When 2 abreast cpu display was introduced, the minimum
screen width was 160 columns so as to avoid (minimize)
truncation. Later that was reduced to 80 columns while
keeping the original minimum as a compile conditional.
In preparation for (virtually) eliminating these width
restrictions in a future patch this #define's history.
. May, 2020 - introduced #define TOG4_NOTRUNC
. May, 2020 - introduce 2 abreast display
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
static char Double_sp[] = " ~1 ~6 ";
#define DOUBLE_space (sizeof(Double_sp) - 5) // 1 for null, 4 unprintable
-#ifdef TOG4_NOTRUNC
- #define DOUBLE_limit (int)( 160 + DOUBLE_space )
- #define DOUBLE_limit (int)( 80 )
+#define DOUBLE_limit (int)( 80 )
/* Support for the new library API -- acquired (if necessary)
at program startup and referenced throughout our lifetime. */
case '4':
w->rc.double_up = !w->rc.double_up;
- if (w->rc.double_up && Screen_cols < DOUBLE_limit) {
- show_msg(N_txt(XTRA_size2up_txt));
+ if (w->rc.double_up && Screen_cols < DOUBLE_limit)
w->rc.double_up = 0;
- break;
- }
if (w->rc.double_up)
OFFw(w, (View_CPUSUM | View_CPUNOD));
//#define THREADED_CPU /* separate background thread for cpu updt */
//#define THREADED_MEM /* separate background thread for mem updt */
//#define THREADED_TSK /* separate background thread for tsk updt */
-//#define TOG4_NOTRUNC /* ensure no truncation for 2 abreast mode */
//#define TOG4_OFF_MEM /* don't show two abreast memory statistic */
//#define TOG4_OFF_SEP /* don't show two abreast visual separator */
//#define TREE_NORESET /* sort keys should not force 'V' view off */
Norm_nlstab[LIB_errorpid_fmt] = _("library failed pids statistics, at %d: %s");
Norm_nlstab[BAD_memscale_fmt] = _("bad memory scaling arg '%s'");
Norm_nlstab[XTRA_vforest_fmt] = _("PID to collapse/expand [default pid = %d]");
- Norm_nlstab[XTRA_size2up_txt] = _("terminal is not wide enough");
Norm_nlstab[XTRA_modebad_txt] = _("wrong mode, command inactive");
Norm_nlstab[XTRA_warnold_txt] = _("saving prevents older top from reading, save anyway?");
Norm_nlstab[X_SEMAPHORES_fmt] = _("failed sem_init() at %d: %s");
WORD_abv_mem_txt, WORD_abv_swp_txt, WORD_allcpus_txt, WORD_another_txt,
WORD_eachcpu_fmt, WORD_exclude_txt, WORD_include_txt, WORD_noneone_txt,
WORD_process_txt, WORD_threads_txt, WRITE_rcfile_fmt, WRONG_switch_fmt,
- XTRA_badflds_fmt, XTRA_fixwide_fmt, XTRA_modebad_txt, XTRA_size2up_txt,
- XTRA_vforest_fmt, XTRA_warncfg_txt, XTRA_warnold_txt, XTRA_winsize_txt,
+ XTRA_badflds_fmt, XTRA_fixwide_fmt, XTRA_modebad_txt, XTRA_vforest_fmt,
+ XTRA_warncfg_txt, XTRA_warnold_txt, XTRA_winsize_txt,
X_BOT_cmdlin_fmt, X_BOT_ctlgrp_fmt, X_BOT_envirn_fmt, X_BOT_msglog_txt,
X_BOT_namesp_fmt, X_BOT_nodata_txt, X_BOT_supgrp_fmt, X_RESTRICTED_txt,