get_url :: binary(),
service_url :: binary() | undefined,
thumbnail :: boolean(),
+ custom_headers :: [{binary(), binary()}],
slots = #{} :: map()}).
GetURL = gen_mod:get_opt(get_url, Opts, PutURL),
ServiceURL = gen_mod:get_opt(service_url, Opts),
Thumbnail = gen_mod:get_opt(thumbnail, Opts, true),
+ CustomHeaders = gen_mod:get_opt(custom_headers, Opts, []),
DocRoot1 = expand_home(str:strip(DocRoot, right, $/)),
DocRoot2 = expand_host(DocRoot1, ServerHost),
case DirMode of
docroot = DocRoot2,
put_url = expand_host(str:strip(PutURL, right, $/), ServerHost),
get_url = expand_host(str:strip(GetURL, right, $/), ServerHost),
- service_url = ServiceURL}}.
+ service_url = ServiceURL,
+ custom_headers = CustomHeaders}}.
-spec handle_call(_, {pid(), _}, state())
-> {reply, {ok, pos_integer(), binary(),
pos_integer() | undefined}, state()} |
{reply, {error, atom()}, state()} | {noreply, state()}.
-handle_call({use_slot, Slot, Size}, _From, #state{file_mode = FileMode,
- dir_mode = DirMode,
- get_url = GetPrefix,
- thumbnail = Thumbnail,
- docroot = DocRoot} = State) ->
+handle_call({use_slot, Slot, Size}, _From,
+ #state{file_mode = FileMode,
+ dir_mode = DirMode,
+ get_url = GetPrefix,
+ thumbnail = Thumbnail,
+ custom_headers = CustomHeaders,
+ docroot = DocRoot} = State) ->
case get_slot(Slot, State) of
{ok, {Size, Timer}} ->
NewState = del_slot(Slot, State),
Path = str:join([DocRoot | Slot], <<$/>>),
- {reply, {ok, Path, FileMode, DirMode, GetPrefix, Thumbnail},
+ {reply,
+ {ok, Path, FileMode, DirMode, GetPrefix, Thumbnail, CustomHeaders},
{ok, {_WrongSize, _Timer}} ->
{reply, {error, size_mismatch}, State};
error ->
{reply, {error, invalid_slot}, State}
-handle_call(get_docroot, _From, #state{docroot = DocRoot} = State) ->
- {reply, {ok, DocRoot}, State};
+handle_call(get_conf, _From,
+ #state{docroot = DocRoot,
+ custom_headers = CustomHeaders} = State) ->
+ {reply, {ok, DocRoot, CustomHeaders}, State};
handle_call(Request, From, State) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected request from ~p: ~p", [From, Request]),
{noreply, State}.
Method == 'HEAD' ->
?DEBUG("Rejecting ~s request from ~s for ~s: Too few path components",
[Method, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),
- http_response(Host, 404);
+ http_response(404);
process(_LocalPath, #request{method = 'PUT', host = Host, ip = IP,
data = Data} = Request) ->
{Proc, Slot} = parse_http_request(Request),
case catch gen_server:call(Proc, {use_slot, Slot, byte_size(Data)}) of
- {ok, Path, FileMode, DirMode, GetPrefix, Thumbnail} ->
+ {ok, Path, FileMode, DirMode, GetPrefix, Thumbnail, CustomHeaders} ->
?DEBUG("Storing file from ~s for ~s: ~s",
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, Path]),
case store_file(Path, Data, FileMode, DirMode,
GetPrefix, Slot, Thumbnail) of
ok ->
- http_response(Host, 201);
+ http_response(201, CustomHeaders);
{ok, Headers, OutData} ->
- http_response(Host, 201, Headers, OutData);
+ http_response(201, Headers ++ CustomHeaders, OutData);
{error, Error} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Cannot store file ~s from ~s for ~s: ~p",
[Path, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, ?FORMAT(Error)]),
- http_response(Host, 500)
+ http_response(500)
{error, size_mismatch} ->
?INFO_MSG("Rejecting file from ~s for ~s: Unexpected size (~B)",
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, byte_size(Data)]),
- http_response(Host, 413);
+ http_response(413);
{error, invalid_slot} ->
?INFO_MSG("Rejecting file from ~s for ~s: Invalid slot",
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),
- http_response(Host, 403);
+ http_response(403);
Error ->
?ERROR_MSG("Cannot handle PUT request from ~s for ~s: ~p",
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, Error]),
- http_response(Host, 500)
+ http_response(500)
process(_LocalPath, #request{method = Method, host = Host, ip = IP} = Request)
when Method == 'GET';
Method == 'HEAD' ->
{Proc, [_UserDir, _RandDir, FileName] = Slot} = parse_http_request(Request),
- case catch gen_server:call(Proc, get_docroot) of
- {ok, DocRoot} ->
+ case catch gen_server:call(Proc, get_conf) of
+ {ok, DocRoot, CustomHeaders} ->
Path = str:join([DocRoot | Slot], <<$/>>),
case file:read_file(Path) of
{ok, Data} ->
$", FileName/binary, $">>}]
Headers2 = [{<<"Content-Type">>, ContentType} | Headers1],
- http_response(Host, 200, Headers2, Data);
+ Headers3 = Headers2 ++ CustomHeaders,
+ http_response(200, Headers3, Data);
{error, eacces} ->
?INFO_MSG("Cannot serve ~s to ~s: Permission denied",
[Path, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP)]),
- http_response(Host, 403);
+ http_response(403);
{error, enoent} ->
?INFO_MSG("Cannot serve ~s to ~s: No such file",
[Path, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP)]),
- http_response(Host, 404);
+ http_response(404);
{error, eisdir} ->
?INFO_MSG("Cannot serve ~s to ~s: Is a directory",
[Path, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP)]),
- http_response(Host, 404);
+ http_response(404);
{error, Error} ->
?INFO_MSG("Cannot serve ~s to ~s: ~s",
[Path, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), ?FORMAT(Error)]),
- http_response(Host, 500)
+ http_response(500)
Error ->
?ERROR_MSG("Cannot handle ~s request from ~s for ~s: ~p",
[Method, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, Error]),
- http_response(Host, 500)
+ http_response(500)
-process(_LocalPath, #request{method = 'OPTIONS', host = Host, ip = IP}) ->
+process(_LocalPath, #request{method = 'OPTIONS', host = Host,
+ ip = IP} = Request) ->
?DEBUG("Responding to OPTIONS request from ~s for ~s",
[?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),
- http_response(Host, 200);
+ {Proc, _Slot} = parse_http_request(Request),
+ case catch gen_server:call(Proc, get_conf) of
+ {ok, _DocRoot, CustomHeaders} ->
+ http_response(200, CustomHeaders);
+ Error ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Cannot handle OPTIONS request from ~s for ~s: ~p",
+ [?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host, Error]),
+ http_response(500)
+ end;
process(_LocalPath, #request{method = Method, host = Host, ip = IP}) ->
?DEBUG("Rejecting ~s request from ~s for ~s",
[Method, ?ADDR_TO_STR(IP), Host]),
- http_response(Host, 405, [{<<"Allow">>, <<"OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, PUT">>}]).
+ http_response(405, [{<<"Allow">>, <<"OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, PUT">>}]).
%% Exported utility functions.
--spec http_response(binary(), 100..599)
+-spec http_response(100..599)
-> {pos_integer(), [{binary(), binary()}], binary()}.
-http_response(Host, Code) ->
- http_response(Host, Code, []).
+http_response(Code) ->
+ http_response(Code, []).
--spec http_response(binary(), 100..599, [{binary(), binary()}])
+-spec http_response(100..599, [{binary(), binary()}])
-> {pos_integer(), [{binary(), binary()}], binary()}.
-http_response(Host, Code, ExtraHeaders) ->
+http_response(Code, ExtraHeaders) ->
Message = <<(code_to_message(Code))/binary, $\n>>,
- http_response(Host, Code, ExtraHeaders, Message).
+ http_response(Code, ExtraHeaders, Message).
--spec http_response(binary(), 100..599, [{binary(), binary()}], binary())
+-spec http_response(100..599, [{binary(), binary()}], binary())
-> {pos_integer(), [{binary(), binary()}], binary()}.
-http_response(Host, Code, ExtraHeaders, Body) ->
- CustomHeaders = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, custom_headers, []),
+http_response(Code, ExtraHeaders, Body) ->
Headers = case proplists:is_defined(<<"Content-Type">>, ExtraHeaders) of
true ->
false ->
[{<<"Content-Type">>, <<"text/plain">>} | ExtraHeaders]
- end ++ CustomHeaders,
+ end,
{Code, Headers, Body}.
-spec code_to_message(100..599) -> binary().