\section{Built-in Module \sectcode{marshal}}
This module contains functions that can read and write Python
values in a binary format. The format is specific to Python, but
independent of machine architecture issues (e.g., you can write a
The module defines these functions:
-\setindexsubitem{(in module marshal)}
-\begin{funcdesc}{dump}{value\, file}
+\begin{funcdesc}{dump}{value, file}
Write the value on the open file. The value must be a supported
type. The file must be an open file object such as
\code{sys.stdout} or returned by \function{open()} or
If the value has (or contains an object that has) an unsupported type,
- a \exception{ValueError} exception is raised -- but garbage data
+ a \exception{ValueError} exception is raised --- but garbage data
will also be written to the file. The object will not be properly
read back by \function{load()}.
is read, raise \exception{EOFError}, \exception{ValueError} or
\exception{TypeError}. The file must be an open file object.
- Warning: If an object containing an unsupported type was marshalled
- with \function{dump()}, \function{load()} will substitute
+ \strong{Warning:} If an object containing an unsupported type was
+ marshalled with \function{dump()}, \function{load()} will substitute
\code{None} for the unmarshallable type.
\section{Built-in Module \sectcode{marshal}}
This module contains functions that can read and write Python
values in a binary format. The format is specific to Python, but
independent of machine architecture issues (e.g., you can write a
The module defines these functions:
-\setindexsubitem{(in module marshal)}
-\begin{funcdesc}{dump}{value\, file}
+\begin{funcdesc}{dump}{value, file}
Write the value on the open file. The value must be a supported
type. The file must be an open file object such as
\code{sys.stdout} or returned by \function{open()} or
If the value has (or contains an object that has) an unsupported type,
- a \exception{ValueError} exception is raised -- but garbage data
+ a \exception{ValueError} exception is raised --- but garbage data
will also be written to the file. The object will not be properly
read back by \function{load()}.
is read, raise \exception{EOFError}, \exception{ValueError} or
\exception{TypeError}. The file must be an open file object.
- Warning: If an object containing an unsupported type was marshalled
- with \function{dump()}, \function{load()} will substitute
+ \strong{Warning:} If an object containing an unsupported type was
+ marshalled with \function{dump()}, \function{load()} will substitute
\code{None} for the unmarshallable type.