$ hpssl = 0
$ ldap = 0
+$ list = 0
$ nohpssl = 0
$ nossl = 0
$ openssl = 0
$ cc_defs = cc_defs+ ", "+ CURL_CCDEFS
$ endif
$ link_qual = ""
+$ msg_qual = "/object = ''objdir'"
$ ssl_opt = ""
$ arg = 1
$ if (arg_val .eqs. "64")
$ then
-$ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1 + " /POINTER = 64"
+$ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1+ " /POINTER = 64"
$ goto arg_loop_end
$ endif
$ if (arg_val .eqs. "DEBUG")
$ then
-$ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1 + -
- " /debug /nooptimize"
-$ link_qual = link_qual+ " /debug /map = ''lisdir'"
+$ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1+ " /debug /nooptimize"
+$ link_qual = link_qual+ " /debug"
$ goto arg_loop_end
$ endif
$ if (arg_val .eqs. "IEEE")
$ then
-$ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1 + " /FLOAT = IEEE_FLOAT"
+$ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1+ " /FLOAT = IEEE_FLOAT"
$ goto arg_loop_end
$ endif
$ if (f$extract( 0, 4, arg_val) .eqs. "LIST")
$ then
-$ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1 + " /list = ''lisdir' /show = (all, nomessages)"
+$ list = 1
+$ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1+ " /list = ''lisdir' /show = (all, nomessages)"
+$ link_qual = link_qual+ " /map = ''lisdir'"
+$ msg_qual = msg_qual+ " /list = ''lisdir'"
$ goto arg_loop_end
$ endif
$ goto arg_loop
+$! CC /LIST, LINK /MAP, and MESSAGE /LIST are defaults in batch mode,
+$! so be explicit when they're not desired.
+$ if (list .eq. 0)
+$ then
+$ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1+ " /nolist"
+$ link_qual = link_qual+ " /nomap"
+$ msg_qual = msg_qual+ " /nolist"
+$ endif
$! Create product directory, if needed.
$ if (f$search( proc_dev_dir+ arch_name+ ".DIR;1") .eqs. "")
$! Use HP SSL.
$ hpssl = 1
$ ssl_opt = ", ''proc_dev_dir'hpssl_"+ -
- f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME") + ".opt /options"
+ f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME")+ ".opt /options"
$ else
$! Use OpenSSL. Assume object libraries, unless shared images
$! are found (and not prohibited).
$! OpenSSL shared images with "SSL_xxx.EXE names.
$ openssl = 2
$ ssl_opt = ", ''proc_dev_dir'openssl_ssl_"+ -
- f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME") + ".opt /options"
+ f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME")+ ".opt /options"
$ else
$ if ((f$search( "ssllib:libcrypto.exe") .nes. "") .and. -
(f$search( "ssllib:libssl.exe") .nes. ""))
$! OpenSSL shared images with "xxx.EXE names.
$ openssl = 3
$ ssl_opt = ", ''proc_dev_dir'openssl_"+ -
- f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME") + ".opt /options"
+ f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME")+ ".opt /options"
$ endif
$ endif
$ endif
" ''cc_qual1'", -
" ''cc_qual2'"
-$ msg_qual = "/object = ''objdir'"
$! Inform the victim of our plans.
$ if (hpssl)