. Fixed bug #65419 (Inside trait, self::class != __CLASS__). (Julien)
. Fixed bug #65576 (Constructor from trait conflicts with inherited
constructor). (dunglas at gmail dot com)
+ . Removed ZEND_ACC_FINAL_CLASS, promoting ZEND_ACC_FINAL as final class
+ modifier. (Guilherme Blanco)
- Date:
. Fixed day_of_week function as it could sometimes return negative values
l. get_class_name object handler info
m. Other portable macros info
n. ZEND_ENGINE_2 removal
+ o. Updated final class modifier
2. Build system changes
a. Unix build system changes
ZEND_NORETURN is defined as __declspec(noreturn) on VS
n. The ZEND_ENGINE_2 macro has been removed. A ZEND_ENGINE_3 macro has been added.
+ o. Removed ZEND_ACC_FINAL_CLASS in favour of ZEND_ACC_FINAL, turning final class
+ modifier now a different class entry flag. Update your extensions.
2. Build system changes