This can be done automatically using php_error_docref(). The first
parameter, docref, is either NULL or the URL of a page describing the
- error in detail. If you pass NULL, the reference is generated from
- the name of the function being executed:
+ error in detail. In most cases you will pass NULL, to generate the URL
+ from the name of the function being executed:
php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WHATEVER, "Desc.");
If you pass a URL, it can either be a full URL beginning with "http://":
- php_error_docref(""
+ php_error_docref("http://externalsite.tld/page.ext#error"
Or the name of a manual page without file extension, but with an optional
target anchor. Or simply the anchor within the manual page of the current
function. When using function names you must replace '_' by '-':
- php_error_docref("function.ext_func#error" TSRMLS_CC, E_WHATEVER, "Desc.");
+ php_error_docref("function.ext-func#error" TSRMLS_CC, E_WHATEVER, "Desc.");
To display one or two important parameters after the function name, use
php_error_docref1() or php_error_docref2(). For example, file functions