+ <para>
+ Some of the tables in your dump may be using an
+ out-of-range SRID value. SRID range goes from 0 to 999999.
+ In this case both your geometries and relative entries in
+ spatial_ref_sys will be converted to a SRID in the
+ reserved range 999000..999999. Different source SRIDS may
+ end up mapping to the same target SRID in which case
+ all your spatial_ref_sys entries will fail to restore.
+ The postgis_restore.pl script will let you know about
+ all these conversions with WARNING messages on the standard
+ error stream.
+ Note that even successful conversion will need to be
+ post-processed to get data out of the reserved SRID range.
+ See next paragraph about that.
+ You may prevent all this noise by ensuring the SRID
+ of your tables is within the valid range _before_ dumping.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
Some custom records of spatial_ref_sys in dump file have
an invalid SRID value. Valid SRID values are bigger than 0
will be retained but the spatial_ref_sys table would loose
a check contraint guarding for that invariant to hold.
In order to fix this you should copy your custom SRS to
- a SRID with a valid value (maybe in the 9100000..910999
+ a SRID with a valid value (maybe in the 910000..910999
range), convert all your tables to the new srid (see
- <xref linkend="UpdateGeometrySRID"/>), delete the invalid entry from
- spatial_ref_sys and re-construct the check with:
+ <xref linkend="UpdateGeometrySRID"/>), delete the invalid
+ entry from spatial_ref_sys and re-construct the check with:
<programlisting>ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys ADD CONSTRAINT spatial_ref_sys_srid_check check (srid > 0 AND srid < 999000 );</programlisting>