if (!capsdone) {
STRLCPY(Cap_clr_eol, tIF(clr_eol))
STRLCPY(Cap_clr_scr, tIF(clear_screen))
- // due to leading newline, only 1 function may use this (and carefully)
+ // due to the leading newline, the following must be used with care
snprintf(Cap_nl_clreos, sizeof(Cap_nl_clreos), "\n%s", tIF(clr_eos));
STRLCPY(Cap_curs_huge, tIF(cursor_visible))
STRLCPY(Cap_curs_norm, tIF(cursor_normal))
| capclr_rowhigh, = \007, |
| capclr_rownorm }; = \010 [octal!] |
+------------------------------------------------------+ */
- /* ( pssst, after adding the termcap transitions, row may )
- ( exceed 300+ bytes, even in an 80x24 terminal window! ) */
- char tmp[SMLBUFSIZ], lin[MEDBUFSIZ], row[LRGBUFSIZ];
+ /* ( Pssst, after adding the termcap transitions, row may )
+ ( exceed 300+ bytes, even in an 80x24 terminal window! )
+ ( And if we're no longer guaranteed lines created only )
+ ( by top, we'll need larger buffs plus some protection )
+ ( against overrunning them with this 'lin_end - glob'. ) */
+ char tmp[LRGBUFSIZ], lin[LRGBUFSIZ], row[ROWMAXSIZ];
char *rp, *lin_end, *sub_beg, *sub_end;
int room;
// handle multiple lines passed in a bunch
while ((lin_end = strchr(glob, '\n'))) {
+ #define myMIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+ size_t lessor = myMIN((size_t)(lin_end - glob), sizeof(lin) -1);
// create a local copy we can extend and otherwise abuse
- memcpy(lin, glob, (unsigned)(lin_end - glob));
+ memcpy(lin, glob, lessor);
// zero terminate this part and prepare to parse substrings
- lin[lin_end - glob] = '\0';
+ lin[lessor] = '\0';
room = Screen_cols;
sub_beg = sub_end = lin;
*(rp = row) = '\0';
case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4:
case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8:
*sub_end = '\0';
- snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%.*s%s", Curwin->captab[ch], room, sub_beg, Caps_off);
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%.*s%s"
+ , Curwin->captab[ch], room, sub_beg, Caps_off);
rp = scat(rp, tmp);
room -= (sub_end - sub_beg);
sub_beg = (sub_end += 2);
else PUFF("%s%s\n", row, Caps_endline);
glob = ++lin_end; // point to next line (maybe)
+ #undef myMIN
} // end: while 'lines'
/* If there's anything left in the glob (by virtue of no trailing '\n'),
, "%%s%s %.*s%s", Caps_off, Screen_cols - 3, tmp2, Cap_clr_eol);
} // end: updt_scroll_msg
-/*###### Low Level Memory/Keyboard support #############################*/
+/*###### Low Level Memory/Keyboard/File I/O support ####################*/
* Handle our own memory stuff without the risk of leaving the
#undef bufMAX
} // end: linein
+ /*
+ * This routine provides the i/o in support of files whose size
+ * cannot be determined in advance. Given a stream pointer, he'll
+ * try to slurp in the whole thing and return a dynamically acquired
+ * buffer supporting that single string glob.
+ *
+ * He always creates a buffer at least READMINSZ big, possibly
+ * all zeros (an empty string), even if the file wasn't read. */
+static int readfile (FILE *fp, char **baddr, unsigned *bsize, unsigned *bread) {
+ char chunk[4096*16];
+ size_t num;
+ *bread = 0;
+ *bsize = READMINSZ;
+ *baddr = alloc_c(READMINSZ);
+ if (fp) {
+ while (0 < (num = fread(chunk, 1, sizeof(chunk) -1, fp))) {
+ if (feof(fp) && chunk[num -1]) chunk[num++] = '\0';
+ *baddr = alloc_r(*baddr, num + *bsize);
+ memcpy(*baddr + *bread, chunk, num);
+ *bread += num;
+ *bsize += num;
+ };
+ // adjust for the null terminator, which was counted above
+ if (*bread) --(*bread);
+ return ferror(fp);
+ }
+ return ENOENT;
+} // end: readfile
/*###### Small Utility routines ########################################*/
} // end: sysinfo_refresh
+/*###### Inspect Other Output ##########################################*/
+ /*
+ * HOWTO Extend the top 'inspect' functionality:
+ *
+ * To exploit the 'Y' interactive command, one must add entries to
+ * the top personal configuration file. Such entries simply reflect
+ * a file to be read or command/pipeline to be executed whose results
+ * will then be displayed in a separate scrollable window.
+ *
+ * Entries beginning with a '#' character are ignored, regardless of
+ * content. Otherwise they consist of the following 3 elements, each
+ * of which must be separated by a tab character (thus 2 '\t' total):
+ * type: literal 'file' or 'pipe'
+ * name: selection shown on the Inspect screen
+ * fmts: string representing a path or command
+ *
+ * The two types of Inspect entries are not interchangeable.
+ * Those designated 'file' will be accessed using fopen/fread and must
+ * reference a single file in the 'fmts' element. Entries specifying
+ * 'pipe' will employ popen/fread, their 'fmts' element could contain
+ * many pipelined commands and, none can be interactive.
+ *
+ * Here are some examples of both types of inspection entries.
+ * The first entry will be ignored due to the initial '#' character.
+ * For clarity, the pseudo tab depictions (^I) are surrounded by an
+ * extra space but the actual tabs would not be.
+ *
+ * # pipe ^I Sockets ^I lsof -n -P -i 2>&1
+ * pipe ^I Open Files ^I lsof -P -p %d 2>&1
+ * file ^I NUMA Info ^I /proc/%d/numa_maps
+ * pipe ^I Log ^I tail -n100 /var/log/syslog | sort -Mr
+ *
+ * Caution: If the output contains unprintable characters they will
+ * be displayed in either the ^I notation or hexidecimal <FF> form.
+ * This applies to tab characters as well. So if one wants a more
+ * accurate display, any tabs should be expanded within the 'fmts'.
+ *
+ * The following example takes what could have been a 'file' entry
+ * but employs a 'pipe' instead so as to expand the tabs.
+ *
+ * # next would have contained '\t' ...
+ * # file ^I <your_name> ^I /proc/%d/status
+ * # but this will eliminate embedded '\t' ...
+ * pipe ^I <your_name> ^I cat /proc/%d/status | expand -
+ */
+static char **Insp_p; // pointers to each line start
+static int Insp_nl; // total lines, total Insp_p entries
+static char *Insp_buf; // the results from insp_do_file/pipe
+static unsigned Insp_bufsz; // allocated size of Insp_buf
+static unsigned Insp_bufrd; // bytes actually in Insp_buf
+static char *Insp_selname; // the selected label, if anybody cares
+static char *Insp_selfmts; // the selected path/command, ditto
+ // Our 'make status line' macro
+#define INSP_MKSL(big,txt) { int _sz = big ? Screen_cols : 80; \
+ putp(tg2(0, (Msg_row = 3))); \
+ PUTT("%s%.*s", Curwin->capclr_hdr, Screen_cols \
+ , fmtmk("%-*.*s%s", _sz, _sz, txt, Cap_clr_eol)); \
+ putp(Caps_off); }
+ // Our 'row length' macro, equivalent to a strlen() call
+#define INSP_RLEN(idx) (size_t)(Insp_p[idx +1] - Insp_p[idx] -1)
+ // Our 'busy' (wait please) macro
+#define INSP_BUSY { INSP_MKSL(0, N_txt(YINSP_workin_txt)); \
+ fflush(stdout); }
+ /*
+ * Establish the number of lines present in the Insp_buf glob plus
+ * build the all important row start array. It is that array that
+ * others will rely on since we dare not try to use strlen() on what
+ * is potentially raw binary data. Who knows what some user might
+ * name as a file or include in a pipeline (scary, ain't it?). */
+static void insp_cnt_nl (void) {
+ char *beg = Insp_buf;
+ char *cur = Insp_buf;
+ char *end = Insp_buf + Insp_bufrd + 1;
+ static int n = 1;
+ char fn[SMLBUFSIZ];
+ FILE *fd;
+ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s.Insp_buf.%02d.txt", Myname, n++);
+ fd = fopen(fn, "w");
+ if (fd) {
+ fwrite(Insp_buf, 1, Insp_bufrd, fd);
+ fclose(fd);
+ }
+ Insp_p = alloc_c(sizeof(char*) * 2);
+ for (Insp_nl = 0; beg < end; beg++) {
+ if (*beg == '\n') {
+ Insp_p[Insp_nl++] = cur;
+ // keep our array ahead of next potential need (plus the 2 above)
+ Insp_p = alloc_r(Insp_p, (sizeof(char*) * (Insp_nl +3)));
+ cur = beg +1;
+ }
+ }
+ Insp_p[0] = Insp_buf;
+ Insp_p[Insp_nl++] = cur;
+ Insp_p[Insp_nl] = end;
+ if ((end - cur) == 1) // if there's a eof null delimiter,
+ --Insp_nl; // don't count it as a new line
+} // end: insp_cnt_nl
+ /*
+ * The pseudo output DEMO utility. */
+static void insp_do_demo (char *fmts, int pid) {
+ (void)fmts; (void)pid;
+ Insp_bufsz = READMINSZ;
+ Insp_buf = alloc_c(Insp_bufsz);
+ Insp_bufrd = snprintf(Insp_buf, Insp_bufsz, "%s", N_txt(YINSP_demo04_txt));
+ insp_cnt_nl();
+} // end: insp_do_demo
+ /*
+ * The generalized FILE utility. */
+static void insp_do_file (char *fmts, int pid) {
+ char buf[LRGBUFSIZ];
+ FILE *fp;
+ int rc;
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmts, pid);
+ fp = fopen(buf, "r");
+ rc = readfile(fp, &Insp_buf, &Insp_bufsz, &Insp_bufrd);
+ if (fp) fclose(fp);
+ if (rc) Insp_bufrd = snprintf(Insp_buf, Insp_bufsz, "%s"
+ , fmtmk(N_fmt(YINSP_failed_fmt), strerror(errno)));
+ insp_cnt_nl();
+} // end: insp_do_file
+ /*
+ * The generalized PIPE utility. */
+static void insp_do_pipe (char *fmts, int pid) {
+ char buf[LRGBUFSIZ];
+ FILE *fp;
+ int rc;
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmts, pid);
+ fp = popen(buf, "r");
+ rc = readfile(fp, &Insp_buf, &Insp_bufsz, &Insp_bufrd);
+ if (fp) pclose(fp);
+ if (rc) Insp_bufrd = snprintf(Insp_buf, Insp_bufsz, "%s"
+ , fmtmk(N_fmt(YINSP_failed_fmt), strerror(errno)));
+ insp_cnt_nl();
+} // end: insp_do_pipe
+ /*
+ * This guy supports the inspect 'L' and '&' search provisions
+ * and returns the row and *optimal* col for viewing any match
+ * ( we'll always opt for left column justification since any )
+ * ( preceeding control chars would consume an unknown amount ) */
+static void insp_find (int ch, int *col, int *row) {
+ #define reDUX (found) ? N_txt(WORD_another_txt) : ""
+ #define begFS (int)(fnd - Insp_p[i])
+ static char str[SCREENMAX];
+ static int found;
+ char *fnd, *p;
+ int i, x, ccur = *col;
+ if ((ch == '&' || ch == 'n') && !str[0]) {
+ show_msg(N_txt(FIND_no_next_txt));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ch == 'L' || ch == '/') {
+ strcpy(str, linein(N_txt(GET_find_str_txt)));
+ found = 0;
+ }
+ if (str[0]) {
+ for (i = *row; i < Insp_nl; ) {
+ fnd = NULL; // because our glob might
+ for (x = ccur +1; x < INSP_RLEN(i); x++) { // be raw binary data, we
+ if (!*(p = Insp_p[i] + x)) // could encounter a '\0'
+ continue; // in what we view as the
+ if ((fnd = STRSTR(p, str))) // 'row' -- so we'll have
+ break; // to search it in chunks
+ x += strlen(str); // ...
+ } // and, account for maybe
+ if (fnd && fnd < Insp_p[i +1]) { // overrunning that 'row'
+ found = 1;
+ *row = i;
+ *col = begFS;
+ return;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ ccur = 0;
+ }
+ show_msg(fmtmk(N_fmt(FIND_no_find_fmt), reDUX, str));
+ }
+ #undef reDUX
+ #undef begFS
+} // end: insp_find
+ /*
+ * This guy is an insp_view_this() *Helper* function responsible
+ * for positioning us in both the x/y axes within the former glob
+ * and displaying a page worth of damages. Along the way, he makes
+ * sure that any control characters and/or unprintable characters
+ * use a less-like approach which distinguishes between two forms
+ * of representation: ^C and <FF>.
+ *
+ * He also creates a customized status line based on the maximum
+ * number of digits for the current selection's position so it will
+ * hopefully serve to inform, not distract by being jumpy. */
+static inline void insp_show_pg (int col, int row, int max) {
+ #define capNO { if (hicap) { putp(Caps_off); hicap = 0; } }
+ #define mkCTL { if ((to += 2) <= Screen_cols) \
+ PUTT("%s^%c", (!hicap) ? Curwin->capclr_msg : "", uch + '@'); hicap = 1; }
+ #define mkUNP { if ((to += 4) <= Screen_cols) \
+ PUTT("%s<%02X>", (!hicap) ? Curwin->capclr_msg : "", uch); hicap = 1; }
+ #define mkSTD { capNO; putchar(uch); to++; }
+ char buf[SMLBUFSIZ];
+ int r = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", Insp_nl);
+ int c = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", col +Screen_cols);
+ int l = row +1, ls = Insp_nl;;
+ int hicap = 0;
+ if (!Insp_bufrd) l = ls = 0; // for a more honest representation
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), N_fmt(YINSP_status_fmt)
+ , Insp_selname
+ , r, l, r, ls
+ , c, col + 1, c, col + Screen_cols
+ , Insp_bufrd);
+ INSP_MKSL(0, buf);
+ for ( ; max && row < Insp_nl; row++) {
+ char tline[SCREENMAX];
+ size_t fr, to, len;
+ capNO;
+ putp("\n");
+ memset(tline, ' ', sizeof(tline));
+ len = INSP_RLEN(row);
+ if (col < len)
+ memcpy(tline, Insp_p[row] + col, sizeof(tline));
+ for (fr = 0, to = 0; fr < len && to < Screen_cols; fr++) {
+ unsigned char uch = tline[fr];
+ if (uch == '\n') break; // a no show (he,he)
+ if (uch > 126) mkUNP // show as '<AB>'
+ else if (uch < 32) mkCTL // show as '^C'
+ else mkSTD // a show off (he,he)
+ }
+ capNO;
+ putp(Cap_clr_eol);
+ --max;
+ }
+ if (max) putp(Cap_nl_clreos);
+ #undef capNO
+ #undef mkCTL
+ #undef mkUNP
+ #undef mkSTD
+} // end: insp_show_pg
+ /*
+ * This guy is responsible for displaying the Insp_buf contents and
+ * managing all scrolling/locate requests until the user gives up. */
+static int insp_view_this (char *hdr) {
+#ifdef INSP_SLIDE_1
+ #define hzAMT 1
+ #define hzAMT 8
+ #define maxLN (Screen_rows - (Msg_row +1))
+ char buf[SMLBUFSIZ];
+ int key, curlin, curcol;
+ for (curlin = curcol = 0;;) {
+ if (curcol < 0) curcol = 0;
+ if (curlin >= Insp_nl) curlin = Insp_nl -1;
+ if (curlin < 0) curlin = 0;
+ putp(Cap_home);
+ putp(Cap_curs_hide);
+ show_special(1, fmtmk(N_unq(INSP_hdrview_fmt), hdr));
+ insp_show_pg(curcol, curlin, maxLN);
+ switch (key = keyin(0)) {
+ case kbd_ENTER: // must force new keyin()
+ key = -1; // fall through !
+ case kbd_ESC: case 'q': case 0:
+ putp(Cap_clr_scr);
+ return key;
+ case kbd_LEFT:
+ curcol -= hzAMT;
+ break;
+ case kbd_RIGHT:
+ curcol += hzAMT;
+ break;
+ case kbd_UP:
+ --curlin;
+ break;
+ case kbd_DOWN:
+ ++curlin;
+ break;
+ case kbd_PGUP: case 'b':
+ curlin -= maxLN -1; // keep 1 line for reference
+ break;
+ case kbd_PGDN: case kbd_SPACE:
+ curlin += maxLN -1; // ditto
+ break;
+ case kbd_HOME: case 'g':
+ curcol = curlin = 0;
+ break;
+ case kbd_END: case 'G':
+ curcol = 0;
+ curlin = Insp_nl - maxLN;
+ break;
+ case 'L': case '&': case '/': case 'n':
+ putp(Cap_curs_norm);
+ insp_find(key, &curcol, &curlin);
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", Insp_selfmts);
+ INSP_MKSL(1, buf); // show an extended SL
+ key = keyin(0);
+ if (!key) return key; // oops, we got signaled
+ break;
+ default: // keep gcc happy
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #undef maxLN
+} // end: insp_view_this
+ /*
+ * Our driving table support, the basis for generalized inspection,
+ * built at startup (if at all) from rcfile or demo entries. */
+struct I_entry {
+ void (*func)(char *, int); // a pointer to file/pipe/demo function
+ char *type; // the type of entry ('file' or 'pipe')
+ char *name; // the selection label for display
+ char *fmts; // format string to build path or command
+ int farg; // 1 = '%d' in fmts, 0 = not (future use)
+ const char *caps; // not really caps, show_special() delim's
+struct I_struc {
+ int demo; // do NOT save table entries in rcfile
+ int total; // total I_entry table entries
+ char *raw; // all entries for 'W', incl '#' & blank
+ struct I_entry *tab;
+static struct I_struc Inspect;
+ /*
+ * This is the main Inspect routine, responsible for:
+ * 1) validating the passed pid (required, but not always used)
+ * 2) presenting/establishing the target selection
+ * 3) arranging to fill Insp_buf (via the Inspect.tab[?].func)
+ * 4) invoking insp_view_this() for viewing/scrolling/searching
+ * 5) cleaning up the dynamically acquired memory afterwards */
+static void inspection_utility (int pid) {
+ #define mkSEL(dst) { for (i = 0; i < Inspect.total; i++) Inspect.tab[i].caps = "~1"; \
+ Inspect.tab[sel].caps = "~4"; dst[0] = '\0'; \
+ for (i = 0; i < Inspect.total; i++) { char _s[SMLBUFSIZ]; \
+ snprintf(_s, sizeof(_s), " %s %s", Inspect.tab[i].name, Inspect.tab[i].caps); \
+ strcat(dst, _s); } }
+ char head[MEDBUFSIZ], sels[MEDBUFSIZ];
+ static int sel;
+ int i, key;
+ proc_t *p;
+ for (i = 0, p = NULL; i < Frame_maxtask; i++)
+ if (pid == Curwin->ppt[i]->tid) {
+ p = Curwin->ppt[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!p) {
+ show_msg(fmtmk(N_fmt(YINSP_pidbad_fmt), pid));
+ return;
+ }
+ putp(Cap_clr_scr);
+ key = -1;
+ do {
+ mkSEL(sels);
+ putp(Cap_home);
+ putp(Cap_curs_hide);
+ snprintf(head, sizeof(head), "%s", fmtmk(N_unq(INSP_hdrbase_fmt)
+ , pid, p->cmd, p->euser));
+ show_special(1, fmtmk(N_unq(INSP_hdrsels_fmt), head, sels));
+ INSP_MKSL(0, " ");
+ if (-1 == key) key = keyin(0);
+ switch (key) {
+ case 0:
+ case 'q':
+ case kbd_ESC:
+ break;
+ case kbd_END:
+ sel = 0; // fall through !
+ case kbd_LEFT:
+ if (--sel < 0) sel = Inspect.total -1;
+ key = -1;
+ break;
+ case kbd_HOME:
+ sel = Inspect.total; // fall through !
+ case kbd_RIGHT:
+ if (++sel >= Inspect.total) sel = 0;
+ key = -1;
+ break;
+ case kbd_ENTER:
+ Insp_selname = Inspect.tab[sel].name;
+ Insp_selfmts = Inspect.tab[sel].fmts;
+ Inspect.tab[sel].func(Inspect.tab[sel].fmts, pid);
+ key = insp_view_this(head);
+ free(Insp_buf);
+ free(Insp_p);
+ break;
+ default: // keep gcc happy
+ key = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (key && 'q' != key && kbd_ESC != key);
+ #undef mkSEL
+} // end: inspection_utility
+#undef INSP_MKSL
+#undef INSP_RLEN
+#undef INSP_BUSY
/*###### Startup routines ##############################################*/
sa.sa_handler = sig_abexit;
+ case SIGCHLD: // we can't catch this
+ continue; // when opening a pipe
sigaction(i, &sa, NULL);
char fbuf[LRGBUFSIZ];
const char *p;
FILE *fp;
- int i, x;
+ int i;
p = getenv("HOME");
snprintf(Rc_name, sizeof(Rc_name), "%s/.%src", (p && *p) ? p : ".", Myname);
, "Id:%c, Mode_altscr=%d, Mode_irixps=%d, Delay_time=%f, Curwin=%d\n"
, &Rc.id, &Rc.mode_altscr, &Rc.mode_irixps, &tmp_delay, &i)) {
p = fmtmk(N_fmt(RC_bad_files_fmt), Rc_name);
- goto default_or_error;
+ goto try_inspect_entries; // maybe a faulty 'inspect' echo
// you saw that, right? (fscanf stickin' it to 'i')
Curwin = &Winstk[i];
for (i = 0 ; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
+ int x;
WIN_t *w = &Winstk[i];
p = fmtmk(N_fmt(RC_bad_entry_fmt), i+1, Rc_name);
// any new addition(s) last, for older rcfiles compatibility...
fscanf(fp, "Fixed_widest=%d\n", &Rc.fixed_widest);
+ // we'll start off Inspect stuff with 1 'potential' blank line
+ // ( only realized if we end up with Inspect.total > 0 )
+ for (i = 0, Inspect.raw = strdup("\n");;) {
+ #define iT(element) Inspect.tab[i].element
+ size_t lraw = strlen(Inspect.raw) +1;
+ char *s;
+ if (!fgets(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), fp)) break;
+ lraw += strlen(fbuf) +1;
+ Inspect.raw = alloc_r(Inspect.raw, lraw);
+ strcat(Inspect.raw, fbuf);
+ if (fbuf[0] == '#' || fbuf[0] == '\n') continue;
+ Inspect.tab = alloc_r(Inspect.tab, sizeof(struct I_entry) * (i + 1));
+ p = fmtmk(N_fmt(YINSP_rcfile_fmt), i +1);
+ if (!(s = strtok(fbuf, "\t\n"))) goto default_or_error;
+ iT(type) = strdup(s);
+ if (!(s = strtok(NULL, "\t\n"))) goto default_or_error;
+ iT(name) = strdup(s);
+ if (!(s = strtok(NULL, "\t\n"))) goto default_or_error;
+ iT(fmts) = strdup(s);
+ switch (toupper(fbuf[0])) {
+ case 'F':
+ iT(func) = insp_do_file;
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ iT(func) = insp_do_pipe;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto default_or_error;
+ }
+ iT(farg) = (strstr(iT(fmts), "%d")) ? 1 : 0;
+ ++i;
+ #undef iT
+ } // end: for ('inspect' entries)
+ Inspect.total = i;
+ if (!Inspect.total) {
+ Inspect.tab = alloc_c(sizeof(struct I_entry) * 3);
+ Inspect.tab[0].name = strdup(N_txt(YINSP_demo01_txt));
+ Inspect.tab[0].func = insp_do_demo;
+ Inspect.tab[0].fmts = strdup(N_txt(YINSP_demo05_txt));
+ Inspect.tab[1].name = strdup(N_txt(YINSP_demo02_txt));
+ Inspect.tab[1].func = insp_do_demo;
+ Inspect.tab[1].fmts = strdup(N_txt(YINSP_demo05_txt));
+ Inspect.tab[2].name = strdup(N_txt(YINSP_demo03_txt));
+ Inspect.tab[2].func = insp_do_demo;
+ Inspect.tab[2].fmts = strdup(N_txt(YINSP_demo05_txt));
+ Inspect.total = 3;
+ Inspect.demo = 1;
+ }
} // end: if (fp)
Thread_mode = 1;
case 'h':
- case 'v': case 'V':
+ case 'v':
+ case 'V':
fprintf(stdout, N_fmt(HELP_cmdline_fmt)
, procps_version, Myname, N_txt(USAGE_abbrev_txt));
// any new addition(s) last, for older rcfiles compatibility...
fprintf(fp, "Fixed_widest=%d\n", Rc.fixed_widest);
+ if (!Inspect.demo && Inspect.total)
+ fputs(Inspect.raw, fp);
show_msg(fmtmk(N_fmt(WRITE_rcfile_fmt), Rc_name));
} // end: file_writerc
+ case 'Y':
+ if (!Inspect.total)
+ linein(N_txt(YINSP_noents_txt));
+ else {
+ int pid, def = w->ppt[w->begtask]->tid;
+ if (GET_INT_BAD < (pid = get_int(fmtmk(N_fmt(YINSP_pidsee_fmt), def)))) {
+ if (0 > pid) pid = def;
+ if (pid) inspection_utility(pid);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
case 'Z':
char keys[SMLBUFSIZ];
} key_tab[] = {
{ keys_global,
- { '?', 'B', 'd', 'F', 'f', 'g', 'H', 'h', 'I', 'k', 'r', 's', 'X', 'Z'
+ { '?', 'B', 'd', 'F', 'f', 'g', 'H', 'h', 'I', 'k', 'r', 's', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
, kbd_ENTER, kbd_SPACE, '\0' } },
{ keys_summary,
{ '1', 'C', 'l', 'm', 't', '\0' } },
#ifndef WARN_CFG_OFF
Norm_nlstab[XTRA_warncfg_txt] = _("Overwrite existing old style rcfile?");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_demo01_txt] = _("Open Files");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_demo02_txt] = _("NUMA Info");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_demo03_txt] = _("Log");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_demo04_txt] = _(""
+ "This is simulated output representing the contents of some file or the output\n"
+ "from some command. Exactly which commands and/or files are solely up to you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Although this text is for information purposes only, it can still be scrolled\n"
+ "and searched like real output will be. You are encouraged to experiment with\n"
+ "those features as explained in the prologue above.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "To enable real Inspect functionality, entries must be added to the end of the\n"
+ "top personal personal configuration file. You could use your favorite editor\n"
+ "to accomplish this, taking care not to disturb existing entries.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Another way to add entries is illustrated below, but it risks overwriting the\n"
+ "rcfile. Redirected echoes must not replace (>) but append (>>) to that file.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /bin/echo -e \"pipe\\tOpen Files\\tlsof -P -p %d 2>&1\" >> ~/.toprc\n"
+ " /bin/echo -e \"file\\tNUMA Info\\t/proc/%d/numa_maps\" >> ~/.toprc\n"
+ " /bin/echo -e \"pipe\\tLog\\ttail -n200 /var/log/syslog | sort -Mr\" >> ~/.toprc\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If you don't know the location or name of the top rcfile, use the 'W' command\n"
+ "and note those details. After backing up the current rcfile, try issuing the\n"
+ "above echoes exactly as shown, replacing '.toprc' as appropriate. The safest\n"
+ "approach would be to use copy then paste to avoid any typing mistakes.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Finally, restart top to reveal what actual Inspect entries combined with this\n"
+ "new command can offer. The possibilities are endless, especially considering\n"
+ "that 'pipe' type entries can include shell scripts too!\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For additional important information, please consult the top documentation.\n"
+ "Then enhance top with your very own customized 'file' and 'pipe' entries.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Enjoy!\n");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_demo05_txt] = _("the '=' key will eventually show the actual file read or command(s) excuted ...");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_failed_fmt] = _("Selection failed with: %s\n");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_noents_txt] = _("to enable 'Y' press <Enter> then type 'W' and restart top");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_noents_txt] = _("to enable 'Y' please consult the top man page (press Enter)");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_pidbad_fmt] = _("unable to inspect, pid %d not found");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_pidsee_fmt] = _("inspect at PID [defailt pid = %d]");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_rcfile_fmt] = _("could not parse rcfile inspect entry %d");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_status_fmt] = _("%s: %*d-%-*d lines, %*d-%*d columns, %u bytes read");
+ Norm_nlstab[YINSP_workin_txt] = _("patience please, working...");
. adhere to that goal lest the translated text be truncated.
. If you would like additional information regarding these strings,
- . please see the prolog to the show_special function in the top.c
+ . please see the prologue to the show_special function in the top.c
. source file.
. */
" 1,I Toggle SMP view: '~11~2' single/separate states; '~1I~2' Irix/Solaris mode\n"
" f,F,X Fields: '~1f~2'/'~1F~2' add/remove/order/sort; '~1X~2' increase fixed-width\n"
- " L,&,<,> . Locate: '~1L~2'/'~1&~2' find/again; Move sort column: '~1<~2'/'~1>~2' left/right\n" \
+ " L,&,<,> . Locate: '~1L~2'/'~1&~2' find/again; Move sort column: '~1<~2'/'~1>~2' left/right\n"
" R,H,V,J . Toggle: '~1R~2' Sort; '~1H~2' Threads; '~1V~2' Forest view; '~1J~2' Num justify\n"
" c,i,S,j . Toggle: '~1c~2' Cmd name/line; '~1i~2' Idle; '~1S~2' Time; '~1j~2' Str justify\n"
" x~5,~1y~5 . Toggle highlights: '~1x~2' sort field; '~1y~2' running tasks\n"
" z~5,~1b~5 . Toggle: '~1z~2' color/mono; '~1b~2' bold/reverse (only if 'x' or 'y')\n"
- " u,U . Show: '~1u~2' effective user; '~1U~2' real, saved, file or effective user\n"
+ " u,U . Filter by: '~1u~2' effective user; '~1U~2' real, saved, file or effective user\n"
" n or # . Set maximum tasks displayed\n"
" C,... . Toggle scroll coordinates msg for: ~1up~2,~1down~2,~1left~2,right~2,~1home~2,~1end~2\n"
- " W Write configuration file\n"
+ " W,Y Write configuration file '~1W~2'; Inspect other output '~1Y~2'\n"
" q Quit\n"
" ( commands shown with '.' require a ~1visible~2 task display ~1window~2 ) \n"
"Press '~1h~2' or '~1?~2' for help with ~1Windows~2,\n"
Uniq_nlstab[MEMORY_lines_fmt] = _(""
"%s Mem: ~3 %8lu ~2total,~3 %8lu ~2used,~3 %8lu ~2free,~3 %8lu ~2buffers~3\n"
"%s Swap:~3 %8lu ~2total,~3 %8lu ~2used,~3 %8lu ~2free,~3 %8lu ~2cached~3\n");
+ Uniq_nlstab[INSP_hdrbase_fmt] = _(""
+ "Inspection~2 Pause at: pid ~1%d~6 running command ~1%s~6 as user ~1%s~6");
+ Uniq_nlstab[INSP_hdrsels_fmt] = _(""
+ "%s\n"
+ "Use~2: left/right then <Enter> to ~1select~5 an option; 'q' or <Esc> to ~1end~5 !\n"
+ "Options~2: ~1%s\n");
+ Uniq_nlstab[INSP_hdrview_fmt] = _(""
+ "%s\n"
+ "Use~2: left/right/up/down/etc to ~1navigate~5 the output; 'L'/'&' to ~1locate~5/~1next~5.\n"
+ "Or~2: <Enter> to ~1select another~5; 'q' or <Esc> to ~1end~5 !\n");
fprintf(stderr, nls_err, "Uniq", i);
+ #ifndef INSP_OFFDEMO
+ if (READMINSZ < strlen(N_txt(YINSP_demo04_txt)) +1) {
+ fprintf(stderr
+ , "\nAssertion Failed in %s (%s):\n"
+ "\t'READMINSZ < strlen(N_txt(YINSP_demo04_txt)) + 1'\n"
+ "READMINSZ must be at least %u !\n\n"
+ , __FILE__, __func__, (unsigned)strlen(N_txt(YINSP_demo04_txt)) + 1);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ #endif
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);