--- /dev/null
+Test compact() function : basic functionality
+/* Prototype : proto array compact(mixed var_names [, mixed ...])
+ * Description: Creates a hash containing variables and their values
+ * Source code: ext/standard/array.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+ * Test basic functionality
+ */
+echo "*** Testing compact() : basic functionality ***\n";
+// simple array test
+var_dump (compact(array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f")));
+// simple parameter test
+var_dump (compact("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"));
+var_dump (compact(array("keyval"=>"a", "b"=>"b", "c"=>1)));
+// cases which should not yield any output.
+var_dump (compact(array(10, 0.3, true, array(20), NULL)));
+var_dump (compact(10, 0.3, true, array(20), NULL));
+var_dump (compact(array("g")));
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing compact() : basic functionality ***
+array(6) {
+ ["a"]=>
+ int(1)
+ ["b"]=>
+ float(0.2)
+ ["c"]=>
+ bool(true)
+ ["d"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(3) "val"
+ }
+ ["e"]=>
+ ["f"]=>
+ string(6) "string"
+array(6) {
+ ["a"]=>
+ int(1)
+ ["b"]=>
+ float(0.2)
+ ["c"]=>
+ bool(true)
+ ["d"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ ["key"]=>
+ string(3) "val"
+ }
+ ["e"]=>
+ ["f"]=>
+ string(6) "string"
+array(2) {
+ ["a"]=>
+ int(1)
+ ["b"]=>
+ float(0.2)
+array(0) {
+array(0) {
+array(0) {
+*** Testing compact() : basic functionality ***
+array(6) {
+ [u"a"]=>
+ int(1)
+ [u"b"]=>
+ float(0.2)
+ [u"c"]=>
+ bool(true)
+ [u"d"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ [u"key"]=>
+ unicode(3) "val"
+ }
+ [u"e"]=>
+ [u"f"]=>
+ unicode(6) "string"
+array(6) {
+ [u"a"]=>
+ int(1)
+ [u"b"]=>
+ float(0.2)
+ [u"c"]=>
+ bool(true)
+ [u"d"]=>
+ array(1) {
+ [u"key"]=>
+ unicode(3) "val"
+ }
+ [u"e"]=>
+ [u"f"]=>
+ unicode(6) "string"
+array(2) {
+ [u"a"]=>
+ int(1)
+ [u"b"]=>
+ float(0.2)
+array(0) {
+array(0) {
+array(0) {
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test compact() function : error conditions
+/* Prototype : proto array compact(mixed var_names [, mixed ...])
+ * Description: Creates a hash containing variables and their values
+ * Source code: ext/standard/array.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+ * Error -tests test compact with zero arguments.
+ */
+echo "*** Testing compact() : error conditions ***\n";
+// Zero arguments
+echo "\n-- Testing compact() function with Zero arguments --\n";
+var_dump( compact() );
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing compact() : error conditions ***
+-- Testing compact() function with Zero arguments --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for compact() in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test compact() function : usage variations - arrays containing references.
+/* Prototype : proto array compact(mixed var_names [, mixed ...])
+ * Description: Creates a hash containing variables and their values
+ * Source code: ext/standard/array.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+ * compact variations - arrays with references
+ */
+echo "*** Testing compact() : usage variations - arrays containg references ***\n";
+$arr1=array ("a",&$arr1);
+$arr2=array ("a",array(array(array("b"))));
+var_dump (compact ($arr1));
+var_dump (compact ($arr2));
+var_dump (compact ($arr3));
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing compact() : usage variations - arrays containg references ***
+array(1) {
+ ["a"]=>
+ int(1)
+array(2) {
+ ["a"]=>
+ int(1)
+ ["b"]=>
+ int(2)
+array(1) {
+ ["c"]=>
+ int(3)
+*** Testing compact() : usage variations - arrays containg references ***
+array(1) {
+ [u"a"]=>
+ int(1)
+array(2) {
+ [u"a"]=>
+ int(1)
+ [u"b"]=>
+ int(2)
+array(1) {
+ [u"c"]=>
+ int(3)
\ No newline at end of file