-/* SCCS Id: @(#)invent.c 3.4 2003/12/02 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)invent.c 3.4 2004/11/03 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
return invbuf;
+/* release the static buffer used by let_to_name() */
invbufsiz = 0;
+/* give consecutive letters to every item in inventory (for !fixinv mode) */
lastinvnr = i;
+/* #adjust command
+ *
+ * User specifies a 'from' slot for inventory stack to move,
+ * then a 'to' slot for its destination. Open slots and those
+ * filled by compatible stacks are listed as likely candidates
+ * but user can pick any inventory letter (including 'from').
+ * All compatible items found are gathered into the 'from'
+ * stack as it is moved. If the 'to' slot isn't empty and
+ * doesn't merge, then its stack is swapped to the 'from' slot.
+ */
doorganize() /* inventory organizer by Del Lamb */
char allowall[2];
const char *adj_type;
+ if (!invent) {
+ /* (we don't need any !GOLDOBJ check for "except gold" here) */
+ You("aren't carrying anything to adjust.");
+ return 0;
+ }
if (!flags.invlet_constant) reassign();
- /* get a pointer to the object the user wants to organize */
+ /* get object the user wants to organize (the 'from' slot) */
allowall[0] = ALL_CLASSES; allowall[1] = '\0';
if (!(obj = getobj(allowall,"adjust"))) return(0);
- /* initialize the list with all upper and lower case letters */
- for (let = 'a', ix = 0; let <= 'z';) alphabet[ix++] = let++;
- for (let = 'A', ix = 26; let <= 'Z';) alphabet[ix++] = let++;
- alphabet[52] = 0;
+ /* initialize the list with all lower and upper case letters */
+ for (ix = 0, let = 'a'; let <= 'z'; ) alphabet[ix++] = let++;
+ for (let = 'A'; let <= 'Z'; ) alphabet[ix++] = let++;
+ alphabet[ix] = '\0';
+ /* for floating inv letters, truncate list after the first open slot */
+ if (!flags.invlet_constant && (ix = inv_cnt()) < 52)
+ alphabet[ix + 1] = '\0';
/* blank out all the letters currently in use in the inventory */
/* except those that will be merged with the selected object */
/* compact the list by removing all the blanks */
- for (ix = cur = 0; ix <= 52; ix++)
+ for (ix = cur = 0; alphabet[ix]; ix++)
if (alphabet[ix] != ' ') buf[cur++] = alphabet[ix];
+ buf[cur] = '\0';
/* and by dashing runs of letters */
if(cur > 5) compactify(buf);
- /* get new letter to use as inventory letter */
+ /* get 'to' slot to use as destination */
+ Sprintf(qbuf, "Adjust letter to what [%s]?", buf);
for (;;) {
- Sprintf(qbuf, "Adjust letter to what [%s]?",buf);
- let = yn_function(qbuf, (char *)0, '\0');
- if(index(quitchars,let)) {
- pline(Never_mind);
- return(0);
- }
- if (let == '@' || !letter(let))
- pline("Select an inventory slot letter.");
- else
- break;
+ let = yn_function(qbuf, (char *)0, '\0');
+ if (index(quitchars, let)) {
+ pline(Never_mind);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (letter(let) && let != '@') break; /* got one */
+ pline("Select an inventory slot letter."); /* else try again */
/* change the inventory and print the resulting item */
otmp = otmp->nobj;
- /* inline addinv (assuming flags.invlet_constant and !merged) */
+ /* inline addinv; insert loose object at beginning of inventory */
obj->invlet = let;
- obj->nobj = invent; /* insert at beginning */
+ obj->nobj = invent;
obj->where = OBJ_INVENT;
invent = obj;