Problem: Cannot use reduce() for a string.
Solution: Make reduce() work with a string. (Naruhiko Nishino, closes #9366)
reduce({object}, {func} [, {initial}]) *reduce()* *E998*
{func} is called for every item in {object}, which can be a
- |List| or a |Blob|. {func} is called with two arguments: the
- result so far and current item. After processing all items
- the result is returned.
+ |String|, |List| or a |Blob|. {func} is called with two arguments:
+ the result so far and current item. After processing all
+ items the result is returned.
{initial} is the initial result. When omitted, the first item
in {object} is used and {func} is first called for the second
echo reduce([1, 3, 5], { acc, val -> acc + val })
echo reduce(['x', 'y'], { acc, val -> acc .. val }, 'a')
echo reduce(0z1122, { acc, val -> 2 * acc + val })
+ echo reduce('xyz', { acc, val -> acc .. ',' .. val })
Can also be used as a |method|: >
echo mylist->reduce({ acc, val -> acc + val }, 0)
EXTERN char e_argument_of_str_must_be_list_string_dictionary_or_blob[]
INIT(= N_("E1250: Argument of %s must be a List, String, Dictionary or Blob"));
EXTERN char e_list_dict_blob_or_string_required_for_argument_nr[]
- INIT(= N_("E1228: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument %d"));
+ INIT(= N_("E1251: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument %d"));
+EXTERN char e_string_list_or_blob_required_for_argument_nr[]
+ INIT(= N_("E1252: String, List or Blob required for argument %d"));
+EXTERN char e_string_expected_for_argument_nr[]
+ INIT(= N_("E1253: String expected for argument %d"));
return FAIL;
+ * Check "type" is a list of 'any' or a blob or a string.
+ */
+ static int
+arg_string_list_or_blob(type_T *type, argcontext_T *context)
+ if (type->tt_type == VAR_ANY
+ || type->tt_type == VAR_LIST
+ || type->tt_type == VAR_BLOB
+ || type->tt_type == VAR_STRING)
+ return OK;
+ arg_type_mismatch(&t_list_any, type, context->arg_idx + 1);
+ return FAIL;
* Check "type" is a job.
static argcheck_T arg25_matchadd[] = {arg_string, arg_string, arg_number, arg_number, arg_dict_any};
static argcheck_T arg25_matchaddpos[] = {arg_string, arg_list_any, arg_number, arg_number, arg_dict_any};
static argcheck_T arg119_printf[] = {arg_string_or_nr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
-static argcheck_T arg23_reduce[] = {arg_list_or_blob, NULL, NULL};
+static argcheck_T arg23_reduce[] = {arg_string_list_or_blob, NULL, NULL};
static argcheck_T arg24_remote_expr[] = {arg_string, arg_string, arg_string, arg_number};
static argcheck_T arg23_remove[] = {arg_list_or_dict_or_blob, arg_remove2, arg_number};
static argcheck_T arg2_repeat[] = {arg_repeat1, arg_number};
return ALLOC_ONE(listitem_T);
+ * Make a typval_T of the first character of "input" and store it in "output".
+ * Return OK or FAIL.
+ */
+ static int
+tv_get_first_char(char_u *input, typval_T *output)
+ char_u buf[MB_MAXBYTES + 1];
+ int len;
+ if (input == NULL || output == NULL)
+ return FAIL;
+ len = has_mbyte ? mb_ptr2len(input) : 1;
+ STRNCPY(buf, input, len);
+ buf[len] = NUL;
+ output->v_type = VAR_STRING;
+ output->vval.v_string = vim_strsave(buf);
+ return output->vval.v_string == NULL ? FAIL : OK;
* Free a list item, unless it was allocated together with the list itself.
* Does not clear the value. Does not notify watchers.
char_u *p;
typval_T tv;
garray_T ga;
- char_u buf[MB_MAXBYTES + 1];
int len;
// set_vim_var_nr() doesn't set the type
typval_T newtv;
- if (has_mbyte)
- len = mb_ptr2len(p);
- else
- len = 1;
- STRNCPY(buf, p, len);
- buf[len] = NUL;
- tv.v_type = VAR_STRING;
- tv.vval.v_string = vim_strsave(buf);
+ if (tv_get_first_char(p, &tv) == FAIL)
+ break;
+ len = STRLEN(tv.vval.v_string);
set_vim_var_nr(VV_KEY, idx);
if (filter_map_one(&tv, expr, filtermap, &newtv, &rem) == FAIL
partial_T *partial = NULL;
funcexe_T funcexe;
typval_T argv[3];
+ int r;
+ int called_emsg_start = called_emsg;
- if (argvars[0].v_type != VAR_LIST && argvars[0].v_type != VAR_BLOB)
- {
- emsg(_(e_listblobreq));
+ if (in_vim9script()
+ && check_for_string_or_list_or_blob_arg(argvars, 0) == FAIL)
- }
+ if (argvars[0].v_type != VAR_STRING
+ && argvars[0].v_type != VAR_LIST
+ && argvars[0].v_type != VAR_BLOB)
+ semsg(_(e_string_list_or_blob_required), "reduce()");
if (argvars[1].v_type == VAR_FUNC)
func_name = argvars[1].vval.v_string;
list_T *l = argvars[0].vval.v_list;
listitem_T *li = NULL;
- int r;
- int called_emsg_start = called_emsg;
if (l != NULL)
l->lv_lock = prev_locked;
+ else if (argvars[0].v_type == VAR_STRING)
+ {
+ char_u *p = tv_get_string(&argvars[0]);
+ int len;
+ if (argvars[2].v_type == VAR_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ if (*p == NUL)
+ {
+ semsg(_(e_reduceempty), "String");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tv_get_first_char(p, rettv) == FAIL)
+ return;
+ p += STRLEN(rettv->vval.v_string);
+ }
+ else if (argvars[2].v_type != VAR_STRING)
+ {
+ semsg(_(e_string_expected_for_argument_nr), 3);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ copy_tv(&argvars[2], rettv);
+ for ( ; *p != NUL; p += len)
+ {
+ argv[0] = *rettv;
+ if (tv_get_first_char(p, &argv[1]) == FAIL)
+ break;
+ len = STRLEN(argv[1].vval.v_string);
+ r = call_func(func_name, -1, rettv, 2, argv, &funcexe);
+ clear_tv(&argv[0]);
+ clear_tv(&argv[1]);
+ if (r == FAIL || called_emsg != called_emsg_start)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
blob_T *b = argvars[0].vval.v_blob;
int check_for_opt_string_or_number_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
int check_for_string_or_blob_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
int check_for_string_or_list_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
+int check_for_string_or_list_or_blob_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
int check_for_opt_string_or_list_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
int check_for_string_or_dict_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
int check_for_string_or_number_or_list_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
" Tests for the List and Dict types
+scriptencoding utf-8
source vim9.vim
call assert_fails("call sort([1, 2], function('min'))", "E118:")
-" reduce a list or a blob
+" reduce a list, blob or string
func Test_reduce()
let lines =<< trim END
call assert_equal(1, reduce([], LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc + val LEND, 1))
call assert_equal(0xff, reduce(0zff, LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc + val LEND))
call assert_equal(2 * (2 * 0xaf + 0xbf) + 0xcf, reduce(0zAFBFCF, LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE 2 * acc + val LEND))
+ call assert_equal('x,y,z', 'xyz'->reduce(LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc .. ',' .. val LEND))
+ call assert_equal('', ''->reduce(LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc .. ',' .. val LEND, ''))
+ call assert_equal('あ,い,う,え,お,😊,💕', 'あいうえお😊💕'->reduce(LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc .. ',' .. val LEND))
+ call assert_equal('😊,あ,い,う,え,お,💕', 'あいうえお💕'->reduce(LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc .. ',' .. val LEND, '😊'))
+ call assert_equal('ऊ,ॠ,ॡ', reduce('ऊॠॡ', LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc .. ',' .. val LEND))
+ call assert_equal('c,à,t', reduce('càt', LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc .. ',' .. val LEND))
+ call assert_equal('Å,s,t,r,ö,m', reduce('Åström', LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc .. ',' .. val LEND))
+ call assert_equal('Å,s,t,r,ö,m', reduce('Åström', LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc .. ',' .. val LEND))
+ call assert_equal(',a,b,c', reduce('abc', LSTART acc, val LMIDDLE acc .. ',' .. val LEND, test_null_string()))
call CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)
call assert_fails("call reduce([], { acc, val -> acc + val })", 'E998: Reduce of an empty List with no initial value')
call assert_fails("call reduce(0z, { acc, val -> acc + val })", 'E998: Reduce of an empty Blob with no initial value')
+ call assert_fails("call reduce('', { acc, val -> acc + val })", 'E998: Reduce of an empty String with no initial value')
+ call assert_fails("call reduce(test_null_string(), { acc, val -> acc + val })", 'E998: Reduce of an empty String with no initial value')
- call assert_fails("call reduce({}, { acc, val -> acc + val }, 1)", 'E897:')
- call assert_fails("call reduce(0, { acc, val -> acc + val }, 1)", 'E897:')
- call assert_fails("call reduce('', { acc, val -> acc + val }, 1)", 'E897:')
+ call assert_fails("call reduce({}, { acc, val -> acc + val }, 1)", 'E1098:')
+ call assert_fails("call reduce(0, { acc, val -> acc + val }, 1)", 'E1098:')
call assert_fails("call reduce([1, 2], 'Xdoes_not_exist')", 'E117:')
call assert_fails("echo reduce(0z01, { acc, val -> 2 * acc + val }, '')", 'E39:')
+ call assert_fails("vim9 reduce(0, (acc, val) => (acc .. val), '')", 'E1252:')
+ call assert_fails("vim9 reduce({}, (acc, val) => (acc .. val), '')", 'E1252:')
+ call assert_fails("vim9 reduce(0.1, (acc, val) => (acc .. val), '')", 'E1252:')
+ call assert_fails("vim9 reduce(function('tr'), (acc, val) => (acc .. val), '')", 'E1252:')
+ call assert_fails("call reduce('', { acc, val -> acc + val }, 1)", 'E1253:')
+ call assert_fails("call reduce('', { acc, val -> acc + val }, {})", 'E1253:')
+ call assert_fails("call reduce('', { acc, val -> acc + val }, 0.1)", 'E1253:')
+ call assert_fails("call reduce('', { acc, val -> acc + val }, function('tr'))", 'E1253:')
let g:lut = [1, 2, 3, 4]
func EvilRemove()
call remove(g:lut, 1)
def Test_filter()
- CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['filter(1.1, "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got float', 'E1228: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument 1')
+ CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['filter(1.1, "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got float', 'E1251: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument 1')
assert_equal([], filter([1, 2, 3], '0'))
assert_equal([1, 2, 3], filter([1, 2, 3], '1'))
assert_equal({b: 20}, filter({a: 10, b: 20}, 'v:val == 20'))
def Test_map()
if has('channel')
- CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['map(test_null_channel(), "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got channel', 'E1228: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument 1')
+ CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['map(test_null_channel(), "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got channel', 'E1251: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument 1')
- CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['map(1, "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got number', 'E1228: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument 1')
+ CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['map(1, "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got number', 'E1251: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument 1')
def Test_map_failure()
def Test_mapnew()
if has('channel')
- CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['mapnew(test_null_job(), "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got job', 'E1228: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument 1')
+ CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['mapnew(test_null_job(), "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got job', 'E1251: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument 1')
- CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['mapnew(1, "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got number', 'E1228: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument 1')
+ CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['mapnew(1, "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got number', 'E1251: List, Dictionary, Blob or String required for argument 1')
def Test_mapset()
def Test_reduce()
- CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['reduce({a: 10}, "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got dict<number>', 'E897: List or Blob required')
+ CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['reduce({a: 10}, "1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list<any> but got dict<number>', 'E1252: String, List or Blob required for argument 1')
assert_equal(6, [1, 2, 3]->reduce((r, c) => r + c, 0))
assert_equal(11, 0z0506->reduce((r, c) => r + c, 0))
return OK;
+ * Give an error and return FAIL unless "args[idx]" is a string, a list or a
+ * blob.
+ */
+ int
+check_for_string_or_list_or_blob_arg(typval_T *args, int idx)
+ if (args[idx].v_type != VAR_STRING
+ && args[idx].v_type != VAR_LIST
+ && args[idx].v_type != VAR_BLOB)
+ {
+ semsg(_(e_string_list_or_blob_required_for_argument_nr), idx + 1);
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ return OK;
* Check for an optional string or list argument at 'idx'
&& args[idx].v_type != VAR_NUMBER
&& args[idx].v_type != VAR_LIST)
- if (idx >= 0)
- semsg(_(e_string_number_or_list_required_for_argument_nr), idx + 1);
- else
- emsg(_(e_stringreq));
+ semsg(_(e_string_number_or_list_required_for_argument_nr), idx + 1);
return FAIL;
return OK;
if (args[idx].v_type != VAR_LIST && args[idx].v_type != VAR_BLOB)
- if (idx >= 0)
- semsg(_(e_list_or_blob_required_for_argument_nr), idx + 1);
- else
- emsg(_(e_listreq));
+ semsg(_(e_list_or_blob_required_for_argument_nr), idx + 1);
return FAIL;
return OK;
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 3848,