mh = ecalloc(1, sizeof(php_curlm));
mh->multi = curl_multi_init();
- zend_llist_init(&mh->easyh, sizeof(zval *), (llist_dtor_func_t) NULL, 0);
+ zend_llist_init(&mh->easyh, sizeof(zval), (llist_dtor_func_t) NULL, 0);
ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE(return_value, mh, le_curl_multi_handle);
zend_llist_position pos;
php_curl *ch;
- zval **pz_ch;
+ zval *pz_ch;
/* search the list of easy handles hanging off the multi-handle */
- for(pz_ch = (zval **)zend_llist_get_first_ex(&mh->easyh, &pos); pz_ch;
- pz_ch = (zval **)zend_llist_get_next_ex(&mh->easyh, &pos)) {
- ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(ch, php_curl *, pz_ch, -1, le_curl_name, le_curl);
+ for(pz_ch = (zval *)zend_llist_get_first_ex(&mh->easyh, &pos); pz_ch;
+ pz_ch = (zval *)zend_llist_get_next_ex(&mh->easyh, &pos)) {
+ ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(ch, php_curl *, &pz_ch, -1, le_curl_name, le_curl);
if (ch->cp == tmp_msg->easy_handle) {
/* we are adding a reference to the underlying php_curl
SEPARATE_ZVAL, but those create new zvals, which is already
being done in add_assoc_resource */
- zend_list_addref( Z_RESVAL_PP( pz_ch ) );
+ zend_list_addref( Z_RESVAL_P( pz_ch ) );
/* add_assoc_resource automatically creates a new zval to
wrap the "resource" represented by the current pz_ch */
- add_assoc_resource(return_value, "handle", Z_RESVAL_PP(pz_ch));
+ add_assoc_resource(return_value, "handle", Z_RESVAL_P(pz_ch));