namespace re2c {
namespace libre2c {
-/* note [lazy computation and caching of precedence]
- *
- * Eagerly computing precedence values on each step for each pair of closure
- * states is a waste of time: most of these values are not needed, because
- * RE may be unambigous, or the given input string may be unambigous, or even
- * if there is ambiguity, it may take only a few comparisons to resolve. All
- * the rest is wasted effort.
- *
- * We can avoid it by delaying precedence computation until necessary, and
- * then unwinding all the steps backwards, computing precedence for each step
- * and caching the computed values (so that the same pair of histories is not
- * compared twice). It is still the same incremental comparison as with
- * precedence matrices: we compare step by step, going from the fork frame to
- * the join frame. The result of comparison on each step is folded to a triple
- * of numbers and recorded in cache. It is important that we do record each
- * step, not just the final step, because the next pair of ambiguous histories
- * may unwind to the same pair of prefixes that was compared before.
- *
- * For all this to work, it is necessary that we are able to store all history
- * until the end, because at any step we might need to unwind an arbitrary
- * number of steps back. We also need to address individual subhistories
- * efficiently in order to use them as keys in the cache. All this is achieved
- * by storing history in the form of a trie and addressing individual
- * histories by indices in that trie. We also use trie to compute the final
- * tag values (instead of storing tags in registers at each step).
- */
static void reach_on_symbol(simctx_t &, uint32_t);
static void closure_posix(simctx_t &);
static void relax(simctx_t &, const conf_t &, worklist_t &);
static inline uint32_t get_step(const history_t &hist, uint32_t idx);
static inline uint32_t get_orig(const history_t &hist, uint32_t idx);
-int regexec_nfa_posix(const regex_t *preg, const char *string, size_t nmatch,
- regmatch_t pmatch[], int)
+int regexec_nfa_posix(const regex_t *preg, const char *string
+ , size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[], int)
simctx_t ctx(preg, string);
const nfa_t *nfa = ctx.nfa;
--- /dev/null
+#include <queue>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lib/lex.h"
+#include "lib/regex.h"
+#include "lib/regex_impl.h"
+#include "src/options/opt.h"
+#include "src/debug/debug.h"
+#include "src/dfa/determinization.h"
+#include "src/nfa/nfa.h"
+namespace re2c {
+namespace libre2c {
+/* note [lazy computation and caching of precedence]
+ *
+ * Eagerly computing precedence values on each step for each pair of closure
+ * states is a waste of time: most of these values are not needed, because
+ * RE may be unambigous, or the given input string may be unambigous, or even
+ * if there is ambiguity, it may take only a few comparisons to resolve. All
+ * the rest is wasted effort.
+ *
+ * We can avoid it by delaying precedence computation until necessary, and
+ * then unwinding all the steps backwards, computing precedence for each step
+ * and caching the computed values (so that the same pair of histories is not
+ * compared twice). It is still the same incremental comparison as with
+ * precedence matrices: we compare step by step, going from the fork frame to
+ * the join frame. The result of comparison on each step is folded to a triple
+ * of numbers and recorded in cache. It is important that we do record each
+ * step, not just the final step, because the next pair of ambiguous histories
+ * may unwind to the same pair of prefixes that was compared before.
+ *
+ * For all this to work, it is necessary that we are able to store all history
+ * until the end, because at any step we might need to unwind an arbitrary
+ * number of steps back. We also need to address individual subhistories
+ * efficiently in order to use them as keys in the cache. All this is achieved
+ * by storing history in the form of a trie and addressing individual
+ * histories by indices in that trie. We also use trie to compute the final
+ * tag values (instead of storing tags in registers at each step).
+ */
+static void reach_on_symbol(simctx_t &, uint32_t);
+static void closure_posix(simctx_t &);
+static void relax(simctx_t &, const conf_t &, worklist_t &);
+static int32_t precedence(simctx_t &ctx, uint32_t xl, uint32_t yl, int32_t &rhox, int32_t &rhoy);
+static int32_t precedence_(simctx_t &ctx, uint32_t xl, uint32_t yl, int32_t &rhox, int32_t &rhoy);
+static uint32_t unwind(history_t &hist, tag_path_t &path, uint32_t hidx, uint32_t step);
+static inline uint32_t get_step(const history_t &hist, uint32_t idx);
+static inline uint32_t get_orig(const history_t &hist, uint32_t idx);
+int regexec_nfa_posix_trie(const regex_t *preg, const char *string
+ , size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[], int)
+ simctx_t ctx(preg, string);
+ const nfa_t *nfa = ctx.nfa;
+ confset_t &state = ctx.state;
+ const conf_t c0 = {nfa->root, index(nfa, nfa->root), HROOT};
+ ctx.reach.push_back(c0);
+ closure_posix(ctx);
+ for (;;) {
+ const uint32_t sym = static_cast<uint8_t>(*ctx.cursor++);
+ if (ctx.state.empty() || sym == 0) break;
+ reach_on_symbol(ctx, sym);
+ ++ctx.step;
+ closure_posix(ctx);
+ }
+ confiter_t b = state.begin(), e = state.end(), i, j;
+ for (i = b; i != e; ++i) {
+ i->state->clos = NOCLOS;
+ DASSERT(i->state->active == 0);
+ }
+ return finalize(ctx, string, nmatch, pmatch);
+void reach_on_symbol(simctx_t &ctx, uint32_t sym)
+ const nfa_t *nfa = ctx.nfa;
+ const confset_t &state = ctx.state;
+ confset_t &reach = ctx.reach;
+ cconfiter_t b = state.begin(), e = state.end(), i;
+ reach.clear();
+ for (i = b; i != e; ++i) {
+ nfa_state_t *s = i->state;
+ s->clos = NOCLOS;
+ DASSERT(s->active == 0);
+ if (s->type == nfa_state_t::RAN) {
+ for (const Range *r = s->ran.ran; r; r = r->next()) {
+ if (r->lower() <= sym && sym < r->upper()) {
+ conf_t c = {s->ran.out, index(nfa, s), i->thist};
+ reach.push_back(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void closure_posix(simctx_t &ctx)
+ const confset_t &reach = ctx.reach;
+ confset_t &state = ctx.state;
+ worklist_t wl;
+ state.clear();
+ for (cconfiter_t c = reach.begin(); c != reach.end(); ++c) {
+ relax(ctx, *c, wl);
+ }
+ for (; !wl.empty(); ) {
+ nfa_state_t *q =;
+ wl.pop();
+ q->active = 0;
+ conf_t x = state[q->clos];
+ switch (q->type) {
+ case nfa_state_t::NIL:
+ x.state = q->nil.out;
+ relax(ctx, x, wl);
+ break;
+ case nfa_state_t::ALT:
+ x.state = q->alt.out1;
+ relax(ctx, x, wl);
+ x.state = q->alt.out2;
+ relax(ctx, x, wl);
+ break;
+ case nfa_state_t::TAG:
+ x.state = q->tag.out;
+ x.thist = ctx.hist.push(x.thist, ctx.step, q->, x.origin);
+ relax(ctx, x, wl);
+ break;
+ case nfa_state_t::FIN:
+ ctx.marker = ctx.cursor + 1;
+ ctx.hidx = x.thist;
+ ctx.rule = 0;
+ break;
+ case nfa_state_t::RAN:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void relax(simctx_t &ctx, const conf_t &c, worklist_t &wl)
+ confset_t &state = ctx.state;
+ nfa_state_t *q = c.state;
+ const uint32_t idx = q->clos;
+ int32_t h1, h2;
+ // first time we see this state
+ if (idx == NOCLOS) {
+ q->clos = static_cast<uint32_t>(state.size());
+ state.push_back(c);
+ }
+ // States of in-degree less than 2 are not joint points;
+ // the fact that we are re-scanning this state means that we found
+ // a better path to some previous state. Due to the right distributivity
+ // of path comparison over path concatenation (X < Y => XZ < YZ) we
+ // can just propagate the new path up to the next join point.
+ else if (q->indeg < 2) {
+ state[idx] = c;
+ }
+ // join point; compare the new path and the old path
+ else if (precedence(ctx, c.thist, state[idx].thist, h1, h2) < 0) {
+ state[idx] = c;
+ }
+ // the previous path was better, discard the new one
+ else {
+ q = NULL;
+ }
+ if (q != NULL && !q->active) {
+ q->active = 1;
+ wl.push(q);
+ }
+int32_t precedence(simctx_t &ctx, uint32_t idx1, uint32_t idx2
+ , int32_t &prec1, int32_t &prec2)
+ int32_t prec = 0;
+ // use the same cache entry for (x, y) and (y, x)
+ uint32_t k1 = idx1, k2 = idx2;
+ bool invert = k2 < k1;
+ if (invert) std::swap(k1, k2);
+ const uint64_t key = (static_cast<uint64_t>(k1) << 32) | k2;
+ cache_t::const_iterator i = ctx.cache.find(key);
+ if (i != ctx.cache.end()) {
+ // use previously computed precedence values from cache
+ const cache_entry_t &val = i->second;
+ prec1 = val.prec1;
+ prec2 = val.prec2;
+ prec = val.prec;
+ if (invert) {
+ std::swap(prec1, prec2);
+ prec = -prec;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // compute precedence values and put them into cache
+ prec = precedence_(ctx, idx1, idx2, prec1, prec2);
+ cache_entry_t val = {prec1, prec2, prec};
+ if (invert) {
+ std::swap(val.prec1, val.prec2);
+ val.prec = -val.prec;
+ }
+ ctx.cache.insert(std::make_pair(key, val));
+ }
+ return prec;
+int32_t precedence_(simctx_t &ctx, uint32_t idx1, uint32_t idx2
+ , int32_t &prec1, int32_t &prec2)
+ if (idx1 == idx2) {
+ prec1 = prec2 = MAX_RHO;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const std::vector<Tag> &tags = ctx.nfa->tags;
+ history_t &hist = ctx.hist;
+ tag_path_t &path1 = hist.path1, &path2 = hist.path2;
+ int32_t prec = 0;
+ const uint32_t orig1 = get_orig(hist, idx1);
+ const uint32_t orig2 = get_orig(hist, idx2);
+ const uint32_t step1 = get_step(hist, idx1);
+ const uint32_t step2 = get_step(hist, idx2);
+ const uint32_t step = std::max(step1, step2);
+ const size_t oldsize1 = path1.size();
+ const size_t oldsize2 = path2.size();
+ // unwind histories one step back (paths may grow and be reallocated)
+ idx1 = unwind(hist, path1, idx1, step);
+ idx2 = unwind(hist, path2, idx2, step);
+ const bool fork_frame = orig1 == orig2 && step1 == step2;
+ if (!fork_frame) {
+ // recurse into previous steps (via cache)
+ prec = precedence(ctx, idx1, idx2, prec1, prec2);
+ }
+ tag_path_t::const_reverse_iterator
+ s1 = path1.rbegin(),
+ s2 = path2.rbegin(),
+ e1 = path1.rend() - static_cast<ssize_t>(oldsize1),
+ e2 = path2.rend() - static_cast<ssize_t>(oldsize2),
+ i1 = s1, i2 = s2, j1, j2;
+ // longest precedence
+ if (fork_frame) {
+ // find fork
+ for (; i1 != e1 && i2 != e2 && *i1 == *i2; ++i1, ++i2);
+ prec1 = prec2 = i1 > s1
+ ? tags[(i1 - 1)->idx].height : MAX_RHO;
+ }
+ for (j1 = i1; j1 != e1; ++j1) {
+ prec1 = std::min(prec1, tags[j1->idx].height);
+ }
+ for (j2 = i2; j2 != e2; ++j2) {
+ prec2 = std::min(prec2, tags[j2->idx].height);
+ }
+ if (prec1 > prec2) { prec = -1; goto end; }
+ if (prec1 < prec2) { prec = 1; goto end; }
+ // leftmost precedence
+ if (fork_frame) {
+ // equal => not less
+ if (i1 == e1 && i2 == e2) { prec = 0; goto end; }
+ // shorter => less
+ if (i1 == e1) { prec = -1; goto end; }
+ if (i2 == e2) { prec = 1; goto end; }
+ const uint32_t idx1 = i1->idx, idx2 = i2->idx;
+ const bool neg1 = i1->neg, neg2 = i2->neg;
+ // can't be both closing
+ DASSERT(!(idx1 % 2 == 1 && idx2 % 2 == 1));
+ // closing vs opening: closing wins
+ if (idx1 % 2 == 1) { prec = -1; goto end; }
+ if (idx2 % 2 == 1) { prec = 1; goto end; }
+ // can't be both negative
+ DASSERT(!(neg1 && neg2));
+ // positive vs negative: positive wins
+ if (neg1) { prec = 1; goto end; }
+ if (neg2) { prec = -1; goto end; }
+ DASSERT(false);
+ }
+ path1.resize(oldsize1);
+ path2.resize(oldsize2);
+ return prec;
+uint32_t get_step(const history_t &hist, uint32_t idx)
+ return idx == HROOT ? 0 : hist.nodes[idx].step;
+uint32_t get_orig(const history_t &hist, uint32_t idx)
+ return idx == HROOT ? 0 : hist.nodes[idx].orig;
+uint32_t unwind(history_t &hist, tag_path_t &path, uint32_t idx, uint32_t step)
+ uint32_t new_idx = HROOT;
+ for (uint32_t i = idx; i != HROOT; ) {
+ const history_t::node_t &n = hist.nodes[i];
+ if (n.step < step) {
+ new_idx = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ path.push_back(;
+ i = n.pred;
+ }
+ return new_idx;
+} // namespace libre2c
+} // namespace re2c