?? ??? 2016, PHP 7.1.0
- Core:
++ . Added nullable types. (Levi, Dmitry)
+ . Added DFA optimization framework based on e-SSA form. (Dmitry, Nikita)
+ . Added specialized opcode handlers (e.g. ZEND_ADD_LONG_NO_OVERFLOW).
+ (Dmitry)
. Change statement and fcall extension handlers to accept frame. (Joe)
. Implemented safe execution timeout handling, that prevents rundom crashes
after "Maximum execution time exceeded" error. (Dmitry)
%type <ast> non_empty_parameter_list argument_list non_empty_argument_list property_list
%type <ast> class_const_list class_const_decl name_list trait_adaptations method_body non_empty_for_exprs
%type <ast> ctor_arguments alt_if_stmt_without_else trait_adaptation_list lexical_vars
-%type <ast> lexical_var_list encaps_list array_pair_list non_empty_array_pair_list
-%type <ast> assignment_list unkeyed_assignment_list keyed_assignment_list
+%type <ast> lexical_var_list encaps_list
+%type <ast> array_pair non_empty_array_pair_list array_pair_list
- %type <ast> isset_variable type return_type
+ %type <ast> isset_variable type return_type type_expr
%type <ast> identifier
%type <num> returns_ref function is_reference is_variadic variable_modifiers