char *var, **val;
uint var_len;
ulong idx;
+ int filter_arg = (array_ptr == PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_ENV])?PARSE_ENV:PARSE_SERVER;
/* turn off magic_quotes while importing environment variables */
PG(magic_quotes_gpc) = 0;
zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(&request->env, &var, &var_len, &idx, 0, &pos) == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING &&
zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(&request->env, (void **) &val, &pos) == SUCCESS;
zend_hash_move_forward_ex(&request->env, &pos)) {
- int new_val_len;
- if (sapi_module.input_filter(PARSE_SERVER, var, val, strlen(*val), &new_val_len TSRMLS_CC)) {
+ unsigned int new_val_len;
+ if (sapi_module.input_filter(filter_arg, var, val, strlen(*val), &new_val_len TSRMLS_CC)) {
php_register_variable_safe(var, *val, new_val_len, array_ptr TSRMLS_CC);
static void sapi_cgi_register_variables(zval *track_vars_array TSRMLS_DC)
- int new_val_len;
+ unsigned int new_val_len;
char *val = SG(request_info).request_uri ? SG(request_info).request_uri : "";
/* In CGI mode, we consider the environment to be a part of the server
* variables