be exported from a dylib if their containing object file were linked into one.
No test case: No command line tools query this flag, and there are no Object
unit tests.
return DRI;
+ bool isExportedToOtherDSO(const Elf_Sym *ESym) const {
+ unsigned char Binding = ESym->getBinding();
+ unsigned char Visibility = ESym->getVisibility();
+ // A symbol is exported if its binding is either GLOBAL or WEAK, and its
+ // visibility is either DEFAULT or PROTECTED. All other symbols are not
+ // exported.
+ if ((Binding == ELF::STB_GLOBAL || Binding == ELF::STB_WEAK) &&
+ (Visibility == ELF::STV_DEFAULT && Visibility == ELF::STV_PROTECTED))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
// This flag is used for classof, to distinguish ELFObjectFile from
// its subclass. If more subclasses will be created, this flag will
// have to become an enum.
EF.getSymbolTableIndex(ESym) == ELF::SHN_COMMON)
Result |= SymbolRef::SF_Common;
+ if (isExportedToOtherDSO(ESym))
+ Result |= SymbolRef::SF_Exported;
return Result;
SF_Absolute = 1U << 3, // Absolute symbol
SF_Common = 1U << 4, // Symbol has common linkage
SF_Indirect = 1U << 5, // Symbol is an alias to another symbol
- SF_FormatSpecific = 1U << 6, // Specific to the object file format
+ SF_Exported = 1U << 6, // Symbol is visible to other DSOs
+ SF_FormatSpecific = 1U << 7, // Specific to the object file format
// (e.g. section symbols)
- SF_Thumb = 1U << 7 // Thumb symbol in a 32-bit ARM binary
+ SF_Thumb = 1U << 8, // Thumb symbol in a 32-bit ARM binary
BasicSymbolRef() : OwningObject(nullptr) { }
if (Value && Value != UnknownAddressOrSize)
Result |= SymbolRef::SF_Common;
+ if (!(MachOType & MachO::N_PEXT))
+ Result |= SymbolRef::SF_Exported;
if (MachOFlags & (MachO::N_WEAK_REF | MachO::N_WEAK_DEF))