std::string answer;
String choice;
+ bool connectToParent = false;
std::cout << "Starting the Client/Satellite setup routine...\n\n";
String parentEndpointPort = "5665";
if (choice.Contains("n")) {
+ connectToParent = false;
Log(LogWarning, "cli", "Node to master/satellite connection setup skipped");
- std::cout << "Connection setup skipped. Please configure your parent node to connect to this node by setting the 'host' attribute for the node Endpoint object.\n";
+ std::cout << "Connection setup skipped. Please configure your parent node to\n"
+ << "connect to this node by setting the 'host' attribute for the node Endpoint object.\n";
} else {
+ connectToParent = true;
std::cout << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Bold)
<< "Please specify the master/satellite connection information:"
<< ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << "\n"
boost::shared_ptr<X509> trustedParentCert;
- if (!parentHost.IsEmpty()) {
+ /* Check whether we should connect to the parent node and present its trusted certificate. */
+ if (connectToParent) {
//save-cert and store the master certificate somewhere
Log(LogInformation, "cli")
<< "Fetching public certificate from master ("
- std::cout << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Bold)
- << "\nPlease specify the request ticket generated on your Icinga 2 master (optional)."
- << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << "\n"
- << " (Hint: # icinga2 pki ticket --cn '" << cn << "'): ";
+ String nodeCA = certsDir + "/ca.crt";
+ String ticket;
- std::getline(std::cin, answer);
+ /* Check whether we can connect to the parent node and fetch the client and CA certificate. */
+ if (connectToParent) {
+ std::cout << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Bold)
+ << "\nPlease specify the request ticket generated on your Icinga 2 master (optional)."
+ << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << "\n"
+ << " (Hint: # icinga2 pki ticket --cn '" << cn << "'): ";
- if (answer.empty()) {
- std::cout << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Bold) << "\n"
- << "No ticket was specified. Please approve the certificate signing request manually\n"
- << "on the master (see 'icinga2 ca list' and 'icinga2 ca sign --help' for details)."
- << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << "\n";
- }
+ std::getline(std::cin, answer);
- String ticket = answer;
- ticket = ticket.Trim();
+ if (answer.empty()) {
+ std::cout << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Bold) << "\n"
+ << "No ticket was specified. Please approve the certificate signing request manually\n"
+ << "on the master (see 'icinga2 ca list' and 'icinga2 ca sign --help' for details)."
+ << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << "\n";
+ }
+ ticket = answer;
+ ticket = ticket.Trim();
- if (!parentHost.IsEmpty()) {
if (ticket.IsEmpty()) {
Log(LogInformation, "cli")
<< "Requesting certificate without a ticket.";
<< "Requesting certificate with ticket '" << ticket << "'.";
- String nodeCA = certsDir + "/ca.crt";
if (Utility::PathExists(nodeCA))
if (Utility::PathExists(nodeCert))
<< "' group '" << group << "' on file '"
<< nodeCert << "'. Verify it yourself!";
+ } else {
+ /* We cannot retrieve the parent certificate.
+ * Tell the user to manually copy the ca.crt file
+ * into LocalStateDir + "/lib/icinga2/certs"
+ */
+ std::cout << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Bold)
+ << "\nNo connection to the parent node was specified.\n\n"
+ << "Please copy the public CA certificate from your master/satellite\n"
+ << "into '" << nodeCA << "' before starting Icinga 2.\n"
+ << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal);
+ if (Utility::PathExists(nodeCA)) {
+ std::cout << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Bold)
+ << "\nFound public CA certificate in '" << nodeCA << "'.\n"
+ << "Please verify that it is the same as on your master/satellite.\n"
+ << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal);
+ }
/* apilistener config */
NodeUtility::UpdateConstant("NodeName", cn);
NodeUtility::UpdateConstant("ZoneName", cn);
- String ticketPath = ApiListener::GetCertsDir() + "/ticket";
+ if (!ticket.IsEmpty()) {
+ String ticketPath = ApiListener::GetCertsDir() + "/ticket";
- String tempTicketPath = Utility::CreateTempFile(ticketPath + ".XXXXXX", 0600, fp);
+ String tempTicketPath = Utility::CreateTempFile(ticketPath + ".XXXXXX", 0600, fp);
- if (!Utility::SetFileOwnership(tempTicketPath, user, group)) {
- Log(LogWarning, "cli")
- << "Cannot set ownership for user '" << user
- << "' group '" << group
- << "' on file '" << tempTicketPath << "'. Verify it yourself!";
- }
+ if (!Utility::SetFileOwnership(tempTicketPath, user, group)) {
+ Log(LogWarning, "cli")
+ << "Cannot set ownership for user '" << user
+ << "' group '" << group
+ << "' on file '" << tempTicketPath << "'. Verify it yourself!";
+ }
- fp << ticket;
+ fp << ticket;
- fp.close();
+ fp.close();
#ifdef _WIN32
- _unlink(ticketPath.CStr());
+ _unlink(ticketPath.CStr());
#endif /* _WIN32 */
- if (rename(tempTicketPath.CStr(), ticketPath.CStr()) < 0) {
- << boost::errinfo_api_function("rename")
- << boost::errinfo_errno(errno)
- << boost::errinfo_file_name(tempTicketPath));
+ if (rename(tempTicketPath.CStr(), ticketPath.CStr()) < 0) {
+ << boost::errinfo_api_function("rename")
+ << boost::errinfo_errno(errno)
+ << boost::errinfo_file_name(tempTicketPath));
+ }
return 0;