* @param class_name name of class to load
* @param file_extensions file extensions (use defaults if NULL)
-function spl_autoload(string $class_name, string $file_extensions = NULL);
+function spl_autoload(string $class_name, string $file_extensions = NULL) {/**/};
/** @ingroup SPL
* @brief Manual invocation of all registerd autoload functions
* @param class_name name of class to load
-function spl_autoload_call(string $class_name);
+function spl_autoload_call(string $class_name) {/**/};
/** @ingroup SPL
* @brief Register and return default file extensions for spl_autoload
* @return comma separated list of file extensions to use in default autoload
* function.
-function spl_autoload_extensions($file_extensions);
+function spl_autoload_extensions($file_extensions) {/**/};
/** @ingroup SPL
* @brief Return all registered autoload functionns
* @return array of all registered autoload functions or false
-function spl_autoload_functions();
+function spl_autoload_functions() {/**/};
/** @ingroup SPL
* @brief Register given function as autoload implementation
* function name to register as autoload function.
* @param throw whether to throw or issue an error on failure.
-function spl_autoload_register(string $autoload_function = "spl_autoload", $throw = true);
+function spl_autoload_register(string $autoload_function = "spl_autoload", $throw = true) {/**/};
/** @ingroup SPL
* @brief Unregister given function as autoload implementation
* @param autoload_function name of function or array of object/class and
* function name to unregister as autoload function.
-function spl_autoload_unregister(string $autoload_function = "spl_autoload");
+function spl_autoload_unregister(string $autoload_function = "spl_autoload") {/**/};
/** @ingroup SPL
* @brief Return an array of classes and interfaces in SPL
* @return array containing the names of all clsses and interfaces defined in
* extension SPL
-function spl_classes();
+function spl_classes() {/**/};
/** @ingroup SPL
* @brief Count the elements in an iterator
* @return number of elements in an iterator
-function iterator_count(Traversable $it);
+function iterator_count(Traversable $it) {/**/};
/** @ingroup SPL
* @brief Copy iterator elements into an array
* @param it iterator to copy
* @return array with elements copied from the iterator
-function iterator_to_array(Traversable $it);
+function iterator_to_array(Traversable $it) {/**/};
/** @ingroup ZendEngine
* @brief Basic Exception class.
* @param $flags see setFlags().
* @param $iterator_class class used in getIterator()
- function __construct($array, $flags = 0, $iterator_class = "ArrayIterator");
+ function __construct($array, $flags = 0, $iterator_class = "ArrayIterator") {/**/}
/** Set behavior flags.
* when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.)
* 1 set: array indices can be accessed as properties in read/write
- function setFlags($flags);
+ function setFlags($flags) {/**/}
- /**
- * @ return current flags
+ /** @return current flags
- function getFlags();
+ function getFlags() {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by values.
- function asort();
+ function asort() {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by key.
- function ksort();
+ function ksort() {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by values using user defined function.
- function uasort(mixed cmp_function);
+ function uasort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by key using user defined function.
- function uksort(mixed cmp_function);
+ function uksort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by values using "natural order" algorithm.
- function natsort();
+ function natsort() {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by values using case insensitive "natural order" algorithm.
- function natcasesort();
+ function natcasesort() {/**/}
- /**
- * @param $array new array or object
+ /** @param $array new array or object
- function exchangeArray($array);
+ function exchangeArray($array) {/**/}
/** @return the iterator which is an ArrayIterator object connected to
* this object.
- function getIterator();
+ function getIterator() {/**/}
/** @param $index offset to inspect
* @return whetehr offset $index esists
- function offsetExists($index);
+ function offsetExists($index) {/**/}
/** @param $index offset to return value for
* @return value at offset $index
- function offsetGet($index);
+ function offsetGet($index) {/**/}
/** @param $index index to set
* @param $newval new value to store at offset $index
- function offsetSet($index, $newval);
+ function offsetSet($index, $newval) {/**/}
/** @param $index offset to unset
- function offsetUnset($index);
+ function offsetUnset($index) {/**/}
/** @param $value is appended as last element
* @warning this method cannot be called when the ArrayObject refers to
* an object.
- function append($value);
+ function append($value) {/**/}
/** @return a \b copy of the array
* @note when the ArrayObject refers to an object then this method
* returns an array of the public properties.
- function getArrayCopy();
+ function getArrayCopy() {/**/}
/** @return the number of elements in the array or the number of public
* properties in the object.
- function count();
+ function count() {/**/}
/* @param $iterator_class new class used in getIterator()
- function setIteratorClass($itertor_class);
+ function setIteratorClass($itertor_class) {/**/}
/* @return class used in getIterator()
- function getIteratorClass();
+ function getIteratorClass() {/**/}
/** @ingroup SPL
* @param $array the array to use.
* @param $flags see setFlags().
- function __construct($array, $flags = 0);
+ function __construct($array, $flags = 0) {/**/}
/** Set behavior flags.
* when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.)
* 1 set: array indices can be accessed as properties in read/write
- function setFlags($flags);
+ function setFlags($flags) {/**/}
* @ return current flags
- function getFlags();
+ function getFlags() {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by values.
- function asort();
+ function asort() {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by key.
- function ksort();
+ function ksort() {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by values using user defined function.
- function uasort(mixed cmp_function);
+ function uasort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by key using user defined function.
- function uksort(mixed cmp_function);
+ function uksort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by values using "natural order" algorithm.
- function natsort();
+ function natsort() {/**/}
/** Sort the entries by values using case insensitive "natural order" algorithm.
- function natcasesort();
+ function natcasesort() {/**/}
/** @param $index offset to inspect
* @return whetehr offset $index esists
- function offsetExists($index);
+ function offsetExists($index) {/**/}
/** @param $index offset to return value for
* @return value at offset $index
- function offsetGet($index);
+ function offsetGet($index) {/**/}
/** @param $index index to set
* @param $newval new value to store at offset $index
- function offsetSet($index, $newval);
+ function offsetSet($index, $newval) {/**/}
/** @param $index offset to unset
- function offsetUnset($index);
+ function offsetUnset($index) {/**/}
/** @param $value is appended as last element
* @warning this method cannot be called when the ArrayIterator refers to
* an object.
- function append($value);
+ function append($value) {/**/}
/** @return a \b copy of the array
* @note when the ArrayIterator refers to an object then this method
* returns an array of the public properties.
- function getArrayCopy();
+ function getArrayCopy() {/**/}
/** @param $position offset to seek to
* @throw OutOfBoundsException if $position is invalid
- function seek($position);
+ function seek($position) {/**/}
/** @return the number of elements in the array or the number of public
* properties in the object.
- function count();
+ function count() {/**/}
+ /** @copydoc Iterator::rewind */
+ function rewind() {/**/}
+ /** @copydoc Iterator::valid */
+ function valid() {/**/}
+ /** @copydoc Iterator::current */
+ function current() {/**/}
+ /** @copydoc Iterator::key */
+ function key() {/**/}
+ /** @copydoc Iterator::next */
+ function next() {/**/}
/** @ingroup SPL
* @param $file_name path or file name
- function __construct($file_name);
+ function __construct($file_name) {/**/}
/** @return the path part only.
- function getPath();
+ function getPath() {/**/}
/** @return the filename only.
- function getFilename();
+ function getFilename() {/**/}
/** @return SplFileInfo created for the file
* @param class_name name of class to instantiate
* @see SplFileInfo::setInfoClass()
- function getFileInfo(string class_name = NULL);
+ function getFileInfo(string class_name = NULL) {/**/}
/** @return The current entries path and file name.
- function getPathname();
+ function getPathname() {/**/}
/** @return SplFileInfo created for the path
* @param class_name name of class to instantiate
* @see SplFileInfo::setInfoClass()
- function getPathInfo(string class_name = NULL);
+ function getPathInfo(string class_name = NULL) {/**/}
/** @return The current entry's permissions.
- function getPerms();
+ function getPerms() {/**/}
/** @return The current entry's inode.
- function getInode();
+ function getInode() {/**/}
/** @return The current entry's size in bytes .
- function getSize();
+ function getSize() {/**/}
/** @return The current entry's owner name.
- function getOwner();
+ function getOwner() {/**/}
/** @return The current entry's group name.
- function getGroup();
+ function getGroup() {/**/}
/** @return The current entry's last access time.
- function getATime();
+ function getATime() {/**/}
/** @return The current entry's last modification time.
- function getMTime();
+ function getMTime() {/**/}
/** @return The current entry's last change time.
- function getCTime();
+ function getCTime() {/**/}
/** @return The current entry's size in bytes .
- function getType();
+ function getType() {/**/}
/** @return Whether the current entry is writeable.
- function isWritable();
+ function isWritable() {/**/}
/** @return Whether the current entry is readable.
- function isReadable();
+ function isReadable() {/**/}
/** @return Whether the current entry is executable.
- function isExecutable();
+ function isExecutable() {/**/}
/** @return Whether the current entry is .
- function isFile();
+ function isFile() {/**/}
/** @return Whether the current entry is a directory.
- function isDir();
+ function isDir() {/**/}
/** @return whether the current entry is a link.
- function isLink();
+ function isLink() {/**/}
/** @return getPathname()
- function __toString();
+ function __toString() {/**/}
/** Open the current file as a SplFileObject instance
* @see SplFileInfo::setFileClass()
* @see file()
- function openFile($mode = 'r', $use_include_path = false, $context = NULL);
+ function openFile($mode = 'r', $use_include_path = false, $context = NULL) {/**/}
/** @param class_name name of class used with openFile(). Must be derived
* from SPLFileObject.
- function setFileClass(string class_name = "SplFileObject");
+ function setFileClass(string class_name = "SplFileObject") {/**/}
/** @param class_name name of class used with getFileInfo(), getPathInfo(),
* getSubPathInfo(). Must be derived from SplFileInfo.
- function setInfoClass(string class_name = "SplFileInfo");
+ function setInfoClass(string class_name = "SplFileInfo") {/**/}
/** @ingroup SPL
* @param $path directory to iterate.
- function __construct($path);
+ function __construct($path) {/**/}
/** @return index of entry
- function key();
+ function key() {/**/}
/** @return $this
- function current();
+ function current() {/**/}
/** @return Whether the current entry is either '.' or '..'.
- function isDot();
+ function isDot() {/**/}
/** @return whether the current entry is a link.
- function isLink();
+ function isLink() {/**/}
/** @return getFilename()
- function __toString();
+ function __toString() {/**/}
/** @ingroup SPL
- function __construct($path, $flags = 0);
+ function __construct($path, $flags = 0) {/**/}
/** @return getPathname() or getFilename() depending on flags
- function key();
+ function key() {/**/}
/** @return getFilename() or getFileInfo() depending on flags
- function current();
+ function current() {/**/}
/** @return whether the current is a directory (not '.' or '..').
- function hasChildren();
+ function hasChildren() {/**/}
/** @return a RecursiveDirectoryIterator for the current entry.
- function getChildren();
+ function getChildren() {/**/}
/** @return sub path only (without main path)
- function getSubPath();
+ function getSubPath() {/**/}
/** @return the current sub path
- function getSubPathname();
+ function getSubPathname() {/**/}
/** @return SplFileInfo created for the current sub path
* @param class_name name of class to instantiate
* @see SplFileInfo::setInfoClass()
- function getSubPathInfo(string $class_name = NULL);
+ function getSubPathInfo(string $class_name = NULL) {/**/}
/** @return whether the current node has sub nodes.
- function hasChildren();
+ function hasChildren() {/**/}
/** @return a SimpleXMLIterator for the current node.
- function getChildren();
+ function getChildren() {/**/}
/** @return number of elements/attributes seen with foreach()
- function count();
+ function count() {/**/}
/** @ingroup SPL