my @serial = split (/\=/, $serial_in);
- my $cmd = "openssl crl -text -noout -in $crl | grep -A1 $serial[1]";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin crl -text -noout -in $crl | grep -A1 $serial[1]";
(my $l1, my $l2) = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
my $format = -B $root_cert ? 'DER' : 'PEM';
- my $cmd = "openssl x509 -noout -hash -in $root_cert -inform $format";
+ my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in $root_cert -inform $format";
my $root_hash = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
open(ROOT_CERTS, ">>$root_certs_path") or
die ("Couldn't open $root_certs_path for writing");
- $cmd = "openssl x509 -in $root_cert -inform $format -fingerprint -noout";
+ $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $root_cert -inform $format -fingerprint -noout";
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
chomp(my $md5fp = `$cmd`);
- $cmd = "openssl x509 -in $root_cert -inform $format -text -noout";
+ $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $root_cert -inform $format -text -noout";
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
my @cert_text = `$cmd`;
my $line = "=======================================\n";
print ROOT_CERTS "\n$input$line$md5fp\nPEM-Data:\n";
- $cmd = "openssl x509 -in $root_cert -inform $format";
+ $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $root_cert -inform $format";
my $cert = `$cmd`;
$? and die "'$cmd' returned $?";
print ROOT_CERTS $cert;