is($catalog_xmin, '', 'catalog xmin of cascaded slot still null with hs_feedback');
note "doing some work to advance xmin";
-for my $i (10000 .. 11000)
- $node_master->safe_psql('postgres', qq[INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES ($i);]);
+$node_master->safe_psql('postgres', q{
+do $$
+ for i in 10000..11000 loop
+ -- use an exception block so that each iteration eats an XID
+ begin
+ insert into tab_int values (i);
+ exception
+ when division_by_zero then null;
+ end;
+ end loop;
$node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'VACUUM;');
$node_master->safe_psql('postgres', 'CHECKPOINT;');
+wait_slot_xmins($node_master, $slotname_1, "xmin <> '$xmin'");
my ($xmin2, $catalog_xmin2) = get_slot_xmins($node_master, $slotname_1);
note "new xmin $xmin2, old xmin $xmin";
isnt($xmin2, $xmin, 'xmin of non-cascaded slot with hs feedback has changed');
is($catalog_xmin2, '',
'catalog xmin of non-cascaded slot still null with hs_feedback unchanged');
+wait_slot_xmins($node_standby_1, $slotname_2, "xmin <> '$xmin'");
($xmin2, $catalog_xmin2) = get_slot_xmins($node_standby_1, $slotname_2);
note "new xmin $xmin2, old xmin $xmin";
isnt($xmin2, $xmin, 'xmin of cascaded slot with hs feedback has changed');