"error" ->
_ ->
- ErrText = "Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference",
- Err = jlib:make_error_reply(
- Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)),
- ejabberd_router:route(StateData#state.jid, From, Err)
+ handle_roommessage_from_nonparticipant(Packet, Lang, StateData, From)
{next_state, normal_state, StateData}
+%% Handle a message sent to the room by a non-participant.
+%% If it is a decline, send to the inviter.
+%% Otherwise, an error message is sent to the sender.
+handle_roommessage_from_nonparticipant(Packet, Lang, StateData, From) ->
+ case catch check_decline_invitation(Packet) of
+ {true, Decline_data} ->
+ send_decline_invitation(Decline_data, StateData#state.jid);
+ _ ->
+ send_error_only_occupants(Packet, Lang, StateData#state.jid, From)
+ end.
+%% Check in the packet is a decline.
+%% If so, also returns the splitted packet.
+%% This function must be catched,
+%% because it crashes when the packet is not a decline message.
+check_decline_invitation(Packet) ->
+ {xmlelement, "message", PAttrs, _} = Packet,
+ XEl = xml:get_subtag(Packet, "x"),
+ ?NS_MUC_USER = xml:get_tag_attr_s("xmlns", XEl),
+ DEl = xml:get_subtag(XEl, "decline"),
+ {value, FromString} = xml:get_attr("from", PAttrs),
+ ToString = xml:get_tag_attr_s("to", DEl),
+ ToJID = jlib:string_to_jid(ToString),
+ {true, {Packet, XEl, DEl, FromString, ToJID}}.
+%% Send the decline to the inviter user.
+%% The original stanza must be slightly modified.
+send_decline_invitation({Packet, XEl, DEl, FromString, ToJID}, RoomJID) ->
+ {xmlelement, "decline", DAttrs, DEls} = DEl,
+ DAttrs2 = lists:keydelete("to", 1, DAttrs),
+ DAttrs3 = [{"from", FromString} | DAttrs2],
+ DEl2 = {xmlelement, "decline", DAttrs3, DEls},
+ XEl2 = replace_subelement(XEl, DEl2),
+ Packet2 = replace_subelement(Packet, XEl2),
+ ejabberd_router:route(RoomJID, ToJID, Packet2).
+%% Given an element and a new subelement,
+%% replace the instance of the subelement in element with the new subelement.
+replace_subelement({xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubEls}, NewSubEl) ->
+ {_, NameNewSubEl, _, _} = NewSubEl,
+ SubEls2 = lists:keyreplace(NameNewSubEl, 2, SubEls, NewSubEl),
+ {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubEls2}.
+send_error_only_occupants(Packet, Lang, RoomJID, From) ->
+ ErrText = "Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference",
+ Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERRT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE(Lang, ErrText)),
+ ejabberd_router:route(RoomJID, From, Err).
% Logging