private transient volatile TimeZoneGenericNames _gnames;
- private transient String[] _gmtPatternTokens;
+ private transient String _gmtPatternPrefix;
+ private transient String _gmtPatternSuffix;
private transient Object[][] _gmtOffsetPatternItems;
private transient String _region;
GMTOffsetPatternType.POSITIVE_HM, GMTOffsetPatternType.NEGATIVE_HM,
+ private static final int MILLIS_PER_HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000;
+ private static final int MILLIS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * 1000;
+ private static final int MILLIS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
+ // Maximum offset (exclusive) in millisecond supported by offset formats
+ private static final int MAX_OFFSET = 24 * MILLIS_PER_HOUR;
// Maximum values for GMT offset fields
private static final int MAX_OFFSET_HOUR = 23;
private static final int MAX_OFFSET_MINUTE = 59;
private static final int MAX_OFFSET_SECOND = 59;
- private static final int MILLIS_PER_HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000;
- private static final int MILLIS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * 1000;
- private static final int MILLIS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
private static final int UNKNOWN_OFFSET = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private static TimeZoneFormatCache _tzfCache = new TimeZoneFormatCache();
* @param offset the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds.
* @return the RFC822 style GMT(UTC) offset format.
* @see #parseOffsetRFC822(String, ParsePosition)
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified offset is out of supported range
+ * (-24 hours < offset < +24 hours).
* @draft ICU 49
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public final String formatOffsetRFC822(int offset) {
// Note: OffsetFields.HMS as maxFields is an ICU extension. RFC822 specification
// defines exactly 4 digits for the offset field in HHss format.
- return formatOffsetWithASCIIDigits(offset, null, OffsetFields.HM, OffsetFields.HMS);
+ return formatOffsetWithAsciiDigits(offset, null, OffsetFields.HM, OffsetFields.HMS);
* @param offset the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds.
* @return the ISO 8601 style GMT(UTC) offset format.
* @see #parseOffsetISO8601(String, ParsePosition)
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified offset is out of supported range
+ * (-24 hours < offset < +24 hours).
* @draft ICU 49
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
// Note: OffsetFields.HMS as maxFields is an ICU extension. ISO 8601 specification does
// not support second field.
- return formatOffsetWithASCIIDigits(offset, ':', OffsetFields.HM, OffsetFields.HMS);
+ return formatOffsetWithAsciiDigits(offset, ':', OffsetFields.HM, OffsetFields.HMS);
* @param offset the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds.
* @return the localized GMT format string
* @see #parseOffsetLocalizedGMT(String, ParsePosition)
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified offset is out of supported range
+ * (-24 hours < offset < +24 hours).
* @draft ICU 49
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
// Building the GMT format string
- buf.append(_gmtPatternTokens[0]);
+ buf.append(_gmtPatternPrefix);
for (Object item : offsetPatternItems) {
if (item instanceof String) {
- buf.append(_gmtPatternTokens[1]);
+ buf.append(_gmtPatternSuffix);
return buf.toString();
// Parse digits
pos.setIndex(start + 1);
- int offset = parseContiguousAsciiDigitOffset(text, pos, OffsetFields.H, OffsetFields.HMS, false);
+ int offset = parseAbuttingAsciiOffsetFields(text, pos, OffsetFields.H, OffsetFields.HMS, false);
if (pos.getErrorIndex() != -1) {
pos.setIndex(start); // reset
return parseOffsetLocalizedGMT(text, pos, null);
- /**
- * Returns a <code>TimeZone</code> by parsing the time zone string according to
- * the specified parse position, the style and the parse options.
- * <p>
- * <b>Note:</b>When the input text does not match the specified style, this method
- * evaluate the input using the following order and return the longest match.
- * <ol>
- * <li>ISO 8601 style time zone format</li>
- * <li>RFC822 style time zone format</li>
- * <li>Localized GMT offset format</li>
- * <li>Time zone display names available for the given <code>style</code> argument</li>
- * <li>When {@link ParseOption#ALL_STYLES} is enabled in the parse options, all time zone
- * display names other than the <code>style</code></li>
- * </ol>
- * @param text the text contains a time zone string at the position.
- * @param style the format style
- * @param pos the position.
- * @param options the parse options to be used, or null to use the default parse options.
- * @param timeType The output argument for receiving the time type (standard/daylight/unknown),
- * or specify null if the information is not necessary.
- * @return A <code>TimeZone</code>, or null if the input could not be parsed.
- * @see Style
- * @see ParseOption
- * @draft ICU 49
- * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
- */
- public TimeZone parseX(Style style, String text, ParsePosition pos, EnumSet<ParseOption> options, Output<TimeType> timeType) {
- boolean parseAllStyles;
- if (options == null) {
- parseAllStyles = _parseAllStyles;
- } else {
- parseAllStyles = options.contains(ParseOption.ALL_STYLES);
- }
- if (timeType != null) {
- timeType.value = TimeType.UNKNOWN;
- }
- int startIdx = pos.getIndex();
- ParsePosition tmpPos = new ParsePosition(startIdx);
- // try RFC822
- int offset = parseOffsetRFC822(text, tmpPos);
- if (tmpPos.getErrorIndex() < 0) {
- pos.setIndex(tmpPos.getIndex());
- return getTimeZoneForOffset(offset);
- }
- // try Localized GMT
- int gmtZeroLen = 0;
- tmpPos.setErrorIndex(-1);
- tmpPos.setIndex(pos.getIndex());
- Output<Boolean> hasDigitOffset = new Output<Boolean>(false);
- offset = parseOffsetLocalizedGMT(text, tmpPos, hasDigitOffset);
- if (tmpPos.getErrorIndex() < 0) {
- if (hasDigitOffset.value || style == Style.LOCALIZED_GMT || style == Style.RFC822 || tmpPos.getIndex() == text.length()) {
- // When GMT zero format was detected, we won't try other styles if;
- // 1) LOCALIZED_GMT or RFC822 was requested.
- // 2) The input text was fully consumed.
- //
- // Note: Localized GMT format with offset numbers (such as "GMT+03:00") won't collide with other type of names
- // practically. But GMT zero formats (localized one + global ones - "GMT", "UTC", "UT") could - for example,
- // if a locale has a time zone name like "Utah Time", it should not be detected as GMT ("UT" matches the first
- // 2 letters).
- pos.setIndex(tmpPos.getIndex());
- return getTimeZoneForOffset(offset);
- } else {
- // Preserve the length of GMT zero format.
- // If no better matches are found later, GMT should be returned.
- gmtZeroLen = tmpPos.getIndex() - startIdx;
- }
- }
- if (!parseAllStyles && (style == Style.RFC822 || style == Style.LOCALIZED_GMT)) {
- pos.setErrorIndex(pos.getErrorIndex());
- return null;
- }
- // Find the best match within names which are possibly produced by the style
- if (style == Style.SPECIFIC_LONG || style == Style.SPECIFIC_SHORT) {
- // Specific styles
- EnumSet<NameType> nameTypes = null;
- switch (style) {
- nameTypes = EnumSet.of(NameType.LONG_STANDARD, NameType.LONG_DAYLIGHT);
- break;
- nameTypes = EnumSet.of(NameType.SHORT_STANDARD, NameType.SHORT_DAYLIGHT);
- break;
- }
- Collection<MatchInfo> specificMatches = _tznames.find(text, startIdx, nameTypes);
- if (specificMatches != null) {
- int matchLen = 0;
- MatchInfo bestSpecific = null;
- for (MatchInfo match : specificMatches) {
- if (bestSpecific == null || match.matchLength() > matchLen) {
- bestSpecific = match;
- matchLen = match.matchLength();
- }
- }
- if (bestSpecific != null) {
- if (timeType != null) {
- timeType.value = getTimeType(bestSpecific.nameType());
- }
- pos.setIndex(startIdx + bestSpecific.matchLength());
- return TimeZone.getTimeZone(getTimeZoneID(bestSpecific.tzID(), bestSpecific.mzID()));
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Generic styles
- assert(style == Style.GENERIC_LOCATION || style == Style.GENERIC_LONG || style == Style.GENERIC_SHORT);
- EnumSet<GenericNameType> genericNameTypes = null;
- switch (style) {
- genericNameTypes = EnumSet.of(GenericNameType.LOCATION);
- break;
- genericNameTypes = EnumSet.of(GenericNameType.LONG, GenericNameType.LOCATION);
- break;
- genericNameTypes = EnumSet.of(GenericNameType.SHORT, GenericNameType.LOCATION);
- break;
- }
- GenericMatchInfo bestGeneric = getTimeZoneGenericNames().findBestMatch(text, startIdx, genericNameTypes);
- if (bestGeneric != null) {
- if (timeType != null) {
- timeType.value = bestGeneric.timeType();
- }
- pos.setIndex(startIdx + bestGeneric.matchLength());
- return TimeZone.getTimeZone(bestGeneric.tzID());
- }
- }
- // If GMT zero format was detected at the beginning, but there was no better match found
- // in names available for the given style, then GMT is returned here.
- // This should be done before evaluating other names even parseAllStyles is true, because
- // all styles (except RFC822 and LOCALIZED_GMT itself) use LOCALIZED_GMT as the final
- // fallback.
- if (gmtZeroLen > 0) {
- pos.setIndex(startIdx + gmtZeroLen);
- return getTimeZoneForOffset(0);
- }
- // If no match was found above, check if parseAllStyle is enabled.
- // If so, find the longest match in all possible names.
- // For example, when style is GENERIC_LONG, "EST" (SPECIFIC_SHORT) is never
- // used for America/New_York. With parseAllStyles true, this code parses "EST"
- // as America/New_York.
- if (parseAllStyles) {
- int maxMatchLength = text.length() - startIdx;
- // Try specific names first
- Collection<MatchInfo> specificMatches = _tznames.find(text, startIdx, ALL_SPECIFIC_NAME_TYPES);
- MatchInfo bestSpecific = null;
- if (specificMatches != null) {
- int matchLen = 0;
- for (MatchInfo match : specificMatches) {
- if (bestSpecific == null || match.matchLength() > matchLen) {
- bestSpecific = match;
- matchLen = match.matchLength();
- }
- }
- if (bestSpecific != null && bestSpecific.matchLength() == maxMatchLength) {
- // complete match
- if (timeType != null) {
- timeType.value = getTimeType(bestSpecific.nameType());
- }
- pos.setIndex(startIdx + bestSpecific.matchLength());
- return TimeZone.getTimeZone(getTimeZoneID(bestSpecific.tzID(), bestSpecific.mzID()));
- }
- }
- // Then generic names
- GenericMatchInfo bestGeneric = getTimeZoneGenericNames().findBestMatch(text, startIdx, ALL_GENERIC_NAME_TYPES);
- if (bestSpecific != null || bestGeneric != null) {
- if (bestGeneric == null ||
- (bestSpecific != null && bestSpecific.matchLength() > bestGeneric.matchLength())) {
- // the best specific match
- if (timeType != null) {
- timeType.value = getTimeType(bestSpecific.nameType());
- }
- pos.setIndex(startIdx + bestSpecific.matchLength());
- return TimeZone.getTimeZone(getTimeZoneID(bestSpecific.tzID(), bestSpecific.mzID()));
- } else if (bestGeneric != null){
- // the best generic match
- if (timeType != null) {
- timeType.value = bestGeneric.timeType();
- }
- pos.setIndex(startIdx + bestGeneric.matchLength());
- return TimeZone.getTimeZone(bestGeneric.tzID());
- }
- }
- }
- pos.setErrorIndex(startIdx);
- return null;
- }
public TimeZone parse(Style style, String text, ParsePosition pos, EnumSet<ParseOption> options, Output<TimeType> timeType) {
if (timeType == null) {
timeType = new Output<TimeType>(TimeType.UNKNOWN);
// Specific styles
EnumSet<NameType> nameTypes = null;
- switch (style) {
- nameTypes = EnumSet.of(NameType.LONG_STANDARD, NameType.LONG_DAYLIGHT);
- break;
+ if (style == Style.SPECIFIC_LONG) {
+ nameTypes = EnumSet.of(NameType.LONG_STANDARD, NameType.LONG_DAYLIGHT);
+ } else {
+ assert style == Style.SPECIFIC_SHORT;
nameTypes = EnumSet.of(NameType.SHORT_STANDARD, NameType.SHORT_DAYLIGHT);
- break;
Collection<MatchInfo> specificMatches = _tznames.find(text, startIdx, nameTypes);
if (specificMatches != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad localized GMT pattern: " + gmtPattern);
_gmtPattern = gmtPattern;
- _gmtPatternTokens = new String[2];
- _gmtPatternTokens[0] = unquote(gmtPattern.substring(0, idx));
- _gmtPatternTokens[1] = unquote(gmtPattern.substring(idx + 3));
+ _gmtPatternPrefix = unquote(gmtPattern.substring(0, idx));
+ _gmtPatternSuffix = unquote(gmtPattern.substring(idx + 3));
- * Unquotes the message format style pattern
+ * Unquotes the message format style pattern.
* @param s the pattern
* @return the unquoted pattern string
itemType = ch;
itemLength = 1;
+ checkBits.set(patFieldIdx);
- checkBits.set(patFieldIdx);
} else {
// a string literal
if (itemType != 0) {
do {
// Prefix part
- int len = _gmtPatternTokens[0].length();
- if (len > 0 && !text.regionMatches(true, idx, _gmtPatternTokens[0], 0, len)) {
+ int len = _gmtPatternPrefix.length();
+ if (len > 0 && !text.regionMatches(true, idx, _gmtPatternPrefix, 0, len)) {
// prefix match failed
idx += len;
// Offset part
- int[] tmpOffset = new int[1];
- int offsetLen = parseGMTOffset(text, idx, false, tmpOffset);
- if (offsetLen == 0) {
+ int[] offsetLen = new int[1];
+ offset = parseOffsetFields(text, idx, false, offsetLen);
+ if (offsetLen[0] == 0) {
// offset field match failed
- offset = tmpOffset[0];
- idx += offsetLen;
+ idx += offsetLen[0];
// Suffix part
- len = _gmtPatternTokens[1].length();
- if (len > 0 && !text.regionMatches(true, idx, _gmtPatternTokens[1], 0, len)) {
+ len = _gmtPatternSuffix.length();
+ if (len > 0 && !text.regionMatches(true, idx, _gmtPatternSuffix, 0, len)) {
// no suffix match
if (parsed) {
if (hasDigitOffset != null) {
hasDigitOffset.value = true;
- } pos.setIndex(idx);
+ }
+ pos.setIndex(idx);
return offset;
// Try the default patterns
int[] parsedLength = {0};
- offset = parseDefaultGMT(text, start, parsedLength);
+ offset = parseOffsetDefaultLocalizedGMT(text, start, parsedLength);
if (parsedLength[0] > 0) {
if (hasDigitOffset != null) {
hasDigitOffset.value = true;
- } pos.setIndex(start + parsedLength[0]);
+ }
+ pos.setIndex(start + parsedLength[0]);
return offset;
- * Parses localized GMT string into offset.
+ * Parses localized GMT offset fields into offset.
* @param text the input text
* @param start the start index
- * @param minimumHourWidth the minimum hour width, 1 or 2.
- * @param offset the result offset set to offset[0]
- * @return parsed length
+ * @param minimumHourWidth true if the parser allows hour field width to be 1
+ * @param parsedLen the parsed length, or 0 on failure.
+ * @return the parsed offset in milliseconds.
- private int parseGMTOffset(String text, int start, boolean minimumHourWidth, int[] offset) {
- int parsedLen = 0;
- int[] tmpParsedLen = new int[1];
- offset[0] = 0;
+ private int parseOffsetFields(String text, int start, boolean minimumHourWidth, int[] parsedLen) {
+ int outLen = 0;
+ int[] tmpParsedLen = {0};
+ int offset = 0;
boolean sawVarHourAndAbuttingField = false;
+ if (parsedLen != null && parsedLen.length >= 1) {
+ parsedLen[0] = 0;
+ }
for (GMTOffsetPatternType gmtPatType : PARSE_GMT_OFFSET_TYPES) {
int offsetH = 0, offsetM = 0, offsetS = 0;
int idx = start;
Object[] items = _gmtOffsetPatternItems[gmtPatType.ordinal()];
+ assert items != null;
boolean failed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i] instanceof String) {
int minDigits = 1;
int maxDigits = minimumHourWidth ? 1 : 2;
if (!minimumHourWidth && !sawVarHourAndAbuttingField) {
- if (i + 1 < items.length && (items[i] instanceof GMTOffsetField)) {
+ if (i + 1 < items.length && (items[i + 1] instanceof GMTOffsetField)) {
sawVarHourAndAbuttingField = true;
- offsetH = parseOffsetDigits(text, idx, minDigits, maxDigits, 0, MAX_OFFSET_HOUR, tmpParsedLen);
+ offsetH = parseOffsetFieldWithLocalizedDigits(text, idx, minDigits, maxDigits, 0, MAX_OFFSET_HOUR, tmpParsedLen);
} else if (fieldType == 'm') {
- offsetM = parseOffsetDigits(text, idx, 2, 2, 0, MAX_OFFSET_MINUTE, tmpParsedLen);
+ offsetM = parseOffsetFieldWithLocalizedDigits(text, idx, 2, 2, 0, MAX_OFFSET_MINUTE, tmpParsedLen);
} else if (fieldType == 's') {
- offsetS = parseOffsetDigits(text, idx, 2, 2, 0, MAX_OFFSET_SECOND, tmpParsedLen);
+ offsetS = parseOffsetFieldWithLocalizedDigits(text, idx, 2, 2, 0, MAX_OFFSET_SECOND, tmpParsedLen);
if (tmpParsedLen[0] == 0) {
if (!failed) {
int sign = gmtPatType.isPositive() ? 1 : -1;
- offset[0] = ((((offsetH * 60) + offsetM) * 60) + offsetS) * 1000 * sign;
- parsedLen = idx - start;
+ offset = ((((offsetH * 60) + offsetM) * 60) + offsetS) * 1000 * sign;
+ outLen = idx - start;
- if (parsedLen == 0 && sawVarHourAndAbuttingField && !minimumHourWidth) {
+ if (outLen == 0 && sawVarHourAndAbuttingField && !minimumHourWidth) {
// When hour field is variable width and another non-literal pattern
// field follows, the parse loop above might eat up the digit from
// the abutting field. For example, with pattern "-Hmm" and input "-100",
// the option is designed for supporting the case like "GMT+5". In this case,
// we should get better result for parsing hour digits as much as possible.
- return parseGMTOffset(text, start, true, offset);
+ return parseOffsetFields(text, start, true, parsedLen);
- return parsedLen;
+ if (parsedLen != null && parsedLen.length >= 1) {
+ parsedLen[0] = outLen;
+ }
+ return offset;
- private int parseDefaultGMT(String text, int start, int[] parsedLength) {
- int idx = start;;
+ /**
+ * Parses the input text using the default format patterns (e.g. "UTC{0}").
+ * @param text the input text
+ * @param start the start index
+ * @param parsedLen the parsed length, or 0 on failure
+ * @return the parsed offset in milliseconds.
+ */
+ private int parseOffsetDefaultLocalizedGMT(String text, int start, int[] parsedLen) {
+ int idx = start;
int offset = 0;
int parsed = 0;
do {
parsed = idx - start;
} while (false);
- parsedLength[0] = parsed;
+ parsedLen[0] = parsed;
return offset;
- private int parseDefaultOffsetFields(String text, int start, char separator, int[] parsedLength) {
+ /**
+ * Parses the input GMT offset fields with the default offset pattern.
+ * @param text the input text
+ * @param start the start index
+ * @param separator the separator character, e.g. ':'
+ * @param parsedLen the parsed length, or 0 on failure.
+ * @return the parsed offset in milliseconds.
+ */
+ private int parseDefaultOffsetFields(String text, int start, char separator, int[] parsedLen) {
int max = text.length();
int idx = start;
int[] len = {0};
int hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0;
do {
- hour = parseOffsetDigits(text, idx, 1, 2, 0, MAX_OFFSET_HOUR, len);
+ hour = parseOffsetFieldWithLocalizedDigits(text, idx, 1, 2, 0, MAX_OFFSET_HOUR, len);
if (len[0] == 0) {
idx += len[0];
if (idx + 1 < max && text.charAt(idx) == separator) {
- min = parseOffsetDigits(text, idx + 1, 2, 2, 0, MAX_OFFSET_MINUTE, len);
+ min = parseOffsetFieldWithLocalizedDigits(text, idx + 1, 2, 2, 0, MAX_OFFSET_MINUTE, len);
if (len[0] == 0) {
idx += (1 + len[0]);
if (idx + 1 < max && text.charAt(idx) == separator) {
- sec = parseOffsetDigits(text, idx + 1, 2, 2, 0, MAX_OFFSET_SECOND, len);
+ sec = parseOffsetFieldWithLocalizedDigits(text, idx + 1, 2, 2, 0, MAX_OFFSET_SECOND, len);
if (len[0] == 0) {
} while (false);
if (idx == start) {
- parsedLength[0] = 0;
+ parsedLen[0] = 0;
return 0;
- parsedLength[0] = idx - start;
+ parsedLen[0] = idx - start;
- private int parseAbuttingOffsetFields(String text, int start, int[] parsedLength) {
+ /**
+ * Parses abutting localized GMT offset fields (such as 0800) into offset.
+ * @param text the input text
+ * @param start the start index
+ * @param parsedLen the parsed length, or 0 on failure
+ * @return the parsed offset in milliseconds.
+ */
+ private int parseAbuttingOffsetFields(String text, int start, int[] parsedLen) {
final int MAXDIGITS = 6;
int[] digits = new int[MAXDIGITS];
int[] parsed = new int[MAXDIGITS]; // accumulative offsets
int[] len = {0};
int numDigits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAXDIGITS; i++) {
- digits[i] = parseSingleDigit(text, idx, len);
+ digits[i] = parseSingleLocalizedDigit(text, idx, len);
if (digits[i] < 0) {
if (numDigits == 0) {
- parsedLength[0] = 0;
+ parsedLen[0] = 0;
return 0;
if (hour <= MAX_OFFSET_HOUR && min <= MAX_OFFSET_MINUTE && sec <= MAX_OFFSET_SECOND) {
// found a valid combination
- parsedLength[0] = parsed[numDigits - 1];
+ parsedLen[0] = parsed[numDigits - 1];
- * Read an offset field number. This method will stop parsing when
+ * Reads an offset field value. This method will stop parsing when
* 1) number of digits reaches <code>maxDigits</code>
* 2) just before already parsed number exceeds <code>maxVal</code>
* @param maxDigits the maximum number of digits
* @param minVal the minimum value
* @param maxVal the maximum value
- * @param parsedLength the actual parsed length is set to parsedLength[0], must not be null.
+ * @param parsedLen the actual parsed length is set to parsedLen[0], must not be null.
* @return the integer value parsed
- private int parseOffsetDigits(String text, int start, int minDigits, int maxDigits,
- int minVal, int maxVal, int[] parsedLength) {
+ private int parseOffsetFieldWithLocalizedDigits(String text, int start, int minDigits, int maxDigits,
+ int minVal, int maxVal, int[] parsedLen) {
- parsedLength[0] = 0;
+ parsedLen[0] = 0;
int decVal = 0;
int numDigits = 0;
int idx = start;
int[] digitLen = {0};
while (idx < text.length() && numDigits < maxDigits) {
- int digit = parseSingleDigit(text, idx, digitLen);
+ int digit = parseSingleLocalizedDigit(text, idx, digitLen);
if (digit < 0) {
decVal = -1;
numDigits = 0;
} else {
- parsedLength[0] = idx - start;
+ parsedLen[0] = idx - start;
return decVal;
- private int parseSingleDigit(String text, int offset, int[] len) {
+ /**
+ * Reads a single decimal digit, either localized digits used by this object
+ * or any Unicode numeric character.
+ * @param text the text
+ * @param start the start index
+ * @param len the actual length read from the text
+ * the start index is not a decimal number.
+ * @return the integer value of the parsed digit, or -1 on failure.
+ */
+ private int parseSingleLocalizedDigit(String text, int start, int[] len) {
int digit = -1;
len[0] = 0;
- if (offset < text.length()) {
- int cp = Character.codePointAt(text, offset);
+ if (start < text.length()) {
+ int cp = Character.codePointAt(text, start);
// First, try digits configured for this instance
for (int i = 0; i < _gmtOffsetDigits.length; i++) {
return 0;
ParsePosition posOffset = new ParsePosition(start + 1);
- int offset = parseAsciiDigitOffsetWithSeparators(text, posOffset, ':', OffsetFields.H, OffsetFields.HMS, false);
- if (posOffset.getErrorIndex() == -1 && !extendedOnly) {
+ int offset = parseAsciiOffsetFields(text, posOffset, ':', OffsetFields.H, OffsetFields.HMS, false);
+ if (posOffset.getErrorIndex() == -1 && !extendedOnly && (posOffset.getIndex() - start <= 3)) {
// If the text is successfully parsed as extended format with the options above, it can be also parsed
// as basic format. For example, "0230" can be parsed as offset 2:00 (only first digits are valid for
// extended format), but it can be parsed as offset 2:30 with basic format. We use longer result.
ParsePosition posBasic = new ParsePosition(start + 1);
- int tmpOffset = parseContiguousAsciiDigitOffset(text, posBasic, OffsetFields.H, OffsetFields.HMS, false);
+ int tmpOffset = parseAbuttingAsciiOffsetFields(text, posBasic, OffsetFields.H, OffsetFields.HMS, false);
if (posBasic.getErrorIndex() == -1 && posBasic.getIndex() > posOffset.getIndex()) {
offset = tmpOffset;
- * Format offset using ASCII digits
+ * Formats offset using ASCII digits
* @param offset The offset
* @param sep The field separator character or null if not required
* @param minFields The minimum fields
* @param maxFields The maximum fields
* @return The offset string
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified offset is out of supported range
+ * (-24 hours < offset < +24 hours).
- private static String formatOffsetWithASCIIDigits(int offset, Character sep, OffsetFields minFields, OffsetFields maxFields) {
+ private static String formatOffsetWithAsciiDigits(int offset, Character sep, OffsetFields minFields, OffsetFields maxFields) {
assert maxFields.ordinal() >= minFields.ordinal();
+ if (Math.abs(offset) >= MAX_OFFSET) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset out of range :" + offset);
+ }
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
char sign = '+';
if (offset < 0) {
offset = offset % MILLIS_PER_MINUTE;
fields[2] = offset / MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
- assert(fields[0] >= 0 && fields[0] < 100);
- assert(fields[1] >= 0 && fields[1] < 60);
- assert(fields[2] >= 0 && fields[2] < 60);
+ assert(fields[0] >= 0 && fields[0] <= MAX_OFFSET_HOUR);
+ assert(fields[1] >= 0 && fields[1] <= MAX_OFFSET_MINUTE);
+ assert(fields[2] >= 0 && fields[2] <= MAX_OFFSET_SECOND);
int lastIdx = maxFields.ordinal();
while (lastIdx > minFields.ordinal()) {
- * Parse offset represented by contiguous ASCII digits
+ * Parses offset represented by contiguous ASCII digits
* <p>
* Note: This method expects the input position is already at the start of
* ASCII digits and does not parse sign (+/-).
* @param pos The parse position
* @param minFields The minimum Fields to be parsed
* @param maxFields The maximum Fields to be parsed
- * @param fixedHourWitdh true if hour field must be width of 2
+ * @param fixedHourWidth true if hour field must be width of 2
* @return Parsed offset, 0 or positive number.
- private int parseContiguousAsciiDigitOffset(String text, ParsePosition pos,
- OffsetFields minFields, OffsetFields maxFields, boolean fixedHourWitdh) {
+ private static int parseAbuttingAsciiOffsetFields(String text, ParsePosition pos,
+ OffsetFields minFields, OffsetFields maxFields, boolean fixedHourWidth) {
int start = pos.getIndex();
- int minDigits = 2 * (minFields.ordinal() + 1) - (fixedHourWitdh ? 0 : 1);
+ int minDigits = 2 * (minFields.ordinal() + 1) - (fixedHourWidth ? 0 : 1);
int maxDigits = 2 * (maxFields.ordinal() + 1);
int[] digits = new int[maxDigits];
- if (fixedHourWitdh && (numDigits % 2 != 0)) {
+ if (fixedHourWidth && ((numDigits & 1) != 0)) {
// Fixed digits, so the number of digits must be even number. Truncating.
// Truncating
- numDigits -= (fixedHourWitdh ? 2 : 1);
+ numDigits -= (fixedHourWidth ? 2 : 1);
hour = min = sec = 0;
- * Parse offset represented by ASCII digits and separators.
+ * Parses offset represented by ASCII digits and separators.
* <p>
* Note: This method expects the input position is already at the start of
* ASCII digits and does not parse sign (+/-).
* @param sep The separator character
* @param minFields The minimum Fields to be parsed
* @param maxFields The maximum Fields to be parsed
- * @param fixedHourWitdh true if hour field must be width of 2
+ * @param fixedHourWidth true if hour field must be width of 2
* @return Parsed offset, 0 or positive number.
- private int parseAsciiDigitOffsetWithSeparators(String text, ParsePosition pos,
+ private static int parseAsciiOffsetFields(String text, ParsePosition pos,
char sep, OffsetFields minFields, OffsetFields maxFields, boolean fixedHourWidth) {
int start = pos.getIndex();
int[] fieldVal = {0, 0, 0};