The "close_cb" is also considered for this.
"never" All messages will be kept.
+ *channel-noblock*
+"noblock" Same effect as |job-noblock|. Only matters for writing.
"waittime" The time to wait for the connection to be made in
milliseconds. A negative number waits forever.
Note: when writing to a file or buffer and when
reading from a buffer NL mode is used by default.
+ *job-noblock*
+"noblock": 1 When writing use a non-blocking write call. This
+ avoids getting stuck if Vim should handle other
+ messages in between, e.g. when a job sends back data
+ to Vim. It implies that when `ch_sendraw()` returns
+ not all data may have been written yet.
+ This option was added in patch 8.1.0350, test with: >
+ if has("patch-8.1.350")
+ let options['noblock'] = 1
+ endif
"callback": handler Callback for something to read on any part of the
channel->ch_part[PART_OUT].ch_mode = opt->jo_out_mode;
if (opt->jo_set & JO_ERR_MODE)
channel->ch_part[PART_ERR].ch_mode = opt->jo_err_mode;
+ channel->ch_nonblock = opt->jo_noblock;
if (opt->jo_set & JO_TIMEOUT)
for (part = PART_SOCK; part < PART_COUNT; ++part)
channel_set_nonblock(channel_T *channel, ch_part_T part)
chanpart_T *ch_part = &channel->ch_part[part];
- int fd = ch_part->ch_fd;
+ int fd = ch_part->ch_fd;
if (fd != INVALID_FD)
return FAIL;
+ if (channel->ch_nonblock && !ch_part->ch_nonblocking)
+ channel_set_nonblock(channel, part);
if (ch_log_active())
ch_log_lead("SEND ", channel, part);
== FAIL)
return FAIL;
+ else if (STRCMP(hi->hi_key, "noblock") == 0)
+ {
+ if (!(supported & JO_MODE))
+ break;
+ opt->jo_noblock = get_tv_number(item);
+ }
else if (STRCMP(hi->hi_key, "in_io") == 0
|| STRCMP(hi->hi_key, "out_io") == 0
|| STRCMP(hi->hi_key, "err_io") == 0)
partial_T *ch_close_partial;
int ch_drop_never;
int ch_keep_open; /* do not close on read error */
+ int ch_nonblock;
job_T *ch_job; /* Job that uses this channel; this does not
* count as a reference to avoid a circular
ch_mode_T jo_in_mode;
ch_mode_T jo_out_mode;
ch_mode_T jo_err_mode;
+ int jo_noblock;
job_io_T jo_io[4]; /* PART_OUT, PART_ERR, PART_IN */
char_u jo_io_name_buf[4][NUMBUFLEN];
func Ch_communicate(port)
" Avoid dropping messages, since we don't use a callback here.
let s:chopt.drop = 'never'
+ " Also add the noblock flag to try it out.
+ let s:chopt.noblock = 1
let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt)
unlet s:chopt.drop
+ unlet s:chopt.noblock
if ch_status(handle) == "fail"
call assert_report("Can't open channel")
call ch_log('Test_raw_pipe()')
" Add a dummy close callback to avoid that messages are dropped when calling
" ch_canread().
+ " Also test the non-blocking option.
let job = job_start(s:python . "",
- \ {'mode': 'raw', 'drop': 'never'})
+ \ {'mode': 'raw', 'drop': 'never', 'noblock': 1})
call assert_equal(v:t_job, type(job))
call assert_equal("run", job_status(job))
+function ExitCbWipe(job, status)
+ exe g:wipe_buf 'bw!'
+" This caused a crash, because messages were handled while peeking for a
+" character.
+func Test_exit_cb_wipes_buf()
+ if !has('timers')
+ return
+ endif
+ set cursorline lazyredraw
+ call test_override('redraw_flag', 1)
+ new
+ let g:wipe_buf = bufnr('')
+ let job = job_start(['true'], {'exit_cb': 'ExitCbWipe'})
+ let timer = timer_start(300, {-> feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'nt')}, {'repeat': 5})
+ call feedkeys(repeat('g', 1000) . 'o', 'ntx!')
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
+ call timer_stop(timer)
+ set nocursorline nolazyredraw
+ unlet g:wipe_buf
+ call test_override('ALL', 0)
let g:Ch_unletResponse = ''
func s:UnletHandler(handle, msg)
let g:Ch_unletResponse = a:msg
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 350,