Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
<email deleted> on Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at 07:48:17
mailversion: 1.17
nhversion: 3.4.1
nhfrom: Our 3.4.1 source release, unmodified
hardware: i686 arch.
software: Debian woody, gcc 2.95.4
comments: When polymorphing to eg. horned devil, and wearing a helmet,
I get "Your pierce through your elven leather helm.". Likely
there is a broken variable there.
include statue contents in end of game inventory disclosure
treat handlessness as a major problem when deciding prayer outcome
perform artifact touch checks when putting on accessories
+missing noun in message when horns pierce through your helmet
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
/* Future possiblities: This could damage/destroy helmet */
Sprintf(hornbuf, "horn%s", plur(num_horns(;
- Your("%s through %s %s.", vtense(hornbuf, "pierce"),
+ Your("%s %s through %s %s.", hornbuf, vtense(hornbuf, "pierce"),
shk_your(yourbuf, otmp), xname(otmp));
} else {
if (donning(otmp)) cancel_don();