The following functions provide locale-independent string to number conversions.
+.. cfunction:: double PyOS_string_to_double(const char *s, char **endptr, PyObject *overflow_exception)
+ Convert a string ``s`` to a :ctype:`double`, raising a Python
+ exception on failure. The set of accepted strings corresponds to
+ the set of strings accepted by Python's :func:`float` constructor,
+ except that ``s`` must not have leading or trailing whitespace.
+ The conversion is independent of the current locale.
+ If ``endptr`` is ``NULL``, convert the whole string. Raise
+ ValueError and return ``-1.0`` if the string is not a valid
+ representation of a floating-point number.
+ If endptr is not ``NULL``, convert as much of the string as
+ possible and set ``*endptr`` to point to the first unconverted
+ character. If no initial segment of the string is the valid
+ representation of a floating-point number, set ``*endptr`` to point
+ to the beginning of the string, raise ValueError, and return
+ ``-1.0``.
+ If ``s`` represents a value that is too large to store in a float
+ (for example, ``"1e500"`` is such a string on many platforms) then
+ if ``overflow_exception`` is ``NULL`` return ``Py_HUGE_VAL`` (with
+ an appropriate sign) and don't set any exception. Otherwise,
+ ``overflow_exception`` must point to a Python exception object;
+ raise that exception and return ``-1.0``. In both cases, set
+ ``*endptr`` to point to the first character after the converted value.
+ If any other error occurs during the conversion (for example an
+ out-of-memory error), set the appropriate Python exception and
+ return ``-1.0``.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.7
.. cfunction:: double PyOS_ascii_strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
Convert a string to a :ctype:`double`. This function behaves like the Standard C
:cfunc:`PyOS_ascii_strtod` should typically be used for reading configuration
files or other non-user input that should be locale independent.
+ See the Unix man page :manpage:`strtod(2)` for details.
.. versionadded:: 2.4
- See the Unix man page :manpage:`strtod(2)` for details.
+ .. deprecated:: 2.7
+ Use :cfunc:`PyOS_string_to_double` instead.
.. cfunction:: char* PyOS_ascii_formatd(char *buffer, size_t buf_len, const char *format, double d)
Convert a string to a :ctype:`double` in a locale-independent way.
+ See the Unix man page :manpage:`atof(2)` for details.
.. versionadded:: 2.4
- See the Unix man page :manpage:`atof(2)` for details.
+ .. deprecated:: 3.1
+ Use :cfunc:`PyOS_string_to_double` instead.
.. cfunction:: char* PyOS_stricmp(char *s1, char *s2)
+/* PyOS_ascii_strtod is DEPRECATED in Python 2.7 and 3.1 */
PyOS_ascii_strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
const char *p;
double x;
+ if (PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_DeprecationWarning,
+ "PyOS_ascii_strtod and PyOS_ascii_atof are "
+ "deprecated. Use PyOS_string_to_double "
+ "instead.", 1) < 0)
+ return -1.0;
/* _PyOS_ascii_strtod already does everything that we want,
except that it doesn't parse leading whitespace */
p = nptr;
return x;
+/* PyOS_ascii_strtod is DEPRECATED in Python 2.7 and 3.1 */
PyOS_ascii_atof(const char *nptr)
return PyOS_ascii_strtod(nptr, NULL);
-/* PyOS_string_to_double is the recommended replacement for the
+/* PyOS_string_to_double is the recommended replacement for the deprecated
PyOS_ascii_strtod and PyOS_ascii_atof functions. It converts a
null-terminated byte string s (interpreted as a string of ASCII characters)
to a float. The string should not have leading or trailing whitespace (in
errno = 0;
PyFPE_START_PROTECT("PyOS_string_to_double", return -1.0)
- x = PyOS_ascii_strtod(s, &fail_pos);
+ x = _PyOS_ascii_strtod(s, &fail_pos);
if (errno == ENOMEM) {