Changes with Apache 2.3.0
[ When backported to 2.2.x, remove entry from this file ]
+ *) mod_proxy_http: Introduce environment variable proxy-initial-not-pooled to
+ avoid reusing pooled connections if the client connection is an initial
+ connection. PR 37770. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_proxy: Add connectiontimeout parameter for proxy workers in order to
be able to set the timeout for connecting to the backend separately.
PR 45445. [Ruediger Pluem, rahul <rahul>]
ap_proxy_ssl_connection_cleanup(backend, r);
+ /*
+ * In the case that we are handling a reverse proxy connection and this
+ * is not a request that is coming over an already kept alive connection
+ * with the client, do NOT reuse the connection to the backend, because
+ * we cannot forward a failure to the client in this case as the client
+ * does NOT expects this in this situation.
+ * Yes, this creates a performance penalty.
+ */
+ if ((r->proxyreq == PROXYREQ_REVERSE) && (!c->keepalives)
+ && (apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env, "proxy-initial-not-pooled"))) {
+ backend->close = 1;
+ }
/* Step One: Determine Who To Connect To */
if ((status = ap_proxy_determine_connection(p, r, conf, worker, backend,
uri, &url, proxyname,
else {
conn->addr = worker->cp->addr;
+ /* Close a possible existing socket if we are told to do so */
+ if (conn->close) {
+ socket_cleanup(conn);
+ conn->close = 0;
+ }
if (err != APR_SUCCESS) {
return ap_proxyerror(r, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY,