+<chapter id="quickconfig">
+<title>Quick-Start Config</title>
+Mutt is highly configurable because it's <emphasis>meant</emphasis> to
+be customized to your needs and preferences. However, this
+configurability can make it difficult when just getting started.
+Below is a commented starter .muttrc file, with a few
+subjective-opinion configurations thrown in. Be sure to also see the
+sample files in the <ulink
+# Identity
+set realname = "Example User"
+set from = "user@example.com"
+# If you use the entire domain:
+# alternates "@example\.com$"
+# set reverse_name
+# If you have another alias:
+# alternates "^mutt@example\.com$"
+# Example: local mailboxes
+# Some people use mbsync or getmail to retrieve their mail locally.
+# $spoolfile will need to be adjusted to where your INBOX is.
+set folder = ~/Mail # This has the shorcut '+' or '='
+set spoolfile = /var/mail/user # This has the shortcut '!'
+set record = "+sent"
+set trash = "+trash"
+set postponed = "+drafts"
+mailboxes ! +mutt +family +work
+# Example: Gmail over IMAP
+set imap_user = "....."
+# To avoid storing your password in the .muttrc:
+# echo -n "mypassword" | gpg --encrypt -r 0x1234567890ABCDEF > ~/.mutt/account.gpg
+set imap_pass = `gpg --batch -q --decrypt ~/.mutt/account.gpg`
+set folder = imaps://imap.gmail.com/
+set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
+unset record # Gmail auto-stores in "+[Gmail].Sent Mail"
+unset trash # Or, set, depending on your idea of deletion
+set postponed = "+[Gmail].Drafts"
+set mail_check = 60
+# Pager settings
+ignore *
+unignore From Message-ID Date To Cc Bcc Subject
+set pager_stop
+# see also $markers and $tilde
+# prefer plain text to html.
+# however, for brain dead clients that bundle attachments inside a
+# multipart/alternative, prefer that alternative.
+alternative_order multipart/mixed multipart/related text/plain
+# consult mime.types for determining types of these attachments
+mime_lookup application/octet-stream
+# this requires a .mailcap entry with the copiousoutput flag
+auto_view text/html
+# Index settings
+set quit = ask-yes
+set sort = threads
+# remember to `mkdir -p ~/.mutt/hcache` first:
+set header_cache= "~/.mutt/hcache"
+# Message composition settings
+set edit_headers
+# set editor = "emacsclient -a emacs -t"
+# set editor = "vim"
+set mime_type_query_command = "xdg-mime query filetype"
+# msmtp is a solid SMTP client.
+# mutt also has built-in SMTP, or you can use an MTA like exim4 or postfix.
+set sendmail = "/usr/bin/msmtp"
+# lbdb is a good contact query tool.
+# Invoke via ctrl-t in an address prompt
+set query_command = "lbdbq %s"
+# GnuPG
+unset crypt_use_gpgme
+source /usr/share/doc/mutt/samples/gpg.rc
+set pgp_default_key = "0x1234567890ABCDEF"
+set crypt_opportunistic_encrypt
+set postpone_encrypt
<chapter id="reference">