Dinesh Majrekar <dinesh.majrekar@serverchoice.com>
Dirk Goetz <dirk.goetz@netways.de>
Dolf Schimmel <dolf@transip.nl>
+Eduard Güldner <eduard.gueldner@gmail.com>
Edvin Seferovic <edvin@seferovic.net>
+Élie Bouttier <elie@bouttier.eu>
Eric Lippmann <eric.lippmann@netways.de>
Ferdi Gueran <ferdi.gueran@nextevolution.de>
Gaël Beaudoin <gaboo@gaboo.org>
Jan Wagner <waja@cyconet.org>
Jason Young <jyoung15@gmail.com>
Jean-Marcel Flach <jean-marcel.flach@netways.de>
+Jérôme Drouet <jerome.drouet@gmail.com>
Jesse Morgan <morgajel@gmail.com>
Jo Goossens <jo.goossens@hosted-power.com>
Johannes Meyer <johannes.meyer@netways.de>
Jonas Meurer <jonas@freesources.org>
Joseph L. Casale <jcasale@activenetwerx.com>
-Jérôme Drouet <jerome.drouet@gmail.com>
Lars Engels <lars.engels@0x20.net>
Lee Clemens <java@leeclemens.net>
Lennart Betz <lennart.betz@netways.de>
Markus Frosch <markus@lazyfrosch.de>
Markus Waldmüller <markus.waldmueller@netways.de>
Martin Stiborsky <martin.stiborsky@gmail.com>
+Mathieu Lutfy <mathieu@bidon.ca>
Matthaus Owens <matthaus@puppetlabs.com>
Max Zhang <zhenzhan@tibco.com>
Mhd Sulhan <ms@kilabit.info>
Michael Kraus <michael.kraus@consol.de>
Pall Sigurdsson <palli-github@minor.is>
Paul Richards <paul@minimoo.org>
+Per von Zweigbergk <pvz@itassistans.se>
Petr Ruzicka <petr.ruzicka@gmail.com>
Phil Hutchinson <phil@volumedia.co.uk>
Ralph Breier <ralph.breier@roedl.com>
Reto Zeder <reto.zeder@arcade.ch>
Ricardo Bartels <ricardo@bitchbrothers.com>
Sam Kottler <shk@linux.com>
+Sebastian Brückner <mail@invlid.com>
Sebastian Chrostek <sebastian@chrostek.net>
Simon Ruderich <simon@ruderich.org>
Siyalrach Anton Thomas <sat@level8.dk>
Wolfgang Nieder <wnd@gmx.net>
Yohan Jarosz <yohanjarosz@yahoo.fr>
Zoltan Nagy <abesto@abesto.net>
-Élie Bouttier <elie@bouttier.eu>
Custom attributes:
-Name | Description
-disk\_win\_warn | **Optional**. The warning threshold.
-disk\_win\_crit | **Optional**. The critical threshold.
-disk\_win\_path | **Optional**. Check only these paths, default checks all.
-disk\_win\_unit | **Optional**. Use this unit to display disk space, thresholds are interpreted in this unit. Defaults to "mb", possible values are: b, kb, mb, gb and tb.
+Name | Description
+disk\_win\_warn | **Optional**. The warning threshold.
+disk\_win\_crit | **Optional**. The critical threshold.
+disk\_win\_path | **Optional**. Check only these paths, default checks all.
+disk\_win\_unit | **Optional**. Use this unit to display disk space, thresholds are interpreted in this unit. Defaults to "mb", possible values are: b, kb, mb, gb and tb.
+disk\_win\_exclude | **Optional**. Exclude these drives from check.
### <a id="windows-plugins-load-windows"></a> load-windows