STATIC_DCL char *FDECL(strprepend, (char *, const char *));
STATIC_DCL short FDECL(rnd_otyp_by_wpnskill, (SCHAR_P));
+STATIC_DCL short FDECL(rnd_otyp_by_namedesc, (char *, char));
STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(wishymatch, (const char *, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
STATIC_DCL char *NDECL(nextobuf);
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(releaseobuf, (char *));
return otyp;
+rnd_otyp_by_namedesc(name, oclass)
+char *name;
+char oclass;
+ int i = oclass ? bases[(int)oclass] : 1;
+ int n = 0;
+ short otyp = STRANGE_OBJECT;
+ short validobjs[NUM_OBJECTS];
+ register const char *zn;
+ long maxprob = 0;
+ if (!name) return STRANGE_OBJECT;
+ memset((genericptr_t) validobjs, 0, sizeof(validobjs));
+ while (i < NUM_OBJECTS && (!oclass || objects[i].oc_class == oclass)) {
+ if ((zn = OBJ_NAME(objects[i])) != 0 && wishymatch(name, zn, TRUE)) {
+ otyp = i;
+ } else if ((zn = OBJ_DESCR(objects[i])) != 0 && wishymatch(name, zn, FALSE) &&
+ /* don't match extra descriptions (w/o real name) */
+ OBJ_NAME(objects[i])) {
+ otyp = i;
+ } else if ((zn = objects[i].oc_uname) != 0 && wishymatch(name, zn, FALSE)) {
+ otyp = i;
+ }
+ if (otyp != STRANGE_OBJECT) {
+ validobjs[n++] = otyp;
+ maxprob += objects[otyp].oc_prob;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (n > 0 && maxprob) {
+ long prob = rn2(maxprob);
+ i = 0;
+ while ((i < (n-1)) && (prob -= objects[validobjs[i]].oc_prob) > 0)
+ i++;
+ return validobjs[i];
+ }
* Return something wished for. Specifying a null pointer for
* the user request string results in a random object. Otherwise,
* automatically sticks 'candied' in front of such names.
char oclass;
- char *un, *dn, *actualn;
+ char *un, *dn, *actualn, *origbp = bp;
const char *name = 0;
cnt = spe = spesgn = typ = very = rechrg = blessed = uncursed = iscursed =
- i = oclass ? bases[(int) oclass] : 1;
- while (i < NUM_OBJECTS && (!oclass || objects[i].oc_class == oclass)) {
- register const char *zn;
- if (actualn && (zn = OBJ_NAME(objects[i])) != 0
- && wishymatch(actualn, zn, TRUE)) {
- typ = i;
- goto typfnd;
- }
- if (dn && (zn = OBJ_DESCR(objects[i])) != 0
- && wishymatch(dn, zn, FALSE)) {
- /* don't match extra descriptions (w/o real name) */
- if (!OBJ_NAME(objects[i]))
- return (struct obj *) 0;
- typ = i;
- goto typfnd;
- }
- if (un && (zn = objects[i].oc_uname) != 0
- && wishymatch(un, zn, FALSE)) {
- typ = i;
- goto typfnd;
- }
- i++;
- }
+ if (((typ = rnd_otyp_by_namedesc(actualn, oclass)) != STRANGE_OBJECT)
+ || ((typ = rnd_otyp_by_namedesc(dn, oclass)) != STRANGE_OBJECT)
+ || ((typ = rnd_otyp_by_namedesc(un, oclass)) != STRANGE_OBJECT)
+ || ((typ = rnd_otyp_by_namedesc(origbp, oclass)) != STRANGE_OBJECT))
+ goto typfnd;
+ typ = 0;
if (actualn) {
struct Jitem *j = Japanese_items;