underwent two significant changes: the developer group
switched from SourceForge's issue tracker to a customized
Roundup installation, and the documentation was converted from
-LaTeX to reStructured Text.
+LaTeX to reStructuredText.
New Issue Tracker: Roundup
Roundup downloads and documentation.
-New Documentation Format: ReStructured Text Using Sphinx
+New Documentation Format: ReStructuredText Using Sphinx
Since the Python project's inception around 1989, the documentation
During the 2.6 development cycle, Georg Brandl put a substantial
effort into building a new toolchain for processing the documentation.
The resulting package is called Sphinx, and is available from
-http://sphinx.pocoo.org/. The input format is reStructured Text, a
+http://sphinx.pocoo.org/. The input format is reStructuredText, a
markup commonly used in the Python community that supports custom
extensions and directives. Sphinx concentrates on HTML output,
producing attractively styled and modern HTML, though printed output
Documentation and code for the Sphinx toolchain.
`Docutils <http://docutils.sf.net>`__
- The underlying reStructured Text parser and toolset.
+ The underlying reStructuredText parser and toolset.
PEP 343: The 'with' statement