optional bytes initialRequestId = 16; // UUID of the incoming query that initiated this outgoing query or incoming response
optional bytes deviceId = 17; // Device ID of the requestor (could be mac address IP address or e.g. IMEI)
optional bool newlyObservedDomain = 18; // True if the domain has not been seen before
+ optional string deviceName = 19; // Device name of the requestor
return false; // don't block
-unsigned int RecursorLua4::gettag(const ComboAddress& remote, const Netmask& ednssubnet, const ComboAddress& local, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, std::vector<std::string>* policyTags, LuaContext::LuaObject& data, const EDNSOptionViewMap& ednsOptions, bool tcp, std::string& requestorId, std::string& deviceId) const
+unsigned int RecursorLua4::gettag(const ComboAddress& remote, const Netmask& ednssubnet, const ComboAddress& local, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, std::vector<std::string>* policyTags, LuaContext::LuaObject& data, const EDNSOptionViewMap& ednsOptions, bool tcp, std::string& requestorId, std::string& deviceId, std::string& deviceName) const
if(d_gettag) {
auto ret = d_gettag(remote, ednssubnet, local, qname, qtype, ednsOptions, tcp);
if (deviceIdret) {
deviceId = *deviceIdret;
+ const auto deviceNameret = std::get<5>(ret);
+ if (deviceNameret) {
+ deviceName = *deviceNameret;
+ }
return std::get<0>(ret);
return 0;
struct pdns_ffi_param
- pdns_ffi_param(const DNSName& qname_, uint16_t qtype_, const ComboAddress& local_, const ComboAddress& remote_, const Netmask& ednssubnet_, std::vector<std::string>& policyTags_, const EDNSOptionViewMap& ednsOptions_, std::string& requestorId_, std::string& deviceId_, uint32_t& ttlCap_, bool& variable_, bool tcp_, bool& logQuery_): qname(qname_), local(local_), remote(remote_), ednssubnet(ednssubnet_), policyTags(policyTags_), ednsOptions(ednsOptions_), requestorId(requestorId_), deviceId(deviceId_), ttlCap(ttlCap_), variable(variable_), logQuery(logQuery_), qtype(qtype_), tcp(tcp_)
+ pdns_ffi_param(const DNSName& qname_, uint16_t qtype_, const ComboAddress& local_, const ComboAddress& remote_, const Netmask& ednssubnet_, std::vector<std::string>& policyTags_, const EDNSOptionViewMap& ednsOptions_, std::string& requestorId_, std::string& deviceId_, std::string& deviceName_, uint32_t& ttlCap_, bool& variable_, bool tcp_, bool& logQuery_): qname(qname_), local(local_), remote(remote_), ednssubnet(ednssubnet_), policyTags(policyTags_), ednsOptions(ednsOptions_), requestorId(requestorId_), deviceId(deviceId_), deviceName(deviceName_), ttlCap(ttlCap_), variable(variable_), logQuery(logQuery_), qtype(qtype_), tcp(tcp_)
const EDNSOptionViewMap& ednsOptions;
std::string& requestorId;
std::string& deviceId;
+ std::string& deviceName;
uint32_t& ttlCap;
bool& variable;
bool& logQuery;
bool tcp;
-unsigned int RecursorLua4::gettag_ffi(const ComboAddress& remote, const Netmask& ednssubnet, const ComboAddress& local, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, std::vector<std::string>* policyTags, LuaContext::LuaObject& data, const EDNSOptionViewMap& ednsOptions, bool tcp, std::string& requestorId, std::string& deviceId, uint32_t& ttlCap, bool& variable, bool& logQuery) const
+unsigned int RecursorLua4::gettag_ffi(const ComboAddress& remote, const Netmask& ednssubnet, const ComboAddress& local, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, std::vector<std::string>* policyTags, LuaContext::LuaObject& data, const EDNSOptionViewMap& ednsOptions, bool tcp, std::string& requestorId, std::string& deviceId, std::string& deviceName, uint32_t& ttlCap, bool& variable, bool& logQuery) const
if (d_gettag_ffi) {
- pdns_ffi_param_t param(qname, qtype, local, remote, ednssubnet, *policyTags, ednsOptions, requestorId, deviceId, ttlCap, variable, tcp, logQuery);
+ pdns_ffi_param_t param(qname, qtype, local, remote, ednssubnet, *policyTags, ednsOptions, requestorId, deviceId, deviceName, ttlCap, variable, tcp, logQuery);
auto ret = d_gettag_ffi(¶m);
if (ret) {
void pdns_ffi_param_set_devicename(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const char* name)
- ref->deviceId = std::string(name);
+ ref->deviceName = std::string(name);
void pdns_ffi_param_set_deviceid(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, size_t len, const void* name)
std::unordered_map<std::string,bool>* discardedPolicies{nullptr};
std::string requestorId;
std::string deviceId;
+ std::string deviceName;
vState validationState{Indeterminate};
bool& variable;
bool& wantsRPZ;
DNSName followupName;
- unsigned int gettag(const ComboAddress& remote, const Netmask& ednssubnet, const ComboAddress& local, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, std::vector<std::string>* policyTags, LuaContext::LuaObject& data, const EDNSOptionViewMap&, bool tcp, std::string& requestorId, std::string& deviceId) const;
- unsigned int gettag_ffi(const ComboAddress& remote, const Netmask& ednssubnet, const ComboAddress& local, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, std::vector<std::string>* policyTags, LuaContext::LuaObject& data, const EDNSOptionViewMap&, bool tcp, std::string& requestorId, std::string& deviceId, uint32_t& ttlCap, bool& variable, bool& logQuery) const;
+ unsigned int gettag(const ComboAddress& remote, const Netmask& ednssubnet, const ComboAddress& local, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, std::vector<std::string>* policyTags, LuaContext::LuaObject& data, const EDNSOptionViewMap&, bool tcp, std::string& requestorId, std::string& deviceId, std::string& deviceName) const;
+ unsigned int gettag_ffi(const ComboAddress& remote, const Netmask& ednssubnet, const ComboAddress& local, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, std::vector<std::string>* policyTags, LuaContext::LuaObject& data, const EDNSOptionViewMap&, bool tcp, std::string& requestorId, std::string& deviceId, std::string& deviceName, uint32_t& ttlCap, bool& variable, bool& logQuery) const;
void maintenance() const;
bool prerpz(DNSQuestion& dq, int& ret) const;
- typedef std::function<std::tuple<unsigned int,boost::optional<std::unordered_map<int,string> >,boost::optional<LuaContext::LuaObject>,boost::optional<std::string>,boost::optional<std::string> >(ComboAddress, Netmask, ComboAddress, DNSName, uint16_t, const EDNSOptionViewMap&, bool)> gettag_t;
+ typedef std::function<std::tuple<unsigned int,boost::optional<std::unordered_map<int,string> >,boost::optional<LuaContext::LuaObject>,boost::optional<std::string>,boost::optional<std::string>,boost::optional<std::string> >(ComboAddress, Netmask, ComboAddress, DNSName, uint16_t, const EDNSOptionViewMap&, bool)> gettag_t;
gettag_t d_gettag; // public so you can query if we have this hooked
typedef std::function<boost::optional<LuaContext::LuaObject>(pdns_ffi_param_t*)> gettag_ffi_t;
gettag_ffi_t d_gettag_ffi;
boost::uuids::uuid d_uuid;
string d_requestorId;
string d_deviceId;
+ string d_deviceName;
struct timeval d_kernelTimestamp{0,0};
std::string d_query;
-static void protobufLogQuery(uint8_t maskV4, uint8_t maskV6, const boost::uuids::uuid& uniqueId, const ComboAddress& remote, const ComboAddress& local, const Netmask& ednssubnet, bool tcp, uint16_t id, size_t len, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, uint16_t qclass, const std::vector<std::string>& policyTags, const std::string& requestorId, const std::string& deviceId)
+static void protobufLogQuery(uint8_t maskV4, uint8_t maskV6, const boost::uuids::uuid& uniqueId, const ComboAddress& remote, const ComboAddress& local, const Netmask& ednssubnet, bool tcp, uint16_t id, size_t len, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, uint16_t qclass, const std::vector<std::string>& policyTags, const std::string& requestorId, const std::string& deviceId, const std::string& deviceName)
if (!t_protobufServers) {
message.setEDNSSubnet(ednssubnet, ednssubnet.isIpv4() ? maskV4 : maskV6);
+ message.setDeviceName(deviceName);
if (!policyTags.empty()) {
dq.requestorId = dc->d_requestorId;
dq.deviceId = dc->d_deviceId;
+ dq.deviceName = dc->d_deviceName;
if(ednsExtRCode != 0) {
+ pbMessage->setDeviceName(dq.deviceName);
if (g_nodEnabled) {
if (nod) {
bool needXPF = g_XPFAcl.match(conn->d_remote);
string requestorId;
string deviceId;
+ string deviceName;
bool logQuery = false;
auto luaconfsLocal = g_luaconfs.getLocal();
if(t_pdl) {
try {
if (t_pdl->d_gettag_ffi) {
- dc->d_tag = t_pdl->gettag_ffi(dc->d_source, dc->d_ednssubnet.source, dc->d_destination, qname, qtype, &dc->d_policyTags, dc->d_data, ednsOptions, true, requestorId, deviceId, dc->d_ttlCap, dc->d_variable, logQuery);
+ dc->d_tag = t_pdl->gettag_ffi(dc->d_source, dc->d_ednssubnet.source, dc->d_destination, qname, qtype, &dc->d_policyTags, dc->d_data, ednsOptions, true, requestorId, deviceId, deviceName, dc->d_ttlCap, dc->d_variable, logQuery);
else if (t_pdl->d_gettag) {
- dc->d_tag = t_pdl->gettag(dc->d_source, dc->d_ednssubnet.source, dc->d_destination, qname, qtype, &dc->d_policyTags, dc->d_data, ednsOptions, true, requestorId, deviceId);
+ dc->d_tag = t_pdl->gettag(dc->d_source, dc->d_ednssubnet.source, dc->d_destination, qname, qtype, &dc->d_policyTags, dc->d_data, ednsOptions, true, requestorId, deviceId, deviceName);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(t_protobufServers || t_outgoingProtobufServers) {
dc->d_requestorId = requestorId;
dc->d_deviceId = deviceId;
+ dc->d_deviceName = deviceName;
dc->d_uuid = getUniqueID();
try {
if (logQuery && !(luaconfsLocal->protobufExportConfig.taggedOnly && dc->d_policyTags.empty())) {
- protobufLogQuery(luaconfsLocal->protobufMaskV4, luaconfsLocal->protobufMaskV6, dc->d_uuid, dc->d_source, dc->d_destination, dc->d_ednssubnet.source, true, dh->id, conn->qlen, qname, qtype, qclass, dc->d_policyTags, dc->d_requestorId, dc->d_deviceId);
+ protobufLogQuery(luaconfsLocal->protobufMaskV4, luaconfsLocal->protobufMaskV6, dc->d_uuid, dc->d_source, dc->d_destination, dc->d_ednssubnet.source, true, dh->id, conn->qlen, qname, qtype, qclass, dc->d_policyTags, dc->d_requestorId, dc->d_deviceId, dc->d_deviceName);
catch(std::exception& e) {
ComboAddress destination = destaddr;
string requestorId;
string deviceId;
+ string deviceName;
bool logQuery = false;
boost::uuids::uuid uniqueId;
if(t_pdl) {
try {
if (t_pdl->d_gettag_ffi) {
- ctag = t_pdl->gettag_ffi(source, ednssubnet.source, destination, qname, qtype, &policyTags, data, ednsOptions, false, requestorId, deviceId, ttlCap, variable, logQuery);
+ ctag = t_pdl->gettag_ffi(source, ednssubnet.source, destination, qname, qtype, &policyTags, data, ednsOptions, false, requestorId, deviceId, deviceName, ttlCap, variable, logQuery);
else if (t_pdl->d_gettag) {
- ctag = t_pdl->gettag(source, ednssubnet.source, destination, qname, qtype, &policyTags, data, ednsOptions, false, requestorId, deviceId);
+ ctag = t_pdl->gettag(source, ednssubnet.source, destination, qname, qtype, &policyTags, data, ednsOptions, false, requestorId, deviceId, deviceName);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
pbMessage = RecProtoBufMessage(DNSProtoBufMessage::DNSProtoBufMessageType::Response);
if (logQuery && !(luaconfsLocal->protobufExportConfig.taggedOnly && policyTags.empty())) {
- protobufLogQuery(luaconfsLocal->protobufMaskV4, luaconfsLocal->protobufMaskV6, uniqueId, source, destination, ednssubnet.source, false, dh->id, question.size(), qname, qtype, qclass, policyTags, requestorId, deviceId);
+ protobufLogQuery(luaconfsLocal->protobufMaskV4, luaconfsLocal->protobufMaskV6, uniqueId, source, destination, ednssubnet.source, false, dh->id, question.size(), qname, qtype, qclass, policyTags, requestorId, deviceId, deviceName);
#endif /* HAVE_PROTOBUF */
+ pbMessage->setDeviceName(deviceName);
#endif /* HAVE_PROTOBUF */
dc->d_requestorId = requestorId;
dc->d_deviceId = deviceId;
+ dc->d_deviceName = deviceName;
dc->d_kernelTimestamp = tv;
#endif /* HAVE_PROTOBUF */
+void DNSProtoBufMessage::setDeviceName(const std::string& deviceName)
+ d_message.set_devicename(deviceName);
+#endif /* HAVE_PROTOBUF */
void DNSProtoBufMessage::setServerIdentity(const std::string& serverId)
void setResponder(const ComboAddress& responder);
void setRequestorId(const std::string& requestorId);
void setDeviceId(const std::string& deviceId);
+ void setDeviceName(const std::string& deviceName);
void setServerIdentity(const std::string& serverId);
std::string toDebugString() const;
void addTag(const std::string& strValue);
A string that will be used to set the ``deviceId`` field in :doc:`protobuf <../lua-config/protobuf>` messages.
+ .. attribute:: DNSQuestion.deviceName
+ .. versionadded:: 4.1.15
+ A string that will be used to set the ``deviceName`` field in :doc:`protobuf <../lua-config/protobuf>` messages.
.. attribute:: DNSQuestion.udpAnswer
Answer to the :attr:`udpQuery <DNSQuestion.udpQuery>` when when using the ``udpQueryResponse`` :attr:`followupFunction <DNSQuestion.followupFunction>`.
.. versionadded:: 4.1.0
It can also return a table whose keys and values are strings to fill the :attr:`DNSQuestion.data` table, as well as a ``requestorId`` value to fill the :attr:`DNSQuestion.requestorId` field and a ``deviceId`` value to fill the :attr:`DNSQuestion.deviceId` field.
+ .. versionadded:: 4.1.15
+ Along the ``deviceId`` value that can be returned, it was addded a ``deviceName`` field to fill the :attr:`DNSQuestion.deviceName` field.
The tagged packetcache can e.g. be used to answer queries from cache that have e.g. been filtered for certain IPs (this logic should be implemented in :func:`gettag`).
This ensure that queries are answered quickly compared to setting :attr:`dq.variable <DNSQuestion.variable>` to true.
+ def checkProtobufIdentity(self, msg, requestorId, deviceId, deviceName):
+ self.assertTrue(msg.HasField('requestorId'))
+ self.assertTrue(msg.HasField('deviceId'))
+ self.assertTrue(msg.HasField('deviceName'))
+ self.assertEquals(msg.requestorId, requestorId)
+ self.assertEquals(msg.deviceId, deviceId)
+ self.assertEquals(msg.deviceName, deviceName)
def setUpClass(cls):
self.assertEquals(rr.rdata, 'a.example.')
+class ProtobufTaggedExtraFieldsTest(TestRecursorProtobuf):
+ """
+ This test makes sure that we correctly export extra fields that may have been set while being tagged.
+ """
+ _confdir = 'ProtobufTaggedExtraFields'
+ _config_template = """
+auth-zones=example=configs/%s/example.zone""" % _confdir
+ _lua_config_file = """
+ protobufServer({"", ""}, { logQueries=true, logResponses=true } )
+ """ % (protobufServersParameters[0].port, protobufServersParameters[1].port)
+ _requestorId = 'S-000001727'
+ _deviceId = 'd1:0a:91:dc:cc:82'
+ _deviceName = 'Joe'
+ _lua_dns_script_file = """
+ function gettag(remote, ednssubnet, localip, qname, qtype, ednsoptions, tcp)
+ if qname:equal('tagged.example.') then
+ -- tag number, policy tags, data, requestorId, deviceId, deviceName
+ return 0, {}, {}, '%s', '%s', '%s'
+ end
+ return 0
+ end
+ """ % (_requestorId, _deviceId, _deviceName)
+ def testA(self):
+ name = 'a.example.'
+ expected = dns.rrset.from_text(name, 0, dns.rdataclass.IN, 'A', '')
+ query = dns.message.make_query(name, 'A', want_dnssec=True)
+ query.flags |= dns.flags.CD
+ res = self.sendUDPQuery(query)
+ self.assertRRsetInAnswer(res, expected)
+ # check the protobuf message corresponding to the UDP response
+ # the first query and answer are not tagged, so there is nothing in the queue
+ # check the protobuf messages corresponding to the UDP query and answer
+ msg = self.getFirstProtobufMessage()
+ self.checkProtobufQuery(msg, dnsmessage_pb2.PBDNSMessage.UDP, query, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, name)
+ self.checkProtobufIdentity(msg, '', '', '')
+ # then the response
+ msg = self.getFirstProtobufMessage()
+ self.checkProtobufResponse(msg, dnsmessage_pb2.PBDNSMessage.UDP, res, '')
+ self.assertEquals(len(msg.response.rrs), 1)
+ rr = msg.response.rrs[0]
+ # we have max-cache-ttl set to 15
+ self.checkProtobufResponseRecord(rr, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, name, 15)
+ self.assertEquals(socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, rr.rdata), '')
+ self.checkProtobufIdentity(msg, '', '', '')
+ self.checkNoRemainingMessage()
+ def testTagged(self):
+ name = 'tagged.example.'
+ expected = dns.rrset.from_text(name, 0, dns.rdataclass.IN, 'A', '')
+ query = dns.message.make_query(name, 'A', want_dnssec=True)
+ query.flags |= dns.flags.CD
+ res = self.sendUDPQuery(query)
+ self.assertRRsetInAnswer(res, expected)
+ # check the protobuf messages corresponding to the UDP query and answer
+ msg = self.getFirstProtobufMessage()
+ self.checkProtobufQuery(msg, dnsmessage_pb2.PBDNSMessage.UDP, query, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, name)
+ self.checkProtobufIdentity(msg, self._requestorId, self._deviceId, self._deviceName)
+ # then the response
+ msg = self.getFirstProtobufMessage()
+ self.checkProtobufResponse(msg, dnsmessage_pb2.PBDNSMessage.UDP, res)
+ self.assertEquals(len(msg.response.rrs), 1)
+ rr = msg.response.rrs[0]
+ # we have max-cache-ttl set to 15
+ self.checkProtobufResponseRecord(rr, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, name, 15)
+ self.assertEquals(socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, rr.rdata), '')
+ self.checkProtobufIdentity(msg, self._requestorId, self._deviceId, self._deviceName)
+ self.checkNoRemainingMessage()
+class ProtobufTaggedExtraFieldsFFITest(ProtobufTaggedExtraFieldsTest):
+ """
+ This test makes sure that we correctly export extra fields that may have been set while being tagged (FFI version).
+ """
+ _confdir = 'ProtobufTaggedExtraFieldsFFI'
+ _config_template = """
+auth-zones=example=configs/%s/example.zone""" % _confdir
+ _lua_config_file = """
+ protobufServer({"", ""}, { logQueries=true, logResponses=true } )
+ """ % (protobufServersParameters[0].port, protobufServersParameters[1].port)
+ _lua_dns_script_file = """
+ local ffi = require("ffi")
+ ffi.cdef[[
+ typedef struct pdns_ffi_param pdns_ffi_param_t;
+ const char* pdns_ffi_param_get_qname(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref);
+ void pdns_ffi_param_set_tag(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, unsigned int tag);
+ void pdns_ffi_param_set_requestorid(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const char* name);
+ void pdns_ffi_param_set_devicename(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const char* name);
+ void pdns_ffi_param_set_deviceid(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, size_t len, const void* name);
+ ]]
+ function gettag_ffi(obj)
+ qname = ffi.string(ffi.C.pdns_ffi_param_get_qname(obj))
+ if qname == 'tagged.example' then
+ ffi.C.pdns_ffi_param_set_requestorid(obj, "%s")
+ deviceid = "%s"
+ ffi.C.pdns_ffi_param_set_deviceid(obj, string.len(deviceid), deviceid)
+ ffi.C.pdns_ffi_param_set_devicename(obj, "%s")
+ end
+ return 0
+ end
+ """ % (ProtobufTaggedExtraFieldsTest._requestorId, ProtobufTaggedExtraFieldsTest._deviceId, ProtobufTaggedExtraFieldsTest._deviceName)