``7bit``, non-ascii binary data is CTE encoded using the ``unknown-8bit``
charset. Otherwise the original source header is used, with its existing
line breaks and and any (RFC invalid) binary data it may contain.
+.. note::
+ The remainder of the classes documented below are included in the standard
+ library on a :term:`provisional basis <provisional package>`. Backwards
+ incompatible changes (up to and including removal of the feature) may occur
+ if deemed necessary by the core developers.
+.. class:: EmailPolicy(**kw)
+ This concrete :class:`Policy` provides behavior that is intended to be fully
+ compliant with the current email RFCs. These include (but are not limited
+ to) :rfc:`5322`, :rfc:`2047`, and the current MIME RFCs.
+ This policy adds new header parsing and folding algorithms. Instead of
+ simple strings, headers are custom objects with custom attributes depending
+ on the type of the field. The parsing and folding algorithm fully implement
+ :rfc:`2047` and :rfc:`5322`.
+ In addition to the settable attributes listed above that apply to all
+ policies, this policy adds the following additional attributes:
+ .. attribute:: refold_source
+ If the value for a header in the ``Message`` object originated from a
+ :mod:`~email.parser` (as opposed to being set by a program), this
+ attribute indicates whether or not a generator should refold that value
+ when transforming the message back into stream form. The possible values
+ are:
+ ======== ===============================================================
+ ``none`` all source values use original folding
+ ``long`` source values that have any line that is longer than
+ ``max_line_length`` will be refolded
+ ``all`` all values are refolded.
+ ======== ===============================================================
+ The default is ``long``.
+ .. attribute:: header_factory
+ A callable that takes two arguments, ``name`` and ``value``, where
+ ``name`` is a header field name and ``value`` is an unfolded header field
+ value, and returns a string-like object that represents that header. A
+ default ``header_factory`` is provided that understands some of the
+ :RFC:`5322` header field types. (Currently address fields and date
+ fields have special treatment, while all other fields are treated as
+ unstructured. This list will be completed before the extension is marked
+ stable.)
+ The class provides the following concrete implementations of the abstract
+ methods of :class:`Policy`:
+ .. method:: header_source_parse(sourcelines)
+ The implementation of this method is the same as that for the
+ :class:`Compat32` policy.
+ .. method:: header_store_parse(name, value)
+ The name is returned unchanged. If the input value has a ``name``
+ attribute and it matches *name* ignoring case, the value is returned
+ unchanged. Otherwise the *name* and *value* are passed to
+ ``header_factory``, and the resulting custom header object is returned as
+ the value. In this case a ``ValueError`` is raised if the input value
+ contains CR or LF characters.
+ .. method:: header_fetch_parse(name, value)
+ If the value has a ``name`` attribute, it is returned to unmodified.
+ Otherwise the *name*, and the *value* with any CR or LF characters
+ removed, are passed to the ``header_factory``, and the resulting custom
+ header object is returned. Any surrogateescaped bytes get turned into
+ the unicode unknown-character glyph.
+ .. method:: fold(name, value)
+ Header folding is controlled by the :attr:`refold_source` policy setting.
+ A value is considered to be a 'source value' if and only if it does not
+ have a ``name`` attribute (having a ``name`` attribute means it is a
+ header object of some sort). If a source value needs to be refolded
+ according to the policy, it is converted into a custom header object by
+ passing the *name* and the *value* with any CR and LF characters removed
+ to the ``header_factory``. Folding of a custom header object is done by
+ calling its ``fold`` method with the current policy.
+ Source values are split into lines using :meth:`~str.splitlines`. If
+ the value is not to be refolded, the lines are rejoined using the
+ ``linesep`` from the policy and returned. The exception is lines
+ containing non-ascii binary data. In that case the value is refolded
+ regardless of the ``refold_source`` setting, which causes the binary data
+ to be CTE encoded using the ``unknown-8bit`` charset.
+ .. method:: fold_binary(name, value)
+ The same as :meth:`fold` if :attr:`cte_type` is ``7bit``, except that
+ the returned value is bytes.
+ If :attr:`cte_type` is ``8bit``, non-ASCII binary data is converted back
+ into bytes. Headers with binary data are not refolded, regardless of the
+ ``refold_header`` setting, since there is no way to know whether the
+ binary data consists of single byte characters or multibyte characters.
+The following instances of :class:`EmailPolicy` provide defaults suitable for
+specific application domains. Note that in the future the behavior of these
+instances (in particular the ``HTTP` instance) may be adjusted to conform even
+more closely to the RFCs relevant to their domains.
+.. data:: default
+ An instance of ``EmailPolicy`` with all defaults unchanged. This policy
+ uses the standard Python ``\n`` line endings rather than the RFC-correct
+ ``\r\n``.
+.. data:: SMTP
+ Suitable for serializing messages in conformance with the email RFCs.
+ Like ``default``, but with ``linesep`` set to ``\r\n``, which is RFC
+ compliant.
+.. data:: HTTP
+ Suitable for serializing headers with for use in HTTP traffic. Like
+ ``SMTP`` except that ``max_line_length`` is set to ``None`` (unlimited).
+.. data:: strict
+ Convenience instance. The same as ``default`` except that
+ ``raise_on_defect`` is set to ``True``. This allows any policy to be made
+ strict by writing::
+ somepolicy + policy.strict
+With all of these :class:`EmailPolicies <.EmailPolicy>`, the effective API of
+the email package is changed from the Python 3.2 API in the following ways:
+ * Setting a header on a :class:`~email.message.Message` results in that
+ header being parsed and a custom header object created.
+ * Fetching a header value from a :class:`~email.message.Message` results
+ in that header being parsed and a custom header object created and
+ returned.
+ * Any custom header object, or any header that is refolded due to the
+ policy settings, is folded using an algorithm that fully implements the
+ RFC folding algorithms, including knowing where encoded words are required
+ and allowed.
+From the application view, this means that any header obtained through the
+:class:`~email.message.Message` is a custom header object with custom
+attributes, whose string value is the fully decoded unicode value of the
+header. Likewise, a header may be assigned a new value, or a new header
+created, using a unicode string, and the policy will take care of converting
+the unicode string into the correct RFC encoded form.
+The custom header objects and their attributes are described below. All custom
+header objects are string subclasses, and their string value is the fully
+decoded value of the header field (the part of the field after the ``:``)
+.. class:: BaseHeader
+ This is the base class for all custom header objects. It provides the
+ following attributes:
+ .. attribute:: name
+ The header field name (the portion of the field before the ':').
+ .. attribute:: defects
+ A possibly empty list of :class:`~email.errors.MessageDefect` objects
+ that record any RFC violations found while parsing the header field.
+ .. method:: fold(*, policy)
+ Return a string containing :attr:`~email.policy.Policy.linesep`
+ characters as required to correctly fold the header according
+ to *policy*. A :attr:`~email.policy.Policy.cte_type` of
+ ``8bit`` will be treated as if it were ``7bit``, since strings
+ may not contain binary data.
+.. class:: UnstructuredHeader
+ The class used for any header that does not have a more specific
+ type. (The :mailheader:`Subject` header is an example of an
+ unstructured header.) It does not have any additional attributes.
+.. class:: DateHeader
+ The value of this type of header is a single date and time value. The
+ primary example of this type of header is the :mailheader:`Date` header.
+ .. attribute:: datetime
+ A :class:`~datetime.datetime` encoding the date and time from the
+ header value.
+ The ``datetime`` will be a naive ``datetime`` if the value either does
+ not have a specified timezone (which would be a violation of the RFC) or
+ if the timezone is specified as ``-0000``. This timezone value indicates
+ that the date and time is to be considered to be in UTC, but with no
+ indication of the local timezone in which it was generated. (This
+ contrasts to ``+0000``, which indicates a date and time that really is in
+ the UTC ``0000`` timezone.)
+ If the header value contains a valid timezone that is not ``-0000``, the
+ ``datetime`` will be an aware ``datetime`` having a
+ :class:`~datetime.tzinfo` set to the :class:`~datetime.timezone`
+ indicated by the header value.
+ A ``datetime`` may also be assigned to a :mailheader:`Date` type header.
+ The resulting string value will use a timezone of ``-0000`` if the
+ ``datetime`` is naive, and the appropriate UTC offset if the ``datetime`` is
+ aware.
+.. class:: AddressHeader
+ This class is used for all headers that can contain addresses, whether they
+ are supposed to be singleton addresses or a list.
+ .. attribute:: addresses
+ A list of :class:`.Address` objects listing all of the addresses that
+ could be parsed out of the field value.
+ .. attribute:: groups
+ A list of :class:`.Group` objects. Every address in :attr:`.addresses`
+ appears in one of the group objects in the tuple. Addresses that are not
+ syntactically part of a group are represented by ``Group`` objects whose
+ ``name`` is ``None``.
+ In addition to addresses in string form, any combination of
+ :class:`.Address` and :class:`.Group` objects, singly or in a list, may be
+ assigned to an address header.
+.. class:: Address(display_name='', username='', domain='', addr_spec=None):
+ The class used to represent an email address. The general form of an
+ address is::
+ [display_name] <username@domain>
+ or::
+ username@domain
+ where each part must conform to specific syntax rules spelled out in
+ :rfc:`5322`.
+ As a convenience *addr_spec* can be specified instead of *username* and
+ *domain*, in which case *username* and *domain* will be parsed from the
+ *addr_spec*. An *addr_spec* must be a properly RFC quoted string; if it is
+ not ``Address`` will raise an error. Unicode characters are allowed and
+ will be property encoded when serialized. However, per the RFCs, unicode is
+ *not* allowed in the username portion of the address.
+ .. attribute:: display_name
+ The display name portion of the address, if any, with all quoting
+ removed. If the address does not have a display name, this attribute
+ will be an empty string.
+ .. attribute:: username
+ The ``username`` portion of the address, with all quoting removed.
+ .. attribute:: domain
+ The ``domain`` portion of the address.
+ .. attribute:: addr_spec
+ The ``username@domain`` portion of the address, correctly quoted
+ for use as a bare address (the second form shown above). This
+ attribute is not mutable.
+ .. method:: __str__()
+ The ``str`` value of the object is the address quoted according to
+ :rfc:`5322` rules, but with no Content Transfer Encoding of any non-ASCII
+ characters.
+.. class:: Group(display_name=None, addresses=None)
+ The class used to represent an address group. The general form of an
+ address group is::
+ display_name: [address-list];
+ As a convenience for processing lists of addresses that consist of a mixture
+ of groups and single addresses, a ``Group`` may also be used to represent
+ single addresses that are not part of a group by setting *display_name* to
+ ``None`` and providing a list of the single address as *addresses*.
+ .. attribute:: display_name
+ The ``display_name`` of the group. If it is ``None`` and there is
+ exactly one ``Address`` in ``addresses``, then the ``Group`` represents a
+ single address that is not in a group.
+ .. attribute:: addresses
+ A possibly empty tuple of :class:`.Address` objects representing the
+ addresses in the group.
+ .. method:: __str__()
+ The ``str`` value of a ``Group`` is formatted according to :rfc:`5322`,
+ but with no Content Transfer Encoding of any non-ASCII characters. If
+ ``display_name`` is none and there is a single ``Address`` in the
+ ``addresses` list, the ``str`` value will be the same as the ``str`` of
+ that single ``Address``.
--- /dev/null
+""" Routines for manipulating RFC2047 encoded words.
+This is currently a package-private API, but will be considered for promotion
+to a public API if there is demand.
+# An ecoded word looks like this:
+# =?charset[*lang]?cte?encoded_string?=
+# for more information about charset see the charset module. Here it is one
+# of the preferred MIME charset names (hopefully; you never know when parsing).
+# cte (Content Transfer Encoding) is either 'q' or 'b' (ignoring case). In
+# theory other letters could be used for other encodings, but in practice this
+# (almost?) never happens. There could be a public API for adding entries
+# to to the CTE tables, but YAGNI for now. 'q' is Quoted Printable, 'b' is
+# Base64. The meaning of encoded_string should be obvious. 'lang' is optional
+# as indicated by the brackets (they are not part of the syntax) but is almost
+# never encountered in practice.
+# The general interface for a CTE decoder is that it takes the encoded_string
+# as its argument, and returns a tuple (cte_decoded_string, defects). The
+# cte_decoded_string is the original binary that was encoded using the
+# specified cte. 'defects' is a list of MessageDefect instances indicating any
+# problems encountered during conversion. 'charset' and 'lang' are the
+# corresponding strings extracted from the EW, case preserved.
+# The general interface for a CTE encoder is that it takes a binary sequence
+# as input and returns the cte_encoded_string, which is an ascii-only string.
+# Each decoder must also supply a length function that takes the binary
+# sequence as its argument and returns the length of the resulting encoded
+# string.
+# The main API functions for the module are decode, which calls the decoder
+# referenced by the cte specifier, and encode, which adds the appropriate
+# RFC 2047 "chrome" to the encoded string, and can optionally automatically
+# select the shortest possible encoding. See their docstrings below for
+# details.
+import re
+import base64
+import binascii
+import functools
+from string import ascii_letters, digits
+from email import errors
+# Quoted Printable
+# regex based decoder.
+_q_byte_subber = functools.partial(re.compile(br'=([a-fA-F0-9]{2})').sub,
+ lambda m: bytes([int(m.group(1), 16)]))
+def decode_q(encoded):
+ encoded = encoded.replace(b'_', b' ')
+ return _q_byte_subber(encoded), []
+# dict mapping bytes to their encoded form
+class QByteMap(dict):
+ safe = b'-!*+/' + ascii_letters.encode('ascii') + digits.encode('ascii')
+ def __missing__(self, key):
+ if key in self.safe:
+ self[key] = chr(key)
+ else:
+ self[key] = "={:02X}".format(key)
+ return self[key]
+_q_byte_map = QByteMap()
+# In headers spaces are mapped to '_'.
+_q_byte_map[ord(' ')] = '_'
+def encode_q(bstring):
+ return ''.join(_q_byte_map[x] for x in bstring)
+def len_q(bstring):
+ return sum(len(_q_byte_map[x]) for x in bstring)
+# Base64
+def decode_b(encoded):
+ defects = []
+ pad_err = len(encoded) % 4
+ if pad_err:
+ defects.append(errors.InvalidBase64PaddingDefect())
+ padded_encoded = encoded + b'==='[:4-pad_err]
+ else:
+ padded_encoded = encoded
+ try:
+ return base64.b64decode(padded_encoded, validate=True), defects
+ except binascii.Error:
+ # Since we had correct padding, this must an invalid char error.
+ defects = [errors.InvalidBase64CharactersDefect()]
+ # The non-alphabet characters are ignored as far as padding
+ # goes, but we don't know how many there are. So we'll just
+ # try various padding lengths until something works.
+ for i in 0, 1, 2, 3:
+ try:
+ return base64.b64decode(encoded+b'='*i, validate=False), defects
+ except binascii.Error:
+ if i==0:
+ defects.append(errors.InvalidBase64PaddingDefect())
+ else:
+ # This should never happen.
+ raise AssertionError("unexpected binascii.Error")
+def encode_b(bstring):
+ return base64.b64encode(bstring).decode('ascii')
+def len_b(bstring):
+ groups_of_3, leftover = divmod(len(bstring), 3)
+ # 4 bytes out for each 3 bytes (or nonzero fraction thereof) in.
+ return groups_of_3 * 4 + (4 if leftover else 0)
+_cte_decoders = {
+ 'q': decode_q,
+ 'b': decode_b,
+ }
+def decode(ew):
+ """Decode encoded word and return (string, charset, lang, defects) tuple.
+ An RFC 2047/2243 encoded word has the form:
+ =?charset*lang?cte?encoded_string?=
+ where '*lang' may be omitted but the other parts may not be.
+ This function expects exactly such a string (that is, it does not check the
+ syntax and may raise errors if the string is not well formed), and returns
+ the encoded_string decoded first from its Content Transfer Encoding and
+ then from the resulting bytes into unicode using the specified charset. If
+ the cte-decoded string does not successfully decode using the specified
+ character set, a defect is added to the defects list and the unknown octets
+ are replaced by the unicode 'unknown' character \uFDFF.
+ The specified charset and language are returned. The default for language,
+ which is rarely if ever encountered, is the empty string.
+ """
+ _, charset, cte, cte_string, _ = ew.split('?')
+ charset, _, lang = charset.partition('*')
+ cte = cte.lower()
+ # Recover the original bytes and do CTE decoding.
+ bstring = cte_string.encode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
+ bstring, defects = _cte_decoders[cte](bstring)
+ # Turn the CTE decoded bytes into unicode.
+ try:
+ string = bstring.decode(charset)
+ except UnicodeError:
+ defects.append(errors.UndecodableBytesDefect("Encoded word "
+ "contains bytes not decodable using {} charset".format(charset)))
+ string = bstring.decode(charset, 'surrogateescape')
+ except LookupError:
+ string = bstring.decode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
+ if charset.lower() != 'unknown-8bit':
+ defects.append(errors.CharsetError("Unknown charset {} "
+ "in encoded word; decoded as unknown bytes".format(charset)))
+ return string, charset, lang, defects
+_cte_encoders = {
+ 'q': encode_q,
+ 'b': encode_b,
+ }
+_cte_encode_length = {
+ 'q': len_q,
+ 'b': len_b,
+ }
+def encode(string, charset='utf-8', encoding=None, lang=''):
+ """Encode string using the CTE encoding that produces the shorter result.
+ Produces an RFC 2047/2243 encoded word of the form:
+ =?charset*lang?cte?encoded_string?=
+ where '*lang' is omitted unless the 'lang' parameter is given a value.
+ Optional argument charset (defaults to utf-8) specifies the charset to use
+ to encode the string to binary before CTE encoding it. Optional argument
+ 'encoding' is the cte specifier for the encoding that should be used ('q'
+ or 'b'); if it is None (the default) the encoding which produces the
+ shortest encoded sequence is used, except that 'q' is preferred if it is up
+ to five characters longer. Optional argument 'lang' (default '') gives the
+ RFC 2243 language string to specify in the encoded word.
+ """
+ if charset == 'unknown-8bit':
+ bstring = string.encode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
+ else:
+ bstring = string.encode(charset)
+ if encoding is None:
+ qlen = _cte_encode_length['q'](bstring)
+ blen = _cte_encode_length['b'](bstring)
+ # Bias toward q. 5 is arbitrary.
+ encoding = 'q' if qlen - blen < 5 else 'b'
+ encoded = _cte_encoders[encoding](bstring)
+ if lang:
+ lang = '*' + lang
+ return "=?{}{}?{}?{}?=".format(charset, lang, encoding, encoded)
--- /dev/null
+"""Header value parser implementing various email-related RFC parsing rules.
+The parsing methods defined in this module implement various email related
+parsing rules. Principal among them is RFC 5322, which is the followon
+to RFC 2822 and primarily a clarification of the former. It also implements
+RFC 2047 encoded word decoding.
+RFC 5322 goes to considerable trouble to maintain backward compatibility with
+RFC 822 in the parse phase, while cleaning up the structure on the generation
+phase. This parser supports correct RFC 5322 generation by tagging white space
+as folding white space only when folding is allowed in the non-obsolete rule
+sets. Actually, the parser is even more generous when accepting input than RFC
+5322 mandates, following the spirit of Postel's Law, which RFC 5322 encourages.
+Where possible deviations from the standard are annotated on the 'defects'
+attribute of tokens that deviate.
+The general structure of the parser follows RFC 5322, and uses its terminology
+where there is a direct correspondence. Where the implementation requires a
+somewhat different structure than that used by the formal grammar, new terms
+that mimic the closest existing terms are used. Thus, it really helps to have
+a copy of RFC 5322 handy when studying this code.
+Input to the parser is a string that has already been unfolded according to
+RFC 5322 rules. According to the RFC this unfolding is the very first step, and
+this parser leaves the unfolding step to a higher level message parser, which
+will have already detected the line breaks that need unfolding while
+determining the beginning and end of each header.
+The output of the parser is a TokenList object, which is a list subclass. A
+TokenList is a recursive data structure. The terminal nodes of the structure
+are Terminal objects, which are subclasses of str. These do not correspond
+directly to terminal objects in the formal grammar, but are instead more
+practical higher level combinations of true terminals.
+All TokenList and Terminal objects have a 'value' attribute, which produces the
+semantically meaningful value of that part of the parse subtree. The value of
+all whitespace tokens (no matter how many sub-tokens they may contain) is a
+single space, as per the RFC rules. This includes 'CFWS', which is herein
+included in the general class of whitespace tokens. There is one exception to
+the rule that whitespace tokens are collapsed into single spaces in values: in
+the value of a 'bare-quoted-string' (a quoted-string with no leading or
+trailing whitespace), any whitespace that appeared between the quotation marks
+is preserved in the returned value. Note that in all Terminal strings quoted
+pairs are turned into their unquoted values.
+All TokenList and Terminal objects also have a string value, which attempts to
+be a "canonical" representation of the RFC-compliant form of the substring that
+produced the parsed subtree, including minimal use of quoted pair quoting.
+Whitespace runs are not collapsed.
+Comment tokens also have a 'content' attribute providing the string found
+between the parens (including any nested comments) with whitespace preserved.
+All TokenList and Terminal objects have a 'defects' attribute which is a
+possibly empty list all of the defects found while creating the token. Defects
+may appear on any token in the tree, and a composite list of all defects in the
+subtree is available through the 'all_defects' attribute of any node. (For
+Terminal notes x.defects == x.all_defects.)
+Each object in a parse tree is called a 'token', and each has a 'token_type'
+attribute that gives the name from the RFC 5322 grammar that it represents.
+Not all RFC 5322 nodes are produced, and there is one non-RFC 5322 node that
+may be produced: 'ptext'. A 'ptext' is a string of printable ascii characters.
+It is returned in place of lists of (ctext/quoted-pair) and
+XXX: provide complete list of token types.
+import re
+from email import _encoded_words as _ew
+from email import errors
+from email import utils
+# Useful constants and functions
+WSP = set(' \t')
+CFWS_LEADER = WSP | set('(')
+SPECIALS = set(r'()<>@,:;.\"[]')
+# '.', '"', and '(' do not end phrases in order to support obs-phrase
+PHRASE_ENDS = SPECIALS - set('."(')
+def quote_string(value):
+ return '"'+str(value).replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', r'\"')+'"'
+# Accumulator for header folding
+class _Folded:
+ def __init__(self, maxlen, policy):
+ self.maxlen = maxlen
+ self.policy = policy
+ self.lastlen = 0
+ self.stickyspace = None
+ self.firstline = True
+ self.done = []
+ self.current = []
+ def newline(self):
+ self.done.extend(self.current)
+ self.done.append(self.policy.linesep)
+ self.current.clear()
+ self.lastlen = 0
+ def finalize(self):
+ if self.current:
+ self.newline()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ''.join(self.done)
+ def append(self, stoken):
+ self.current.append(stoken)
+ def append_if_fits(self, token, stoken=None):
+ if stoken is None:
+ stoken = str(token)
+ l = len(stoken)
+ if self.stickyspace is not None:
+ stickyspace_len = len(self.stickyspace)
+ if self.lastlen + stickyspace_len + l <= self.maxlen:
+ self.current.append(self.stickyspace)
+ self.lastlen += stickyspace_len
+ self.current.append(stoken)
+ self.lastlen += l
+ self.stickyspace = None
+ self.firstline = False
+ return True
+ if token.has_fws:
+ ws = token.pop_leading_fws()
+ if ws is not None:
+ self.stickyspace += str(ws)
+ stickyspace_len += len(ws)
+ token._fold(self)
+ return True
+ if stickyspace_len and l + 1 <= self.maxlen:
+ margin = self.maxlen - l
+ if 0 < margin < stickyspace_len:
+ trim = stickyspace_len - margin
+ self.current.append(self.stickyspace[:trim])
+ self.stickyspace = self.stickyspace[trim:]
+ stickyspace_len = trim
+ self.newline()
+ self.current.append(self.stickyspace)
+ self.current.append(stoken)
+ self.lastlen = l + stickyspace_len
+ self.stickyspace = None
+ self.firstline = False
+ return True
+ if not self.firstline:
+ self.newline()
+ self.current.append(self.stickyspace)
+ self.current.append(stoken)
+ self.stickyspace = None
+ self.firstline = False
+ return True
+ if self.lastlen + l <= self.maxlen:
+ self.current.append(stoken)
+ self.lastlen += l
+ return True
+ if l < self.maxlen:
+ self.newline()
+ self.current.append(stoken)
+ self.lastlen = l
+ return True
+ return False
+# TokenList and its subclasses
+class TokenList(list):
+ token_type = None
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kw)
+ self.defects = []
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ''.join(str(x) for x in self)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
+ super().__repr__())
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ return ''.join(x.value for x in self if x.value)
+ @property
+ def all_defects(self):
+ return sum((x.all_defects for x in self), self.defects)
+ #
+ # Folding API
+ #
+ # parts():
+ #
+ # return a list of objects that constitute the "higher level syntactic
+ # objects" specified by the RFC as the best places to fold a header line.
+ # The returned objects must include leading folding white space, even if
+ # this means mutating the underlying parse tree of the object. Each object
+ # is only responsible for returning *its* parts, and should not drill down
+ # to any lower level except as required to meet the leading folding white
+ # space constraint.
+ #
+ # _fold(folded):
+ #
+ # folded: the result accumulator. This is an instance of _Folded.
+ # (XXX: I haven't finished factoring this out yet, the folding code
+ # pretty much uses this as a state object.) When the folded.current
+ # contains as much text as will fit, the _fold method should call
+ # folded.newline.
+ # folded.lastlen: the current length of the test stored in folded.current.
+ # folded.maxlen: The maximum number of characters that may appear on a
+ # folded line. Differs from the policy setting in that "no limit" is
+ # represented by +inf, which means it can be used in the trivially
+ # logical fashion in comparisons.
+ #
+ # Currently no subclasses implement parts, and I think this will remain
+ # true. A subclass only needs to implement _fold when the generic version
+ # isn't sufficient. _fold will need to be implemented primarily when it is
+ # possible for encoded words to appear in the specialized token-list, since
+ # there is no generic algorithm that can know where exactly the encoded
+ # words are allowed. A _fold implementation is responsible for filling
+ # lines in the same general way that the top level _fold does. It may, and
+ # should, call the _fold method of sub-objects in a similar fashion to that
+ # of the top level _fold.
+ #
+ # XXX: I'm hoping it will be possible to factor the existing code further
+ # to reduce redundancy and make the logic clearer.
+ @property
+ def parts(self):
+ klass = self.__class__
+ this = []
+ for token in self:
+ if token.startswith_fws():
+ if this:
+ yield this[0] if len(this)==1 else klass(this)
+ this.clear()
+ end_ws = token.pop_trailing_ws()
+ this.append(token)
+ if end_ws:
+ yield klass(this)
+ this = [end_ws]
+ if this:
+ yield this[0] if len(this)==1 else klass(this)
+ def startswith_fws(self):
+ return self[0].startswith_fws()
+ def pop_leading_fws(self):
+ if self[0].token_type == 'fws':
+ return self.pop(0)
+ return self[0].pop_leading_fws()
+ def pop_trailing_ws(self):
+ if self[-1].token_type == 'cfws':
+ return self.pop(-1)
+ return self[-1].pop_trailing_ws()
+ @property
+ def has_fws(self):
+ for part in self:
+ if part.has_fws:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def has_leading_comment(self):
+ return self[0].has_leading_comment()
+ @property
+ def comments(self):
+ comments = []
+ for token in self:
+ comments.extend(token.comments)
+ return comments
+ def fold(self, *, policy):
+ # max_line_length 0/None means no limit, ie: infinitely long.
+ maxlen = policy.max_line_length or float("+inf")
+ folded = _Folded(maxlen, policy)
+ self._fold(folded)
+ folded.finalize()
+ return str(folded)
+ def as_encoded_word(self, charset):
+ # This works only for things returned by 'parts', which include
+ # the leading fws, if any, that should be used.
+ res = []
+ ws = self.pop_leading_fws()
+ if ws:
+ res.append(ws)
+ trailer = self.pop(-1) if self[-1].token_type=='fws' else ''
+ res.append(_ew.encode(str(self), charset))
+ res.append(trailer)
+ return ''.join(res)
+ def cte_encode(self, charset, policy):
+ res = []
+ for part in self:
+ res.append(part.cte_encode(charset, policy))
+ return ''.join(res)
+ def _fold(self, folded):
+ for part in self.parts:
+ tstr = str(part)
+ tlen = len(tstr)
+ try:
+ str(part).encode('us-ascii')
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ if any(isinstance(x, errors.UndecodableBytesDefect)
+ for x in part.all_defects):
+ charset = 'unknown-8bit'
+ else:
+ # XXX: this should be a policy setting
+ charset = 'utf-8'
+ tstr = part.cte_encode(charset, folded.policy)
+ tlen = len(tstr)
+ if folded.append_if_fits(part, tstr):
+ continue
+ # Peel off the leading whitespace if any and make it sticky, to
+ # avoid infinite recursion.
+ ws = part.pop_leading_fws()
+ if ws is not None:
+ # Peel off the leading whitespace and make it sticky, to
+ # avoid infinite recursion.
+ folded.stickyspace = str(part.pop(0))
+ if folded.append_if_fits(part):
+ continue
+ if part.has_fws:
+ part._fold(folded)
+ continue
+ # There are no fold points in this one; it is too long for a single
+ # line and can't be split...we just have to put it on its own line.
+ folded.append(tstr)
+ folded.newline()
+ def pprint(self, indent=''):
+ print('\n'.join(self._pp(indent='')))
+ def ppstr(self, indent=''):
+ return '\n'.join(self._pp(indent=''))
+ def _pp(self, indent=''):
+ yield '{}{}/{}('.format(
+ indent,
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.token_type)
+ for token in self:
+ for line in token._pp(indent+' '):
+ yield line
+ if self.defects:
+ extra = ' Defects: {}'.format(self.defects)
+ else:
+ extra = ''
+ yield '{}){}'.format(indent, extra)
+class WhiteSpaceTokenList(TokenList):
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ return ' '
+ @property
+ def comments(self):
+ return [x.content for x in self if x.token_type=='comment']
+class UnstructuredTokenList(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'unstructured'
+ def _fold(self, folded):
+ if any(x.token_type=='encoded-word' for x in self):
+ return self._fold_encoded(folded)
+ # Here we can have either a pure ASCII string that may or may not
+ # have surrogateescape encoded bytes, or a unicode string.
+ last_ew = None
+ for part in self.parts:
+ tstr = str(part)
+ is_ew = False
+ try:
+ str(part).encode('us-ascii')
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ if any(isinstance(x, errors.UndecodableBytesDefect)
+ for x in part.all_defects):
+ charset = 'unknown-8bit'
+ else:
+ charset = 'utf-8'
+ if last_ew is not None:
+ # We've already done an EW, combine this one with it
+ # if there's room.
+ chunk = get_unstructured(
+ ''.join(folded.current[last_ew:]+[tstr])).as_encoded_word(charset)
+ oldlastlen = sum(len(x) for x in folded.current[:last_ew])
+ schunk = str(chunk)
+ lchunk = len(schunk)
+ if oldlastlen + lchunk <= folded.maxlen:
+ del folded.current[last_ew:]
+ folded.append(schunk)
+ folded.lastlen = oldlastlen + lchunk
+ continue
+ tstr = part.as_encoded_word(charset)
+ is_ew = True
+ if folded.append_if_fits(part, tstr):
+ if is_ew:
+ last_ew = len(folded.current) - 1
+ continue
+ if is_ew or last_ew:
+ # It's too big to fit on the line, but since we've
+ # got encoded words we can use encoded word folding.
+ part._fold_as_ew(folded)
+ continue
+ # Peel off the leading whitespace if any and make it sticky, to
+ # avoid infinite recursion.
+ ws = part.pop_leading_fws()
+ if ws is not None:
+ folded.stickyspace = str(ws)
+ if folded.append_if_fits(part):
+ continue
+ if part.has_fws:
+ part.fold(folded)
+ continue
+ # It can't be split...we just have to put it on its own line.
+ folded.append(tstr)
+ folded.newline()
+ last_ew = None
+ def cte_encode(self, charset, policy):
+ res = []
+ last_ew = None
+ for part in self:
+ spart = str(part)
+ try:
+ spart.encode('us-ascii')
+ res.append(spart)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ if last_ew is None:
+ res.append(part.cte_encode(charset, policy))
+ last_ew = len(res)
+ else:
+ tl = get_unstructured(''.join(res[last_ew:] + [spart]))
+ res.append(tl.as_encoded_word())
+ return ''.join(res)
+class Phrase(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'phrase'
+ def _fold(self, folded):
+ # As with Unstructured, we can have pure ASCII with or without
+ # surrogateescape encoded bytes, or we could have unicode. But this
+ # case is more complicated, since we have to deal with the various
+ # sub-token types and how they can be composed in the face of
+ # unicode-that-needs-CTE-encoding, and the fact that if a token a
+ # comment that becomes a barrier across which we can't compose encoded
+ # words.
+ last_ew = None
+ for part in self.parts:
+ tstr = str(part)
+ tlen = len(tstr)
+ has_ew = False
+ try:
+ str(part).encode('us-ascii')
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ if any(isinstance(x, errors.UndecodableBytesDefect)
+ for x in part.all_defects):
+ charset = 'unknown-8bit'
+ else:
+ charset = 'utf-8'
+ if last_ew is not None and not part.has_leading_comment():
+ # We've already done an EW, let's see if we can combine
+ # this one with it. The last_ew logic ensures that all we
+ # have at this point is atoms, no comments or quoted
+ # strings. So we can treat the text between the last
+ # encoded word and the content of this token as
+ # unstructured text, and things will work correctly. But
+ # we have to strip off any trailing comment on this token
+ # first, and if it is a quoted string we have to pull out
+ # the content (we're encoding it, so it no longer needs to
+ # be quoted).
+ if part[-1].token_type == 'cfws' and part.comments:
+ remainder = part.pop(-1)
+ else:
+ remainder = ''
+ for i, token in enumerate(part):
+ if token.token_type == 'bare-quoted-string':
+ part[i] = UnstructuredTokenList(token[:])
+ chunk = get_unstructured(
+ ''.join(folded.current[last_ew:]+[tstr])).as_encoded_word(charset)
+ schunk = str(chunk)
+ lchunk = len(schunk)
+ if last_ew + lchunk <= folded.maxlen:
+ del folded.current[last_ew:]
+ folded.append(schunk)
+ folded.lastlen = sum(len(x) for x in folded.current)
+ continue
+ tstr = part.as_encoded_word(charset)
+ tlen = len(tstr)
+ has_ew = True
+ if folded.append_if_fits(part, tstr):
+ if has_ew and not part.comments:
+ last_ew = len(folded.current) - 1
+ elif part.comments or part.token_type == 'quoted-string':
+ # If a comment is involved we can't combine EWs. And if a
+ # quoted string is involved, it's not worth the effort to
+ # try to combine them.
+ last_ew = None
+ continue
+ part._fold(folded)
+ def cte_encode(self, charset, policy):
+ res = []
+ last_ew = None
+ is_ew = False
+ for part in self:
+ spart = str(part)
+ try:
+ spart.encode('us-ascii')
+ res.append(spart)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ is_ew = True
+ if last_ew is None:
+ if not part.comments:
+ last_ew = len(res)
+ res.append(part.cte_encode(charset, policy))
+ elif not part.has_leading_comment():
+ if part[-1].token_type == 'cfws' and part.comments:
+ remainder = part.pop(-1)
+ else:
+ remainder = ''
+ for i, token in enumerate(part):
+ if token.token_type == 'bare-quoted-string':
+ part[i] = UnstructuredTokenList(token[:])
+ tl = get_unstructured(''.join(res[last_ew:] + [spart]))
+ res[last_ew:] = [tl.as_encoded_word(charset)]
+ if part.comments or (not is_ew and part.token_type == 'quoted-string'):
+ last_ew = None
+ return ''.join(res)
+class Word(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'word'
+class CFWSList(WhiteSpaceTokenList):
+ token_type = 'cfws'
+ def has_leading_comment(self):
+ return bool(self.comments)
+class Atom(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'atom'
+class EncodedWord(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'encoded-word'
+ cte = None
+ charset = None
+ lang = None
+ @property
+ def encoded(self):
+ if self.cte is not None:
+ return self.cte
+ _ew.encode(str(self), self.charset)
+class QuotedString(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'quoted-string'
+ @property
+ def content(self):
+ for x in self:
+ if x.token_type == 'bare-quoted-string':
+ return x.value
+ @property
+ def quoted_value(self):
+ res = []
+ for x in self:
+ if x.token_type == 'bare-quoted-string':
+ res.append(str(x))
+ else:
+ res.append(x.value)
+ return ''.join(res)
+class BareQuotedString(QuotedString):
+ token_type = 'bare-quoted-string'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return quote_string(''.join(self))
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ return ''.join(str(x) for x in self)
+class Comment(WhiteSpaceTokenList):
+ token_type = 'comment'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ''.join(sum([
+ ["("],
+ [self.quote(x) for x in self],
+ [")"],
+ ], []))
+ def quote(self, value):
+ if value.token_type == 'comment':
+ return str(value)
+ return str(value).replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(
+ '(', '\(').replace(
+ ')', '\)')
+ @property
+ def content(self):
+ return ''.join(str(x) for x in self)
+ @property
+ def comments(self):
+ return [self.content]
+class AddressList(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'address-list'
+ @property
+ def addresses(self):
+ return [x for x in self if x.token_type=='address']
+ @property
+ def mailboxes(self):
+ return sum((x.mailboxes
+ for x in self if x.token_type=='address'), [])
+ @property
+ def all_mailboxes(self):
+ return sum((x.all_mailboxes
+ for x in self if x.token_type=='address'), [])
+class Address(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'address'
+ @property
+ def display_name(self):
+ if self[0].token_type == 'group':
+ return self[0].display_name
+ @property
+ def mailboxes(self):
+ if self[0].token_type == 'mailbox':
+ return [self[0]]
+ elif self[0].token_type == 'invalid-mailbox':
+ return []
+ return self[0].mailboxes
+ @property
+ def all_mailboxes(self):
+ if self[0].token_type == 'mailbox':
+ return [self[0]]
+ elif self[0].token_type == 'invalid-mailbox':
+ return [self[0]]
+ return self[0].all_mailboxes
+class MailboxList(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'mailbox-list'
+ @property
+ def mailboxes(self):
+ return [x for x in self if x.token_type=='mailbox']
+ @property
+ def all_mailboxes(self):
+ return [x for x in self
+ if x.token_type in ('mailbox', 'invalid-mailbox')]
+class GroupList(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'group-list'
+ @property
+ def mailboxes(self):
+ if not self or self[0].token_type != 'mailbox-list':
+ return []
+ return self[0].mailboxes
+ @property
+ def all_mailboxes(self):
+ if not self or self[0].token_type != 'mailbox-list':
+ return []
+ return self[0].all_mailboxes
+class Group(TokenList):
+ token_type = "group"
+ @property
+ def mailboxes(self):
+ if self[2].token_type != 'group-list':
+ return []
+ return self[2].mailboxes
+ @property
+ def all_mailboxes(self):
+ if self[2].token_type != 'group-list':
+ return []
+ return self[2].all_mailboxes
+ @property
+ def display_name(self):
+ return self[0].display_name
+class NameAddr(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'name-addr'
+ @property
+ def display_name(self):
+ if len(self) == 1:
+ return None
+ return self[0].display_name
+ @property
+ def local_part(self):
+ return self[-1].local_part
+ @property
+ def domain(self):
+ return self[-1].domain
+ @property
+ def route(self):
+ return self[-1].route
+ @property
+ def addr_spec(self):
+ return self[-1].addr_spec
+class AngleAddr(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'angle-addr'
+ @property
+ def local_part(self):
+ for x in self:
+ if x.token_type == 'addr-spec':
+ return x.local_part
+ @property
+ def domain(self):
+ for x in self:
+ if x.token_type == 'addr-spec':
+ return x.domain
+ @property
+ def route(self):
+ for x in self:
+ if x.token_type == 'obs-route':
+ return x.domains
+ @property
+ def addr_spec(self):
+ for x in self:
+ if x.token_type == 'addr-spec':
+ return x.addr_spec
+class ObsRoute(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'obs-route'
+ @property
+ def domains(self):
+ return [x.domain for x in self if x.token_type == 'domain']
+class Mailbox(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'mailbox'
+ @property
+ def display_name(self):
+ if self[0].token_type == 'name-addr':
+ return self[0].display_name
+ @property
+ def local_part(self):
+ return self[0].local_part
+ @property
+ def domain(self):
+ return self[0].domain
+ @property
+ def route(self):
+ if self[0].token_type == 'name-addr':
+ return self[0].route
+ @property
+ def addr_spec(self):
+ return self[0].addr_spec
+class InvalidMailbox(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'invalid-mailbox'
+ @property
+ def display_name(self):
+ return None
+ local_part = domain = route = addr_spec = display_name
+class Domain(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'domain'
+ @property
+ def domain(self):
+ return ''.join(super().value.split())
+class DotAtom(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'dot-atom'
+class DotAtomText(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'dot-atom-text'
+class AddrSpec(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'addr-spec'
+ @property
+ def local_part(self):
+ return self[0].local_part
+ @property
+ def domain(self):
+ if len(self) < 3:
+ return None
+ return self[-1].domain
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ if len(self) < 3:
+ return self[0].value
+ return self[0].value.rstrip()+self[1].value+self[2].value.lstrip()
+ @property
+ def addr_spec(self):
+ nameset = set(self.local_part)
+ if len(nameset) > len(nameset-DOT_ATOM_ENDS):
+ lp = quote_string(self.local_part)
+ else:
+ lp = self.local_part
+ if self.domain is not None:
+ return lp + '@' + self.domain
+ return lp
+class ObsLocalPart(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'obs-local-part'
+class DisplayName(Phrase):
+ token_type = 'display-name'
+ @property
+ def display_name(self):
+ res = TokenList(self)
+ if res[0].token_type == 'cfws':
+ res.pop(0)
+ else:
+ if res[0][0].token_type == 'cfws':
+ res[0] = TokenList(res[0][1:])
+ if res[-1].token_type == 'cfws':
+ res.pop()
+ else:
+ if res[-1][-1].token_type == 'cfws':
+ res[-1] = TokenList(res[-1][:-1])
+ return res.value
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ quote = False
+ if self.defects:
+ quote = True
+ else:
+ for x in self:
+ if x.token_type == 'quoted-string':
+ quote = True
+ if quote:
+ pre = post = ''
+ if self[0].token_type=='cfws' or self[0][0].token_type=='cfws':
+ pre = ' '
+ if self[-1].token_type=='cfws' or self[-1][-1].token_type=='cfws':
+ post = ' '
+ return pre+quote_string(self.display_name)+post
+ else:
+ return super().value
+class LocalPart(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'local-part'
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ if self[0].token_type == "quoted-string":
+ return self[0].quoted_value
+ else:
+ return self[0].value
+ @property
+ def local_part(self):
+ # Strip whitespace from front, back, and around dots.
+ res = [DOT]
+ last = DOT
+ last_is_tl = False
+ for tok in self[0] + [DOT]:
+ if tok.token_type == 'cfws':
+ continue
+ if (last_is_tl and tok.token_type == 'dot' and
+ last[-1].token_type == 'cfws'):
+ res[-1] = TokenList(last[:-1])
+ is_tl = isinstance(tok, TokenList)
+ if (is_tl and last.token_type == 'dot' and
+ tok[0].token_type == 'cfws'):
+ res.append(TokenList(tok[1:]))
+ else:
+ res.append(tok)
+ last = res[-1]
+ last_is_tl = is_tl
+ res = TokenList(res[1:-1])
+ return res.value
+class DomainLiteral(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'domain-literal'
+ @property
+ def domain(self):
+ return ''.join(super().value.split())
+ @property
+ def ip(self):
+ for x in self:
+ if x.token_type == 'ptext':
+ return x.value
+class HeaderLabel(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'header-label'
+class Header(TokenList):
+ token_type = 'header'
+ def _fold(self, folded):
+ folded.append(str(self.pop(0)))
+ folded.lastlen = len(folded.current[0])
+ # The first line of the header is different from all others: we don't
+ # want to start a new object on a new line if it has any fold points in
+ # it that would allow part of it to be on the first header line.
+ # Further, if the first fold point would fit on the new line, we want
+ # to do that, but if it doesn't we want to put it on the first line.
+ # Folded supports this via the stickyspace attribute. If this
+ # attribute is not None, it does the special handling.
+ folded.stickyspace = str(self.pop(0)) if self[0].token_type == 'cfws' else ''
+ rest = self.pop(0)
+ if self:
+ raise ValueError("Malformed Header token list")
+ rest._fold(folded)
+# Terminal classes and instances
+class Terminal(str):
+ def __new__(cls, value, token_type):
+ self = super().__new__(cls, value)
+ self.token_type = token_type
+ self.defects = []
+ return self
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, super().__repr__())
+ @property
+ def all_defects(self):
+ return list(self.defects)
+ def _pp(self, indent=''):
+ return ["{}{}/{}({}){}".format(
+ indent,
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.token_type,
+ super().__repr__(),
+ '' if not self.defects else ' {}'.format(self.defects),
+ )]
+ def cte_encode(self, charset, policy):
+ value = str(self)
+ try:
+ value.encode('us-ascii')
+ return value
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ return _ew.encode(value, charset)
+ def pop_trailing_ws(self):
+ # This terminates the recursion.
+ return None
+ def pop_leading_fws(self):
+ # This terminates the recursion.
+ return None
+ @property
+ def comments(self):
+ return []
+ def has_leading_comment(self):
+ return False
+ def __getnewargs__(self):
+ return(str(self), self.token_type)
+class WhiteSpaceTerminal(Terminal):
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ return ' '
+ def startswith_fws(self):
+ return True
+ has_fws = True
+class ValueTerminal(Terminal):
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ return self
+ def startswith_fws(self):
+ return False
+ has_fws = False
+ def as_encoded_word(self, charset):
+ return _ew.encode(str(self), charset)
+class EWWhiteSpaceTerminal(WhiteSpaceTerminal):
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ return ''
+ @property
+ def encoded(self):
+ return self[:]
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ''
+ has_fws = True
+# XXX these need to become classes and used as instances so
+# that a program can't change them in a parse tree and screw
+# up other parse trees. Maybe should have tests for that, too.
+DOT = ValueTerminal('.', 'dot')
+ListSeparator = ValueTerminal(',', 'list-separator')
+RouteComponentMarker = ValueTerminal('@', 'route-component-marker')
+# Parser
+"""Parse strings according to RFC822/2047/2822/5322 rules.
+This is a stateless parser. Each get_XXX function accepts a string and
+returns either a Terminal or a TokenList representing the RFC object named
+by the method and a string containing the remaining unparsed characters
+from the input. Thus a parser method consumes the next syntactic construct
+of a given type and returns a token representing the construct plus the
+unparsed remainder of the input string.
+For example, if the first element of a structured header is a 'phrase',
+ phrase, value = get_phrase(value)
+returns the complete phrase from the start of the string value, plus any
+characters left in the string after the phrase is removed.
+_wsp_splitter = re.compile(r'([{}]+)'.format(''.join(WSP))).split
+_non_atom_end_matcher = re.compile(r"[^{}]+".format(
+ ''.join(ATOM_ENDS).replace('\\','\\\\').replace(']','\]'))).match
+_non_printable_finder = re.compile(r"[\x00-\x20\x7F]").findall
+def _validate_xtext(xtext):
+ """If input token contains ASCII non-printables, register a defect."""
+ non_printables = _non_printable_finder(xtext)
+ if non_printables:
+ xtext.defects.append(errors.NonPrintableDefect(non_printables))
+ if utils._has_surrogates(xtext):
+ xtext.defects.append(errors.UndecodableBytesDefect(
+ "Non-ASCII characters found in header token"))
+def _get_ptext_to_endchars(value, endchars):
+ """Scan printables/quoted-pairs until endchars and return unquoted ptext.
+ This function turns a run of qcontent, ccontent-without-comments, or
+ dtext-with-quoted-printables into a single string by unquoting any
+ quoted printables. It returns the string, the remaining value, and
+ a flag that is True iff there were any quoted printables decoded.
+ """
+ fragment, *remainder = _wsp_splitter(value, 1)
+ vchars = []
+ escape = False
+ had_qp = False
+ for pos in range(len(fragment)):
+ if fragment[pos] == '\\':
+ if escape:
+ escape = False
+ had_qp = True
+ else:
+ escape = True
+ continue
+ if escape:
+ escape = False
+ elif fragment[pos] in endchars:
+ break
+ vchars.append(fragment[pos])
+ else:
+ pos = pos + 1
+ return ''.join(vchars), ''.join([fragment[pos:]] + remainder), had_qp
+def _decode_ew_run(value):
+ """ Decode a run of RFC2047 encoded words.
+ _decode_ew_run(value) -> (text, value, defects)
+ Scans the supplied value for a run of tokens that look like they are RFC
+ 2047 encoded words, decodes those words into text according to RFC 2047
+ rules (whitespace between encoded words is discarded), and returns the text
+ and the remaining value (including any leading whitespace on the remaining
+ value), as well as a list of any defects encountered while decoding. The
+ input value may not have any leading whitespace.
+ """
+ res = []
+ defects = []
+ last_ws = ''
+ while value:
+ try:
+ tok, ws, value = _wsp_splitter(value, 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ tok, ws, value = value, '', ''
+ if not (tok.startswith('=?') and tok.endswith('?=')):
+ return ''.join(res), last_ws + tok + ws + value, defects
+ text, charset, lang, new_defects = _ew.decode(tok)
+ res.append(text)
+ defects.extend(new_defects)
+ last_ws = ws
+ return ''.join(res), last_ws, defects
+def get_fws(value):
+ """FWS = 1*WSP
+ This isn't the RFC definition. We're using fws to represent tokens where
+ folding can be done, but when we are parsing the *un*folding has already
+ been done so we don't need to watch out for CRLF.
+ """
+ newvalue = value.lstrip()
+ fws = WhiteSpaceTerminal(value[:len(value)-len(newvalue)], 'fws')
+ return fws, newvalue
+def get_encoded_word(value):
+ """ encoded-word = "=?" charset "?" encoding "?" encoded-text "?="
+ """
+ ew = EncodedWord()
+ if not value.startswith('=?'):
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected encoded word but found {}".format(value))
+ tok, *remainder = value[2:].split('?=', 1)
+ if tok == value[2:]:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected encoded word but found {}".format(value))
+ remstr = ''.join(remainder)
+ if remstr[:2].isdigit():
+ rest, *remainder = remstr.split('?=', 1)
+ tok = tok + '?=' + rest
+ if len(tok.split()) > 1:
+ ew.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "whitespace inside encoded word"))
+ ew.cte = value
+ value = ''.join(remainder)
+ try:
+ text, charset, lang, defects = _ew.decode('=?' + tok + '?=')
+ except ValueError:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "encoded word format invalid: '{}'".format(ew.cte))
+ ew.charset = charset
+ ew.lang = lang
+ ew.defects.extend(defects)
+ while text:
+ if text[0] in WSP:
+ token, text = get_fws(text)
+ ew.append(token)
+ continue
+ chars, *remainder = _wsp_splitter(text, 1)
+ vtext = ValueTerminal(chars, 'vtext')
+ _validate_xtext(vtext)
+ ew.append(vtext)
+ text = ''.join(remainder)
+ return ew, value
+def get_unstructured(value):
+ """unstructured = (*([FWS] vchar) *WSP) / obs-unstruct
+ obs-unstruct = *((*LF *CR *(obs-utext) *LF *CR)) / FWS)
+ obs-utext = %d0 / obs-NO-WS-CTL / LF / CR
+ obs-NO-WS-CTL is control characters except WSP/CR/LF.
+ So, basically, we have printable runs, plus control characters or nulls in
+ the obsolete syntax, separated by whitespace. Since RFC 2047 uses the
+ obsolete syntax in its specification, but requires whitespace on either
+ side of the encoded words, I can see no reason to need to separate the
+ non-printable-non-whitespace from the printable runs if they occur, so we
+ parse this into xtext tokens separated by WSP tokens.
+ Because an 'unstructured' value must by definition constitute the entire
+ value, this 'get' routine does not return a remaining value, only the
+ parsed TokenList.
+ """
+ # XXX: but what about bare CR and LF? They might signal the start or
+ # end of an encoded word. YAGNI for now, since out current parsers
+ # will never send us strings with bard CR or LF.
+ unstructured = UnstructuredTokenList()
+ while value:
+ if value[0] in WSP:
+ token, value = get_fws(value)
+ unstructured.append(token)
+ continue
+ if value.startswith('=?'):
+ try:
+ token, value = get_encoded_word(value)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ have_ws = True
+ if len(unstructured) > 0:
+ if unstructured[-1].token_type != 'fws':
+ unstructured.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "missing whitespace before encoded word"))
+ have_ws = False
+ if have_ws and len(unstructured) > 1:
+ if unstructured[-2].token_type == 'encoded-word':
+ unstructured[-1] = EWWhiteSpaceTerminal(
+ unstructured[-1], 'fws')
+ unstructured.append(token)
+ continue
+ tok, *remainder = _wsp_splitter(value, 1)
+ vtext = ValueTerminal(tok, 'vtext')
+ _validate_xtext(vtext)
+ unstructured.append(vtext)
+ value = ''.join(remainder)
+ return unstructured
+def get_qp_ctext(value):
+ """ctext = <printable ascii except \ ( )>
+ This is not the RFC ctext, since we are handling nested comments in comment
+ and unquoting quoted-pairs here. We allow anything except the '()'
+ characters, but if we find any ASCII other than the RFC defined printable
+ ASCII an NonPrintableDefect is added to the token's defects list. Since
+ quoted pairs are converted to their unquoted values, what is returned is
+ a 'ptext' token. In this case it is a WhiteSpaceTerminal, so it's value
+ is ' '.
+ """
+ ptext, value, _ = _get_ptext_to_endchars(value, '()')
+ ptext = WhiteSpaceTerminal(ptext, 'ptext')
+ _validate_xtext(ptext)
+ return ptext, value
+def get_qcontent(value):
+ """qcontent = qtext / quoted-pair
+ We allow anything except the DQUOTE character, but if we find any ASCII
+ other than the RFC defined printable ASCII an NonPrintableDefect is
+ added to the token's defects list. Any quoted pairs are converted to their
+ unquoted values, so what is returned is a 'ptext' token. In this case it
+ is a ValueTerminal.
+ """
+ ptext, value, _ = _get_ptext_to_endchars(value, '"')
+ ptext = ValueTerminal(ptext, 'ptext')
+ _validate_xtext(ptext)
+ return ptext, value
+def get_atext(value):
+ """atext = <matches _atext_matcher>
+ We allow any non-ATOM_ENDS in atext, but add an InvalidATextDefect to
+ the token's defects list if we find non-atext characters.
+ """
+ m = _non_atom_end_matcher(value)
+ if not m:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected atext but found '{}'".format(value))
+ atext = m.group()
+ value = value[len(atext):]
+ atext = ValueTerminal(atext, 'atext')
+ _validate_xtext(atext)
+ return atext, value
+def get_bare_quoted_string(value):
+ """bare-quoted-string = DQUOTE *([FWS] qcontent) [FWS] DQUOTE
+ A quoted-string without the leading or trailing white space. Its
+ value is the text between the quote marks, with whitespace
+ preserved and quoted pairs decoded.
+ """
+ if value[0] != '"':
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected '\"' but found '{}'".format(value))
+ bare_quoted_string = BareQuotedString()
+ value = value[1:]
+ while value and value[0] != '"':
+ if value[0] in WSP:
+ token, value = get_fws(value)
+ else:
+ token, value = get_qcontent(value)
+ bare_quoted_string.append(token)
+ if not value:
+ bare_quoted_string.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "end of header inside quoted string"))
+ return bare_quoted_string, value
+ return bare_quoted_string, value[1:]
+def get_comment(value):
+ """comment = "(" *([FWS] ccontent) [FWS] ")"
+ ccontent = ctext / quoted-pair / comment
+ We handle nested comments here, and quoted-pair in our qp-ctext routine.
+ """
+ if value and value[0] != '(':
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected '(' but found '{}'".format(value))
+ comment = Comment()
+ value = value[1:]
+ while value and value[0] != ")":
+ if value[0] in WSP:
+ token, value = get_fws(value)
+ elif value[0] == '(':
+ token, value = get_comment(value)
+ else:
+ token, value = get_qp_ctext(value)
+ comment.append(token)
+ if not value:
+ comment.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "end of header inside comment"))
+ return comment, value
+ return comment, value[1:]
+def get_cfws(value):
+ """CFWS = (1*([FWS] comment) [FWS]) / FWS
+ """
+ cfws = CFWSList()
+ while value and value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ if value[0] in WSP:
+ token, value = get_fws(value)
+ else:
+ token, value = get_comment(value)
+ cfws.append(token)
+ return cfws, value
+def get_quoted_string(value):
+ """quoted-string = [CFWS] <bare-quoted-string> [CFWS]
+ 'bare-quoted-string' is an intermediate class defined by this
+ parser and not by the RFC grammar. It is the quoted string
+ without any attached CFWS.
+ """
+ quoted_string = QuotedString()
+ if value and value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ quoted_string.append(token)
+ token, value = get_bare_quoted_string(value)
+ quoted_string.append(token)
+ if value and value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ quoted_string.append(token)
+ return quoted_string, value
+def get_atom(value):
+ """atom = [CFWS] 1*atext [CFWS]
+ """
+ atom = Atom()
+ if value and value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ atom.append(token)
+ if value and value[0] in ATOM_ENDS:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected atom but found '{}'".format(value))
+ token, value = get_atext(value)
+ atom.append(token)
+ if value and value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ atom.append(token)
+ return atom, value
+def get_dot_atom_text(value):
+ """ dot-text = 1*atext *("." 1*atext)
+ """
+ dot_atom_text = DotAtomText()
+ if not value or value[0] in ATOM_ENDS:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError("expected atom at a start of "
+ "dot-atom-text but found '{}'".format(value))
+ while value and value[0] not in ATOM_ENDS:
+ token, value = get_atext(value)
+ dot_atom_text.append(token)
+ if value and value[0] == '.':
+ dot_atom_text.append(DOT)
+ value = value[1:]
+ if dot_atom_text[-1] is DOT:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError("expected atom at end of dot-atom-text "
+ "but found '{}'".format('.'+value))
+ return dot_atom_text, value
+def get_dot_atom(value):
+ """ dot-atom = [CFWS] dot-atom-text [CFWS]
+ """
+ dot_atom = DotAtom()
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ dot_atom.append(token)
+ token, value = get_dot_atom_text(value)
+ dot_atom.append(token)
+ if value and value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ dot_atom.append(token)
+ return dot_atom, value
+def get_word(value):
+ """word = atom / quoted-string
+ Either atom or quoted-string may start with CFWS. We have to peel off this
+ CFWS first to determine which type of word to parse. Afterward we splice
+ the leading CFWS, if any, into the parsed sub-token.
+ If neither an atom or a quoted-string is found before the next special, a
+ HeaderParseError is raised.
+ The token returned is either an Atom or a QuotedString, as appropriate.
+ This means the 'word' level of the formal grammar is not represented in the
+ parse tree; this is because having that extra layer when manipulating the
+ parse tree is more confusing than it is helpful.
+ """
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ leader, value = get_cfws(value)
+ else:
+ leader = None
+ if value[0]=='"':
+ token, value = get_quoted_string(value)
+ elif value[0] in SPECIALS:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError("Expected 'atom' or 'quoted-string' "
+ "but found '{}'".format(value))
+ else:
+ token, value = get_atom(value)
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[:0] = [leader]
+ return token, value
+def get_phrase(value):
+ """ phrase = 1*word / obs-phrase
+ obs-phrase = word *(word / "." / CFWS)
+ This means a phrase can be a sequence of words, periods, and CFWS in any
+ order as long as it starts with at least one word. If anything other than
+ words is detected, an ObsoleteHeaderDefect is added to the token's defect
+ list. We also accept a phrase that starts with CFWS followed by a dot;
+ this is registered as an InvalidHeaderDefect, since it is not supported by
+ even the obsolete grammar.
+ """
+ phrase = Phrase()
+ try:
+ token, value = get_word(value)
+ phrase.append(token)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ phrase.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "phrase does not start with word"))
+ while value and value[0] not in PHRASE_ENDS:
+ if value[0]=='.':
+ phrase.append(DOT)
+ phrase.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "period in 'phrase'"))
+ value = value[1:]
+ else:
+ try:
+ token, value = get_word(value)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ phrase.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "comment found without atom"))
+ else:
+ raise
+ phrase.append(token)
+ return phrase, value
+def get_local_part(value):
+ """ local-part = dot-atom / quoted-string / obs-local-part
+ """
+ local_part = LocalPart()
+ leader = None
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ leader, value = get_cfws(value)
+ if not value:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected local-part but found '{}'".format(value))
+ try:
+ token, value = get_dot_atom(value)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ try:
+ token, value = get_word(value)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ if value[0] != '\\' and value[0] in PHRASE_ENDS:
+ raise
+ token = TokenList()
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[:0] = [leader]
+ local_part.append(token)
+ if value and (value[0]=='\\' or value[0] not in PHRASE_ENDS):
+ obs_local_part, value = get_obs_local_part(str(local_part) + value)
+ if obs_local_part.token_type == 'invalid-obs-local-part':
+ local_part.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "local-part is not dot-atom, quoted-string, or obs-local-part"))
+ else:
+ local_part.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "local-part is not a dot-atom (contains CFWS)"))
+ local_part[0] = obs_local_part
+ try:
+ local_part.value.encode('ascii')
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ local_part.defects.append(errors.NonASCIILocalPartDefect(
+ "local-part contains non-ASCII characters)"))
+ return local_part, value
+def get_obs_local_part(value):
+ """ obs-local-part = word *("." word)
+ """
+ obs_local_part = ObsLocalPart()
+ last_non_ws_was_dot = False
+ while value and (value[0]=='\\' or value[0] not in PHRASE_ENDS):
+ if value[0] == '.':
+ if last_non_ws_was_dot:
+ obs_local_part.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "invalid repeated '.'"))
+ obs_local_part.append(DOT)
+ last_non_ws_was_dot = True
+ value = value[1:]
+ continue
+ elif value[0]=='\\':
+ obs_local_part.append(ValueTerminal(value[0],
+ 'misplaced-special'))
+ value = value[1:]
+ obs_local_part.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "'\\' character outside of quoted-string/ccontent"))
+ last_non_ws_was_dot = False
+ continue
+ if obs_local_part and obs_local_part[-1].token_type != 'dot':
+ obs_local_part.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "missing '.' between words"))
+ try:
+ token, value = get_word(value)
+ last_non_ws_was_dot = False
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ if value[0] not in CFWS_LEADER:
+ raise
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ obs_local_part.append(token)
+ if (obs_local_part[0].token_type == 'dot' or
+ obs_local_part[0].token_type=='cfws' and
+ obs_local_part[1].token_type=='dot'):
+ obs_local_part.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "Invalid leading '.' in local part"))
+ if (obs_local_part[-1].token_type == 'dot' or
+ obs_local_part[-1].token_type=='cfws' and
+ obs_local_part[-2].token_type=='dot'):
+ obs_local_part.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "Invalid trailing '.' in local part"))
+ if obs_local_part.defects:
+ obs_local_part.token_type = 'invalid-obs-local-part'
+ return obs_local_part, value
+def get_dtext(value):
+ """ dtext = <printable ascii except \ [ ]> / obs-dtext
+ obs-dtext = obs-NO-WS-CTL / quoted-pair
+ We allow anything except the excluded characters, but but if we find any
+ ASCII other than the RFC defined printable ASCII an NonPrintableDefect is
+ added to the token's defects list. Quoted pairs are converted to their
+ unquoted values, so what is returned is a ptext token, in this case a
+ ValueTerminal. If there were quoted-printables, an ObsoleteHeaderDefect is
+ added to the returned token's defect list.
+ """
+ ptext, value, had_qp = _get_ptext_to_endchars(value, '[]')
+ ptext = ValueTerminal(ptext, 'ptext')
+ if had_qp:
+ ptext.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "quoted printable found in domain-literal"))
+ _validate_xtext(ptext)
+ return ptext, value
+def _check_for_early_dl_end(value, domain_literal):
+ if value:
+ return False
+ domain_literal.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "end of input inside domain-literal"))
+ domain_literal.append(ValueTerminal(']', 'domain-literal-end'))
+ return True
+def get_domain_literal(value):
+ """ domain-literal = [CFWS] "[" *([FWS] dtext) [FWS] "]" [CFWS]
+ """
+ domain_literal = DomainLiteral()
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ domain_literal.append(token)
+ if not value:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError("expected domain-literal")
+ if value[0] != '[':
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError("expected '[' at start of domain-literal "
+ "but found '{}'".format(value))
+ value = value[1:]
+ if _check_for_early_dl_end(value, domain_literal):
+ return domain_literal, value
+ domain_literal.append(ValueTerminal('[', 'domain-literal-start'))
+ if value[0] in WSP:
+ token, value = get_fws(value)
+ domain_literal.append(token)
+ token, value = get_dtext(value)
+ domain_literal.append(token)
+ if _check_for_early_dl_end(value, domain_literal):
+ return domain_literal, value
+ if value[0] in WSP:
+ token, value = get_fws(value)
+ domain_literal.append(token)
+ if _check_for_early_dl_end(value, domain_literal):
+ return domain_literal, value
+ if value[0] != ']':
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError("expected ']' at end of domain-literal "
+ "but found '{}'".format(value))
+ domain_literal.append(ValueTerminal(']', 'domain-literal-end'))
+ value = value[1:]
+ if value and value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ domain_literal.append(token)
+ return domain_literal, value
+def get_domain(value):
+ """ domain = dot-atom / domain-literal / obs-domain
+ obs-domain = atom *("." atom))
+ """
+ domain = Domain()
+ leader = None
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ leader, value = get_cfws(value)
+ if not value:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected domain but found '{}'".format(value))
+ if value[0] == '[':
+ token, value = get_domain_literal(value)
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[:0] = [leader]
+ domain.append(token)
+ return domain, value
+ try:
+ token, value = get_dot_atom(value)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ token, value = get_atom(value)
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[:0] = [leader]
+ domain.append(token)
+ if value and value[0] == '.':
+ domain.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "domain is not a dot-atom (contains CFWS)"))
+ if domain[0].token_type == 'dot-atom':
+ domain[:] = domain[0]
+ while value and value[0] == '.':
+ domain.append(DOT)
+ token, value = get_atom(value[1:])
+ domain.append(token)
+ return domain, value
+def get_addr_spec(value):
+ """ addr-spec = local-part "@" domain
+ """
+ addr_spec = AddrSpec()
+ token, value = get_local_part(value)
+ addr_spec.append(token)
+ if not value or value[0] != '@':
+ addr_spec.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "add-spec local part with no domain"))
+ return addr_spec, value
+ addr_spec.append(ValueTerminal('@', 'address-at-symbol'))
+ token, value = get_domain(value[1:])
+ addr_spec.append(token)
+ return addr_spec, value
+def get_obs_route(value):
+ """ obs-route = obs-domain-list ":"
+ obs-domain-list = *(CFWS / ",") "@" domain *("," [CFWS] ["@" domain])
+ Returns an obs-route token with the appropriate sub-tokens (that is,
+ there is no obs-domain-list in the parse tree).
+ """
+ obs_route = ObsRoute()
+ while value and (value[0]==',' or value[0] in CFWS_LEADER):
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ obs_route.append(token)
+ elif value[0] == ',':
+ obs_route.append(ListSeparator)
+ value = value[1:]
+ if not value or value[0] != '@':
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected obs-route domain but found '{}'".format(value))
+ obs_route.append(RouteComponentMarker)
+ token, value = get_domain(value[1:])
+ obs_route.append(token)
+ while value and value[0]==',':
+ obs_route.append(ListSeparator)
+ value = value[1:]
+ if not value:
+ break
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ obs_route.append(token)
+ if value[0] == '@':
+ obs_route.append(RouteComponentMarker)
+ token, value = get_domain(value[1:])
+ obs_route.append(token)
+ if not value:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError("end of header while parsing obs-route")
+ if value[0] != ':':
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError( "expected ':' marking end of "
+ "obs-route but found '{}'".format(value))
+ obs_route.append(ValueTerminal(':', 'end-of-obs-route-marker'))
+ return obs_route, value[1:]
+def get_angle_addr(value):
+ """ angle-addr = [CFWS] "<" addr-spec ">" [CFWS] / obs-angle-addr
+ obs-angle-addr = [CFWS] "<" obs-route addr-spec ">" [CFWS]
+ """
+ angle_addr = AngleAddr()
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ angle_addr.append(token)
+ if not value or value[0] != '<':
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected angle-addr but found '{}'".format(value))
+ angle_addr.append(ValueTerminal('<', 'angle-addr-start'))
+ value = value[1:]
+ try:
+ token, value = get_addr_spec(value)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ try:
+ token, value = get_obs_route(value)
+ angle_addr.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "obsolete route specification in angle-addr"))
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected addr-spec or but found '{}'".format(value))
+ angle_addr.append(token)
+ token, value = get_addr_spec(value)
+ angle_addr.append(token)
+ if value and value[0] == '>':
+ value = value[1:]
+ else:
+ angle_addr.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "missing trailing '>' on angle-addr"))
+ angle_addr.append(ValueTerminal('>', 'angle-addr-end'))
+ if value and value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ angle_addr.append(token)
+ return angle_addr, value
+def get_display_name(value):
+ """ display-name = phrase
+ Because this is simply a name-rule, we don't return a display-name
+ token containing a phrase, but rather a display-name token with
+ the content of the phrase.
+ """
+ display_name = DisplayName()
+ token, value = get_phrase(value)
+ display_name.extend(token[:])
+ display_name.defects = token.defects[:]
+ return display_name, value
+def get_name_addr(value):
+ """ name-addr = [display-name] angle-addr
+ """
+ name_addr = NameAddr()
+ # Both the optional display name and the angle-addr can start with cfws.
+ leader = None
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ leader, value = get_cfws(value)
+ if not value:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected name-addr but found '{}'".format(leader))
+ if value[0] != '<':
+ if value[0] in PHRASE_ENDS:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected name-addr but found '{}'".format(value))
+ token, value = get_display_name(value)
+ if not value:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected name-addr but found '{}'".format(token))
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[0][:0] = [leader]
+ leader = None
+ name_addr.append(token)
+ token, value = get_angle_addr(value)
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[:0] = [leader]
+ name_addr.append(token)
+ return name_addr, value
+def get_mailbox(value):
+ """ mailbox = name-addr / addr-spec
+ """
+ # The only way to figure out if we are dealing with a name-addr or an
+ # addr-spec is to try parsing each one.
+ mailbox = Mailbox()
+ try:
+ token, value = get_name_addr(value)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ try:
+ token, value = get_addr_spec(value)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected mailbox but found '{}'".format(value))
+ if any(isinstance(x, errors.InvalidHeaderDefect)
+ for x in token.all_defects):
+ mailbox.token_type = 'invalid-mailbox'
+ mailbox.append(token)
+ return mailbox, value
+def get_invalid_mailbox(value, endchars):
+ """ Read everything up to one of the chars in endchars.
+ This is outside the formal grammar. The InvalidMailbox TokenList that is
+ returned acts like a Mailbox, but the data attributes are None.
+ """
+ invalid_mailbox = InvalidMailbox()
+ while value and value[0] not in endchars:
+ if value[0] in PHRASE_ENDS:
+ invalid_mailbox.append(ValueTerminal(value[0],
+ 'misplaced-special'))
+ value = value[1:]
+ else:
+ token, value = get_phrase(value)
+ invalid_mailbox.append(token)
+ return invalid_mailbox, value
+def get_mailbox_list(value):
+ """ mailbox-list = (mailbox *("," mailbox)) / obs-mbox-list
+ obs-mbox-list = *([CFWS] ",") mailbox *("," [mailbox / CFWS])
+ For this routine we go outside the formal grammar in order to improve error
+ handling. We recognize the end of the mailbox list only at the end of the
+ value or at a ';' (the group terminator). This is so that we can turn
+ invalid mailboxes into InvalidMailbox tokens and continue parsing any
+ remaining valid mailboxes. We also allow all mailbox entries to be null,
+ and this condition is handled appropriately at a higher level.
+ """
+ mailbox_list = MailboxList()
+ while value and value[0] != ';':
+ try:
+ token, value = get_mailbox(value)
+ mailbox_list.append(token)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ leader = None
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ leader, value = get_cfws(value)
+ if not value or value[0] in ',;':
+ mailbox_list.append(leader)
+ mailbox_list.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "empty element in mailbox-list"))
+ else:
+ token, value = get_invalid_mailbox(value, ',;')
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[:0] = [leader]
+ mailbox_list.append(token)
+ mailbox_list.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "invalid mailbox in mailbox-list"))
+ elif value[0] == ',':
+ mailbox_list.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "empty element in mailbox-list"))
+ else:
+ token, value = get_invalid_mailbox(value, ',;')
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[:0] = [leader]
+ mailbox_list.append(token)
+ mailbox_list.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "invalid mailbox in mailbox-list"))
+ if value and value[0] not in ',;':
+ # Crap after mailbox; treat it as an invalid mailbox.
+ # The mailbox info will still be available.
+ mailbox = mailbox_list[-1]
+ mailbox.token_type = 'invalid-mailbox'
+ token, value = get_invalid_mailbox(value, ',;')
+ mailbox.extend(token)
+ mailbox_list.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "invalid mailbox in mailbox-list"))
+ if value and value[0] == ',':
+ mailbox_list.append(ListSeparator)
+ value = value[1:]
+ return mailbox_list, value
+def get_group_list(value):
+ """ group-list = mailbox-list / CFWS / obs-group-list
+ obs-group-list = 1*([CFWS] ",") [CFWS]
+ """
+ group_list = GroupList()
+ if not value:
+ group_list.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "end of header before group-list"))
+ return group_list, value
+ leader = None
+ if value and value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ leader, value = get_cfws(value)
+ if not value:
+ # This should never happen in email parsing, since CFWS-only is a
+ # legal alternative to group-list in a group, which is the only
+ # place group-list appears.
+ group_list.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "end of header in group-list"))
+ group_list.append(leader)
+ return group_list, value
+ if value[0] == ';':
+ group_list.append(leader)
+ return group_list, value
+ token, value = get_mailbox_list(value)
+ if len(token.all_mailboxes)==0:
+ if leader is not None:
+ group_list.append(leader)
+ group_list.extend(token)
+ group_list.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "group-list with empty entries"))
+ return group_list, value
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[:0] = [leader]
+ group_list.append(token)
+ return group_list, value
+def get_group(value):
+ """ group = display-name ":" [group-list] ";" [CFWS]
+ """
+ group = Group()
+ token, value = get_display_name(value)
+ if not value or value[0] != ':':
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError("expected ':' at end of group "
+ "display name but found '{}'".format(value))
+ group.append(token)
+ group.append(ValueTerminal(':', 'group-display-name-terminator'))
+ value = value[1:]
+ if value and value[0] == ';':
+ group.append(ValueTerminal(';', 'group-terminator'))
+ return group, value[1:]
+ token, value = get_group_list(value)
+ group.append(token)
+ if not value:
+ group.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "end of header in group"))
+ if value[0] != ';':
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected ';' at end of group but found {}".format(value))
+ group.append(ValueTerminal(';', 'group-terminator'))
+ value = value[1:]
+ if value and value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ token, value = get_cfws(value)
+ group.append(token)
+ return group, value
+def get_address(value):
+ """ address = mailbox / group
+ Note that counter-intuitively, an address can be either a single address or
+ a list of addresses (a group). This is why the returned Address object has
+ a 'mailboxes' attribute which treats a single address as a list of length
+ one. When you need to differentiate between to two cases, extract the single
+ element, which is either a mailbox or a group token.
+ """
+ # The formal grammar isn't very helpful when parsing an address. mailbox
+ # and group, especially when allowing for obsolete forms, start off very
+ # similarly. It is only when you reach one of @, <, or : that you know
+ # what you've got. So, we try each one in turn, starting with the more
+ # likely of the two. We could perhaps make this more efficient by looking
+ # for a phrase and then branching based on the next character, but that
+ # would be a premature optimization.
+ address = Address()
+ try:
+ token, value = get_group(value)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ try:
+ token, value = get_mailbox(value)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError:
+ raise errors.HeaderParseError(
+ "expected address but found '{}'".format(value))
+ address.append(token)
+ return address, value
+def get_address_list(value):
+ """ address_list = (address *("," address)) / obs-addr-list
+ obs-addr-list = *([CFWS] ",") address *("," [address / CFWS])
+ We depart from the formal grammar here by continuing to parse until the end
+ of the input, assuming the input to be entirely composed of an
+ address-list. This is always true in email parsing, and allows us
+ to skip invalid addresses to parse additional valid ones.
+ """
+ address_list = AddressList()
+ while value:
+ try:
+ token, value = get_address(value)
+ address_list.append(token)
+ except errors.HeaderParseError as err:
+ leader = None
+ if value[0] in CFWS_LEADER:
+ leader, value = get_cfws(value)
+ if not value or value[0] == ',':
+ address_list.append(leader)
+ address_list.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "address-list entry with no content"))
+ else:
+ token, value = get_invalid_mailbox(value, ',')
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[:0] = [leader]
+ address_list.append(Address([token]))
+ address_list.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "invalid address in address-list"))
+ elif value[0] == ',':
+ address_list.defects.append(errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect(
+ "empty element in address-list"))
+ else:
+ token, value = get_invalid_mailbox(value, ',')
+ if leader is not None:
+ token[:0] = [leader]
+ address_list.append(Address([token]))
+ address_list.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "invalid address in address-list"))
+ if value and value[0] != ',':
+ # Crap after address; treat it as an invalid mailbox.
+ # The mailbox info will still be available.
+ mailbox = address_list[-1][0]
+ mailbox.token_type = 'invalid-mailbox'
+ token, value = get_invalid_mailbox(value, ',')
+ mailbox.extend(token)
+ address_list.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "invalid address in address-list"))
+ if value: # Must be a , at this point.
+ address_list.append(ValueTerminal(',', 'list-separator'))
+ value = value[1:]
+ return address_list, value
--- /dev/null
+"""Representing and manipulating email headers via custom objects.
+This module provides an implementation of the HeaderRegistry API.
+The implementation is designed to flexibly follow RFC5322 rules.
+Eventually HeaderRegistry will be a public API, but it isn't yet,
+and will probably change some before that happens.
+from email import utils
+from email import errors
+from email import _header_value_parser as parser
+class Address:
+ def __init__(self, display_name='', username='', domain='', addr_spec=None):
+ """Create an object represeting a full email address.
+ An address can have a 'display_name', a 'username', and a 'domain'. In
+ addition to specifying the username and domain separately, they may be
+ specified together by using the addr_spec keyword *instead of* the
+ username and domain keywords. If an addr_spec string is specified it
+ must be properly quoted according to RFC 5322 rules; an error will be
+ raised if it is not.
+ An Address object has display_name, username, domain, and addr_spec
+ attributes, all of which are read-only. The addr_spec and the string
+ value of the object are both quoted according to RFC5322 rules, but
+ without any Content Transfer Encoding.
+ """
+ # This clause with its potential 'raise' may only happen when an
+ # application program creates an Address object using an addr_spec
+ # keyword. The email library code itself must always supply username
+ # and domain.
+ if addr_spec is not None:
+ if username or domain:
+ raise TypeError("addrspec specified when username and/or "
+ "domain also specified")
+ a_s, rest = parser.get_addr_spec(addr_spec)
+ if rest:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid addr_spec; only '{}' "
+ "could be parsed from '{}'".format(
+ a_s, addr_spec))
+ if a_s.all_defects:
+ raise a_s.all_defects[0]
+ username = a_s.local_part
+ domain = a_s.domain
+ self._display_name = display_name
+ self._username = username
+ self._domain = domain
+ @property
+ def display_name(self):
+ return self._display_name
+ @property
+ def username(self):
+ return self._username
+ @property
+ def domain(self):
+ return self._domain
+ @property
+ def addr_spec(self):
+ """The addr_spec (username@domain) portion of the address, quoted
+ according to RFC 5322 rules, but with no Content Transfer Encoding.
+ """
+ nameset = set(self.username)
+ if len(nameset) > len(nameset-parser.DOT_ATOM_ENDS):
+ lp = parser.quote_string(self.username)
+ else:
+ lp = self.username
+ if self.domain:
+ return lp + '@' + self.domain
+ if not lp:
+ return '<>'
+ return lp
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Address(display_name={!r}, username={!r}, domain={!r})".format(
+ self.display_name, self.username, self.domain)
+ def __str__(self):
+ nameset = set(self.display_name)
+ if len(nameset) > len(nameset-parser.SPECIALS):
+ disp = parser.quote_string(self.display_name)
+ else:
+ disp = self.display_name
+ if disp:
+ addr_spec = '' if self.addr_spec=='<>' else self.addr_spec
+ return "{} <{}>".format(disp, addr_spec)
+ return self.addr_spec
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if type(other) != type(self):
+ return False
+ return (self.display_name == other.display_name and
+ self.username == other.username and
+ self.domain == other.domain)
+class Group:
+ def __init__(self, display_name=None, addresses=None):
+ """Create an object representing an address group.
+ An address group consists of a display_name followed by colon and an
+ list of addresses (see Address) terminated by a semi-colon. The Group
+ is created by specifying a display_name and a possibly empty list of
+ Address objects. A Group can also be used to represent a single
+ address that is not in a group, which is convenient when manipulating
+ lists that are a combination of Groups and individual Addresses. In
+ this case the display_name should be set to None. In particular, the
+ string representation of a Group whose display_name is None is the same
+ as the Address object, if there is one and only one Address object in
+ the addresses list.
+ """
+ self._display_name = display_name
+ self._addresses = tuple(addresses) if addresses else tuple()
+ @property
+ def display_name(self):
+ return self._display_name
+ @property
+ def addresses(self):
+ return self._addresses
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Group(display_name={!r}, addresses={!r}".format(
+ self.display_name, self.addresses)
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.display_name is None and len(self.addresses)==1:
+ return str(self.addresses[0])
+ disp = self.display_name
+ if disp is not None:
+ nameset = set(disp)
+ if len(nameset) > len(nameset-parser.SPECIALS):
+ disp = parser.quote_string(disp)
+ adrstr = ", ".join(str(x) for x in self.addresses)
+ adrstr = ' ' + adrstr if adrstr else adrstr
+ return "{}:{};".format(disp, adrstr)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if type(other) != type(self):
+ return False
+ return (self.display_name == other.display_name and
+ self.addresses == other.addresses)
+# Header Classes #
+class BaseHeader(str):
+ """Base class for message headers.
+ Implements generic behavior and provides tools for subclasses.
+ A subclass must define a classmethod named 'parse' that takes an unfolded
+ value string and a dictionary as its arguments. The dictionary will
+ contain one key, 'defects', initialized to an empty list. After the call
+ the dictionary must contain two additional keys: parse_tree, set to the
+ parse tree obtained from parsing the header, and 'decoded', set to the
+ string value of the idealized representation of the data from the value.
+ (That is, encoded words are decoded, and values that have canonical
+ representations are so represented.)
+ The defects key is intended to collect parsing defects, which the message
+ parser will subsequently dispose of as appropriate. The parser should not,
+ insofar as practical, raise any errors. Defects should be added to the
+ list instead. The standard header parsers register defects for RFC
+ compliance issues, for obsolete RFC syntax, and for unrecoverable parsing
+ errors.
+ The parse method may add additional keys to the dictionary. In this case
+ the subclass must define an 'init' method, which will be passed the
+ dictionary as its keyword arguments. The method should use (usually by
+ setting them as the value of similarly named attributes) and remove all the
+ extra keys added by its parse method, and then use super to call its parent
+ class with the remaining arguments and keywords.
+ The subclass should also make sure that a 'max_count' attribute is defined
+ that is either None or 1. XXX: need to better define this API.
+ """
+ def __new__(cls, name, value):
+ kwds = {'defects': []}
+ cls.parse(value, kwds)
+ if utils._has_surrogates(kwds['decoded']):
+ kwds['decoded'] = utils._sanitize(kwds['decoded'])
+ self = str.__new__(cls, kwds['decoded'])
+ del kwds['decoded']
+ self.init(name, **kwds)
+ return self
+ def init(self, name, *, parse_tree, defects):
+ self._name = name
+ self._parse_tree = parse_tree
+ self._defects = defects
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ return self._name
+ @property
+ def defects(self):
+ return tuple(self._defects)
+ def __reduce__(self):
+ return (
+ _reconstruct_header,
+ (
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.__class__.__bases__,
+ str(self),
+ ),
+ self.__dict__)
+ @classmethod
+ def _reconstruct(cls, value):
+ return str.__new__(cls, value)
+ def fold(self, *, policy):
+ """Fold header according to policy.
+ The parsed representation of the header is folded according to
+ RFC5322 rules, as modified by the policy. If the parse tree
+ contains surrogateescaped bytes, the bytes are CTE encoded using
+ the charset 'unknown-8bit".
+ Any non-ASCII characters in the parse tree are CTE encoded using
+ charset utf-8. XXX: make this a policy setting.
+ The returned value is an ASCII-only string possibly containing linesep
+ characters, and ending with a linesep character. The string includes
+ the header name and the ': ' separator.
+ """
+ # At some point we need to only put fws here if it was in the source.
+ header = parser.Header([
+ parser.HeaderLabel([
+ parser.ValueTerminal(self.name, 'header-name'),
+ parser.ValueTerminal(':', 'header-sep')]),
+ parser.CFWSList([parser.WhiteSpaceTerminal(' ', 'fws')]),
+ self._parse_tree])
+ return header.fold(policy=policy)
+def _reconstruct_header(cls_name, bases, value):
+ return type(cls_name, bases, {})._reconstruct(value)
+class UnstructuredHeader:
+ max_count = None
+ value_parser = staticmethod(parser.get_unstructured)
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, value, kwds):
+ kwds['parse_tree'] = cls.value_parser(value)
+ kwds['decoded'] = str(kwds['parse_tree'])
+class UniqueUnstructuredHeader(UnstructuredHeader):
+ max_count = 1
+class DateHeader:
+ """Header whose value consists of a single timestamp.
+ Provides an additional attribute, datetime, which is either an aware
+ datetime using a timezone, or a naive datetime if the timezone
+ in the input string is -0000. Also accepts a datetime as input.
+ The 'value' attribute is the normalized form of the timestamp,
+ which means it is the output of format_datetime on the datetime.
+ """
+ max_count = None
+ # This is used only for folding, not for creating 'decoded'.
+ value_parser = staticmethod(parser.get_unstructured)
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, value, kwds):
+ if not value:
+ kwds['defects'].append(errors.HeaderMissingRequiredValue())
+ kwds['datetime'] = None
+ kwds['decoded'] = ''
+ kwds['parse_tree'] = parser.TokenList()
+ return
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ value = utils.parsedate_to_datetime(value)
+ kwds['datetime'] = value
+ kwds['decoded'] = utils.format_datetime(kwds['datetime'])
+ kwds['parse_tree'] = cls.value_parser(kwds['decoded'])
+ def init(self, *args, **kw):
+ self._datetime = kw.pop('datetime')
+ super().init(*args, **kw)
+ @property
+ def datetime(self):
+ return self._datetime
+class UniqueDateHeader(DateHeader):
+ max_count = 1
+class AddressHeader:
+ max_count = None
+ @staticmethod
+ def value_parser(value):
+ address_list, value = parser.get_address_list(value)
+ assert not value, 'this should not happen'
+ return address_list
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, value, kwds):
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ # We are translating here from the RFC language (address/mailbox)
+ # to our API language (group/address).
+ kwds['parse_tree'] = address_list = cls.value_parser(value)
+ groups = []
+ for addr in address_list.addresses:
+ groups.append(Group(addr.display_name,
+ [Address(mb.display_name or '',
+ mb.local_part or '',
+ mb.domain or '')
+ for mb in addr.all_mailboxes]))
+ defects = list(address_list.all_defects)
+ else:
+ # Assume it is Address/Group stuff
+ if not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
+ value = [value]
+ groups = [Group(None, [item]) if not hasattr(item, 'addresses')
+ else item
+ for item in value]
+ defects = []
+ kwds['groups'] = groups
+ kwds['defects'] = defects
+ kwds['decoded'] = ', '.join([str(item) for item in groups])
+ if 'parse_tree' not in kwds:
+ kwds['parse_tree'] = cls.value_parser(kwds['decoded'])
+ def init(self, *args, **kw):
+ self._groups = tuple(kw.pop('groups'))
+ self._addresses = None
+ super().init(*args, **kw)
+ @property
+ def groups(self):
+ return self._groups
+ @property
+ def addresses(self):
+ if self._addresses is None:
+ self._addresses = tuple([address for group in self._groups
+ for address in group.addresses])
+ return self._addresses
+class UniqueAddressHeader(AddressHeader):
+ max_count = 1
+class SingleAddressHeader(AddressHeader):
+ @property
+ def address(self):
+ if len(self.addresses)!=1:
+ raise ValueError(("value of single address header {} is not "
+ "a single address").format(self.name))
+ return self.addresses[0]
+class UniqueSingleAddressHeader(SingleAddressHeader):
+ max_count = 1
+# The header factory #
+_default_header_map = {
+ 'subject': UniqueUnstructuredHeader,
+ 'date': UniqueDateHeader,
+ 'resent-date': DateHeader,
+ 'orig-date': UniqueDateHeader,
+ 'sender': UniqueSingleAddressHeader,
+ 'resent-sender': SingleAddressHeader,
+ 'to': UniqueAddressHeader,
+ 'resent-to': AddressHeader,
+ 'cc': UniqueAddressHeader,
+ 'resent-cc': AddressHeader,
+ 'bcc': UniqueAddressHeader,
+ 'resent-bcc': AddressHeader,
+ 'from': UniqueAddressHeader,
+ 'resent-from': AddressHeader,
+ 'reply-to': UniqueAddressHeader,
+ }
+class HeaderRegistry:
+ """A header_factory and header registry."""
+ def __init__(self, base_class=BaseHeader, default_class=UnstructuredHeader,
+ use_default_map=True):
+ """Create a header_factory that works with the Policy API.
+ base_class is the class that will be the last class in the created
+ header class's __bases__ list. default_class is the class that will be
+ used if "name" (see __call__) does not appear in the registry.
+ use_default_map controls whether or not the default mapping of names to
+ specialized classes is copied in to the registry when the factory is
+ created. The default is True.
+ """
+ self.registry = {}
+ self.base_class = base_class
+ self.default_class = default_class
+ if use_default_map:
+ self.registry.update(_default_header_map)
+ def map_to_type(self, name, cls):
+ """Register cls as the specialized class for handling "name" headers.
+ """
+ self.registry[name.lower()] = cls
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ cls = self.registry.get(name.lower(), self.default_class)
+ return type('_'+cls.__name__, (cls, self.base_class), {})
+ def __call__(self, name, value):
+ """Create a header instance for header 'name' from 'value'.
+ Creates a header instance by creating a specialized class for parsing
+ and representing the specified header by combining the factory
+ base_class with a specialized class from the registry or the
+ default_class, and passing the name and value to the constructed
+ class's constructor.
+ """
+ return self[name](name, value)
except for the changes passed in as keyword arguments.
+ newpolicy = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
for attr, value in self.__dict__.items():
- if attr not in kw:
- kw[attr] = value
- return self.__class__(**kw)
+ object.__setattr__(newpolicy, attr, value)
+ for attr, value in kw.items():
+ if not hasattr(self, attr):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "{!r} is an invalid keyword argument for {}".format(
+ attr, self.__class__.__name__))
+ object.__setattr__(newpolicy, attr, value)
+ return newpolicy
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if hasattr(self, name):
"""email package exception classes."""
class MessageError(Exception):
"""Base class for errors in the email package."""
"""An illegal charset was given."""
# These are parsing defects which the parser was able to work around.
-class MessageDefect(Exception):
+class MessageDefect(ValueError):
"""Base class for a message defect."""
def __init__(self, line=None):
class InvalidMultipartContentTransferEncodingDefect(MessageDefect):
"""An invalid content transfer encoding was set on the multipart itself."""
+class UndecodableBytesDefect(MessageDefect):
+ """Header contained bytes that could not be decoded"""
+class InvalidBase64PaddingDefect(MessageDefect):
+ """base64 encoded sequence had an incorrect length"""
+class InvalidBase64CharactersDefect(MessageDefect):
+ """base64 encoded sequence had characters not in base64 alphabet"""
+# These errors are specific to header parsing.
+class HeaderDefect(MessageDefect):
+ """Base class for a header defect."""
+class InvalidHeaderDefect(HeaderDefect):
+ """Header is not valid, message gives details."""
+class HeaderMissingRequiredValue(HeaderDefect):
+ """A header that must have a value had none"""
+class NonPrintableDefect(HeaderDefect):
+ """ASCII characters outside the ascii-printable range found"""
+ def __init__(self, non_printables):
+ super().__init__(non_printables)
+ self.non_printables = non_printables
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("the following ASCII non-printables found in header: "
+ "{}".format(self.non_printables))
+class ObsoleteHeaderDefect(HeaderDefect):
+ """Header uses syntax declared obsolete by RFC 5322"""
+class NonASCIILocalPartDefect(HeaderDefect):
+ """local_part contains non-ASCII characters"""
+ # This defect only occurs during unicode parsing, not when
+ # parsing messages decoded from binary.
self._encoded_NL = self._encode(self._NL)
self._EMPTY = ''
self._encoded_EMTPY = self._encode('')
- p = self.policy
+ # Because we use clone (below) when we recursively process message
+ # subparts, and because clone uses the computed policy (not None),
+ # submessages will automatically get set to the computed policy when
+ # they are processed by this code.
+ old_gen_policy = self.policy
+ old_msg_policy = msg.policy
self.policy = policy
+ msg.policy = policy
if unixfrom:
ufrom = msg.get_unixfrom()
if not ufrom:
self.write(ufrom + self._NL)
- self.policy = p
+ self.policy = old_gen_policy
+ msg.policy = old_msg_policy
def clone(self, fp):
"""Clone this generator with the exact same options."""
code that adds all the email6 features.
-from email._policybase import Policy, compat32, Compat32
+from email._policybase import Policy, Compat32, compat32
+from email.utils import _has_surrogates
+from email._headerregistry import HeaderRegistry as _HeaderRegistry
-# XXX: temporarily derive everything from compat32.
+__all__ = [
+ 'Compat32',
+ 'compat32',
+ 'Policy',
+ 'EmailPolicy',
+ 'default',
+ 'strict',
+ 'SMTP',
+ 'HTTP',
+ ]
-default = compat32
+class EmailPolicy(Policy):
+ """+
+ The API extensions enabled by this this policy are currently provisional.
+ Refer to the documentation for details.
+ This policy adds new header parsing and folding algorithms. Instead of
+ simple strings, headers are custom objects with custom attributes
+ depending on the type of the field. The folding algorithm fully
+ implements RFCs 2047 and 5322.
+ In addition to the settable attributes listed above that apply to
+ all Policies, this policy adds the following additional attributes:
+ refold_source -- if the value for a header in the Message object
+ came from the parsing of some source, this attribute
+ indicates whether or not a generator should refold
+ that value when transforming the message back into
+ stream form. The possible values are:
+ none -- all source values use original folding
+ long -- source values that have any line that is
+ longer than max_line_length will be
+ refolded
+ all -- all values are refolded.
+ The default is 'long'.
+ header_factory -- a callable that takes two arguments, 'name' and
+ 'value', where 'name' is a header field name and
+ 'value' is an unfolded header field value, and
+ returns a string-like object that represents that
+ header. A default header_factory is provided that
+ understands some of the RFC5322 header field types.
+ (Currently address fields and date fields have
+ special treatment, while all other fields are
+ treated as unstructured. This list will be
+ completed before the extension is marked stable.)
+ """
+ refold_source = 'long'
+ header_factory = _HeaderRegistry()
+ def __init__(self, **kw):
+ # Ensure that each new instance gets a unique header factory
+ # (as opposed to clones, which share the factory).
+ if 'header_factory' not in kw:
+ object.__setattr__(self, 'header_factory', _HeaderRegistry())
+ super().__init__(**kw)
+ # The logic of the next three methods is chosen such that it is possible to
+ # switch a Message object between a Compat32 policy and a policy derived
+ # from this class and have the results stay consistent. This allows a
+ # Message object constructed with this policy to be passed to a library
+ # that only handles Compat32 objects, or to receive such an object and
+ # convert it to use the newer style by just changing its policy. It is
+ # also chosen because it postpones the relatively expensive full rfc5322
+ # parse until as late as possible when parsing from source, since in many
+ # applications only a few headers will actually be inspected.
+ def header_source_parse(self, sourcelines):
+ """+
+ The name is parsed as everything up to the ':' and returned unmodified.
+ The value is determined by stripping leading whitespace off the
+ remainder of the first line, joining all subsequent lines together, and
+ stripping any trailing carriage return or linefeed characters. (This
+ is the same as Compat32).
+ """
+ name, value = sourcelines[0].split(':', 1)
+ value = value.lstrip(' \t') + ''.join(sourcelines[1:])
+ return (name, value.rstrip('\r\n'))
+ def header_store_parse(self, name, value):
+ """+
+ The name is returned unchanged. If the input value has a 'name'
+ attribute and it matches the name ignoring case, the value is returned
+ unchanged. Otherwise the name and value are passed to header_factory
+ method, and the resulting custom header object is returned as the
+ value. In this case a ValueError is raised if the input value contains
+ CR or LF characters.
+ """
+ if hasattr(value, 'name') and value.name.lower() == name.lower():
+ return (name, value)
+ if len(value.splitlines())>1:
+ raise ValueError("Header values may not contain linefeed "
+ "or carriage return characters")
+ return (name, self.header_factory(name, value))
+ def header_fetch_parse(self, name, value):
+ """+
+ If the value has a 'name' attribute, it is returned to unmodified.
+ Otherwise the name and the value with any linesep characters removed
+ are passed to the header_factory method, and the resulting custom
+ header object is returned. Any surrogateescaped bytes get turned
+ into the unicode unknown-character glyph.
+ """
+ if hasattr(value, 'name'):
+ return value
+ return self.header_factory(name, ''.join(value.splitlines()))
+ def fold(self, name, value):
+ """+
+ Header folding is controlled by the refold_source policy setting. A
+ value is considered to be a 'source value' if and only if it does not
+ have a 'name' attribute (having a 'name' attribute means it is a header
+ object of some sort). If a source value needs to be refolded according
+ to the policy, it is converted into a custom header object by passing
+ the name and the value with any linesep characters removed to the
+ header_factory method. Folding of a custom header object is done by
+ calling its fold method with the current policy.
+ Source values are split into lines using splitlines. If the value is
+ not to be refolded, the lines are rejoined using the linesep from the
+ policy and returned. The exception is lines containing non-ascii
+ binary data. In that case the value is refolded regardless of the
+ refold_source setting, which causes the binary data to be CTE encoded
+ using the unknown-8bit charset.
+ """
+ return self._fold(name, value, refold_binary=True)
+ def fold_binary(self, name, value):
+ """+
+ The same as fold if cte_type is 7bit, except that the returned value is
+ bytes.
+ If cte_type is 8bit, non-ASCII binary data is converted back into
+ bytes. Headers with binary data are not refolded, regardless of the
+ refold_header setting, since there is no way to know whether the binary
+ data consists of single byte characters or multibyte characters.
+ """
+ folded = self._fold(name, value, refold_binary=self.cte_type=='7bit')
+ return folded.encode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
+ def _fold(self, name, value, refold_binary=False):
+ if hasattr(value, 'name'):
+ return value.fold(policy=self)
+ maxlen = self.max_line_length if self.max_line_length else float('inf')
+ lines = value.splitlines()
+ refold = (self.refold_source == 'all' or
+ self.refold_source == 'long' and
+ (len(lines[0])+len(name)+2 > maxlen or
+ any(len(x) > maxlen for x in lines[1:])))
+ if refold or refold_binary and _has_surrogates(value):
+ return self.header_factory(name, ''.join(lines)).fold(policy=self)
+ return name + ': ' + self.linesep.join(lines) + self.linesep
+default = EmailPolicy()
+# Make the default policy use the class default header_factory
+del default.header_factory
strict = default.clone(raise_on_defect=True)
SMTP = default.clone(linesep='\r\n')
HTTP = default.clone(linesep='\r\n', max_line_length=None)
_has_surrogates = re.compile(
+# How to deal with a string containing bytes before handing it to the
+# application through the 'normal' interface.
+def _sanitize(string):
+ # Turn any escaped bytes into unicode 'unknown' char.
+ original_bytes = string.encode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
+ return original_bytes.decode('ascii', 'replace')
# Helpers
def assertBytesEqual(self, first, second, msg):
"""Our byte strings are really encoded strings; improve diff output"""
self.assertEqual(self._bytes_repr(first), self._bytes_repr(second))
+ def assertDefectsEqual(self, actual, expected):
+ self.assertEqual(len(actual), len(expected), actual)
+ for i in range(len(actual)):
+ self.assertIsInstance(actual[i], expected[i],
+ 'item {}'.format(i))
--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+from email import _encoded_words as _ew
+from email import errors
+from test.test_email import TestEmailBase
+class TestDecodeQ(TestEmailBase):
+ def _test(self, source, ex_result, ex_defects=[]):
+ result, defects = _ew.decode_q(source)
+ self.assertEqual(result, ex_result)
+ self.assertDefectsEqual(defects, ex_defects)
+ def test_no_encoded(self):
+ self._test(b'foobar', b'foobar')
+ def test_spaces(self):
+ self._test(b'foo=20bar=20', b'foo bar ')
+ self._test(b'foo_bar_', b'foo bar ')
+ def test_run_of_encoded(self):
+ self._test(b'foo=20=20=21=2Cbar', b'foo !,bar')
+class TestDecodeB(TestEmailBase):
+ def _test(self, source, ex_result, ex_defects=[]):
+ result, defects = _ew.decode_b(source)
+ self.assertEqual(result, ex_result)
+ self.assertDefectsEqual(defects, ex_defects)
+ def test_simple(self):
+ self._test(b'Zm9v', b'foo')
+ def test_missing_padding(self):
+ self._test(b'dmk', b'vi', [errors.InvalidBase64PaddingDefect])
+ def test_invalid_character(self):
+ self._test(b'dm\x01k===', b'vi', [errors.InvalidBase64CharactersDefect])
+ def test_invalid_character_and_bad_padding(self):
+ self._test(b'dm\x01k', b'vi', [errors.InvalidBase64CharactersDefect,
+ errors.InvalidBase64PaddingDefect])
+class TestDecode(TestEmailBase):
+ def test_wrong_format_input_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ _ew.decode('=?badone?=')
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ _ew.decode('=?')
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ _ew.decode('')
+ def _test(self, source, result, charset='us-ascii', lang='', defects=[]):
+ res, char, l, d = _ew.decode(source)
+ self.assertEqual(res, result)
+ self.assertEqual(char, charset)
+ self.assertEqual(l, lang)
+ self.assertDefectsEqual(d, defects)
+ def test_simple_q(self):
+ self._test('=?us-ascii?q?foo?=', 'foo')
+ def test_simple_b(self):
+ self._test('=?us-ascii?b?dmk=?=', 'vi')
+ def test_q_case_ignored(self):
+ self._test('=?us-ascii?Q?foo?=', 'foo')
+ def test_b_case_ignored(self):
+ self._test('=?us-ascii?B?dmk=?=', 'vi')
+ def test_non_trivial_q(self):
+ self._test('=?latin-1?q?=20F=fcr=20Elise=20?=', ' Für Elise ', 'latin-1')
+ def test_q_escpaed_bytes_preserved(self):
+ self._test(b'=?us-ascii?q?=20\xACfoo?='.decode('us-ascii',
+ 'surrogateescape'),
+ ' \uDCACfoo',
+ defects = [errors.UndecodableBytesDefect])
+ def test_b_undecodable_bytes_ignored_with_defect(self):
+ self._test(b'=?us-ascii?b?dm\xACk?='.decode('us-ascii',
+ 'surrogateescape'),
+ 'vi',
+ defects = [
+ errors.InvalidBase64CharactersDefect,
+ errors.InvalidBase64PaddingDefect])
+ def test_b_invalid_bytes_ignored_with_defect(self):
+ self._test('=?us-ascii?b?dm\x01k===?=',
+ 'vi',
+ defects = [errors.InvalidBase64CharactersDefect])
+ def test_b_invalid_bytes_incorrect_padding(self):
+ self._test('=?us-ascii?b?dm\x01k?=',
+ 'vi',
+ defects = [
+ errors.InvalidBase64CharactersDefect,
+ errors.InvalidBase64PaddingDefect])
+ def test_b_padding_defect(self):
+ self._test('=?us-ascii?b?dmk?=',
+ 'vi',
+ defects = [errors.InvalidBase64PaddingDefect])
+ def test_nonnull_lang(self):
+ self._test('=?us-ascii*jive?q?test?=', 'test', lang='jive')
+ def test_unknown_8bit_charset(self):
+ self._test('=?unknown-8bit?q?foo=ACbar?=',
+ b'foo\xacbar'.decode('ascii', 'surrogateescape'),
+ charset = 'unknown-8bit',
+ defects = [])
+ def test_unknown_charset(self):
+ self._test('=?foobar?q?foo=ACbar?=',
+ b'foo\xacbar'.decode('ascii', 'surrogateescape'),
+ charset = 'foobar',
+ # XXX Should this be a new Defect instead?
+ defects = [errors.CharsetError])
+class TestEncodeQ(TestEmailBase):
+ def _test(self, src, expected):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode_q(src), expected)
+ def test_all_safe(self):
+ self._test(b'foobar', 'foobar')
+ def test_spaces(self):
+ self._test(b'foo bar ', 'foo_bar_')
+ def test_run_of_encodables(self):
+ self._test(b'foo ,,bar', 'foo__=2C=2Cbar')
+class TestEncodeB(TestEmailBase):
+ def test_simple(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode_b(b'foo'), 'Zm9v')
+ def test_padding(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode_b(b'vi'), 'dmk=')
+class TestEncode(TestEmailBase):
+ def test_q(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode('foo', 'utf-8', 'q'), '=?utf-8?q?foo?=')
+ def test_b(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode('foo', 'utf-8', 'b'), '=?utf-8?b?Zm9v?=')
+ def test_auto_q(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode('foo', 'utf-8'), '=?utf-8?q?foo?=')
+ def test_auto_q_if_short_mostly_safe(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode('vi.', 'utf-8'), '=?utf-8?q?vi=2E?=')
+ def test_auto_b_if_enough_unsafe(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode('.....', 'utf-8'), '=?utf-8?b?Li4uLi4=?=')
+ def test_auto_b_if_long_unsafe(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode('vi.vi.vi.vi.vi.', 'utf-8'),
+ '=?utf-8?b?dmkudmkudmkudmkudmku?=')
+ def test_auto_q_if_long_mostly_safe(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode('vi vi vi.vi ', 'utf-8'),
+ '=?utf-8?q?vi_vi_vi=2Evi_?=')
+ def test_utf8_default(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode('foo'), '=?utf-8?q?foo?=')
+ def test_lang(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode('foo', lang='jive'), '=?utf-8*jive?q?foo?=')
+ def test_unknown_8bit(self):
+ self.assertEqual(_ew.encode('foo\uDCACbar', charset='unknown-8bit'),
+ '=?unknown-8bit?q?foo=ACbar?=')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import string
+import unittest
+from email import _header_value_parser as parser
+from email import errors
+from email import policy
+from test.test_email import TestEmailBase
+class TestTokens(TestEmailBase):
+ # EWWhiteSpaceTerminal
+ def test_EWWhiteSpaceTerminal(self):
+ x = parser.EWWhiteSpaceTerminal(' \t', 'fws')
+ self.assertEqual(x, ' \t')
+ self.assertEqual(str(x), '')
+ self.assertEqual(x.value, '')
+ self.assertEqual(x.encoded, ' \t')
+ # UnstructuredTokenList
+ def test_undecodable_bytes_error_preserved(self):
+ badstr = b"le pouf c\xaflebre".decode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
+ unst = parser.get_unstructured(badstr)
+ self.assertDefectsEqual(unst.all_defects, [errors.UndecodableBytesDefect])
+ parts = list(unst.parts)
+ self.assertDefectsEqual(parts[0].all_defects, [])
+ self.assertDefectsEqual(parts[1].all_defects, [])
+ self.assertDefectsEqual(parts[2].all_defects, [errors.UndecodableBytesDefect])
+class TestParser(TestEmailBase):
+ # _wsp_splitter
+ rfc_printable_ascii = bytes(range(33, 127)).decode('ascii')
+ rfc_atext_chars = (string.ascii_letters + string.digits +
+ "!#$%&\'*+-/=?^_`{}|~")
+ rfc_dtext_chars = rfc_printable_ascii.translate(str.maketrans('','',r'\[]'))
+ def test__wsp_splitter_one_word(self):
+ self.assertEqual(parser._wsp_splitter('foo', 1), ['foo'])
+ def test__wsp_splitter_two_words(self):
+ self.assertEqual(parser._wsp_splitter('foo def', 1),
+ ['foo', ' ', 'def'])
+ def test__wsp_splitter_ws_runs(self):
+ self.assertEqual(parser._wsp_splitter('foo \t def jik', 1),
+ ['foo', ' \t ', 'def jik'])
+ # test harness
+ def _test_get_x(self, method, input, string, value, defects,
+ remainder, comments=None):
+ token, rest = method(input)
+ self.assertEqual(str(token), string)
+ self.assertEqual(token.value, value)
+ self.assertDefectsEqual(token.all_defects, defects)
+ self.assertEqual(rest, remainder)
+ if comments is not None:
+ self.assertEqual(token.comments, comments)
+ return token
+ # get_fws
+ def test_get_fws_only(self):
+ fws = self._test_get_x(parser.get_fws, ' \t ', ' \t ', ' ', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(fws.token_type, 'fws')
+ def test_get_fws_space(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_fws, ' foo', ' ', ' ', [], 'foo')
+ def test_get_fws_ws_run(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_fws, ' \t foo ', ' \t ', ' ', [], 'foo ')
+ # get_encoded_word
+ def test_get_encoded_word_missing_start_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_encoded_word('abc')
+ def test_get_encoded_word_missing_end_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_encoded_word('=?abc')
+ def test_get_encoded_word_missing_middle_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_encoded_word('=?abc?=')
+ def test_get_encoded_word_valid_ew(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_encoded_word,
+ '=?us-ascii?q?this_is_a_test?= bird',
+ 'this is a test',
+ 'this is a test',
+ [],
+ ' bird')
+ def test_get_encoded_word_internal_spaces(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_encoded_word,
+ '=?us-ascii?q?this is a test?= bird',
+ 'this is a test',
+ 'this is a test',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect],
+ ' bird')
+ def test_get_encoded_word_gets_first(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_encoded_word,
+ '=?us-ascii?q?first?= =?utf-8?q?second?=',
+ 'first',
+ 'first',
+ [],
+ ' =?utf-8?q?second?=')
+ def test_get_encoded_word_gets_first_even_if_no_space(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_encoded_word,
+ '=?us-ascii?q?first?==?utf-8?q?second?=',
+ 'first',
+ 'first',
+ [],
+ '=?utf-8?q?second?=')
+ def test_get_encoded_word_sets_extra_attributes(self):
+ ew = self._test_get_x(parser.get_encoded_word,
+ '=?us-ascii*jive?q?first_second?=',
+ 'first second',
+ 'first second',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(ew.encoded, '=?us-ascii*jive?q?first_second?=')
+ self.assertEqual(ew.charset, 'us-ascii')
+ self.assertEqual(ew.lang, 'jive')
+ def test_get_encoded_word_lang_default_is_blank(self):
+ ew = self._test_get_x(parser.get_encoded_word,
+ '=?us-ascii?q?first_second?=',
+ 'first second',
+ 'first second',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(ew.encoded, '=?us-ascii?q?first_second?=')
+ self.assertEqual(ew.charset, 'us-ascii')
+ self.assertEqual(ew.lang, '')
+ def test_get_encoded_word_non_printable_defect(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_encoded_word,
+ '=?us-ascii?q?first\x02second?=',
+ 'first\x02second',
+ 'first\x02second',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect],
+ '')
+ def test_get_encoded_word_leading_internal_space(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_encoded_word,
+ '=?us-ascii?q?=20foo?=',
+ ' foo',
+ ' foo',
+ [],
+ '')
+ # get_unstructured
+ def _get_unst(self, value):
+ token = parser.get_unstructured(value)
+ return token, ''
+ def test_get_unstructured_null(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, '', '', '', [], '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_one_word(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', [], '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_normal_phrase(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, 'foo bar bird',
+ 'foo bar bird',
+ 'foo bar bird',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_normal_phrase_with_whitespace(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, 'foo \t bar bird',
+ 'foo \t bar bird',
+ 'foo bar bird',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_leading_whitespace(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, ' foo bar',
+ ' foo bar',
+ ' foo bar',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_trailing_whitespace(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, 'foo bar ',
+ 'foo bar ',
+ 'foo bar ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_leading_and_trailing_whitespace(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, ' foo bar ',
+ ' foo bar ',
+ ' foo bar ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_one_valid_ew_no_ws(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, '=?us-ascii?q?bar?=',
+ 'bar',
+ 'bar',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_one_ew_trailing_ws(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, '=?us-ascii?q?bar?= ',
+ 'bar ',
+ 'bar ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_one_valid_ew_trailing_text(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, '=?us-ascii?q?bar?= bird',
+ 'bar bird',
+ 'bar bird',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_phrase_with_ew_in_middle_of_text(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst, 'foo =?us-ascii?q?bar?= bird',
+ 'foo bar bird',
+ 'foo bar bird',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_phrase_with_two_ew(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ 'foo =?us-ascii?q?bar?= =?us-ascii?q?bird?=',
+ 'foo barbird',
+ 'foo barbird',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_phrase_with_two_ew_trailing_ws(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ 'foo =?us-ascii?q?bar?= =?us-ascii?q?bird?= ',
+ 'foo barbird ',
+ 'foo barbird ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_phrase_with_ew_with_leading_ws(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ ' =?us-ascii?q?bar?=',
+ ' bar',
+ ' bar',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_phrase_with_two_ew_extra_ws(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ 'foo =?us-ascii?q?bar?= \t =?us-ascii?q?bird?=',
+ 'foo barbird',
+ 'foo barbird',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_two_ew_extra_ws_trailing_text(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ '=?us-ascii?q?test?= =?us-ascii?q?foo?= val',
+ 'testfoo val',
+ 'testfoo val',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_ew_with_internal_ws(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ '=?iso-8859-1?q?hello=20world?=',
+ 'hello world',
+ 'hello world',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_ew_with_internal_leading_ws(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ ' =?us-ascii?q?=20test?= =?us-ascii?q?=20foo?= val',
+ ' test foo val',
+ ' test foo val',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_invaild_ew(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ '=?test val',
+ '=?test val',
+ '=?test val',
+ [],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_undecodable_bytes(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ b'test \xACfoo val'.decode('ascii', 'surrogateescape'),
+ 'test \uDCACfoo val',
+ 'test \uDCACfoo val',
+ [errors.UndecodableBytesDefect],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_undecodable_bytes_in_EW(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ (b'=?us-ascii?q?=20test?= =?us-ascii?q?=20\xACfoo?='
+ b' val').decode('ascii', 'surrogateescape'),
+ ' test \uDCACfoo val',
+ ' test \uDCACfoo val',
+ [errors.UndecodableBytesDefect]*2,
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_missing_base64_padding(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ '=?utf-8?b?dmk?=',
+ 'vi',
+ 'vi',
+ [errors.InvalidBase64PaddingDefect],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_invalid_base64_character(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ '=?utf-8?b?dm\x01k===?=',
+ 'vi',
+ 'vi',
+ [errors.InvalidBase64CharactersDefect],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_invalid_base64_character_and_bad_padding(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ '=?utf-8?b?dm\x01k?=',
+ 'vi',
+ 'vi',
+ [errors.InvalidBase64CharactersDefect,
+ errors.InvalidBase64PaddingDefect],
+ '')
+ def test_get_unstructured_no_whitespace_between_ews(self):
+ self._test_get_x(self._get_unst,
+ '=?utf-8?q?foo?==?utf-8?q?bar?=',
+ 'foobar',
+ 'foobar',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ # get_qp_ctext
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_only(self):
+ ptext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ 'foobar', 'foobar', ' ', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(ptext.token_type, 'ptext')
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_all_printables(self):
+ with_qp = self.rfc_printable_ascii.replace('\\', '\\\\')
+ with_qp = with_qp. replace('(', r'\(')
+ with_qp = with_qp.replace(')', r'\)')
+ ptext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ with_qp, self.rfc_printable_ascii, ' ', [], '')
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_two_words_gets_first(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ 'foo de', 'foo', ' ', [], ' de')
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_following_wsp_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ 'foo \t\tde', 'foo', ' ', [], ' \t\tde')
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_up_to_close_paren_only(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ 'foo)', 'foo', ' ', [], ')')
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_wsp_before_close_paren_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ 'foo )', 'foo', ' ', [], ' )')
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_close_paren_mid_word(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ 'foo)bar', 'foo', ' ', [], ')bar')
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_up_to_open_paren_only(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ 'foo(', 'foo', ' ', [], '(')
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_wsp_before_open_paren_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ 'foo (', 'foo', ' ', [], ' (')
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_open_paren_mid_word(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ 'foo(bar', 'foo', ' ', [], '(bar')
+ def test_get_qp_ctext_non_printables(self):
+ ptext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_qp_ctext,
+ 'foo\x00bar)', 'foo\x00bar', ' ',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], ')')
+ self.assertEqual(ptext.defects[0].non_printables[0], '\x00')
+ # get_qcontent
+ def test_get_qcontent_only(self):
+ ptext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_qcontent,
+ 'foobar', 'foobar', 'foobar', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(ptext.token_type, 'ptext')
+ def test_get_qcontent_all_printables(self):
+ with_qp = self.rfc_printable_ascii.replace('\\', '\\\\')
+ with_qp = with_qp. replace('"', r'\"')
+ ptext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_qcontent, with_qp,
+ self.rfc_printable_ascii,
+ self.rfc_printable_ascii, [], '')
+ def test_get_qcontent_two_words_gets_first(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qcontent,
+ 'foo de', 'foo', 'foo', [], ' de')
+ def test_get_qcontent_following_wsp_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qcontent,
+ 'foo \t\tde', 'foo', 'foo', [], ' \t\tde')
+ def test_get_qcontent_up_to_dquote_only(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qcontent,
+ 'foo"', 'foo', 'foo', [], '"')
+ def test_get_qcontent_wsp_before_close_paren_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qcontent,
+ 'foo "', 'foo', 'foo', [], ' "')
+ def test_get_qcontent_close_paren_mid_word(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_qcontent,
+ 'foo"bar', 'foo', 'foo', [], '"bar')
+ def test_get_qcontent_non_printables(self):
+ ptext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_qcontent,
+ 'foo\x00fg"', 'foo\x00fg', 'foo\x00fg',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], '"')
+ self.assertEqual(ptext.defects[0].non_printables[0], '\x00')
+ # get_atext
+ def test_get_atext_only(self):
+ atext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atext,
+ 'foobar', 'foobar', 'foobar', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(atext.token_type, 'atext')
+ def test_get_atext_all_atext(self):
+ atext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atext, self.rfc_atext_chars,
+ self.rfc_atext_chars,
+ self.rfc_atext_chars, [], '')
+ def test_get_atext_two_words_gets_first(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_atext,
+ 'foo bar', 'foo', 'foo', [], ' bar')
+ def test_get_atext_following_wsp_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_atext,
+ 'foo \t\tbar', 'foo', 'foo', [], ' \t\tbar')
+ def test_get_atext_up_to_special(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_atext,
+ 'foo@bar', 'foo', 'foo', [], '@bar')
+ def test_get_atext_non_printables(self):
+ atext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atext,
+ 'foo\x00bar(', 'foo\x00bar', 'foo\x00bar',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], '(')
+ self.assertEqual(atext.defects[0].non_printables[0], '\x00')
+ # get_bare_quoted_string
+ def test_get_bare_quoted_string_only(self):
+ bqs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_bare_quoted_string,
+ '"foo"', '"foo"', 'foo', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(bqs.token_type, 'bare-quoted-string')
+ def test_get_bare_quoted_string_must_start_with_dquote(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_bare_quoted_string('foo"')
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_bare_quoted_string(' "foo"')
+ def test_get_bare_quoted_string_following_wsp_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_bare_quoted_string,
+ '"foo"\t bar', '"foo"', 'foo', [], '\t bar')
+ def test_get_bare_quoted_string_multiple_words(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_bare_quoted_string,
+ '"foo bar moo"', '"foo bar moo"', 'foo bar moo', [], '')
+ def test_get_bare_quoted_string_multiple_words_wsp_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_bare_quoted_string,
+ '" foo moo\t"', '" foo moo\t"', ' foo moo\t', [], '')
+ def test_get_bare_quoted_string_end_dquote_mid_word(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_bare_quoted_string,
+ '"foo"bar', '"foo"', 'foo', [], 'bar')
+ def test_get_bare_quoted_string_quoted_dquote(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_bare_quoted_string,
+ r'"foo\"in"a', r'"foo\"in"', 'foo"in', [], 'a')
+ def test_get_bare_quoted_string_non_printables(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_bare_quoted_string,
+ '"a\x01a"', '"a\x01a"', 'a\x01a',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], '')
+ def test_get_bare_quoted_string_no_end_dquote(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_bare_quoted_string,
+ '"foo', '"foo"', 'foo',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect], '')
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_bare_quoted_string,
+ '"foo ', '"foo "', 'foo ',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect], '')
+ def test_get_bare_quoted_string_empty_quotes(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_bare_quoted_string,
+ '""', '""', '', [], '')
+ # get_comment
+ def test_get_comment_only(self):
+ comment = self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(comment)', '(comment)', ' ', [], '', ['comment'])
+ self.assertEqual(comment.token_type, 'comment')
+ def test_get_comment_must_start_with_paren(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_comment('foo"')
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_comment(' (foo"')
+ def test_get_comment_following_wsp_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(comment) \t', '(comment)', ' ', [], ' \t', ['comment'])
+ def test_get_comment_multiple_words(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(foo bar) \t', '(foo bar)', ' ', [], ' \t', ['foo bar'])
+ def test_get_comment_multiple_words_wsp_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '( foo bar\t ) \t', '( foo bar\t )', ' ', [], ' \t',
+ [' foo bar\t '])
+ def test_get_comment_end_paren_mid_word(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(foo)bar', '(foo)', ' ', [], 'bar', ['foo'])
+ def test_get_comment_quoted_parens(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(foo\) \(\)bar)', '(foo\) \(\)bar)', ' ', [], '', ['foo) ()bar'])
+ def test_get_comment_non_printable(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(foo\x7Fbar)', '(foo\x7Fbar)', ' ',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], '', ['foo\x7Fbar'])
+ def test_get_comment_no_end_paren(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(foo bar', '(foo bar)', ' ',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect], '', ['foo bar'])
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(foo bar ', '(foo bar )', ' ',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect], '', ['foo bar '])
+ def test_get_comment_nested_comment(self):
+ comment = self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(foo(bar))', '(foo(bar))', ' ', [], '', ['foo(bar)'])
+ self.assertEqual(comment[1].content, 'bar')
+ def test_get_comment_nested_comment_wsp(self):
+ comment = self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(foo ( bar ) )', '(foo ( bar ) )', ' ', [], '', ['foo ( bar ) '])
+ self.assertEqual(comment[2].content, ' bar ')
+ def test_get_comment_empty_comment(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '()', '()', ' ', [], '', [''])
+ def test_get_comment_multiple_nesting(self):
+ comment = self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(((((foo)))))', '(((((foo)))))', ' ', [], '', ['((((foo))))'])
+ for i in range(4, 0, -1):
+ self.assertEqual(comment[0].content, '('*(i-1)+'foo'+')'*(i-1))
+ comment = comment[0]
+ self.assertEqual(comment.content, 'foo')
+ def test_get_comment_missing_end_of_nesting(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(((((foo)))', '(((((foo)))))', ' ',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*2, '', ['((((foo))))'])
+ def test_get_comment_qs_in_nested_comment(self):
+ comment = self._test_get_x(parser.get_comment,
+ '(foo (b\)))', '(foo (b\)))', ' ', [], '', ['foo (b\))'])
+ self.assertEqual(comment[2].content, 'b)')
+ # get_cfws
+ def test_get_cfws_only_ws(self):
+ cfws = self._test_get_x(parser.get_cfws,
+ ' \t \t', ' \t \t', ' ', [], '', [])
+ self.assertEqual(cfws.token_type, 'cfws')
+ def test_get_cfws_only_comment(self):
+ cfws = self._test_get_x(parser.get_cfws,
+ '(foo)', '(foo)', ' ', [], '', ['foo'])
+ self.assertEqual(cfws[0].content, 'foo')
+ def test_get_cfws_only_mixed(self):
+ cfws = self._test_get_x(parser.get_cfws,
+ ' (foo ) ( bar) ', ' (foo ) ( bar) ', ' ', [], '',
+ ['foo ', ' bar'])
+ self.assertEqual(cfws[1].content, 'foo ')
+ self.assertEqual(cfws[3].content, ' bar')
+ def test_get_cfws_ends_at_non_leader(self):
+ cfws = self._test_get_x(parser.get_cfws,
+ '(foo) bar', '(foo) ', ' ', [], 'bar', ['foo'])
+ self.assertEqual(cfws[0].content, 'foo')
+ def test_get_cfws_ends_at_non_printable(self):
+ cfws = self._test_get_x(parser.get_cfws,
+ '(foo) \x07', '(foo) ', ' ', [], '\x07', ['foo'])
+ self.assertEqual(cfws[0].content, 'foo')
+ def test_get_cfws_non_printable_in_comment(self):
+ cfws = self._test_get_x(parser.get_cfws,
+ '(foo \x07) "test"', '(foo \x07) ', ' ',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], '"test"', ['foo \x07'])
+ self.assertEqual(cfws[0].content, 'foo \x07')
+ def test_get_cfws_header_ends_in_comment(self):
+ cfws = self._test_get_x(parser.get_cfws,
+ ' (foo ', ' (foo )', ' ',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect], '', ['foo '])
+ self.assertEqual(cfws[1].content, 'foo ')
+ def test_get_cfws_multiple_nested_comments(self):
+ cfws = self._test_get_x(parser.get_cfws,
+ '(foo (bar)) ((a)(a))', '(foo (bar)) ((a)(a))', ' ', [],
+ '', ['foo (bar)', '(a)(a)'])
+ self.assertEqual(cfws[0].comments, ['foo (bar)'])
+ self.assertEqual(cfws[2].comments, ['(a)(a)'])
+ # get_quoted_string
+ def test_get_quoted_string_only(self):
+ qs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_quoted_string,
+ '"bob"', '"bob"', 'bob', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.token_type, 'quoted-string')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.quoted_value, '"bob"')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.content, 'bob')
+ def test_get_quoted_string_with_wsp(self):
+ qs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_quoted_string,
+ '\t "bob" ', '\t "bob" ', ' bob ', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.quoted_value, ' "bob" ')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.content, 'bob')
+ def test_get_quoted_string_with_comments_and_wsp(self):
+ qs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_quoted_string,
+ ' (foo) "bob"(bar)', ' (foo) "bob"(bar)', ' bob ', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(qs[0][1].content, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(qs[2][0].content, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.content, 'bob')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.quoted_value, ' "bob" ')
+ def test_get_quoted_string_with_multiple_comments(self):
+ qs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_quoted_string,
+ ' (foo) (bar) "bob"(bird)', ' (foo) (bar) "bob"(bird)', ' bob ',
+ [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(qs[0].comments, ['foo', 'bar'])
+ self.assertEqual(qs[2].comments, ['bird'])
+ self.assertEqual(qs.content, 'bob')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.quoted_value, ' "bob" ')
+ def test_get_quoted_string_non_printable_in_comment(self):
+ qs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_quoted_string,
+ ' (\x0A) "bob"', ' (\x0A) "bob"', ' bob',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], '')
+ self.assertEqual(qs[0].comments, ['\x0A'])
+ self.assertEqual(qs.content, 'bob')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.quoted_value, ' "bob"')
+ def test_get_quoted_string_non_printable_in_qcontent(self):
+ qs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_quoted_string,
+ ' (a) "a\x0B"', ' (a) "a\x0B"', ' a\x0B',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], '')
+ self.assertEqual(qs[0].comments, ['a'])
+ self.assertEqual(qs.content, 'a\x0B')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.quoted_value, ' "a\x0B"')
+ def test_get_quoted_string_internal_ws(self):
+ qs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_quoted_string,
+ ' (a) "foo bar "', ' (a) "foo bar "', ' foo bar ',
+ [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(qs[0].comments, ['a'])
+ self.assertEqual(qs.content, 'foo bar ')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.quoted_value, ' "foo bar "')
+ def test_get_quoted_string_header_ends_in_comment(self):
+ qs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_quoted_string,
+ ' (a) "bob" (a', ' (a) "bob" (a)', ' bob ',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect], '')
+ self.assertEqual(qs[0].comments, ['a'])
+ self.assertEqual(qs[2].comments, ['a'])
+ self.assertEqual(qs.content, 'bob')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.quoted_value, ' "bob" ')
+ def test_get_quoted_string_header_ends_in_qcontent(self):
+ qs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_quoted_string,
+ ' (a) "bob', ' (a) "bob"', ' bob',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect], '')
+ self.assertEqual(qs[0].comments, ['a'])
+ self.assertEqual(qs.content, 'bob')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.quoted_value, ' "bob"')
+ def test_get_quoted_string_no_quoted_string(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_quoted_string(' (ab) xyz')
+ def test_get_quoted_string_qs_ends_at_noncfws(self):
+ qs = self._test_get_x(parser.get_quoted_string,
+ '\t "bob" fee', '\t "bob" ', ' bob ', [], 'fee')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.content, 'bob')
+ self.assertEqual(qs.quoted_value, ' "bob" ')
+ # get_atom
+ def test_get_atom_only(self):
+ atom = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atom,
+ 'bob', 'bob', 'bob', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(atom.token_type, 'atom')
+ def test_get_atom_with_wsp(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_atom,
+ '\t bob ', '\t bob ', ' bob ', [], '')
+ def test_get_atom_with_comments_and_wsp(self):
+ atom = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atom,
+ ' (foo) bob(bar)', ' (foo) bob(bar)', ' bob ', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(atom[0][1].content, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(atom[2][0].content, 'bar')
+ def test_get_atom_with_multiple_comments(self):
+ atom = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atom,
+ ' (foo) (bar) bob(bird)', ' (foo) (bar) bob(bird)', ' bob ',
+ [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(atom[0].comments, ['foo', 'bar'])
+ self.assertEqual(atom[2].comments, ['bird'])
+ def test_get_atom_non_printable_in_comment(self):
+ atom = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atom,
+ ' (\x0A) bob', ' (\x0A) bob', ' bob',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], '')
+ self.assertEqual(atom[0].comments, ['\x0A'])
+ def test_get_atom_non_printable_in_atext(self):
+ atom = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atom,
+ ' (a) a\x0B', ' (a) a\x0B', ' a\x0B',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], '')
+ self.assertEqual(atom[0].comments, ['a'])
+ def test_get_atom_header_ends_in_comment(self):
+ atom = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atom,
+ ' (a) bob (a', ' (a) bob (a)', ' bob ',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect], '')
+ self.assertEqual(atom[0].comments, ['a'])
+ self.assertEqual(atom[2].comments, ['a'])
+ def test_get_atom_no_atom(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_atom(' (ab) ')
+ def test_get_atom_no_atom_before_special(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_atom(' (ab) @')
+ def test_get_atom_atom_ends_at_special(self):
+ atom = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atom,
+ ' (foo) bob(bar) @bang', ' (foo) bob(bar) ', ' bob ', [], '@bang')
+ self.assertEqual(atom[0].comments, ['foo'])
+ self.assertEqual(atom[2].comments, ['bar'])
+ def test_get_atom_atom_ends_at_noncfws(self):
+ atom = self._test_get_x(parser.get_atom,
+ 'bob fred', 'bob ', 'bob ', [], 'fred')
+ # get_dot_atom_text
+ def test_get_dot_atom_text(self):
+ dot_atom_text = self._test_get_x(parser.get_dot_atom_text,
+ 'foo.bar.bang', 'foo.bar.bang', 'foo.bar.bang', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(dot_atom_text.token_type, 'dot-atom-text')
+ self.assertEqual(len(dot_atom_text), 5)
+ def test_get_dot_atom_text_lone_atom_is_valid(self):
+ dot_atom_text = self._test_get_x(parser.get_dot_atom_text,
+ 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', [], '')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_text_raises_on_leading_dot(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_dot_atom_text('.foo.bar')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_text_raises_on_trailing_dot(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_dot_atom_text('foo.bar.')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_text_raises_on_leading_non_atext(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_dot_atom_text(' foo.bar')
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_dot_atom_text('@foo.bar')
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_dot_atom_text('"foo.bar"')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_text_trailing_text_preserved(self):
+ dot_atom_text = self._test_get_x(parser.get_dot_atom_text,
+ 'foo@bar', 'foo', 'foo', [], '@bar')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_text_trailing_ws_preserved(self):
+ dot_atom_text = self._test_get_x(parser.get_dot_atom_text,
+ 'foo .bar', 'foo', 'foo', [], ' .bar')
+ # get_dot_atom
+ def test_get_dot_atom_only(self):
+ dot_atom = self._test_get_x(parser.get_dot_atom,
+ 'foo.bar.bing', 'foo.bar.bing', 'foo.bar.bing', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(dot_atom.token_type, 'dot-atom')
+ self.assertEqual(len(dot_atom), 1)
+ def test_get_dot_atom_with_wsp(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dot_atom,
+ '\t foo.bar.bing ', '\t foo.bar.bing ', ' foo.bar.bing ', [], '')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_with_comments_and_wsp(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dot_atom,
+ ' (sing) foo.bar.bing (here) ', ' (sing) foo.bar.bing (here) ',
+ ' foo.bar.bing ', [], '')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_space_ends_dot_atom(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dot_atom,
+ ' (sing) foo.bar .bing (here) ', ' (sing) foo.bar ',
+ ' foo.bar ', [], '.bing (here) ')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_no_atom_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_dot_atom(' (foo) ')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_leading_dot_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_dot_atom(' (foo) .bar')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_two_dots_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_dot_atom('bar..bang')
+ def test_get_dot_atom_trailing_dot_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_dot_atom(' (foo) bar.bang. foo')
+ # get_word (if this were black box we'd repeat all the qs/atom tests)
+ def test_get_word_atom_yields_atom(self):
+ word = self._test_get_x(parser.get_word,
+ ' (foo) bar (bang) :ah', ' (foo) bar (bang) ', ' bar ', [], ':ah')
+ self.assertEqual(word.token_type, 'atom')
+ self.assertEqual(word[0].token_type, 'cfws')
+ def test_get_word_qs_yields_qs(self):
+ word = self._test_get_x(parser.get_word,
+ '"bar " (bang) ah', '"bar " (bang) ', 'bar ', [], 'ah')
+ self.assertEqual(word.token_type, 'quoted-string')
+ self.assertEqual(word[0].token_type, 'bare-quoted-string')
+ self.assertEqual(word[0].value, 'bar ')
+ self.assertEqual(word.content, 'bar ')
+ def test_get_word_ends_at_dot(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_word,
+ 'foo.', 'foo', 'foo', [], '.')
+ # get_phrase
+ def test_get_phrase_simple(self):
+ phrase = self._test_get_x(parser.get_phrase,
+ '"Fred A. Johnson" is his name, oh.',
+ '"Fred A. Johnson" is his name',
+ 'Fred A. Johnson is his name',
+ [],
+ ', oh.')
+ self.assertEqual(phrase.token_type, 'phrase')
+ def test_get_phrase_complex(self):
+ phrase = self._test_get_x(parser.get_phrase,
+ ' (A) bird (in (my|your)) "hand " is messy\t<>\t',
+ ' (A) bird (in (my|your)) "hand " is messy\t',
+ ' bird hand is messy ',
+ [],
+ '<>\t')
+ self.assertEqual(phrase[0][0].comments, ['A'])
+ self.assertEqual(phrase[0][2].comments, ['in (my|your)'])
+ def test_get_phrase_obsolete(self):
+ phrase = self._test_get_x(parser.get_phrase,
+ 'Fred A.(weird).O Johnson',
+ 'Fred A.(weird).O Johnson',
+ 'Fred A. .O Johnson',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect]*3,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(phrase), 7)
+ self.assertEqual(phrase[3].comments, ['weird'])
+ def test_get_phrase_pharse_must_start_with_word(self):
+ phrase = self._test_get_x(parser.get_phrase,
+ '(even weirder).name',
+ '(even weirder).name',
+ ' .name',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect] + [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(phrase), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(phrase[0].comments, ['even weirder'])
+ def test_get_phrase_ending_with_obsolete(self):
+ phrase = self._test_get_x(parser.get_phrase,
+ 'simple phrase.(with trailing comment):boo',
+ 'simple phrase.(with trailing comment)',
+ 'simple phrase. ',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect]*2,
+ ':boo')
+ self.assertEqual(len(phrase), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(phrase[3].comments, ['with trailing comment'])
+ def get_phrase_cfws_only_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_phrase(' (foo) ')
+ # get_local_part
+ def test_get_local_part_simple(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ 'dinsdale@python.org', 'dinsdale', 'dinsdale', [], '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.token_type, 'local-part')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ def test_get_local_part_with_dot(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ 'Fred.A.Johnson@python.org',
+ 'Fred.A.Johnson',
+ 'Fred.A.Johnson',
+ [],
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'Fred.A.Johnson')
+ def test_get_local_part_with_whitespace(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ ' Fred.A.Johnson @python.org',
+ ' Fred.A.Johnson ',
+ ' Fred.A.Johnson ',
+ [],
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'Fred.A.Johnson')
+ def test_get_local_part_with_cfws(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ ' (foo) Fred.A.Johnson (bar (bird)) @python.org',
+ ' (foo) Fred.A.Johnson (bar (bird)) ',
+ ' Fred.A.Johnson ',
+ [],
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'Fred.A.Johnson')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part[0][0].comments, ['foo'])
+ self.assertEqual(local_part[0][2].comments, ['bar (bird)'])
+ def test_get_local_part_simple_quoted(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ '"dinsdale"@python.org', '"dinsdale"', '"dinsdale"', [], '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.token_type, 'local-part')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ def test_get_local_part_with_quoted_dot(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ '"Fred.A.Johnson"@python.org',
+ '"Fred.A.Johnson"',
+ '"Fred.A.Johnson"',
+ [],
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'Fred.A.Johnson')
+ def test_get_local_part_quoted_with_whitespace(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ ' "Fred A. Johnson" @python.org',
+ ' "Fred A. Johnson" ',
+ ' "Fred A. Johnson" ',
+ [],
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'Fred A. Johnson')
+ def test_get_local_part_quoted_with_cfws(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ ' (foo) " Fred A. Johnson " (bar (bird)) @python.org',
+ ' (foo) " Fred A. Johnson " (bar (bird)) ',
+ ' " Fred A. Johnson " ',
+ [],
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, ' Fred A. Johnson ')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part[0][0].comments, ['foo'])
+ self.assertEqual(local_part[0][2].comments, ['bar (bird)'])
+ def test_get_local_part_simple_obsolete(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ 'Fred. A.Johnson@python.org',
+ 'Fred. A.Johnson',
+ 'Fred. A.Johnson',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect],
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'Fred.A.Johnson')
+ def test_get_local_part_complex_obsolete_1(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ ' (foo )Fred (bar).(bird) A.(sheep)Johnson."and dogs "@python.org',
+ ' (foo )Fred (bar).(bird) A.(sheep)Johnson."and dogs "',
+ ' Fred . A. Johnson.and dogs ',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect],
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'Fred.A.Johnson.and dogs ')
+ def test_get_local_part_complex_obsolete_invalid(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ ' (foo )Fred (bar).(bird) A.(sheep)Johnson "and dogs"@python.org',
+ ' (foo )Fred (bar).(bird) A.(sheep)Johnson "and dogs"',
+ ' Fred . A. Johnson and dogs',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'Fred.A.Johnson and dogs')
+ def test_get_local_part_no_part_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_local_part(' (foo) ')
+ def test_get_local_part_special_instead_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_local_part(' (foo) @python.org')
+ def test_get_local_part_trailing_dot(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ ' borris.@python.org',
+ ' borris.',
+ ' borris.',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'borris.')
+ def test_get_local_part_trailing_dot_with_ws(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ ' borris. @python.org',
+ ' borris. ',
+ ' borris. ',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'borris.')
+ def test_get_local_part_leading_dot(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ '.borris@python.org',
+ '.borris',
+ '.borris',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, '.borris')
+ def test_get_local_part_leading_dot_after_ws(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ ' .borris@python.org',
+ ' .borris',
+ ' .borris',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, '.borris')
+ def test_get_local_part_double_dot_raises(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ ' borris.(foo).natasha@python.org',
+ ' borris.(foo).natasha',
+ ' borris. .natasha',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '@python.org')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'borris..natasha')
+ def test_get_local_part_quoted_strings_in_atom_list(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ '""example" example"@example.com',
+ '""example" example"',
+ 'example example',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*3,
+ '@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'example example')
+ def test_get_local_part_valid_and_invalid_qp_in_atom_list(self):
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ r'"\\"example\\" example"@example.com',
+ r'"\\"example\\" example"',
+ r'\example\\ example',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*5,
+ '@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, r'\example\\ example')
+ def test_get_local_part_unicode_defect(self):
+ # Currently this only happens when parsing unicode, not when parsing
+ # stuff that was originally binary.
+ local_part = self._test_get_x(parser.get_local_part,
+ 'exámple@example.com',
+ 'exámple',
+ 'exámple',
+ [errors.NonASCIILocalPartDefect],
+ '@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(local_part.local_part, 'exámple')
+ # get_dtext
+ def test_get_dtext_only(self):
+ dtext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ 'foobar', 'foobar', 'foobar', [], '')
+ self.assertEqual(dtext.token_type, 'ptext')
+ def test_get_dtext_all_dtext(self):
+ dtext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext, self.rfc_dtext_chars,
+ self.rfc_dtext_chars,
+ self.rfc_dtext_chars, [], '')
+ def test_get_dtext_two_words_gets_first(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ 'foo bar', 'foo', 'foo', [], ' bar')
+ def test_get_dtext_following_wsp_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ 'foo \t\tbar', 'foo', 'foo', [], ' \t\tbar')
+ def test_get_dtext_non_printables(self):
+ dtext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ 'foo\x00bar]', 'foo\x00bar', 'foo\x00bar',
+ [errors.NonPrintableDefect], ']')
+ self.assertEqual(dtext.defects[0].non_printables[0], '\x00')
+ def test_get_dtext_with_qp(self):
+ ptext = self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ r'foo\]\[\\bar\b\e\l\l',
+ r'foo][\barbell',
+ r'foo][\barbell',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ def test_get_dtext_up_to_close_bracket_only(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ 'foo]', 'foo', 'foo', [], ']')
+ def test_get_dtext_wsp_before_close_bracket_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ 'foo ]', 'foo', 'foo', [], ' ]')
+ def test_get_dtext_close_bracket_mid_word(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ 'foo]bar', 'foo', 'foo', [], ']bar')
+ def test_get_dtext_up_to_open_bracket_only(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ 'foo[', 'foo', 'foo', [], '[')
+ def test_get_dtext_wsp_before_open_bracket_preserved(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ 'foo [', 'foo', 'foo', [], ' [')
+ def test_get_dtext_open_bracket_mid_word(self):
+ self._test_get_x(parser.get_dtext,
+ 'foo[bar', 'foo', 'foo', [], '[bar')
+ # get_domain_literal
+ def test_get_domain_literal_only(self):
+ domain_literal = domain_literal = self._test_get_x(parser.get_domain_literal,
+ '[]',
+ '[]',
+ '[]',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(domain_literal.token_type, 'domain-literal')
+ self.assertEqual(domain_literal.domain, '[]')
+ self.assertEqual(domain_literal.ip, '')
+ def test_get_domain_literal_with_internal_ws(self):
+ domain_literal = self._test_get_x(parser.get_domain_literal,
+ '[\t ]',
+ '[\t ]',
+ '[ ]',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(domain_literal.domain, '[]')
+ self.assertEqual(domain_literal.ip, '')
+ def test_get_domain_literal_with_surrounding_cfws(self):
+ domain_literal = self._test_get_x(parser.get_domain_literal,
+ '(foo)[] (bar)',
+ '(foo)[] (bar)',
+ ' [] ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(domain_literal.domain, '[]')
+ self.assertEqual(domain_literal.ip, '')
+ def test_get_domain_literal_no_start_char_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_domain_literal('(foo) ')
+ def test_get_domain_literal_no_start_char_before_special_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_domain_literal('(foo) @')
+ def test_get_domain_literal_bad_dtext_char_before_special_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_domain_literal('(foo) [abc[@')
+ # get_domain
+ def test_get_domain_regular_domain_only(self):
+ domain = self._test_get_x(parser.get_domain,
+ 'example.com',
+ 'example.com',
+ 'example.com',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.token_type, 'domain')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.domain, 'example.com')
+ def test_get_domain_domain_literal_only(self):
+ domain = self._test_get_x(parser.get_domain,
+ '[]',
+ '[]',
+ '[]',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.token_type, 'domain')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.domain, '[]')
+ def test_get_domain_with_cfws(self):
+ domain = self._test_get_x(parser.get_domain,
+ '(foo) example.com(bar)\t',
+ '(foo) example.com(bar)\t',
+ ' example.com ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.domain, 'example.com')
+ def test_get_domain_domain_literal_with_cfws(self):
+ domain = self._test_get_x(parser.get_domain,
+ '(foo)[]\t(bar)',
+ '(foo)[]\t(bar)',
+ ' [] ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.domain, '[]')
+ def test_get_domain_domain_with_cfws_ends_at_special(self):
+ domain = self._test_get_x(parser.get_domain,
+ '(foo)example.com\t(bar), next',
+ '(foo)example.com\t(bar)',
+ ' example.com ',
+ [],
+ ', next')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.domain, 'example.com')
+ def test_get_domain_domain_literal_with_cfws_ends_at_special(self):
+ domain = self._test_get_x(parser.get_domain,
+ '(foo)[]\t(bar), next',
+ '(foo)[]\t(bar)',
+ ' [] ',
+ [],
+ ', next')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.domain, '[]')
+ def test_get_domain_obsolete(self):
+ domain = self._test_get_x(parser.get_domain,
+ '(foo) example . (bird)com(bar)\t',
+ '(foo) example . (bird)com(bar)\t',
+ ' example . com ',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.domain, 'example.com')
+ def test_get_domain_no_non_cfws_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_domain(" (foo)\t")
+ def test_get_domain_no_atom_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_domain(" (foo)\t, broken")
+ # get_addr_spec
+ def test_get_addr_spec_normal(self):
+ addr_spec = self._test_get_x(parser.get_addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.token_type, 'addr-spec')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_addr_spec_with_doamin_literal(self):
+ addr_spec = self._test_get_x(parser.get_addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@[]',
+ 'dinsdale@[]',
+ 'dinsdale@[]',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.domain, '[]')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@[]')
+ def test_get_addr_spec_with_cfws(self):
+ addr_spec = self._test_get_x(parser.get_addr_spec,
+ '(foo) dinsdale(bar)@ (bird) example.com (bog)',
+ '(foo) dinsdale(bar)@ (bird) example.com (bog)',
+ ' dinsdale@example.com ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_addr_spec_with_qouoted_string_and_cfws(self):
+ addr_spec = self._test_get_x(parser.get_addr_spec,
+ '(foo) "roy a bug"(bar)@ (bird) example.com (bog)',
+ '(foo) "roy a bug"(bar)@ (bird) example.com (bog)',
+ ' "roy a bug"@example.com ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.local_part, 'roy a bug')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.addr_spec, '"roy a bug"@example.com')
+ def test_get_addr_spec_ends_at_special(self):
+ addr_spec = self._test_get_x(parser.get_addr_spec,
+ '(foo) "roy a bug"(bar)@ (bird) example.com (bog) , next',
+ '(foo) "roy a bug"(bar)@ (bird) example.com (bog) ',
+ ' "roy a bug"@example.com ',
+ [],
+ ', next')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.local_part, 'roy a bug')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.addr_spec, '"roy a bug"@example.com')
+ def test_get_addr_spec_quoted_strings_in_atom_list(self):
+ addr_spec = self._test_get_x(parser.get_addr_spec,
+ '""example" example"@example.com',
+ '""example" example"@example.com',
+ 'example example@example.com',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*3,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.local_part, 'example example')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.addr_spec, '"example example"@example.com')
+ def test_get_addr_spec_dot_atom(self):
+ addr_spec = self._test_get_x(parser.get_addr_spec,
+ 'star.a.star@example.com',
+ 'star.a.star@example.com',
+ 'star.a.star@example.com',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.local_part, 'star.a.star')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(addr_spec.addr_spec, 'star.a.star@example.com')
+ # get_obs_route
+ def test_get_obs_route_simple(self):
+ obs_route = self._test_get_x(parser.get_obs_route,
+ '@example.com, @two.example.com:',
+ '@example.com, @two.example.com:',
+ '@example.com, @two.example.com:',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(obs_route.token_type, 'obs-route')
+ self.assertEqual(obs_route.domains, ['example.com', 'two.example.com'])
+ def test_get_obs_route_complex(self):
+ obs_route = self._test_get_x(parser.get_obs_route,
+ '(foo),, (blue)@example.com (bar),@two.(foo) example.com (bird):',
+ '(foo),, (blue)@example.com (bar),@two.(foo) example.com (bird):',
+ ' ,, @example.com ,@two. example.com :',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect], # This is the obs-domain
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(obs_route.token_type, 'obs-route')
+ self.assertEqual(obs_route.domains, ['example.com', 'two.example.com'])
+ def test_get_obs_route_no_route_before_end_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_obs_route('(foo) @example.com,')
+ def test_get_obs_route_no_route_before_special_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_obs_route('(foo) [abc],')
+ def test_get_obs_route_no_route_before_special_raises2(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_obs_route('(foo) @example.com [abc],')
+ # get_angle_addr
+ def test_get_angle_addr_simple(self):
+ angle_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_angle_addr,
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.token_type, 'angle-addr')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(angle_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_with_cfws(self):
+ angle_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_angle_addr,
+ ' (foo) <dinsdale@example.com>(bar)',
+ ' (foo) <dinsdale@example.com>(bar)',
+ ' <dinsdale@example.com> ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.token_type, 'angle-addr')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(angle_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_qs_and_domain_literal(self):
+ angle_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_angle_addr,
+ '<"Fred Perfect"@[]>',
+ '<"Fred Perfect"@[]>',
+ '<"Fred Perfect"@[]>',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.local_part, 'Fred Perfect')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.domain, '[]')
+ self.assertIsNone(angle_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.addr_spec, '"Fred Perfect"@[]')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_internal_cfws(self):
+ angle_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_angle_addr,
+ '<(foo) dinsdale@example.com(bar)>',
+ '<(foo) dinsdale@example.com(bar)>',
+ '< dinsdale@example.com >',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(angle_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_obs_route(self):
+ angle_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_angle_addr,
+ '(foo)<@example.com, (bird) @two.example.com: dinsdale@example.com> (bar) ',
+ '(foo)<@example.com, (bird) @two.example.com: dinsdale@example.com> (bar) ',
+ ' <@example.com, @two.example.com: dinsdale@example.com> ',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.route, ['example.com', 'two.example.com'])
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_missing_closing_angle(self):
+ angle_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_angle_addr,
+ '<dinsdale@example.com',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(angle_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_missing_closing_angle_with_cfws(self):
+ angle_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_angle_addr,
+ '<dinsdale@example.com (foo)',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com (foo)>',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com >',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(angle_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_ends_at_special(self):
+ angle_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_angle_addr,
+ '<dinsdale@example.com> (foo), next',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com> (foo)',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com> ',
+ [],
+ ', next')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(angle_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(angle_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_no_angle_raise(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_angle_addr('(foo) ')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_no_angle_before_special_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_angle_addr('(foo) , next')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_no_angle_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_angle_addr('bar')
+ def test_get_angle_addr_special_after_angle_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_angle_addr('(foo) <, bar')
+ # get_display_name This is phrase but with a different value.
+ def test_get_display_name_simple(self):
+ display_name = self._test_get_x(parser.get_display_name,
+ 'Fred A Johnson',
+ 'Fred A Johnson',
+ 'Fred A Johnson',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(display_name.token_type, 'display-name')
+ self.assertEqual(display_name.display_name, 'Fred A Johnson')
+ def test_get_display_name_complex1(self):
+ display_name = self._test_get_x(parser.get_display_name,
+ '"Fred A. Johnson" is his name, oh.',
+ '"Fred A. Johnson" is his name',
+ '"Fred A. Johnson is his name"',
+ [],
+ ', oh.')
+ self.assertEqual(display_name.token_type, 'display-name')
+ self.assertEqual(display_name.display_name, 'Fred A. Johnson is his name')
+ def test_get_display_name_complex2(self):
+ display_name = self._test_get_x(parser.get_display_name,
+ ' (A) bird (in (my|your)) "hand " is messy\t<>\t',
+ ' (A) bird (in (my|your)) "hand " is messy\t',
+ ' "bird hand is messy" ',
+ [],
+ '<>\t')
+ self.assertEqual(display_name[0][0].comments, ['A'])
+ self.assertEqual(display_name[0][2].comments, ['in (my|your)'])
+ self.assertEqual(display_name.display_name, 'bird hand is messy')
+ def test_get_display_name_obsolete(self):
+ display_name = self._test_get_x(parser.get_display_name,
+ 'Fred A.(weird).O Johnson',
+ 'Fred A.(weird).O Johnson',
+ '"Fred A. .O Johnson"',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect]*3,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(display_name), 7)
+ self.assertEqual(display_name[3].comments, ['weird'])
+ self.assertEqual(display_name.display_name, 'Fred A. .O Johnson')
+ def test_get_display_name_pharse_must_start_with_word(self):
+ display_name = self._test_get_x(parser.get_display_name,
+ '(even weirder).name',
+ '(even weirder).name',
+ ' ".name"',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect] + [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(display_name), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(display_name[0].comments, ['even weirder'])
+ self.assertEqual(display_name.display_name, '.name')
+ def test_get_display_name_ending_with_obsolete(self):
+ display_name = self._test_get_x(parser.get_display_name,
+ 'simple phrase.(with trailing comment):boo',
+ 'simple phrase.(with trailing comment)',
+ '"simple phrase." ',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect]*2,
+ ':boo')
+ self.assertEqual(len(display_name), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(display_name[3].comments, ['with trailing comment'])
+ self.assertEqual(display_name.display_name, 'simple phrase.')
+ # get_name_addr
+ def test_get_name_addr_angle_addr_only(self):
+ name_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_name_addr,
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.token_type, 'name-addr')
+ self.assertIsNone(name_addr.display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(name_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_name_addr_atom_name(self):
+ name_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_name_addr,
+ 'Dinsdale <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ 'Dinsdale <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ 'Dinsdale <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.token_type, 'name-addr')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.display_name, 'Dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(name_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_name_addr_atom_name_with_cfws(self):
+ name_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_name_addr,
+ '(foo) Dinsdale (bar) <dinsdale@example.com> (bird)',
+ '(foo) Dinsdale (bar) <dinsdale@example.com> (bird)',
+ ' Dinsdale <dinsdale@example.com> ',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.display_name, 'Dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(name_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_name_addr_name_with_cfws_and_dots(self):
+ name_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_name_addr,
+ '(foo) Roy.A.Bear (bar) <dinsdale@example.com> (bird)',
+ '(foo) Roy.A.Bear (bar) <dinsdale@example.com> (bird)',
+ ' "Roy.A.Bear" <dinsdale@example.com> ',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.display_name, 'Roy.A.Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(name_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_name_addr_qs_name(self):
+ name_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_name_addr,
+ '"Roy.A.Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '"Roy.A.Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '"Roy.A.Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.display_name, 'Roy.A.Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(name_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_name_addr_with_route(self):
+ name_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_name_addr,
+ '"Roy.A.Bear" <@two.example.com: dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '"Roy.A.Bear" <@two.example.com: dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '"Roy.A.Bear" <@two.example.com: dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.display_name, 'Roy.A.Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.route, ['two.example.com'])
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_name_addr_ends_at_special(self):
+ name_addr = self._test_get_x(parser.get_name_addr,
+ '"Roy.A.Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, next',
+ '"Roy.A.Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '"Roy.A.Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [],
+ ', next')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.display_name, 'Roy.A.Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(name_addr.route)
+ self.assertEqual(name_addr.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_name_addr_no_content_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_name_addr(' (foo) ')
+ def test_get_name_addr_no_content_before_special_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_name_addr(' (foo) ,')
+ def test_get_name_addr_no_angle_after_display_name_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(errors.HeaderParseError):
+ parser.get_name_addr('foo bar')
+ # get_mailbox
+ def test_get_mailbox_addr_spec_only(self):
+ mailbox = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.token_type, 'mailbox')
+ self.assertIsNone(mailbox.display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(mailbox.route)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_mailbox_angle_addr_only(self):
+ mailbox = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox,
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '<dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.token_type, 'mailbox')
+ self.assertIsNone(mailbox.display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(mailbox.route)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_mailbox_name_addr(self):
+ mailbox = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox,
+ '"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.token_type, 'mailbox')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.display_name, 'Roy A. Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(mailbox.route)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_mailbox_ends_at_special(self):
+ mailbox = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox,
+ '"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, rest',
+ '"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [],
+ ', rest')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.token_type, 'mailbox')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.display_name, 'Roy A. Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(mailbox.route)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_mailbox_quoted_strings_in_atom_list(self):
+ mailbox = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox,
+ '""example" example"@example.com',
+ '""example" example"@example.com',
+ 'example example@example.com',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*3,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.local_part, 'example example')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.addr_spec, '"example example"@example.com')
+ # get_mailbox_list
+ def test_get_mailbox_list_single_addr(self):
+ mailbox_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox_list,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.token_type, 'mailbox-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(mailbox_list.mailboxes), 1)
+ mailbox = mailbox_list.mailboxes[0]
+ self.assertIsNone(mailbox.display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertIsNone(mailbox.route)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox.addr_spec, 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes,
+ mailbox_list.all_mailboxes)
+ def test_get_mailbox_list_two_simple_addr(self):
+ mailbox_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox_list,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com, dinsdale@test.example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com, dinsdale@test.example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com, dinsdale@test.example.com',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.token_type, 'mailbox-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(mailbox_list.mailboxes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[0].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[1].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@test.example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes,
+ mailbox_list.all_mailboxes)
+ def test_get_mailbox_list_two_name_addr(self):
+ mailbox_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox_list,
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.example.com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.example.com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.example.com>'),
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(mailbox_list.mailboxes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[0].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[0].display_name,
+ 'Roy A. Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[1].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@test.example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[1].display_name,
+ 'Fred Flintstone')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes,
+ mailbox_list.all_mailboxes)
+ def test_get_mailbox_list_two_complex(self):
+ mailbox_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox_list,
+ ('(foo) "Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>(bar),'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.(bird)example.com>'),
+ ('(foo) "Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>(bar),'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.(bird)example.com>'),
+ (' "Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com> ,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test. example.com>'),
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(mailbox_list.mailboxes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[0].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[0].display_name,
+ 'Roy A. Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[1].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@test.example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[1].display_name,
+ 'Fred Flintstone')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes,
+ mailbox_list.all_mailboxes)
+ def test_get_mailbox_list_unparseable_mailbox_null(self):
+ mailbox_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox_list,
+ ('"Roy A. Bear"[] dinsdale@example.com,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.(bird)example.com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear"[] dinsdale@example.com,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.(bird)example.com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear"[] dinsdale@example.com,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test. example.com>'),
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect, # the 'extra' text after the local part
+ errors.InvalidHeaderDefect, # the local part with no angle-addr
+ errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect, # period in extra text (example.com)
+ errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect], # (bird) in valid address.
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(mailbox_list.mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[0].token_type,
+ 'invalid-mailbox')
+ self.assertIsNone(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[0].display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[0].local_part,
+ 'Roy A. Bear')
+ self.assertIsNone(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[0].domain)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[0].addr_spec,
+ '"Roy A. Bear"')
+ self.assertIs(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[1],
+ mailbox_list.mailboxes[0])
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[0].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@test.example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[0].display_name,
+ 'Fred Flintstone')
+ def test_get_mailbox_list_junk_after_valid_address(self):
+ mailbox_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox_list,
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>@@,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.example.com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>@@,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.example.com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>@@,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.example.com>'),
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(mailbox_list.mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[0].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[0].display_name,
+ 'Roy A. Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[0].token_type,
+ 'invalid-mailbox')
+ self.assertIs(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[1],
+ mailbox_list.mailboxes[0])
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[0].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@test.example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[0].display_name,
+ 'Fred Flintstone')
+ def test_get_mailbox_list_empty_list_element(self):
+ mailbox_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox_list,
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, (bird),,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.example.com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, (bird),,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.example.com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, ,,'
+ ' "Fred Flintstone" <dinsdale@test.example.com>'),
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(mailbox_list.mailboxes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes,
+ mailbox_list.mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[0].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes[0].display_name,
+ 'Roy A. Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[1].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@test.example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.mailboxes[1].display_name,
+ 'Fred Flintstone')
+ def test_get_mailbox_list_only_empty_elements(self):
+ mailbox_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_mailbox_list,
+ '(foo),, (bar)',
+ '(foo),, (bar)',
+ ' ,, ',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect]*3,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(mailbox_list.mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(mailbox_list.all_mailboxes,
+ mailbox_list.mailboxes)
+ # get_group_list
+ def test_get_group_list_cfws_only(self):
+ group_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_group_list,
+ '(hidden);',
+ '(hidden)',
+ ' ',
+ [],
+ ';')
+ self.assertEqual(group_list.token_type, 'group-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(group_list.mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(group_list.mailboxes,
+ group_list.all_mailboxes)
+ def test_get_group_list_mailbox_list(self):
+ group_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_group_list,
+ 'dinsdale@example.org, "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.org>',
+ 'dinsdale@example.org, "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.org>',
+ 'dinsdale@example.org, "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.org>',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(group_list.token_type, 'group-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(group_list.mailboxes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(group_list.mailboxes,
+ group_list.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(group_list.mailboxes[1].display_name,
+ 'Fred A. Bear')
+ def test_get_group_list_obs_group_list(self):
+ group_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_group_list,
+ ', (foo),,(bar)',
+ ', (foo),,(bar)',
+ ', ,, ',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(group_list.token_type, 'group-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(group_list.mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(group_list.mailboxes,
+ group_list.all_mailboxes)
+ def test_get_group_list_comment_only_invalid(self):
+ group_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_group_list,
+ '(bar)',
+ '(bar)',
+ ' ',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(group_list.token_type, 'group-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(group_list.mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(group_list.mailboxes,
+ group_list.all_mailboxes)
+ # get_group
+ def test_get_group_empty(self):
+ group = self._test_get_x(parser.get_group,
+ 'Monty Python:;',
+ 'Monty Python:;',
+ 'Monty Python:;',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(group.token_type, 'group')
+ self.assertEqual(group.display_name, 'Monty Python')
+ self.assertEqual(len(group.mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(group.mailboxes,
+ group.all_mailboxes)
+ def test_get_troup_null_addr_spec(self):
+ group = self._test_get_x(parser.get_group,
+ 'foo: <>;',
+ 'foo: <>;',
+ 'foo: <>;',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(group.display_name, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(len(group.mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(group.all_mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(group.all_mailboxes[0].value, '<>')
+ def test_get_group_cfws_only(self):
+ group = self._test_get_x(parser.get_group,
+ 'Monty Python: (hidden);',
+ 'Monty Python: (hidden);',
+ 'Monty Python: ;',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(group.token_type, 'group')
+ self.assertEqual(group.display_name, 'Monty Python')
+ self.assertEqual(len(group.mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(group.mailboxes,
+ group.all_mailboxes)
+ def test_get_group_single_mailbox(self):
+ group = self._test_get_x(parser.get_group,
+ 'Monty Python: "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>;',
+ 'Monty Python: "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>;',
+ 'Monty Python: "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>;',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(group.token_type, 'group')
+ self.assertEqual(group.display_name, 'Monty Python')
+ self.assertEqual(len(group.mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(group.mailboxes,
+ group.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(group.mailboxes[0].addr_spec,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com')
+ def test_get_group_mixed_list(self):
+ group = self._test_get_x(parser.get_group,
+ ('Monty Python: "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>,'
+ '(foo) Roger <ping@exampele.com>, x@test.example.com;'),
+ ('Monty Python: "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>,'
+ '(foo) Roger <ping@exampele.com>, x@test.example.com;'),
+ ('Monty Python: "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>,'
+ ' Roger <ping@exampele.com>, x@test.example.com;'),
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(group.token_type, 'group')
+ self.assertEqual(group.display_name, 'Monty Python')
+ self.assertEqual(len(group.mailboxes), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(group.mailboxes,
+ group.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(group.mailboxes[0].display_name,
+ 'Fred A. Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(group.mailboxes[1].display_name,
+ 'Roger')
+ self.assertEqual(group.mailboxes[2].local_part, 'x')
+ def test_get_group_one_invalid(self):
+ group = self._test_get_x(parser.get_group,
+ ('Monty Python: "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>,'
+ '(foo) Roger ping@exampele.com, x@test.example.com;'),
+ ('Monty Python: "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>,'
+ '(foo) Roger ping@exampele.com, x@test.example.com;'),
+ ('Monty Python: "Fred A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>,'
+ ' Roger ping@exampele.com, x@test.example.com;'),
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect, # non-angle addr makes local part invalid
+ errors.InvalidHeaderDefect], # and its not obs-local either: no dots.
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(group.token_type, 'group')
+ self.assertEqual(group.display_name, 'Monty Python')
+ self.assertEqual(len(group.mailboxes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(group.all_mailboxes), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(group.mailboxes[0].display_name,
+ 'Fred A. Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(group.mailboxes[1].local_part, 'x')
+ self.assertIsNone(group.all_mailboxes[1].display_name)
+ # get_address
+ def test_get_address_simple(self):
+ address = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address.token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address.mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes,
+ address.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes[0].domain,
+ 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(address[0].token_type,
+ 'mailbox')
+ def test_get_address_complex(self):
+ address = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address,
+ '(foo) "Fred A. Bear" <(bird)dinsdale@example.com>',
+ '(foo) "Fred A. Bear" <(bird)dinsdale@example.com>',
+ ' "Fred A. Bear" < dinsdale@example.com>',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address.token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address.mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes,
+ address.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes[0].display_name,
+ 'Fred A. Bear')
+ self.assertEqual(address[0].token_type,
+ 'mailbox')
+ def test_get_address_empty_group(self):
+ address = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address,
+ 'Monty Python:;',
+ 'Monty Python:;',
+ 'Monty Python:;',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address.token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address.mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes,
+ address.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(address[0].token_type,
+ 'group')
+ self.assertEqual(address[0].display_name,
+ 'Monty Python')
+ def test_get_address_group(self):
+ address = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address,
+ 'Monty Python: x@example.com, y@example.com;',
+ 'Monty Python: x@example.com, y@example.com;',
+ 'Monty Python: x@example.com, y@example.com;',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address.token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address.mailboxes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes,
+ address.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(address[0].token_type,
+ 'group')
+ self.assertEqual(address[0].display_name,
+ 'Monty Python')
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes[0].local_part, 'x')
+ def test_get_address_quoted_local_part(self):
+ address = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address,
+ '"foo bar"@example.com',
+ '"foo bar"@example.com',
+ '"foo bar"@example.com',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address.token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address.mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes,
+ address.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes[0].domain,
+ 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes[0].local_part,
+ 'foo bar')
+ self.assertEqual(address[0].token_type, 'mailbox')
+ def test_get_address_ends_at_special(self):
+ address = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com, next',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ [],
+ ', next')
+ self.assertEqual(address.token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address.mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes,
+ address.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(address.mailboxes[0].domain,
+ 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(address[0].token_type, 'mailbox')
+ def test_get_address_invalid_mailbox_invalid(self):
+ address = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address,
+ 'ping example.com, next',
+ 'ping example.com',
+ 'ping example.com',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect, # addr-spec with no domain
+ errors.InvalidHeaderDefect, # invalid local-part
+ errors.InvalidHeaderDefect, # missing .s in local-part
+ ],
+ ', next')
+ self.assertEqual(address.token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address.mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(address.all_mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertIsNone(address.all_mailboxes[0].domain)
+ self.assertEqual(address.all_mailboxes[0].local_part, 'ping example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(address[0].token_type, 'invalid-mailbox')
+ def test_get_address_quoted_strings_in_atom_list(self):
+ address = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address,
+ '""example" example"@example.com',
+ '""example" example"@example.com',
+ 'example example@example.com',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*3,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address.all_mailboxes[0].local_part, 'example example')
+ self.assertEqual(address.all_mailboxes[0].domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(address.all_mailboxes[0].addr_spec, '"example example"@example.com')
+ # get_address_list
+ def test_get_address_list_mailboxes_simple(self):
+ address_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address_list,
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ 'dinsdale@example.com',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.token_type, 'address-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes,
+ address_list.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual([str(x) for x in address_list.mailboxes],
+ [str(x) for x in address_list.addresses])
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[0].domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list[0].token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertIsNone(address_list[0].display_name)
+ def test_get_address_list_mailboxes_two_simple(self):
+ address_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address_list,
+ 'foo@example.com, "Fred A. Bar" <bar@example.com>',
+ 'foo@example.com, "Fred A. Bar" <bar@example.com>',
+ 'foo@example.com, "Fred A. Bar" <bar@example.com>',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.token_type, 'address-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.mailboxes), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes,
+ address_list.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual([str(x) for x in address_list.mailboxes],
+ [str(x) for x in address_list.addresses])
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[0].local_part, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[1].display_name, "Fred A. Bar")
+ def test_get_address_list_mailboxes_complex(self):
+ address_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address_list,
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, '
+ '(ping) Foo <x@example.com>,'
+ 'Nobody Is. Special <y@(bird)example.(bad)com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, '
+ '(ping) Foo <x@example.com>,'
+ 'Nobody Is. Special <y@(bird)example.(bad)com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, '
+ 'Foo <x@example.com>,'
+ '"Nobody Is. Special" <y@example. com>'),
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect, # period in Is.
+ errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect], # cfws in domain
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.token_type, 'address-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.mailboxes), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes,
+ address_list.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual([str(x) for x in address_list.mailboxes],
+ [str(x) for x in address_list.addresses])
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[0].domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[0].token_type, 'mailbox')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[0].token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[1].local_part, 'x')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[2].display_name,
+ 'Nobody Is. Special')
+ def test_get_address_list_mailboxes_invalid_addresses(self):
+ address_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address_list,
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, '
+ '(ping) Foo x@example.com[],'
+ 'Nobody Is. Special <(bird)example.(bad)com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, '
+ '(ping) Foo x@example.com[],'
+ 'Nobody Is. Special <(bird)example.(bad)com>'),
+ ('"Roy A. Bear" <dinsdale@example.com>, '
+ 'Foo x@example.com[],'
+ '"Nobody Is. Special" < example. com>'),
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect, # invalid address in list
+ errors.InvalidHeaderDefect, # 'Foo x' local part invalid.
+ errors.InvalidHeaderDefect, # Missing . in 'Foo x' local part
+ errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect, # period in 'Is.' disp-name phrase
+ errors.InvalidHeaderDefect, # no domain part in addr-spec
+ errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect], # addr-spec has comment in it
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.token_type, 'address-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.all_mailboxes), 3)
+ self.assertEqual([str(x) for x in address_list.all_mailboxes],
+ [str(x) for x in address_list.addresses])
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[0].domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[0].token_type, 'mailbox')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[0].token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[1].token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.addresses[0].mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.addresses[1].mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.addresses[1].mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ address_list.addresses[1].all_mailboxes[0].local_part, 'Foo x')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ address_list.addresses[2].all_mailboxes[0].display_name,
+ "Nobody Is. Special")
+ def test_get_address_list_group_empty(self):
+ address_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address_list,
+ 'Monty Python: ;',
+ 'Monty Python: ;',
+ 'Monty Python: ;',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.token_type, 'address-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.mailboxes), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes,
+ address_list.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.addresses), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[0].token_type, 'address')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[0].display_name, 'Monty Python')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.addresses[0].mailboxes), 0)
+ def test_get_address_list_group_simple(self):
+ address_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address_list,
+ 'Monty Python: dinsdale@example.com;',
+ 'Monty Python: dinsdale@example.com;',
+ 'Monty Python: dinsdale@example.com;',
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.token_type, 'address-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.mailboxes), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes,
+ address_list.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[0].domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[0].display_name,
+ 'Monty Python')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[0].mailboxes[0].domain,
+ 'example.com')
+ def test_get_address_list_group_and_mailboxes(self):
+ address_list = self._test_get_x(parser.get_address_list,
+ ('Monty Python: dinsdale@example.com, "Fred" <flint@example.com>;, '
+ 'Abe <x@example.com>, Bee <y@example.com>'),
+ ('Monty Python: dinsdale@example.com, "Fred" <flint@example.com>;, '
+ 'Abe <x@example.com>, Bee <y@example.com>'),
+ ('Monty Python: dinsdale@example.com, "Fred" <flint@example.com>;, '
+ 'Abe <x@example.com>, Bee <y@example.com>'),
+ [],
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.token_type, 'address-list')
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.mailboxes), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes,
+ address_list.all_mailboxes)
+ self.assertEqual(len(address_list.addresses), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.mailboxes[0].local_part, 'dinsdale')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[0].display_name,
+ 'Monty Python')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[0].mailboxes[0].domain,
+ 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[0].mailboxes[1].local_part,
+ 'flint')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[1].mailboxes[0].local_part,
+ 'x')
+ self.assertEqual(address_list.addresses[2].mailboxes[0].local_part,
+ 'y')
+ self.assertEqual(str(address_list.addresses[1]),
+ str(address_list.mailboxes[2]))
+class TestFolding(TestEmailBase):
+ policy = policy.default
+ def _test(self, tl, folded, policy=policy):
+ self.assertEqual(tl.fold(policy=policy), folded, tl.ppstr())
+ def test_simple_unstructured_no_folds(self):
+ self._test(parser.get_unstructured("This is a test"),
+ "This is a test\n")
+ def test_simple_unstructured_folded(self):
+ self._test(parser.get_unstructured("This is also a test, but this "
+ "time there are enough words (and even some "
+ "symbols) to make it wrap; at least in theory."),
+ "This is also a test, but this time there are enough "
+ "words (and even some\n"
+ " symbols) to make it wrap; at least in theory.\n")
+ def test_unstructured_with_unicode_no_folds(self):
+ self._test(parser.get_unstructured("hübsch kleiner beißt"),
+ "=?utf-8?q?h=C3=BCbsch_kleiner_bei=C3=9Ft?=\n")
+ def test_one_ew_on_each_of_two_wrapped_lines(self):
+ self._test(parser.get_unstructured("Mein kleiner Kaktus ist sehr "
+ "hübsch. Es hat viele Stacheln "
+ "und oft beißt mich."),
+ "Mein kleiner Kaktus ist sehr =?utf-8?q?h=C3=BCbsch=2E?= "
+ "Es hat viele Stacheln\n"
+ " und oft =?utf-8?q?bei=C3=9Ft?= mich.\n")
+ def test_ews_combined_before_wrap(self):
+ self._test(parser.get_unstructured("Mein Kaktus ist hübsch. "
+ "Es beißt mich. "
+ "And that's all I'm sayin."),
+ "Mein Kaktus ist =?utf-8?q?h=C3=BCbsch=2E__Es_bei=C3=9Ft?= "
+ "mich. And that's\n"
+ " all I'm sayin.\n")
+ # XXX Need test of an encoded word so long that it needs to be wrapped
+ def test_simple_address(self):
+ self._test(parser.get_address_list("abc <xyz@example.com>")[0],
+ "abc <xyz@example.com>\n")
+ def test_address_list_folding_at_commas(self):
+ self._test(parser.get_address_list('abc <xyz@example.com>, '
+ '"Fred Blunt" <sharp@example.com>, '
+ '"J.P.Cool" <hot@example.com>, '
+ '"K<>y" <key@example.com>, '
+ 'Firesale <cheap@example.com>, '
+ '<end@example.com>')[0],
+ 'abc <xyz@example.com>, "Fred Blunt" <sharp@example.com>,\n'
+ ' "J.P.Cool" <hot@example.com>, "K<>y" <key@example.com>,\n'
+ ' Firesale <cheap@example.com>, <end@example.com>\n')
+ def test_address_list_with_unicode_names(self):
+ self._test(parser.get_address_list(
+ 'Hübsch Kaktus <beautiful@example.com>, '
+ 'beißt beißt <biter@example.com>')[0],
+ '=?utf-8?q?H=C3=BCbsch?= Kaktus <beautiful@example.com>,\n'
+ ' =?utf-8?q?bei=C3=9Ft_bei=C3=9Ft?= <biter@example.com>\n')
+ def test_address_list_with_unicode_names_in_quotes(self):
+ self._test(parser.get_address_list(
+ '"Hübsch Kaktus" <beautiful@example.com>, '
+ '"beißt" beißt <biter@example.com>')[0],
+ '=?utf-8?q?H=C3=BCbsch?= Kaktus <beautiful@example.com>,\n'
+ ' =?utf-8?q?bei=C3=9Ft_bei=C3=9Ft?= <biter@example.com>\n')
+ # XXX Need tests with comments on various sides of a unicode token,
+ # and with unicode tokens in the comments. Spaces inside the quotes
+ # currently don't do the right thing.
+ def test_initial_whitespace_splitting(self):
+ body = parser.get_unstructured(' ' + 'x'*77)
+ header = parser.Header([
+ parser.HeaderLabel([parser.ValueTerminal('test:', 'atext')]),
+ parser.CFWSList([parser.WhiteSpaceTerminal(' ', 'fws')]), body])
+ self._test(header, 'test: \n ' + 'x'*77 + '\n')
+ def test_whitespace_splitting(self):
+ self._test(parser.get_unstructured('xxx ' + 'y'*77),
+ 'xxx \n ' + 'y'*77 + '\n')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import datetime
+import textwrap
+import unittest
+from email import errors
+from email import policy
+from test.test_email import TestEmailBase
+from email import _headerregistry
+# Address and Group are public but I'm not sure where to put them yet.
+from email._headerregistry import Address, Group
+class TestHeaderRegistry(TestEmailBase):
+ def test_arbitrary_name_unstructured(self):
+ factory = _headerregistry.HeaderRegistry()
+ h = factory('foobar', 'test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.BaseHeader)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader)
+ def test_name_case_ignored(self):
+ factory = _headerregistry.HeaderRegistry()
+ # Whitebox check that test is valid
+ self.assertNotIn('Subject', factory.registry)
+ h = factory('Subject', 'test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.BaseHeader)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UniqueUnstructuredHeader)
+ class FooBase:
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ pass
+ def test_override_default_base_class(self):
+ factory = _headerregistry.HeaderRegistry(base_class=self.FooBase)
+ h = factory('foobar', 'test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, self.FooBase)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader)
+ class FooDefault:
+ parse = _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader.parse
+ def test_override_default_class(self):
+ factory = _headerregistry.HeaderRegistry(default_class=self.FooDefault)
+ h = factory('foobar', 'test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.BaseHeader)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, self.FooDefault)
+ def test_override_default_class_only_overrides_default(self):
+ factory = _headerregistry.HeaderRegistry(default_class=self.FooDefault)
+ h = factory('subject', 'test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.BaseHeader)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UniqueUnstructuredHeader)
+ def test_dont_use_default_map(self):
+ factory = _headerregistry.HeaderRegistry(use_default_map=False)
+ h = factory('subject', 'test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.BaseHeader)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader)
+ def test_map_to_type(self):
+ factory = _headerregistry.HeaderRegistry()
+ h1 = factory('foobar', 'test')
+ factory.map_to_type('foobar', _headerregistry.UniqueUnstructuredHeader)
+ h2 = factory('foobar', 'test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h1, _headerregistry.BaseHeader)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h1, _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h2, _headerregistry.BaseHeader)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h2, _headerregistry.UniqueUnstructuredHeader)
+class TestHeaderBase(TestEmailBase):
+ factory = _headerregistry.HeaderRegistry()
+ def make_header(self, name, value):
+ return self.factory(name, value)
+class TestBaseHeaderFeatures(TestHeaderBase):
+ def test_str(self):
+ h = self.make_header('subject', 'this is a test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, str)
+ self.assertEqual(h, 'this is a test')
+ self.assertEqual(str(h), 'this is a test')
+ def test_substr(self):
+ h = self.make_header('subject', 'this is a test')
+ self.assertEqual(h[5:7], 'is')
+ def test_has_name(self):
+ h = self.make_header('subject', 'this is a test')
+ self.assertEqual(h.name, 'subject')
+ def _test_attr_ro(self, attr):
+ h = self.make_header('subject', 'this is a test')
+ with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+ setattr(h, attr, 'foo')
+ def test_name_read_only(self):
+ self._test_attr_ro('name')
+ def test_defects_read_only(self):
+ self._test_attr_ro('defects')
+ def test_defects_is_tuple(self):
+ h = self.make_header('subject', 'this is a test')
+ self.assertEqual(len(h.defects), 0)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h.defects, tuple)
+ # Make sure it is still true when there are defects.
+ h = self.make_header('date', '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(h.defects), 1)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h.defects, tuple)
+ #def test_CR_in_value(self):
+ # # XXX: this also re-raises the issue of embedded headers,
+ # # need test and solution for that.
+ # value = '\r'.join(['this is', ' a test'])
+ # h = self.make_header('subject', value)
+ # self.assertEqual(h, value)
+ # self.assertDefectsEqual(h.defects, [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect])
+ def test_RFC2047_value_decoded(self):
+ value = '=?utf-8?q?this_is_a_test?='
+ h = self.make_header('subject', value)
+ self.assertEqual(h, 'this is a test')
+class TestDateHeader(TestHeaderBase):
+ datestring = 'Sun, 23 Sep 2001 20:10:55 -0700'
+ utcoffset = datetime.timedelta(hours=-7)
+ tz = datetime.timezone(utcoffset)
+ dt = datetime.datetime(2001, 9, 23, 20, 10, 55, tzinfo=tz)
+ def test_parse_date(self):
+ h = self.make_header('date', self.datestring)
+ self.assertEqual(h, self.datestring)
+ self.assertEqual(h.datetime, self.dt)
+ self.assertEqual(h.datetime.utcoffset(), self.utcoffset)
+ self.assertEqual(h.defects, ())
+ def test_set_from_datetime(self):
+ h = self.make_header('date', self.dt)
+ self.assertEqual(h, self.datestring)
+ self.assertEqual(h.datetime, self.dt)
+ self.assertEqual(h.defects, ())
+ def test_date_header_properties(self):
+ h = self.make_header('date', self.datestring)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UniqueDateHeader)
+ self.assertEqual(h.max_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(h.defects, ())
+ def test_resent_date_header_properties(self):
+ h = self.make_header('resent-date', self.datestring)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.DateHeader)
+ self.assertEqual(h.max_count, None)
+ self.assertEqual(h.defects, ())
+ def test_no_value_is_defect(self):
+ h = self.make_header('date', '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(h.defects), 1)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h.defects[0], errors.HeaderMissingRequiredValue)
+ def test_datetime_read_only(self):
+ h = self.make_header('date', self.datestring)
+ with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+ h.datetime = 'foo'
+class TestAddressHeader(TestHeaderBase):
+ examples = {
+ 'empty':
+ ('<>',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect],
+ '<>',
+ '',
+ '<>',
+ '',
+ '',
+ None),
+ 'address_only':
+ ('zippy@pinhead.com',
+ [],
+ 'zippy@pinhead.com',
+ '',
+ 'zippy@pinhead.com',
+ 'zippy',
+ 'pinhead.com',
+ None),
+ 'name_and_address':
+ ('Zaphrod Beblebrux <zippy@pinhead.com>',
+ [],
+ 'Zaphrod Beblebrux <zippy@pinhead.com>',
+ 'Zaphrod Beblebrux',
+ 'zippy@pinhead.com',
+ 'zippy',
+ 'pinhead.com',
+ None),
+ 'quoted_local_part':
+ ('Zaphrod Beblebrux <"foo bar"@pinhead.com>',
+ [],
+ 'Zaphrod Beblebrux <"foo bar"@pinhead.com>',
+ 'Zaphrod Beblebrux',
+ '"foo bar"@pinhead.com',
+ 'foo bar',
+ 'pinhead.com',
+ None),
+ 'quoted_parens_in_name':
+ (r'"A \(Special\) Person" <person@dom.ain>',
+ [],
+ '"A (Special) Person" <person@dom.ain>',
+ 'A (Special) Person',
+ 'person@dom.ain',
+ 'person',
+ 'dom.ain',
+ None),
+ 'quoted_backslashes_in_name':
+ (r'"Arthur \\Backslash\\ Foobar" <person@dom.ain>',
+ [],
+ r'"Arthur \\Backslash\\ Foobar" <person@dom.ain>',
+ r'Arthur \Backslash\ Foobar',
+ 'person@dom.ain',
+ 'person',
+ 'dom.ain',
+ None),
+ 'name_with_dot':
+ ('John X. Doe <jxd@example.com>',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect],
+ '"John X. Doe" <jxd@example.com>',
+ 'John X. Doe',
+ 'jxd@example.com',
+ 'jxd',
+ 'example.com',
+ None),
+ 'quoted_strings_in_local_part':
+ ('""example" example"@example.com',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*3,
+ '"example example"@example.com',
+ '',
+ '"example example"@example.com',
+ 'example example',
+ 'example.com',
+ None),
+ 'escaped_quoted_strings_in_local_part':
+ (r'"\"example\" example"@example.com',
+ [],
+ r'"\"example\" example"@example.com',
+ '',
+ r'"\"example\" example"@example.com',
+ r'"example" example',
+ 'example.com',
+ None),
+ 'escaped_escapes_in_local_part':
+ (r'"\\"example\\" example"@example.com',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*5,
+ r'"\\example\\\\ example"@example.com',
+ '',
+ r'"\\example\\\\ example"@example.com',
+ r'\example\\ example',
+ 'example.com',
+ None),
+ 'spaces_in_unquoted_local_part_collapsed':
+ ('merwok wok @example.com',
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*2,
+ '"merwok wok"@example.com',
+ '',
+ '"merwok wok"@example.com',
+ 'merwok wok',
+ 'example.com',
+ None),
+ 'spaces_around_dots_in_local_part_removed':
+ ('merwok. wok . wok@example.com',
+ [errors.ObsoleteHeaderDefect],
+ 'merwok.wok.wok@example.com',
+ '',
+ 'merwok.wok.wok@example.com',
+ 'merwok.wok.wok',
+ 'example.com',
+ None),
+ }
+ # XXX: Need many more examples, and in particular some with names in
+ # trailing comments, which aren't currently handled. comments in
+ # general are not handled yet.
+ def _test_single_addr(self, source, defects, decoded, display_name,
+ addr_spec, username, domain, comment):
+ h = self.make_header('sender', source)
+ self.assertEqual(h, decoded)
+ self.assertDefectsEqual(h.defects, defects)
+ a = h.address
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), decoded)
+ self.assertEqual(len(h.groups), 1)
+ self.assertEqual([a], list(h.groups[0].addresses))
+ self.assertEqual([a], list(h.addresses))
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, addr_spec)
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, username)
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, domain)
+ # XXX: we have no comment support yet.
+ #self.assertEqual(a.comment, comment)
+ for name in examples:
+ locals()['test_'+name] = (
+ lambda self, name=name:
+ self._test_single_addr(*self.examples[name]))
+ def _test_group_single_addr(self, source, defects, decoded, display_name,
+ addr_spec, username, domain, comment):
+ source = 'foo: {};'.format(source)
+ gdecoded = 'foo: {};'.format(decoded) if decoded else 'foo:;'
+ h = self.make_header('to', source)
+ self.assertEqual(h, gdecoded)
+ self.assertDefectsEqual(h.defects, defects)
+ self.assertEqual(h.groups[0].addresses, h.addresses)
+ self.assertEqual(len(h.groups), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(h.addresses), 1)
+ a = h.addresses[0]
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), decoded)
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, addr_spec)
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, username)
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, domain)
+ for name in examples:
+ locals()['test_group_'+name] = (
+ lambda self, name=name:
+ self._test_group_single_addr(*self.examples[name]))
+ def test_simple_address_list(self):
+ value = ('Fred <dinsdale@python.org>, foo@example.com, '
+ '"Harry W. Hastings" <hasty@example.com>')
+ h = self.make_header('to', value)
+ self.assertEqual(h, value)
+ self.assertEqual(len(h.groups), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(len(h.addresses), 3)
+ for i in range(3):
+ self.assertEqual(h.groups[i].addresses[0], h.addresses[i])
+ self.assertEqual(str(h.addresses[0]), 'Fred <dinsdale@python.org>')
+ self.assertEqual(str(h.addresses[1]), 'foo@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(str(h.addresses[2]),
+ '"Harry W. Hastings" <hasty@example.com>')
+ self.assertEqual(h.addresses[2].display_name,
+ 'Harry W. Hastings')
+ def test_complex_address_list(self):
+ examples = list(self.examples.values())
+ source = ('dummy list:;, another: (empty);,' +
+ ', '.join([x[0] for x in examples[:4]]) + ', ' +
+ r'"A \"list\"": ' +
+ ', '.join([x[0] for x in examples[4:6]]) + ';,' +
+ ', '.join([x[0] for x in examples[6:]])
+ )
+ # XXX: the fact that (empty) disappears here is a potential API design
+ # bug. We don't currently have a way to preserve comments.
+ expected = ('dummy list:;, another:;, ' +
+ ', '.join([x[2] for x in examples[:4]]) + ', ' +
+ r'"A \"list\"": ' +
+ ', '.join([x[2] for x in examples[4:6]]) + ';, ' +
+ ', '.join([x[2] for x in examples[6:]])
+ )
+ h = self.make_header('to', source)
+ self.assertEqual(h.split(','), expected.split(','))
+ self.assertEqual(h, expected)
+ self.assertEqual(len(h.groups), 7 + len(examples) - 6)
+ self.assertEqual(h.groups[0].display_name, 'dummy list')
+ self.assertEqual(h.groups[1].display_name, 'another')
+ self.assertEqual(h.groups[6].display_name, 'A "list"')
+ self.assertEqual(len(h.addresses), len(examples))
+ for i in range(4):
+ self.assertIsNone(h.groups[i+2].display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(str(h.groups[i+2].addresses[0]), examples[i][2])
+ for i in range(7, 7 + len(examples) - 6):
+ self.assertIsNone(h.groups[i].display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(str(h.groups[i].addresses[0]), examples[i-1][2])
+ for i in range(len(examples)):
+ self.assertEqual(str(h.addresses[i]), examples[i][2])
+ self.assertEqual(h.addresses[i].addr_spec, examples[i][4])
+ def test_address_read_only(self):
+ h = self.make_header('sender', 'abc@xyz.com')
+ with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+ h.address = 'foo'
+ def test_addresses_read_only(self):
+ h = self.make_header('sender', 'abc@xyz.com')
+ with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+ h.addresses = 'foo'
+ def test_groups_read_only(self):
+ h = self.make_header('sender', 'abc@xyz.com')
+ with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+ h.groups = 'foo'
+ def test_addresses_types(self):
+ source = 'me <who@example.com>'
+ h = self.make_header('to', source)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h.addresses, tuple)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h.addresses[0], Address)
+ def test_groups_types(self):
+ source = 'me <who@example.com>'
+ h = self.make_header('to', source)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h.groups, tuple)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h.groups[0], Group)
+ def test_set_from_Address(self):
+ h = self.make_header('to', Address('me', 'foo', 'example.com'))
+ self.assertEqual(h, 'me <foo@example.com>')
+ def test_set_from_Address_list(self):
+ h = self.make_header('to', [Address('me', 'foo', 'example.com'),
+ Address('you', 'bar', 'example.com')])
+ self.assertEqual(h, 'me <foo@example.com>, you <bar@example.com>')
+ def test_set_from_Address_and_Group_list(self):
+ h = self.make_header('to', [Address('me', 'foo', 'example.com'),
+ Group('bing', [Address('fiz', 'z', 'b.com'),
+ Address('zif', 'f', 'c.com')]),
+ Address('you', 'bar', 'example.com')])
+ self.assertEqual(h, 'me <foo@example.com>, bing: fiz <z@b.com>, '
+ 'zif <f@c.com>;, you <bar@example.com>')
+ self.assertEqual(h.fold(policy=policy.default.clone(max_line_length=40)),
+ 'to: me <foo@example.com>,\n'
+ ' bing: fiz <z@b.com>, zif <f@c.com>;,\n'
+ ' you <bar@example.com>\n')
+ def test_set_from_Group_list(self):
+ h = self.make_header('to', [Group('bing', [Address('fiz', 'z', 'b.com'),
+ Address('zif', 'f', 'c.com')])])
+ self.assertEqual(h, 'bing: fiz <z@b.com>, zif <f@c.com>;')
+class TestAddressAndGroup(TestEmailBase):
+ def _test_attr_ro(self, obj, attr):
+ with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+ setattr(obj, attr, 'foo')
+ def test_address_display_name_ro(self):
+ self._test_attr_ro(Address('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), 'display_name')
+ def test_address_username_ro(self):
+ self._test_attr_ro(Address('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), 'username')
+ def test_address_domain_ro(self):
+ self._test_attr_ro(Address('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), 'domain')
+ def test_group_display_name_ro(self):
+ self._test_attr_ro(Group('foo'), 'display_name')
+ def test_group_addresses_ro(self):
+ self._test_attr_ro(Group('foo'), 'addresses')
+ def test_address_from_username_domain(self):
+ a = Address('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, 'baz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, 'bar@baz')
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), 'foo <bar@baz>')
+ def test_address_from_addr_spec(self):
+ a = Address('foo', addr_spec='bar@baz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, 'baz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, 'bar@baz')
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), 'foo <bar@baz>')
+ def test_address_with_no_display_name(self):
+ a = Address(addr_spec='bar@baz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, '')
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, 'baz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, 'bar@baz')
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), 'bar@baz')
+ def test_null_address(self):
+ a = Address()
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, '')
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, '')
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, '')
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, '<>')
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), '<>')
+ def test_domain_only(self):
+ # This isn't really a valid address.
+ a = Address(domain='buzz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, '')
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, '')
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, 'buzz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, '@buzz')
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), '@buzz')
+ def test_username_only(self):
+ # This isn't really a valid address.
+ a = Address(username='buzz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, '')
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, 'buzz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, '')
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, 'buzz')
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), 'buzz')
+ def test_display_name_only(self):
+ a = Address('buzz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, 'buzz')
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, '')
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, '')
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, '<>')
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), 'buzz <>')
+ def test_quoting(self):
+ # Ideally we'd check every special individually, but I'm not up for
+ # writing that many tests.
+ a = Address('Sara J.', 'bad name', 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, 'Sara J.')
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, 'bad name')
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, 'example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, '"bad name"@example.com')
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), '"Sara J." <"bad name"@example.com>')
+ def test_il8n(self):
+ a = Address('Éric', 'wok', 'exàmple.com')
+ self.assertEqual(a.display_name, 'Éric')
+ self.assertEqual(a.username, 'wok')
+ self.assertEqual(a.domain, 'exàmple.com')
+ self.assertEqual(a.addr_spec, 'wok@exàmple.com')
+ self.assertEqual(str(a), 'Éric <wok@exàmple.com>')
+ # XXX: there is an API design issue that needs to be solved here.
+ #def test_non_ascii_username_raises(self):
+ # with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # Address('foo', 'wők', 'example.com')
+ def test_non_ascii_username_in_addr_spec_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ Address('foo', addr_spec='wők@example.com')
+ def test_address_addr_spec_and_username_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ Address('foo', username='bing', addr_spec='bar@baz')
+ def test_address_addr_spec_and_domain_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ Address('foo', domain='bing', addr_spec='bar@baz')
+ def test_address_addr_spec_and_username_and_domain_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ Address('foo', username='bong', domain='bing', addr_spec='bar@baz')
+ def test_space_in_addr_spec_username_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ Address('foo', addr_spec="bad name@example.com")
+ def test_bad_addr_sepc_raises(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ Address('foo', addr_spec="name@ex[]ample.com")
+ def test_empty_group(self):
+ g = Group('foo')
+ self.assertEqual(g.display_name, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(g.addresses, tuple())
+ self.assertEqual(str(g), 'foo:;')
+ def test_empty_group_list(self):
+ g = Group('foo', addresses=[])
+ self.assertEqual(g.display_name, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(g.addresses, tuple())
+ self.assertEqual(str(g), 'foo:;')
+ def test_null_group(self):
+ g = Group()
+ self.assertIsNone(g.display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(g.addresses, tuple())
+ self.assertEqual(str(g), 'None:;')
+ def test_group_with_addresses(self):
+ addrs = [Address('b', 'b', 'c'), Address('a', 'b','c')]
+ g = Group('foo', addrs)
+ self.assertEqual(g.display_name, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(g.addresses, tuple(addrs))
+ self.assertEqual(str(g), 'foo: b <b@c>, a <b@c>;')
+ def test_group_with_addresses_no_display_name(self):
+ addrs = [Address('b', 'b', 'c'), Address('a', 'b','c')]
+ g = Group(addresses=addrs)
+ self.assertIsNone(g.display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(g.addresses, tuple(addrs))
+ self.assertEqual(str(g), 'None: b <b@c>, a <b@c>;')
+ def test_group_with_one_address_no_display_name(self):
+ addrs = [Address('b', 'b', 'c')]
+ g = Group(addresses=addrs)
+ self.assertIsNone(g.display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(g.addresses, tuple(addrs))
+ self.assertEqual(str(g), 'b <b@c>')
+ def test_display_name_quoting(self):
+ g = Group('foo.bar')
+ self.assertEqual(g.display_name, 'foo.bar')
+ self.assertEqual(g.addresses, tuple())
+ self.assertEqual(str(g), '"foo.bar":;')
+ def test_display_name_blanks_not_quoted(self):
+ g = Group('foo bar')
+ self.assertEqual(g.display_name, 'foo bar')
+ self.assertEqual(g.addresses, tuple())
+ self.assertEqual(str(g), 'foo bar:;')
+class TestFolding(TestHeaderBase):
+ def test_short_unstructured(self):
+ h = self.make_header('subject', 'this is a test')
+ self.assertEqual(h.fold(policy=self.policy),
+ 'subject: this is a test\n')
+ def test_long_unstructured(self):
+ h = self.make_header('Subject', 'This is a long header '
+ 'line that will need to be folded into two lines '
+ 'and will demonstrate basic folding')
+ self.assertEqual(h.fold(policy=self.policy),
+ 'Subject: This is a long header line that will '
+ 'need to be folded into two lines\n'
+ ' and will demonstrate basic folding\n')
+ def test_unstructured_short_max_line_length(self):
+ h = self.make_header('Subject', 'this is a short header '
+ 'that will be folded anyway')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ h.fold(policy=policy.default.clone(max_line_length=20)),
+ textwrap.dedent("""\
+ Subject: this is a
+ short header that
+ will be folded
+ anyway
+ """))
+ def test_fold_unstructured_single_word(self):
+ h = self.make_header('Subject', 'test')
+ self.assertEqual(h.fold(policy=self.policy), 'Subject: test\n')
+ def test_fold_unstructured_short(self):
+ h = self.make_header('Subject', 'test test test')
+ self.assertEqual(h.fold(policy=self.policy),
+ 'Subject: test test test\n')
+ def test_fold_unstructured_with_overlong_word(self):
+ h = self.make_header('Subject', 'thisisaverylonglineconsistingofa'
+ 'singlewordthatwontfit')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ h.fold(policy=policy.default.clone(max_line_length=20)),
+ 'Subject: thisisaverylonglineconsistingofasinglewordthatwontfit\n')
+ def test_fold_unstructured_with_two_overlong_words(self):
+ h = self.make_header('Subject', 'thisisaverylonglineconsistingofa'
+ 'singlewordthatwontfit plusanotherverylongwordthatwontfit')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ h.fold(policy=policy.default.clone(max_line_length=20)),
+ 'Subject: thisisaverylonglineconsistingofasinglewordthatwontfit\n'
+ ' plusanotherverylongwordthatwontfit\n')
+ def test_fold_unstructured_with_slightly_long_word(self):
+ h = self.make_header('Subject', 'thislongwordislessthanmaxlinelen')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ h.fold(policy=policy.default.clone(max_line_length=35)),
+ 'Subject:\n thislongwordislessthanmaxlinelen\n')
+ def test_fold_unstructured_with_commas(self):
+ # The old wrapper would fold this at the commas.
+ h = self.make_header('Subject', "This header is intended to "
+ "demonstrate, in a fairly susinct way, that we now do "
+ "not give a , special treatment in unstructured headers.")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ h.fold(policy=policy.default.clone(max_line_length=60)),
+ textwrap.dedent("""\
+ Subject: This header is intended to demonstrate, in a fairly
+ susinct way, that we now do not give a , special treatment
+ in unstructured headers.
+ """))
+ def test_fold_address_list(self):
+ h = self.make_header('To', '"Theodore H. Perfect" <yes@man.com>, '
+ '"My address is very long because my name is long" <foo@bar.com>, '
+ '"Only A. Friend" <no@yes.com>')
+ self.assertEqual(h.fold(policy=self.policy), textwrap.dedent("""\
+ To: "Theodore H. Perfect" <yes@man.com>,
+ "My address is very long because my name is long" <foo@bar.com>,
+ "Only A. Friend" <no@yes.com>
+ """))
+ def test_fold_date_header(self):
+ h = self.make_header('Date', 'Sat, 2 Feb 2002 17:00:06 -0800')
+ self.assertEqual(h.fold(policy=self.policy),
+ 'Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 17:00:06 -0800\n')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
from email import policy
from test.test_email import TestEmailBase
-# XXX: move generator tests from test_email into here at some point.
+class TestGeneratorBase:
-class TestGeneratorBase():
+ policy = policy.default
- policy = policy.compat32
+ def msgmaker(self, msg, policy=None):
+ policy = self.policy if policy is None else policy
+ return self.msgfunc(msg, policy=policy)
- long_subject = {
+ refold_long_expected = {
0: textwrap.dedent("""\
To: whom_it_may_concern@example.com
From: nobody_you_want_to_know@example.com
+ # From is wrapped because wrapped it fits in 40.
40: textwrap.dedent("""\
To: whom_it_may_concern@example.com
- From:\x20
+ From:
Subject: We the willing led by the
- unknowing are doing the
- impossible for the ungrateful. We have
- done so much for so long with so little
- we are now qualified to do anything
- with nothing.
+ unknowing are doing the impossible for
+ the ungrateful. We have done so much
+ for so long with so little we are now
+ qualified to do anything with nothing.
+ # Neither to nor from fit even if put on a new line,
+ # so we leave them sticking out on the first line.
20: textwrap.dedent("""\
- To:\x20
- whom_it_may_concern@example.com
- From:\x20
- nobody_you_want_to_know@example.com
+ To: whom_it_may_concern@example.com
+ From: nobody_you_want_to_know@example.com
Subject: We the
willing led by the
unknowing are doing
- the
- impossible for the
- ungrateful. We have
- done so much for so
- long with so little
- we are now
+ the impossible for
+ the ungrateful. We
+ have done so much
+ for so long with so
+ little we are now
qualified to do
anything with
- long_subject[100] = long_subject[0]
- def maxheaderlen_parameter_test(self, n):
- msg = self.msgmaker(self.typ(self.long_subject[0]))
+ refold_long_expected[100] = refold_long_expected[0]
+ refold_all_expected = refold_long_expected.copy()
+ refold_all_expected[0] = (
+ "To: whom_it_may_concern@example.com\n"
+ "From: nobody_you_want_to_know@example.com\n"
+ "Subject: We the willing led by the unknowing are doing the "
+ "impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much for "
+ "so long with so little we are now qualified to do anything "
+ "with nothing.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "None\n")
+ refold_all_expected[100] = (
+ "To: whom_it_may_concern@example.com\n"
+ "From: nobody_you_want_to_know@example.com\n"
+ "Subject: We the willing led by the unknowing are doing the "
+ "impossible for the ungrateful. We have\n"
+ " done so much for so long with so little we are now qualified "
+ "to do anything with nothing.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "None\n")
+ def _test_maxheaderlen_parameter(self, n):
+ msg = self.msgmaker(self.typ(self.refold_long_expected[0]))
s = self.ioclass()
- g = self.genclass(s, maxheaderlen=n)
+ g = self.genclass(s, maxheaderlen=n, policy=self.policy)
- self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), self.typ(self.long_subject[n]))
+ self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), self.typ(self.refold_long_expected[n]))
- def test_maxheaderlen_parameter_0(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_parameter_test(0)
+ for n in refold_long_expected:
+ locals()['test_maxheaderlen_parameter_' + str(n)] = (
+ lambda self, n=n:
+ self._test_maxheaderlen_parameter(n))
- def test_maxheaderlen_parameter_100(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_parameter_test(100)
- def test_maxheaderlen_parameter_40(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_parameter_test(40)
- def test_maxheaderlen_parameter_20(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_parameter_test(20)
- def maxheaderlen_policy_test(self, n):
- msg = self.msgmaker(self.typ(self.long_subject[0]))
+ def _test_max_line_length_policy(self, n):
+ msg = self.msgmaker(self.typ(self.refold_long_expected[0]))
s = self.ioclass()
- g = self.genclass(s, policy=policy.default.clone(max_line_length=n))
+ g = self.genclass(s, policy=self.policy.clone(max_line_length=n))
- self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), self.typ(self.long_subject[n]))
- def test_maxheaderlen_policy_0(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_policy_test(0)
- def test_maxheaderlen_policy_100(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_policy_test(100)
- def test_maxheaderlen_policy_40(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_policy_test(40)
+ self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), self.typ(self.refold_long_expected[n]))
- def test_maxheaderlen_policy_20(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_policy_test(20)
+ for n in refold_long_expected:
+ locals()['test_max_line_length_policy' + str(n)] = (
+ lambda self, n=n:
+ self._test_max_line_length_policy(n))
- def maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy_test(self, n):
- msg = self.msgmaker(self.typ(self.long_subject[0]))
+ def _test_maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy(self, n):
+ msg = self.msgmaker(self.typ(self.refold_long_expected[0]))
s = self.ioclass()
g = self.genclass(s, maxheaderlen=n,
- policy=policy.default.clone(max_line_length=10))
+ policy=self.policy.clone(max_line_length=10))
- self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), self.typ(self.long_subject[n]))
+ self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), self.typ(self.refold_long_expected[n]))
- def test_maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy_0(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy_test(0)
+ for n in refold_long_expected:
+ locals()['test_maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy' + str(n)] = (
+ lambda self, n=n:
+ self._test_maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy(n))
- def test_maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy_100(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy_test(100)
+ def _test_refold_none_does_not_fold(self, n):
+ msg = self.msgmaker(self.typ(self.refold_long_expected[0]))
+ s = self.ioclass()
+ g = self.genclass(s, policy=self.policy.clone(refold_source='none',
+ max_line_length=n))
+ g.flatten(msg)
+ self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), self.typ(self.refold_long_expected[0]))
+ for n in refold_long_expected:
+ locals()['test_refold_none_does_not_fold' + str(n)] = (
+ lambda self, n=n:
+ self._test_refold_none_does_not_fold(n))
- def test_maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy_40(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy_test(40)
+ def _test_refold_all(self, n):
+ msg = self.msgmaker(self.typ(self.refold_long_expected[0]))
+ s = self.ioclass()
+ g = self.genclass(s, policy=self.policy.clone(refold_source='all',
+ max_line_length=n))
+ g.flatten(msg)
+ self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), self.typ(self.refold_all_expected[n]))
- def test_maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy_20(self):
- self.maxheaderlen_parm_overrides_policy_test(20)
+ for n in refold_long_expected:
+ locals()['test_refold_all' + str(n)] = (
+ lambda self, n=n:
+ self._test_refold_all(n))
def test_crlf_control_via_policy(self):
source = "Subject: test\r\n\r\ntest body\r\n"
class TestGenerator(TestGeneratorBase, TestEmailBase):
+ msgfunc = staticmethod(message_from_string)
genclass = Generator
ioclass = io.StringIO
typ = str
- def msgmaker(self, msg, policy=None):
- policy = self.policy if policy is None else policy
- return message_from_string(msg, policy=policy)
class TestBytesGenerator(TestGeneratorBase, TestEmailBase):
+ msgfunc = staticmethod(message_from_bytes)
genclass = BytesGenerator
ioclass = io.BytesIO
typ = lambda self, x: x.encode('ascii')
- def msgmaker(self, msg, policy=None):
- policy = self.policy if policy is None else policy
- return message_from_bytes(msg, policy=policy)
def test_cte_type_7bit_handles_unknown_8bit(self):
source = ("Subject: Maintenant je vous présente mon "
- expected = ('Subject: =?unknown-8bit?q?Maintenant_je_vous_pr=C3=A9sente_mon_'
- 'coll=C3=A8gue?=\n\n').encode('ascii')
+ expected = ('Subject: Maintenant je vous =?unknown-8bit?q?'
+ 'pr=C3=A9sente_mon_coll=C3=A8gue?=\n\n').encode('ascii')
msg = message_from_bytes(source)
s = io.BytesIO()
g = BytesGenerator(s, policy=self.policy.clone(cte_type='7bit'))
--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+import textwrap
+import copy
+import pickle
+from email import policy
+from email import message_from_string
+from email._headerregistry import HeaderRegistry
+from test.test_email import TestEmailBase
+class TestPickleCopyHeader(TestEmailBase):
+ unstructured = HeaderRegistry()('subject', 'this is a test')
+ def test_deepcopy_unstructured(self):
+ h = copy.deepcopy(self.unstructured)
+ self.assertEqual(str(h), str(self.unstructured))
+ def test_pickle_unstructured(self):
+ p = pickle.dumps(self.unstructured)
+ h = pickle.loads(p)
+ self.assertEqual(str(h), str(self.unstructured))
+ address = HeaderRegistry()('from', 'frodo@mordor.net')
+ def test_deepcopy_address(self):
+ h = copy.deepcopy(self.address)
+ self.assertEqual(str(h), str(self.address))
+ def test_pickle_address(self):
+ p = pickle.dumps(self.address)
+ h = pickle.loads(p)
+ self.assertEqual(str(h), str(self.address))
+class TestPickleCopyMessage(TestEmailBase):
+ testmsg = message_from_string(textwrap.dedent("""\
+ From: frodo@mordor.net
+ To: bilbo@underhill.org
+ Subject: help
+ I think I forgot the ring.
+ """), policy=policy.default)
+ def test_deepcopy(self):
+ msg2 = copy.deepcopy(self.testmsg)
+ self.assertEqual(msg2.as_string(), self.testmsg.as_string())
+ def test_pickle(self):
+ p = pickle.dumps(self.testmsg)
+ msg2 = pickle.loads(p)
+ self.assertEqual(msg2.as_string(), self.testmsg.as_string())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
import email.policy
import email.parser
import email.generator
+from email import _headerregistry
+def make_defaults(base_defaults, differences):
+ defaults = base_defaults.copy()
+ defaults.update(differences)
+ return defaults
class PolicyAPITests(unittest.TestCase):
longMessage = True
- # These default values are the ones set on email.policy.default.
- # If any of these defaults change, the docs must be updated.
- policy_defaults = {
+ # Base default values.
+ compat32_defaults = {
'max_line_length': 78,
'linesep': '\n',
'cte_type': '8bit',
'raise_on_defect': False,
- # For each policy under test, we give here the values of the attributes
- # that are different from the defaults for that policy.
+ # These default values are the ones set on email.policy.default.
+ # If any of these defaults change, the docs must be updated.
+ policy_defaults = compat32_defaults.copy()
+ policy_defaults.update({
+ 'raise_on_defect': False,
+ 'header_factory': email.policy.EmailPolicy.header_factory,
+ 'refold_source': 'long',
+ })
+ # For each policy under test, we give here what we expect the defaults to
+ # be for that policy. The second argument to make defaults is the
+ # difference between the base defaults and that for the particular policy.
+ new_policy = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
policies = {
- email.policy.Compat32(): {},
- email.policy.compat32: {},
- email.policy.default: {},
- email.policy.SMTP: {'linesep': '\r\n'},
- email.policy.HTTP: {'linesep': '\r\n', 'max_line_length': None},
- email.policy.strict: {'raise_on_defect': True},
+ email.policy.compat32: make_defaults(compat32_defaults, {}),
+ email.policy.default: make_defaults(policy_defaults, {}),
+ email.policy.SMTP: make_defaults(policy_defaults,
+ {'linesep': '\r\n'}),
+ email.policy.HTTP: make_defaults(policy_defaults,
+ {'linesep': '\r\n',
+ 'max_line_length': None}),
+ email.policy.strict: make_defaults(policy_defaults,
+ {'raise_on_defect': True}),
+ new_policy: make_defaults(policy_defaults, {}),
+ # Creating a new policy creates a new header factory. There is a test
+ # later that proves this.
+ policies[new_policy]['header_factory'] = new_policy.header_factory
def test_defaults(self):
- for policy, changed_defaults in self.policies.items():
- expected = self.policy_defaults.copy()
- expected.update(changed_defaults)
+ for policy, expected in self.policies.items():
for attr, value in expected.items():
self.assertEqual(getattr(policy, attr), value,
("change {} docs/docstrings if defaults have "
def test_all_attributes_covered(self):
- for attr in dir(email.policy.default):
- if (attr.startswith('_') or
- isinstance(getattr(email.policy.Policy, attr),
- types.FunctionType)):
- continue
- else:
- self.assertIn(attr, self.policy_defaults,
- "{} is not fully tested".format(attr))
+ for policy, expected in self.policies.items():
+ for attr in dir(policy):
+ if (attr.startswith('_') or
+ isinstance(getattr(email.policy.EmailPolicy, attr),
+ types.FunctionType)):
+ continue
+ else:
+ self.assertIn(attr, expected,
+ "{} is not fully tested".format(attr))
def test_abc(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
self.assertIn(method, msg)
def test_policy_is_immutable(self):
- for policy in self.policies:
- for attr in self.policy_defaults:
+ for policy, defaults in self.policies.items():
+ for attr in defaults:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, attr+".*read-only"):
setattr(policy, attr, None)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, 'no attribute.*foo'):
policy.foo = None
- def test_set_policy_attrs_when_calledl(self):
- testattrdict = { attr: None for attr in self.policy_defaults }
- for policyclass in self.policies:
+ def test_set_policy_attrs_when_cloned(self):
+ # None of the attributes has a default value of None, so we set them
+ # all to None in the clone call and check that it worked.
+ for policyclass, defaults in self.policies.items():
+ testattrdict = {attr: None for attr in defaults}
policy = policyclass.clone(**testattrdict)
- for attr in self.policy_defaults:
+ for attr in defaults:
self.assertIsNone(getattr(policy, attr))
def test_reject_non_policy_keyword_when_called(self):
self.defects = []
obj = Dummy()
defect = object()
- policy = email.policy.Compat32()
+ policy = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
policy.register_defect(obj, defect)
self.assertEqual(obj.defects, [defect])
defect2 = object()
email.policy.default.handle_defect(foo, defect2)
self.assertEqual(foo.defects, [defect1, defect2])
- class MyPolicy(email.policy.Compat32):
+ class MyPolicy(email.policy.EmailPolicy):
defects = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super().__init__(*args, defects=[], **kw)
self.assertEqual(my_policy.defects, [defect1, defect2])
self.assertEqual(foo.defects, [])
+ def test_default_header_factory(self):
+ h = email.policy.default.header_factory('Test', 'test')
+ self.assertEqual(h.name, 'Test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.BaseHeader)
+ class Foo:
+ parse = _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader.parse
+ def test_each_Policy_gets_unique_factory(self):
+ policy1 = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
+ policy2 = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
+ policy1.header_factory.map_to_type('foo', self.Foo)
+ h = policy1.header_factory('foo', 'test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, self.Foo)
+ self.assertNotIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader)
+ h = policy2.header_factory('foo', 'test')
+ self.assertNotIsInstance(h, self.Foo)
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader)
+ def test_clone_copies_factory(self):
+ policy1 = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
+ policy2 = policy1.clone()
+ policy1.header_factory.map_to_type('foo', self.Foo)
+ h = policy1.header_factory('foo', 'test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, self.Foo)
+ h = policy2.header_factory('foo', 'test')
+ self.assertIsInstance(h, self.Foo)
+ def test_new_factory_overrides_default(self):
+ mypolicy = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
+ myfactory = mypolicy.header_factory
+ newpolicy = mypolicy + email.policy.strict
+ self.assertEqual(newpolicy.header_factory, myfactory)
+ newpolicy = email.policy.strict + mypolicy
+ self.assertEqual(newpolicy.header_factory, myfactory)
+ def test_adding_default_policies_preserves_default_factory(self):
+ newpolicy = email.policy.default + email.policy.strict
+ self.assertEqual(newpolicy.header_factory,
+ email.policy.EmailPolicy.header_factory)
+ self.assertEqual(newpolicy.__dict__, {'raise_on_defect': True})
# XXX: Need subclassing tests.
# For adding subclassed objects, make sure the usual rules apply (subclass
# wins), but that the order still works (right overrides left).