+2000-03-03 Charles Hagenbuch <chagenbu@wso.williams.edu>
+ * ext/imap/imap.c: adding the fix for bug #3685 to php4 as well.
+2000-03-03 Stig Bakken <ssb@fast.no>
+ * TODO: crazy idea brought on by someone at FAST
+2000-03-03 Sascha Schumann <sascha@schumann.cx>
+ * acinclude.m4
+ configure.in
+ reentrancy.c:
+ Support HP-UX 10.x non-standard time-related reentrant functions
+2000-03-03 Jouni Ahto <jah@mork.net>
+ * ext/gd/gd.c:
+ (imagearc) - Fix #3706.
+2000-03-03 Uwe Steinmann <Uwe.Steinmann@fernuni-hagen.de>
+ * tests/testhyperwave
+ ext/domxml/domxml.c
+ tests/testdom: - tiny changes to testscript and domxml
+ * ext/hyperwave/hg_comm.c
+ ext/hyperwave/hw.c: - more changes to use zend_llist
+2000-03-03 Sascha Schumann <sascha@schumann.cx>
+ * ext/imap/config.m4: make it work
+ * ext/imap/config.m4: Better lib check
+ * ext/imap/config.m4:
+ Also consider $i/include while searching for rfc822.h
+2000-03-03 Uwe Steinmann <Uwe.Steinmann@fernuni-hagen.de>
+ * ext/domxml/domxml.c:
+ - xmltree() now returns an 'Dom Document' object with prop root and
+ children. root contains just the root element, children is an array
+ with all nodes on root level, e.g. comment, pi, element
+ * ext/domxml/domxml.c: - added property type to obejct xml doc
+2000-03-03 Zeev Suraski <zeev@php.net>
+ * php.ini-dist: Fix spelling
+2000-03-03 Joe Martin <joem@analytika.com>
+ * ext/oci8/oci8.c
+ ext/oci8/php_oci8.h:
+ Added functions to retrieve scale, precision and raw oracle data type for
+ columns.
2000-03-02 David Hedbor <david@hedbor.org>
* sapi/roxen/README: Now recommend --enable-roxen-zts...