puts stderr "Weird! Non-zero index $index for non-indexed color"
- set ALL_SIMPLECOLORS($value) $ALL_RANGESETS($rangeset)
+ foreach {m1_range} $ALL_RANGESETS($rangeset) {
+ foreach {m1 range} $m1_range {break}
+ foreach {color schemes} $m1 {break}
+ if {$range != 1} {
+ puts stderr "Weird! Range $range != 1 for non-indexed color"
+ exit
+ }
+ lappend ALL_ALTS($color) [list $value $schemes]
+ }
set cnt 0
set last_color $color
+ set ALL_ALTS_coded($color) $SZT_RANGES
set scheme_bits 0
foreach {scheme} $schemes {
tab_finalize "};\n"
#accumulate altsets for all non-indexed colors
-if {0} {
-foreach {color} [lsort -ascii [map1 C_RIV]] {
- set altset [list]
- foreach {m2} [lsort -dictionary [map1m2 C_RIV $color]] {
- foreach {RIV schemes} $m2 {break}
- foreach {range index value} $RIV {break}
- if {$range != 1 || $index != 0} {continue}
- lappend altset $m2
- }
- if {[llength $altset]} {
- lappend ALL_ALTSETS($altset) $color
- }
+foreach {color} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_ALTS]] {
+ lappend ALL_ALTSETS($ALL_ALTS($color)) $color
-} {
-foreach {color} [lsort -ascii [map1 C_RIV]] {
- set altset [lsort -dictionary [map1m2 C_RIV $color]]
- lappend ALL_ALTSETS($altset) $color
# generate TAB_ALTS
set SZT_ALTS 0
tab_initialize $f {set first_idx} {set aliases} \
puts stderr "shouldn't happen - has to be at least one alt in an altset"
1 {
- foreach {m2} $altset {break}
- foreach {RIV schemes} $m2 {break}
- foreach {range index value} $RIV {break}
- if {$range != 1} {continue}
+ foreach {value_schemes} $altset {break}
+ foreach {value schemes} $value_schemes {break}
set scheme_bits 0
foreach {scheme} $schemes {
foreach {scheme_idx scheme_bit} $ALL_SCHEMES_coded($scheme) {break}
default {
set first_idx $SZT_ALTS
- foreach {m2} $altset {
- foreach {RIV schemes} $m2 {break}
- foreach {range index value} $RIV {break}
- if {$range != 1} {continue}
+ foreach {value_schemes} $altset {
+ foreach {value schemes} $value_schemes {break}
set scheme_bits 0
foreach {scheme} $schemes {
foreach {scheme_idx scheme_bit} $ALL_SCHEMES_coded($scheme) {break}
tab_finalize "};\n"
-print_first ALL_ALTS_coded
# generate TAB_NAMES
tab_initialize $f {set SZT_NAMES} {set color} \