\section{Standard Module \sectcode{SocketServer}}
The \code{SocketServer} module simplifies the task of writing network
There are four basic server classes: \code{TCPServer} uses the
Internet TCP protocol, which provides for continuous streams of data
\code{UnixStreamServer} and \code{UnixDatagramServer} classes are
similar, but use Unix domain sockets; they're not available on
non-Unix platforms. For more details on network programming, consult
-a book such as W. Richard Steven's \emph{Unix Network Programming}_ or
-XXX (a Windows equivalent).
+a book such as W. Richard Steven's \emph{UNIX Network Programming}
+or Ralph Davis's \emph{Win32 Network Programming}.
These four classes process requests \dfn{synchronously}; each request
must be completed before the next request can be started. This isn't
Server classes have the same external methods and attributes, no
matter what network protocol they use:
-\renewcommand{\indexsubitem}{(in module SocketServer)}
+\renewcommand{\indexsubitem}{(SocketServer protocol)}
%XXX should data and methods be intermingled, or separate?
% how should the distinction between class and instance variables be
\section{Standard Module \sectcode{SocketServer}}
The \code{SocketServer} module simplifies the task of writing network
There are four basic server classes: \code{TCPServer} uses the
Internet TCP protocol, which provides for continuous streams of data
\code{UnixStreamServer} and \code{UnixDatagramServer} classes are
similar, but use Unix domain sockets; they're not available on
non-Unix platforms. For more details on network programming, consult
-a book such as W. Richard Steven's \emph{Unix Network Programming}_ or
-XXX (a Windows equivalent).
+a book such as W. Richard Steven's \emph{UNIX Network Programming}
+or Ralph Davis's \emph{Win32 Network Programming}.
These four classes process requests \dfn{synchronously}; each request
must be completed before the next request can be started. This isn't
Server classes have the same external methods and attributes, no
matter what network protocol they use:
-\renewcommand{\indexsubitem}{(in module SocketServer)}
+\renewcommand{\indexsubitem}{(SocketServer protocol)}
%XXX should data and methods be intermingled, or separate?
% how should the distinction between class and instance variables be