The first issue can be solved by routing SOA, AXFR and IXFR requests explicitly to the master::
newServer({address="", name="master", pool={"master", "otherpool"}})
- addAction(OrRule({QTypeRule(dnsdist.SOA), QTypeRule(dnsdist.AXFR), QTypeRule(dnsdist.IXFR)}), PoolAction("master"))
+ addAction(OrRule({QTypeRule(DNSQType.SOA), QTypeRule(DNSQType.AXFR), QTypeRule(DNSQType.IXFR)}), PoolAction("master"))
The second one might require allowing AXFR/IXFR from the :program:`dnsdist` source address
and moving the source address check to :program:`dnsdist`'s side::
- addAction(AndRule({OrRule({QTypeRule(dnsdist.AXFR), QTypeRule(dnsdist.IXFR)}), NotRule(makeRule(""))}), RCodeAction(dnsdist.REFUSED))
+ addAction(AndRule({OrRule({QTypeRule(DNSQType.AXFR), QTypeRule(DNSQTypeIXFR)}), NotRule(makeRule(""))}), RCodeAction(DNSRCode.REFUSED))
+.. versionchanged:: 1.4.0
+ Before 1.4.0, the QTypes were in the ``dnsdist`` namespace. Use ``dnsdist.AXFR`` and ``dnsdist.IXFR`` in these versions.
+ Before 1.4.0, the RCodes were in the ``dnsdist`` namespace. Use ``dnsdist.REFUSED`` in these versions.
When :program:`dnsdist` is deployed in front of slaves, however, an issue might arise with NOTIFY
queries, because the slave will receive a notification coming from the :program:`dnsdist` address,
address on the slave side (for example with PowerDNS's `trusted-notification-proxy`) and move the address
check to :program:`dnsdist`'s side::
- addAction(AndRule({OpcodeRule(DNSOpcode.Notify), NotRule(makeRule(""))}), RCodeAction(dnsdist.REFUSED))
+ addAction(AndRule({OpcodeRule(DNSOpcode.Notify), NotRule(makeRule(""))}), RCodeAction(DNSRCode.REFUSED))
+.. versionchanged:: 1.4.0
+ Before 1.4.0, the RCodes were in the ``dnsdist`` namespace. Use ``dnsdist.REFUSED`` in these versions.
\ No newline at end of file
Specific entries can also be removed using the :meth:`PacketCache:expungeByName` method::
- getPool("poolname"):getCache():expungeByName(newDNSName(""), dnsdist.A)
+ getPool("poolname"):getCache():expungeByName(newDNSName(""), DNSQType.A)
+.. versionchanged:: 1.4.0
+ Before 1.4.0, the QTypes were in the ``dnsdist`` namespace. Use ``dnsdist.A`` in these versions.
Finally, the :meth:`PacketCache:expunge` method will remove all entries until at most n entries remain in the cache::
:param int n: Number of entries to keep
- .. method:: PacketCache:expungeByName(name [, qtype=dnsdist.ANY[, suffixMatch=false]])
+ .. method:: PacketCache:expungeByName(name [, qtype=DNSQType.ANY[, suffixMatch=false]])
.. versionchanged:: 1.2.0
``suffixMatch`` parameter added.
Remove entries matching ``name`` and type from the cache.
:param DNSName name: The name to expunge
- :param int qtype: The type to expunge
+ :param int qtype: The type to expunge, can be a pre-defined :ref:`DNSQType`
:param bool suffixMatch: When set to true, remove al entries under ``name``
.. method:: PacketCache:getStats()
+These constants represent the `OpCode <>`__ of a query.
- ``DNSOpcode.Query``
- ``DNSOpcode.IQuery``
- ``DNSOpcode.Status``
+These constants represent the `CLASS <>`__ of a DNS record.
- ``DNSClass.IN``
- ``DNSClass.CHAOS``
- ``DNSClass.NONE``
-- ``dnsdist.NOERROR``
-- ``dnsdist.FORMERR``
-- ``dnsdist.SERVFAIL``
-- ``dnsdist.NXDOMAIN``
-- ``dnsdist.NOTIMP``
-- ``dnsdist.REFUSED``
-- ``dnsdist.YXDOMAIN``
-- ``dnsdist.YXRRSET``
-- ``dnsdist.NXRRSET``
-- ``dnsdist.NOTAUTH``
-- ``dnsdist.NOTZONE``
-- ``dnsdist.BADVERS``
-- ``dnsdist.BADSIG``
-- ``dnsdist.BADKEY``
-- ``dnsdist.BADTIME``
-- ``dnsdist.BADMODE``
-- ``dnsdist.BADNAME``
-- ``dnsdist.BADALG``
-- ``dnsdist.BADTRUNC``
-- ``dnsdist.BADCOOKIE``
-RCodes below and including ``BADVERS`` are extended RCodes that can only be matched using :func:`ERCodeRule`.
+These constants represent the different `RCODEs <>`__ for DNS messages.
+.. versionchanged:: 1.4.0
+ The prefix is changed from ``dnsdist`` to ``DNSRCode``.
+- ``DNSRCode.NOTIMP``
+RCodes below are extended RCodes that can only be matched using :func:`ERCodeRule`.
+- ``DNSRCode.BADSIG``
+- ``DNSRCode.BADKEY``
+- ``DNSRCode.BADALG``
.. _EDNSOptionCode:
.. _DNSSection:
-DNS Section
+DNS Packet Sections
+These constants represent the section in the DNS Packet.
- ``DNSSection.Question``
- ``DNSSection.Answer``
* ``DNSAction.Truncate``: truncate the response
* ``DNSAction.NoRecurse``: set rd=0 on the query
+.. _DNSQType:
+.. versionchanged:: 1.3.0
+ The prefix is changed from ``dnsdist.`` to ``DNSQType``.
+All named `QTypes <>`__ are available as constants, prefixed with ``DNSQType.``, e.g.:
+ * ``DNSQType.AAAA``
+ * ``DNSQType.AXFR``
+ * ``DNSQType.A``
+ * ``DNSQType.NS``
+ * ``DNSQType.SOA``
+ * etc.
.. _DNSResponseAction:
.. attribute:: DNSQuestion.qtype
QType (as an unsigned integer) of this question.
- Can be compared against ``dnsdist.A``, ``dnsdist.AAAA`` etc.
+ Can be compared against the pre-defined :ref:`constants <DNSQType>` like ``DNSQType.A``, DNSQType.AAAA``.
.. attribute:: DNSQuestion.remoteaddr
- ``section`` is the section in the packet and can be compared to :ref:`DNSSection`
- ``qclass`` is the QClass of the record. Can be compared to :ref:`DNSQClass`
- - ``qtype`` is the QType of the record. Can be e.g. compared to ``dnsdist.A``, ``dnsdist.AAAA`` and the like.
+ - ``qtype`` is the QType of the record. Can be e.g. compared to ``DNSQType.A``, ``DNSQType.AAAA`` :ref:`constants <DNSQType>` and the like.
- ``ttl`` is the current TTL
This function must return an integer with the new TTL.
Set the TC-bit (truncate) on ANY queries received over UDP, forcing a retry over TCP.
This function is deprecated as of 1.2.0 and will be removed in 1.3.0. This is equivalent to doing::
- addAction(AndRule({QTypeRule(dnsdist.ANY), TCPRule(false)}), TCAction())
+ addAction(AndRule({QTypeRule(DNSQType.ANY), TCPRule(false)}), TCAction())
+ .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0
+ Before 1.4.0, the QTypes were in the ``dnsdist`` namespace. Use ``dnsdist.ANY`` in these versions.
.. function:: addDelay(DNSrule, delay)
Matches if there is at least ``minCount`` and at most ``maxCount`` records of type ``type`` in the section ``section``.
``section`` can be specified as an integer or as a ref:`DNSSection`.
- ``qtype`` may be specified as an integer or as one of the built-in QTypes, for instance ``dnsdist.A`` or ``dnsdist.TXT``.
+ ``qtype`` may be specified as an integer or as one of the :ref:`built-in QTypes <DNSQType>`, for instance ``DNSQType.A`` or ``DNSQType.TXT``.
:param int section: The section to match on
:param int qtype: The QTYPE to match on